Jono is standing next to Yin Zhu. Where can she give Sophie another chance to hurt Yin Zhu? Sophie escaped last time. This time, Sophie wanted to hurt Yin Zhu in full view of the public. It's unforgivable.

Jono directly raised her foot and kicked Sophie away. Sophie screamed, "ow". She felt a sharp pain in her stomach, and then she felt her whole body flying upside down, and then "bang" hit the ground.

At this time, people around also stood aside, and then gathered around to watch the excitement.

Surrounded by Sophie next to a few males rushed forward to help Sophie up, white Ze see Sophie pain the whole body are straight up, can't help but angry toward Jono came over, "Jono, you don't want to face, even hit the female."

When Jono heard this, he looked at Baise with a sneer, "Baise, are you stupid? Yin Zhu is pregnant with a baby. Sophie dares to attack the female with a baby. Do you want me to bypass her? "

The orc world is extremely generous and protective to females with cubs. Is it because orcs can't bear to hurt females with cubs? Does Sophie think that if she is a female, she can escape punishment? over my dead body.

"Baize, I tell you, even if Sophie is a member of your Juque tribe, she dares to hurt Yin Zhu and challenge the rules of the whole Orc world, then wait for punishment." Anyone who dares to harm a female with a baby will be punished by the orc world.

Yin Zhu, who was already too painful to breathe, could not help shivering when she heard this. Then her head came to her senses. At this time, she remembered that Yin Zhu was a pregnant woman. Thinking of her punishment, Sophie could not help shivering. "I didn't know she was pregnant. I can't blame her."

Yin Zhu's stomach is just a little protruding now, which is not very obvious, so he can still cheat. After all, those who don't know are innocent.

Jono looked at Sophie coldly. "Sophie, people from Juque tribe don't know about Yin zhuhuai. Don't you know about daze tribe? Do you want me to pull someone to testify? Sophie, if you dare to hurt Yin Zhu, I want you to be punished. "

For a female who betrays her tribe and hurts her partner, Jono is not polite at all.

One side of the white Ze this time also silly looking at Sophie, he does not know how to help Sophie.

Zimo is afraid that his business will be impossible if he goes on like this. However, Sophie has openly hurt people in the market. It's a special person who must be punished. Otherwise, who dares to trade with the Juque tribe? You know, every month the Juque tribe makes a lot of money because of this trade. This can't be destroyed by Sophie It's too late.

Besides, he is also very optimistic about several kinds of food discovered by daze tribe's heart, such as rice noodles and sugar. Unfortunately, these things can't be mass produced. Otherwise, it would be excellent to get them to the plain. However, it's not so easy to get good things.

"Come on, catch Sophie first and tie them to the stone pillars beside the market. Anyone who dares to make trouble in the market will be punished." Zimo punished directly.

Sophie looked at Zimo in shock. "Zimo Zimo, you can't do this to me, you can't do this to me."

The market is full of people from all the surrounding tribes. A female of her is tied up there. She has lost her face to the whole Luoyue forest. What face will she have in the future?

"Sophie, you'll still call me elder eight. We don't know each other that well." Originally, Zimo wanted to give Sophie a little face, but now he didn't even want to be perfunctory.

"Why don't you get rid of them?" Zimo said to the people behind him.

"Yes." Then someone took Sophie away. Along the way, Sophie could still be heard shouting and swearing.

"I'm sorry for this. I hope you don't mind if this silk cloth is an apology from our Juque tribe." Zimo said very sincerely.

Seeing that people were so sincere and sincere, and that he really liked the silk cloth, Yin Zhu nodded to show that he had accepted it.

When Zimo saw Yinzhu take things, he couldn't help laughing, "Qiao Nuo, Yinzhu, you two have a look. What else do you want? I'll give it to you."

"No, no, I haven't been hurt. Besides, you've already paid compensation. It's enough. If I really want anything, we'll make a deal then." Yin Zhu refuses in a hurry. Zimo handles the matter very well, and she is not greedy.

Zi Mo saw this smile, "then you see, I will greet other guests." Yin Zhu really knows how to advance and retreat, but she is a very good female. No wonder she can produce several new kinds of food, Huizhi Lanxin.

Later, Yin Zhu found several strange things here, one of which is called flocculent. This thing was dug out of a ball plant. The flocculent is soft like cotton, but it's smoother than cotton. Yin Zhu planned to see if he could rub the thread. I remember a friend in the dormitory liked wool thread when he was in college At that time, she saw that she used a simple mallet to make wool thread. Yin Zhu planned to make it back. If she could make it, she would make some clothes back.Of course, Yin Zhu also wanted to build a textile machine to weave cloth. However, her understanding of one aspect was zero, but she knew such a name from her previous study of history, and the rest was blank, so it was only a fantasy. She would be satisfied if she could use wool to make clothes.

Besides flocculent, there is another kind of thing called Qionglu. It's a kind of flower dew. It's very delicious. It's said that it's brought from the Central Plains. There's nothing here in the Luoyue mountain range, and there are other kinds of things. Yin Zhu's eyes are wide open. There are many good things in the stalls here, but Yin Zhu also has a look.

Along the way, Yin Zhu found that the life of the people in Juque tribe is much better than that of daze tribe. Just by their food, clothing, housing and transportation, although the women in Juque tribe are also animal skins, they look much better in daze tribe, and they will bring some simple animal teeth jewelry, although these things are made of animal skins Yin Zhu doesn't like it. People here look much better than those from daze tribe.

The Juque tribe is also very rich in species, and many of them are brought back from the Central Plains by Zimo. As an old saying goes, we should build roads to the rich first. The reason why the Juque tribe is so good is that the Juque tribe has access to the outside world, communication and communication. A single salt trade makes the Juque tribe earn enough money, let alone other things It's something you can't buy.

Yin Zhu thinks it is necessary for daze tribe to develop a caravan in the future. After all, there are many good things for daze tribe in the future. Daze tribe can't consume these things. The best way is to sell them in exchange for things that daze tribe doesn't have.

The other is that the population of daze tribe is too small. However, if you want to rely on the development of daze tribe, even if the females of the tribe die, they will not have many children a year. This is a big problem. Of course, if you want to exaggerate the population of the tribe, the best way is to annex other tribes. But if you want to launch a war, this is what Yin Zhu would never like to see, war You're going to die.

Moreover, although there are some small competitions among the major tribes in the Luoyue forest, no one has ever initiated a war. Once any tribe dares to do such a thing, it can be said that it is provoking the hatred of the whole Luoyue forest, and this thing can never be done.

If you want to fight these, Yin Zhu is really worried. Yin Zhu thinks that her journey is to fight soy sauce. She really doesn't know much. Some program code is OK, but is it useful? Is it useful? Beina's appearance is to push her to the position of Savior. It's a headache to think about it. It's so far away from the goal. I'm afraid I can't achieve it in my life.

Jono was very happy to see Yin Zhu first, and soon he was depressed again. He couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Yin Zhu, are you not happy? Is it because of Sophie?" Jono couldn't think of anything else but that.

Yin Zhu shakes her head. She is not so careful. Sophie has been punished. In addition, Sophie doesn't have much contact with Sophie in Juque tribe.

"Yin Zhu, if you have anything, you must tell me. Don't be alone." Jono touched Yinzhu's head.

"I know, Jono. I just thought, when will daze tribe have as many people as Juque tribe?" Yin Zhu said with a headache.

Qiao Nuo heard this and said with a smile, "Yin Zhu, this is not a headache for you. Besides, you don't have to worry. The patriarch has a plan for this." Mengtai had thought about this for a long time. If daze tribe wants to grow, it will wait for this winter. Every winter, many people of daze tribe will starve to death. At that time, if daze tribe is willing to accept it, it should be able to accept some people.

Of course, it's usually small tribes that can't survive, and there are few strong ones in their own tribes. But what daze tribe lacks most now is people. If Tengxiao can really bring back jade and totem in the tribe, are there no strong soldiers?

"Let's go. We should go back and have a look. We don't know how much the tribe sells." Jono changed the subject.

Yin Zhu nodded when he heard this, and they should go back to have a look. After all, Jono is the captain's. when they returned to the tribe, they found that the things brought by the tribe had basically sold out, and the food was all gone, but there were still condiments left. No one wanted them, but they were all too expensive.

After Yin Zhu knew this, she was not discouraged. She didn't expect to sell it and continued to put it on display. After all, the big boss of Juque tribe hasn't come to see it.

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