Seeing Yin Zhu, I still can't recall the fact that they were trapped by Lei he when they were looking for Yin Zhu. Did he say this thing?

Leihe is very happy to see that Jono has changed his face, that is, Yin Zhu, the monster, thinks that he is powerful when he is the Lord of the dark city.

"Leihe, thank you for saving Yinzhu." Thinking that Yinzhu is about to be attracted by Leihe, Jono can't help talking. No matter how Leihe is, he really wants to thank Leihe for saving Yinzhu.

"You're welcome. Anyway, I didn't expect you to appreciate me. Just remember Yin Zhu." Leihe said with indifference.

When Jono heard this, he wanted to blow up his hair. Yin Zhu had nothing to remember what an alien male did.

"RACH, have you eaten yet? Let me cook something for you." Seeing Leihe coming, Yin Zhu is very happy.

"Don't worry. I've eaten. I've just come to see you and see if you're well." Lehr's gentle smile.

"Thank you. Jono is very kind to me." Yin Zhu smiles and reaches out his hand to pull Jono over.

Qiao Nuo, who was very unhappy at first, was pulled here by Yin Zhu, and his heart was in full bloom. What's Leihe? He is Yin Zhu's partner, aboveboard.

Leihe looks at Jono white. He won't be so careful. When he sent Yinzhu back to Daze tribe, he thought that Yinzhu wanted to find a partner. He just came to see if Yinzhu had a good life.

"If you have a good life, I can rest assured. By the way, Yin Zhu, I'm cooperating with your patriarch to develop the salt mine. I come here every day." Happy to see that Jono's face changed because of this sentence, Leihe turned his mouth to Jono.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he laughed happily, "really? That's great. " Yin Zhu very much hopes that the orcs can live together with the orcs. Of course, Yin Zhu does not expect to change this situation at once, but after cooperation, she will lead the middle and try to make the orcs accept the orcs slowly.

By the way, he is ready to leave. After all, it's not good for him to be a Orc in daze tribe. Even if daze people don't care, it's hard for nearby tribes to use this as an excuse to deal with daze tribe. "I'm leaving, Yin Zhu. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good rest today."

Leihe can see that Yinzhu is a little tired, so he leaves early.

"Jono, help me to see Reich off." Yin Zhu was really tired, so he didn't stay.

Jono took reih out of daze tribe, "reih, what do you want to do? I'm very grateful that you saved Yin Zhu and let him come back, but it's impossible for you and Yin Zhu. "

Leihe knew that what Jono said was true, but Leihe was angry when Jono said it so frankly.

Can be angry after, Leihe and some helpless, "Jono, you don't have to be so wary of me, I didn't want to be with Yinzhu, if you want to, Yinzhu won't come back, I'm a sinner, I'm not going to find a partner in my life, so you can rest assured, I just want to see Yinzhu is good."

Jono was embarrassed to hear Reich speak so clearly.

"Sorry, and thank you." Jono said sheepishly.

"Treat Yin Zhu well. If you don't treat her well, I will definitely kill you." Leihe said rudely.

"Don't worry, there won't be such a day." Jono said with great certainty.

On this side, as soon as Rehe left, Bena talked to Yin Zhu.

"Yinzhu, this Leihe is very wrong." Bena pondered. She knew that there were orcs in the world before, but when she saw Leihe, she just woke up, and her strength was not enough. In addition, Yin Zhu was very wary of her, so she didn't realize the power of beast God in Leihe. At that time, she just thought that the ORC was a little strange.

"No, what's wrong? Bena, Reich is very good to me. I believe in Reich Thinking of Leihe's desperate to pick the flower of beast God and the crystal of beast God, Yin Zhu is very grateful. She absolutely doesn't believe Leihe will hurt herself.

When Beina heard this, she knew that she was too anxious, which made Yinzhu misunderstand, "Yinzhu, what I said is wrong. It's not that Leihe will hurt you, but Leihe. His shape is wrong. I feel the curse on him."

"What? Damnation? Is it true that when the curse is lifted, reih can become an orc? " Yin Zhu asked happily. She knows better than anyone who wants to be an ORC.

"It's not as simple as you think. The curse is also mixed with the power of the beast God. There were no orcs in our time. How did the orcs appear, Yin Zhu? Do you know?" Bena asked curiously.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. There was no sign that the orcs would appear. Every tribe could appear, and they were born orcs. The world called them abandoned people, cursed by heaven.

"Yinzhu, the orcs appeared after the catastrophe. I think the orcs are probably related to the catastrophe. What's more, I feel the power of the beast God in Leihe. Yinzhu, I want to go to the dark city." Bena begged.

In the dark city, Yin Zhu knows that it is dangerous for other orcs to go to the dark city, but she should not. Even if she goes, Leihe will take care of her and let her come back.Beina also knows that her requirements are a little too much, but she has to wait at least seven months for Yinzhu to have a baby. Leihe has a feeling for Yinzhu at first sight. Yinzhu's safety in the dark city is guaranteed, that is, he is tired on the way.

"Yes, Bena, I can go to the dark city, but can I discuss this with rehjono and them later?" No wonder Beina is excited. After all, she finds the clue about 5000 years ago. Besides, Yin Zhu hopes to lift the curse, so that the orcs in the dark city can become orcs, and they can live happily as ordinary orcs.

"Thank you, Yin Zhu." Bena said gratefully.

Yin Zhu waited for a while and found that Jono came back. She quickly took Jono's hand, and then told Jono what Bena had found, "Jono, I like to go to the dark city."

"I'll go with you." It's hard to get a clue, and Jono doesn't want to miss it.

Originally, I thought it had nothing to do with reih. I didn't expect that I would ask him soon. Orcs, orcs are cursed, and they are also related to the beast God. I'm afraid they will have more contact with orcs next time.

"Good." Yin Zhu narrowed his eyes and laughed, leaning against Jono's arms.

"Jono, the yam we dug up today has a high yield. I'm going to try to grow some yams. If we can grow them, we will have basic food security for our tribe in the future." Yin Zhu thought that if the yam could be planted in a large area, he would not be afraid of not eating and wearing.

"Yes, I can. I'll discuss it with my father tomorrow." Jono said happily, planting. People in the Luoyue mountains have only heard of the legendary planting. It's said that there are several big tribes on the other side of the plain who will plant it. I didn't expect that Yinzhu will, too.

In fact, Yin Zhu wants to get some, but he finds that the wild animals in this world are too crazy. Even birds have the size of normal chickens, and the Raiders will attack people soon. But there is no such place to raise them. There are also animals like chickens and ducks in this world, but they are bigger than ostriches, and the general fence can't be closed at all So Yin Zhu hasn't figured out how to breed it yet.

As for fish, the fish in this world are very strange, very small. In the river beside daze tribe, Yin Zhu has seen fish, which are generally as big as two fingers. No matter how big they are, he has never seen them. Yin Zhu wonders if things in this world are more scolding than his own? Why is the fish so small?

Such a big fish is not enough for Yin Zhu, so that's why Yin Zhu hasn't made up his mind for so long.

Yin Zhu plans to organize tribal people to plant yams tomorrow. She will try planting one mu of land first to see how it works. She also asked Bena how to plant yams before, because she didn't know if she could plant them well, so she didn't dare to plant too many yams for fear of wasting them.

Yin Zhu plans to plant yams and then set out to go to the dark city to find out what secrets lie in the dark city.

Jono has no opinion on Yin Zhu's arrangement.

The next day, Yinzhu asked her people to dig up wasteland, and Yinzhu began to cultivate yam seedlings. She went to Jiuyue and Lisi to learn from them. Lisi was purely technical. As for Jiuyue, she was a priest and a wise man of the tribe. It can be said that the inheritance of knowledge in the tribe depended on the priest, and these things had to be taught to Jiuyue.

Although Jiuyue is small and steady, Yin Zhu sometimes feels that he is not as good as Jiuyue.

In fact, raising seedlings is also simple, that is, cutting the surface of yam with skin into small pieces, and covering the root with skin with soil. In order to make yam germinate faster, Yin Zhu also made a lot of plant ash.

The rest is waiting for the tribe to drive out the emperor.

Since Yin Zhu is going to the dark city and is still looking for the secrets of 5000 years ago, Yin Zhu plans to tell Leihe about Beina. After all, Yin Zhu doesn't know whether his investigation will give Leihe a bad impression. All these things need to be explained clearly. Yin Zhu doesn't want to cheat Leihe.

As for this matter, Jono agrees. Only by explaining these things to reih can reih have a sense of crisis and try his best to protect Yin Zhu in the dark city. Jono still admires reih's fighting power.

Montaigne doesn't have any opinions, but the other elders of the tribe are worried about what Leihe will do to Daze tribe when he knows about this, so they are against telling Leihe about Beina.

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