The next day, Qiao Nuo and Yin Zhu wake up early and start to set up a stall. It's easy to set up a stall here, that is, spread a piece of animal skin on the ground and put the things they want to sell. Yin Zhu brings the seasoning. Yin Zhu asks Qiao Nuo to find the people of Juque tribe to change a prey, and then cook it separately, half roast meat, half boil soup, and then use the ingredients he has prepared.

After a while, a tempting smell came from the Daze tribe's stall, and the people around them began to drool one by one. It was clear that they had already had breakfast, so how could they still feel like eating it?

Soon, a large group of people gathered in front of the stall, because most of the business here is to trade things for things, and there is no money to measure the objects. Yin Zhu also discussed with Qiao Nuo that a portion of this barbecue and a bowl of broth can be exchanged for a new or unique snack or item. The quantity can be small, but it must be special. As for a small piece of bamboo made by Yin Zhu The price of seasoning is very expensive. Yin Zhu's price for a small bamboo tube is 50 pieces of superior hide.

Of course, Jono and a group of daze people think that it's too expensive to buy a small bamboo tube with 50 pieces of good animal skins.

Yin Zhu just laughs when he knows this. The seasoning is made by adding a lot of spices. Although it's not top-notch, it's quite good. Especially for people who only use salt in seasoning in this world, it's the best treasure. She remembers that the Juque tribe has an external caravan, and people in the Luoyue mountains can't afford it What about the people in the rich plains?

Of course, it's not sold to ordinary people. Yin Zhu is used to deal with big customers. Now it's cooked on the spot and sold to ordinary people to taste.

Although Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo ask for a barbecue in exchange for a new food or object, it's not cheap. Any new or unique thing won't be cheap. However, the barbecue and broth made by daze tribe this year are very novel, especially fragrant, and the greedy insects in their stomachs have been checked out.

Some people think it's expensive and some people eat it, but people who have eaten it say it's delicious, and it's often more than a dozen. A barbecue cut open on the plate is probably only two or two pieces of meat. It's not enough for the orcs to plug their teeth. How can they be full? It's naturally tempting to watch the people around eat and eat again. They can't help but want to buy a small taste, just a small piece of meat It's not that I can't afford food, and then I'm trapped in it and can't get out.

Other stalls are not without food, but the Daze tribe is the best seller. Along with other items of daze tribe, they also sell a lot, whether it's dried fruit, pickled vegetables or the skins of the public.

A group of people in daze tribe laughed when they saw this. Many people asked about the seasoning, but after hearing the offer from daze tribe, they all shook their heads. Who can afford such an expensive thing? It's a good thing, but it's too black and too black.

Some people want to make a bargain, but Yin Zhu doesn't make a bargain. It's not easy to make this thing, and the seasonings are very few. Yin Zhu also plans to see if she can plant it by herself next year, but she doesn't know much about the so-called planting. It's all on paper. Go back and have a good experiment.

Yin Zhu sees that things are stable at daze tribe's stall. There is nothing wrong with it. She is going to go out for a walk. After Jono has explained the good things, she takes Yin Zhu out for a walk. Although she has made a lot of new mistakes before, there is no one she is particularly interested in. She wants to find out if she can find some staple food.

It's been more than a month since she passed through. Unfortunately, she hasn't eaten a mouthful of rice, a steamed bun, or barbecued meat. No wonder she can't make any effort to reduce her body. It's also good that the orc's physique is better. It's OK to eat so much meat. Moreover, the orc's physique is excellent. She's pregnant for so long, and she doesn't feel sick.

Yin Zhu thinks that it's better to find some rice or flour at one time. Now she has 100 expectations. She really miss the delicious food of her last life.

Jono and Yinzhu strolled slowly. The woman's favorite thing was shopping. Yinzhu would be curious to have a look at every stall along the way. Most of the food sold was food. Let alone, Yinzhu found some good things. Yinzhu found yam beans in the stall of heita tribe. Seeing yam beans, Yinzhu wanted to change yams. Finally, he asked again and found out that these things were not good People don't dig yams at all. They just know how to pick yam beans to eat. They never know that yams grow underground.

After Yin Zhu asked them where they found it, the people of the heita tribe hesitated to answer. After all, this yam bean is a specialty of their generation. Only they know where it is, and they can't find it anywhere else.

Yin Zhu thought for a moment and decided to ask for the address at some cost. Sure enough, when Yin Zhu said that he was willing to pay 50 pieces of animal skin for the address, the people of heita tribe happily agreed. Although the yam bean is rare, it is not a valuable thing for them. Besides, it is not enough to eat such a small thing. What can it be worth It's too late.

The people of heita Tribe said that after the transaction, they would take Yin zhujono to the place where the yam bean grows. Yin Zhu smiles and nods. This is a good start.

Jono didn't say anything about the trade along the way. The people of heita tribe secretly laugh at Yin Zhusha. Of course, some people admire Jono. He is a unconditional pet partner. It's hard to find such a male. Of course, most females are very sensible and don't change things so foolishly.After walking away, Qiao Nuo looked at Yin Zhuxi's smiling face and asked happily, "what's the good thing?"

Yin Zhu nodded happily, "of course, this yam bean is not the most valuable place for yams. The most valuable thing for yams is yams grown underground. Moreover, the yield of this thing is large. If there is a whole hillside yam as the people of heita tribe say, then I wonder if we can fit those yams in the whole cave. The most important thing is yams as long as they are not broken If you bury it in the soil, it won't be damaged at all. It can be stored for a long time. "

Thinking that he had picked up a big leak, Yin Zhu was in a good mood. When Jono saw it, he touched Yin Zhu's head with a smile. "Well, we Yin Zhu are the best."

Yin Zhu laughed happily. Although he walked down to the stall, there were many other things along the way. There were many things Yin Zhu had never seen before. Yin Zhu tasted some, bought some and didn't buy some. Jono spoiled Yin Zhu anyway. If Yin Zhu wanted anything, he could buy it.

Yin Zhu also had a good experience of the fun of shopping. Soon, the market was coming to the end. The biggest stall at the end was from the Juque tribe. There were many things in the Juque tribe's stall. In addition to the Juque tribe's own products, there were also new exotic species brought back by the Juque tribe. For example, salt was unique to the Juque tribe.

There are also many guests in Juque tribe, which can be said to be no less than daze tribe. Qiao Nuo protects Yin Zhu and goes in quickly. Let alone let Yin Zhu find several things he is interested in. One of them is a beautiful silk cloth with bright colors. Although the colors are irregular, it looks very harmonious and doesn't feel comfortable at all Chaos, this silk cloth is much better than the silk cloth Yin Zhu saw in his previous life. It's very soft and cool to the touch.

Zimo, who is guarding the stall, noticed Yin Zhu and his party. After all, daze tribe has made a lot of good things this year, and even he was surprised to see them.

"It's silk cloth. It's made of silk by the silkworm orcs. It's a specialty of the silkworm orcs. A silk Orc can only make such a piece of cloth a year." Zimo introduces it with a smile.

Yin Zhu thought which tribe invented the cloth. He didn't expect that it was actually made by the silkworm orcs, but there were also silkworm orcs. When he thought of becoming a giant caterpillar like orc, Yin Zhu couldn't help shivering. He didn't want to think about it. He felt uncomfortable when he thought about it.

However, according to Zimo's introduction, the value of this thing is very expensive. Yin Zhu wants this silk cloth very much, but just think about it. She knows she can't afford it without asking the price.

When Zimo saw that Yinzhu didn't ask about the price, he put the things back. He laughed, picked up a piece of silk cloth and handed it to Yinzhu, "you like it, I'll send it to you."

Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this, then he shook his head quickly, "forget it, I don't want it. Even if I want it, I will return it. We don't know each other. You still don't want to give me something for no reason. I'm upset."

When Zimo heard this, he laughed. This Yinzhu is as interesting as the legend. It's the first time that he can't deliver anything.

Sophie on one side almost didn't stare. When she saw Zimo setting up a stall in the morning, she fell in love with the two pieces of silk cloth. She explicitly hinted that she liked the silk cloth very much. As a result, Zimo couldn't help her. She also said that it was very precious, so Sophie couldn't be too ignorant. Now she said to give it to Yin Zhu?

Why does this individual like Yin Zhu? Sophie's eyes are covered with blood. Why, why does she come to Juque tribe? Yin Zhu, a bitch, wants to go to this place to rob her man. Is it not enough for her to escape?

"Yinzhu, you bitch, you seduced Tengxiao. It's not enough to have Jono. Now you still seduce my Zimo. You shameless thing, you rob me every time." Sophie trembles with anger and rushes towards Yinzhu regardless.

When people around heard this, they looked at Sophie in an uproar. Even Zimo's face was black.

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