"Patriarch, what's wrong with that?" Yin Zhu asked.

"No, there's nothing wrong. You can have a good rest." Montaigne shook his head. He was very sad in his heart. Normally, the life span of priests is very long. They have paid all their lives and even have no marriage for the tribe. However, the life span of those who have been bequeathed by the senior priests is very long, which is almost twice that of the normal orcs. Montaigne always thought that even if he was old, Xiabai could live well, but he didn't expect that Xiabai would live well Go ahead of yourself.

If you want to blame Yin Zhu, Yin Zhu doesn't know that Xia Bai did it himself. But he can't do it when he faces the child without any problem. So don't follow the child. He'll calm down after a while.

Although Xia Bai walked very peacefully, seeing her leaving with a smile on her face, I knew that she had no regrets, but they were very uncomfortable one by one.

The funeral of a priest is different from that of an ordinary ORC. When Yin Zhu sees the new priest, a little girl named Jiu Yue, who is obviously a young child, he looks very noble and not equal to them. His small face shows maturity that does not belong to this age.

Jiuyue stood in front of Xia Bai's body and began to read out the hymn. The tribal people knelt down one by one and prayed devoutly that the priests could return to the embrace of the beast God, because it is said that none of the priests are the children of the beast God, who sent them to the tribe to help the orcs. Yin Zhu saw that Xia Bai's body became dots in the hymn and then disappeared into the air.

It's the first time that she saw the funeral of a priest like this. It's very dreamy and mythical. This world is very different from her original materialistic world. Maybe there is a God in this world.

Jiuyue sees off Xia Bai. Yinzhu sees that her face is full of sweat. Mengtai announces that Jiuyue is the new priest of the tribe and asks all the people who fall to give Jiuyue a present.

Yin Zhu bows to Jiu Yue under the leadership of Qiao Nuo. The tribe's priests deserve their respect.

At the end of the funeral, Qiao Nuo is preparing to take Yin Zhu back. At this time, Jiu Yue smiles and stops Yin Zhu, "Yin Zhu, you can come to me when you have time." The familiar tone seemed to know Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu listened to this words a little stupefied, then nodded, this nine Yue looks strange.

Jiuyue also didn't explain. After hearing Yinzhu's promise, he went to his cave. When Xiabai was gone, the place where Xiabai lived became Jiuyue's.

"Jono, do you think Jiuyue is strange?" Yin Zhu asked Qiao Nuo strangely.

Qiao Nuo touched Yin Zhu's head and shook his head with a smile: "Yin Zhu, don't doubt the wisdom of the priesthood. Don't think Jiuyue is a child. She is a priest."

"All right." Thinking of the special status of the priests, there are some special ways of communication. Maybe they have a lot of things she doesn't know.

"Just nine Yue how can suddenly call me to her side to sit down? It's strange that I don't know her well Yin Zhu is still hard to understand. Besides, Jiuyue treats himself like this on his first day in office. He is very intimate. It's really strange.

"Don't worry, the priest won't hurt the people of the tribe, let alone you, so you can go to her side." Jono laughed. He didn't know how the priests appeared, but the priests of any tribe would not hurt the people of the tribe. This is common sense.

"Well, Jono, I'm still used to Xia Bai. If only she were still there." Yin Zhu couldn't help sighing.

"Don't think so much. You're still pregnant. Take care of yourself." Jono smiles and comforts Yin Zhu.

What did Meng Tai ask Yin Zhu to say to Xia Bai? Jono can't help thinking. Xia Bai suddenly disappeared. Everyone knows that it's abnormal. Yin Zhu's face murmurs a few words, and he knows that it's not right. Especially when a tribal priest suddenly dies, it's a big event, but Montaigne doesn't say anything, so he buries Xia Bai in this way.

Thinking of the words Meng Tai asked, is Xia Bai's death related to Yin Zhu? Yin Zhu is kind-hearted. If he knew that he had killed Xia Bai, he would feel painful and guilty. So it's better not to ask anything about this matter. If he asked too many questions, Yin Zhu would be suspicious. Five thousand years ago, was it related to the catastrophe five thousand years ago?

Jono suddenly felt that his strength was too weak. If it was really related to the catastrophe five thousand years ago, he would not be able to protect Yin Zhu.

Go back and ask your father what's going on.

Mengtai can deceive the common people of the tribe, but several elders of the tribe can't. when the priest of a tribe suddenly falls, Mengtai will give them an account.

Daze tribe is very small, but there are also three elders. However, they are old and don't take charge of their affairs. They only take charge when something big happens to the tribe.

The elder Yate looked at Montaigne seriously at this time: "Montaigne, what's going on, I don't know for us yet."

The second elder Ren and the Third Elder Youjia were waiting for Montaigne's answer one by one.

Meng Tai sighed at this, and then told the story of Yin Zhu and Xia Bai again. He didn't add to the story, and explained Xia Bai's last words clearly.Yate was very happy to hear this and said, "is that true? Will our tribe return to the glory of ancient times in the future? " Then the old man trembled with excitement.

In ancient times, that is, the orc world 5000 years ago, the legendary world is the life they yearn for. If daze tribe can really do that, it is willing to let them die immediately.

If we can lead all the orc world back to glory, then how far will daze tribe develop? Will it be a new Orc city? Think of here, the three elders are excited, this is a good thing in history.

Xia Bai died because of this. They all think it's worth it. Even if Xia Bai can make such a divination, it's worth it even if he dies.

Yin Zhu is a child they know, but they don't have much contact with him. But it's true that Yin Zhu has made several new kinds of food. Thinking of this, Yate quickly claps his hand. "Mengtai, since Xia Bai says so, you will fully support Yin Zhu. As for the tribe people, you don't have to worry about it. As long as you wait for the tribe people to lead a better life, they will only be better than you More positive. "

Hearing this, Meng Tai felt a headache: "elder, I know, I also believe that Yin Zhu can lead the people of the tribe to prosperity, but this thing can't be completed in a short time, especially in the ancient times. We can't be rash. Moreover, our strength is far from enough. Now we should accumulate strength. When we have that strength, I will naturally check the ancient times After all, I'm curious about the secret of the period. "

Montaigne knew very well that he would die soon if he wanted to find out the secrets of the ancient times just by the present people of daze tribe. As for the secrets, he could not find anything.

The second elder Ryan said with a smile: "Montaigne, I don't worry about what you do. I know you are the most cautious child, but you can't be too cautious to miss the opportunity. Anyway, I believe you will grasp the middle degree." Two elder while patting Meng Tai's flattery, at the same time want Meng Tai not to be too careful.

Youjia also said, "Mengtai, if you want us to do anything, just tell me. I can help you as much as I can. I have nothing else to worry about. It's the comfort of Yinzhu. She is a weak female after all. If someone gives us any wrong ideas, she will be terrible. She is the treasure of our tribe, you know Let's see if we can send some people to protect her. Last time she almost had an accident, and a good man came back. " Yin Zhu was almost killed by Miao Ni before. This can't happen again.

Montaigne saw these elders, who were more courageous than him.

"Well, I'll arrange for someone to protect Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu is really a good child." Mengtai is happy to think of the food processing machine. With the artifact like thing, the tribe is slowly accumulating food from now on. Of course, it's not enough to make the bacon by one machine alone. It's also necessary to make all kinds of things by hand. In order to keep secret, it's better to control the number of people who make the bacon by hand This winter, daze tribe people can have a good winter.

Meng Tai told Yin Zhu about a magical food processor, and asked several ethnic elders to suggest who should learn from Yin Zhu to make these things.

Several elders soon discussed how many people came out. These people are all hidden experts in the tribe. Although they are not as strong as Tengxiao Jono, they are also relatively strong, and they can guarantee that these people are absolutely loyal to Daze tribe. The elder said that if they go alone, they can protect Yin Zhu and learn knowledge from Yin Zhu.

Meng Tai also nodded. The people proposed by the elder were excellent. Before, everything was done in the square, which was obviously not suitable. Yin Zhu said that it was like building a wooden house. It seems that this matter has to be put on the agenda, but the wooden house is not good. The winter here is very cold, and the snow is very thick. Ordinary wooden houses can only be kept for a few months until winter It's hard to build a wooden house every year. But the cave is too dark. A lot of food made by Yin Zhu depends on the sun. That's not right. It's better to build a wooden house first and talk about the rest later.

In addition, the males of the tribe should be asked to hunt hard. Before, the people of the Juque tribe were here, and he did not dare to make bacon. Now that the deal between him and the Juque tribe has been settled, he will send them away tomorrow, and then take advantage of the abundant food to hunt more prey.

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