Several elders in the tribe now regard Yin Zhu as a treasure. They are afraid that the treasure of the tribe will be abducted. Although the Leihe is OK for the moment, is the love between the two men equal to the righteousness of the upper tribe?

Before Leihe sent Yinzhu back, he regarded her as a little female. But once he knew that Yinzhu was the descendant of the goddess five thousand years ago, how could Leihe control it? Goddess is the name given by orcs to their disciples in ancient times.

Elder Yate shook his head. "Patriarch, this matter can't be said, absolutely can't be said. Once it's said, even if Leihe is willing to let Yinzhu go, are the people of the dark city willing to let Yinzhu go?" What the elder didn't say was that once Yin Zhu's identity was exposed, he was afraid that it would be dangerous. After all, the world five thousand years ago was so beautiful and rich in the legend. How much wealth did Yin Zhu master as a descendant of the goddess?

You know, in order to protect Yin Zhu, only a few elders and priests of the tribe know Yin Zhu's identity. Other people don't know Yin Zhu's identity. Even the people of the tribe have to hide it, let alone other people.

Ron, the second elder, also affirmed Yate's opinion. Montaigne couldn't help but have a headache when he saw this. Jono looked at Yin Zhu at this time, and Yin Zhu affirmed: "elder two, I believe in Reich."

Yin Zhu thinks that at first Leihe found that he could take out good things out of thin air and didn't rob his own things. Later, he found that he didn't leave his own strange things behind. Instead, he sent himself back to the tribe. Leihe won't embarrass himself, let alone hurt himself for a little benefit.

It is also because of Leihe's kindness to Yinzhu that Yinzhu teaches the practice of bacon to the people in the dark city, and even gives the reward necklace to Leihe.

Jono also said at this time, "elder two, I know a little about Leihe's character. It's absolutely impossible to say that Leihe will hurt Yin Zhu for his own benefit. Besides, we're going to the dark city. If we don't have Leihe's support, we can't hide it from Leihe. If we rely on ourselves, we're afraid we can't do it at all Can move in the city of darkness. "

The elder two elders have a headache when they hear this. They don't know what Jono said, but if they say it, they are gambling on Yin Zhu's position in Leihe's heart.

"Jiuyue, what do you say?" Meng Tai turned his head and asked the meditative Jiuyue.

At this time, Jiuyue took out a turtle shell divination, and then said: "my divination image tells me that Leihe has no malice to our tribe."

Jiuyue means to support Yin Zhu's practice.

Elder two elder two heard nine Yue's words, helplessly said: "since the priests have spoken, let Rehe have a good talk."

The priest is the one who leads a tribe forward. Jiuyue's words are more important than anyone else's.

Leihe went to Daze tribe the next day to get the food, and then he slipped to the entrance of Yinzhu's cave. As soon as he went in, he found that several big figures of daze tribe were sitting in the cave waiting for him.

What's going on? Is it a three court trial?

"What are you doing?" Reich asked suspiciously.

"RAH, come in. We have something to tell you." Jono ushered the man into the cave.

When Leihe sat down, Yin Zhu said his own things, including whether the orcs were cursed, and what was related to the beast God. Yin Zhu said that he would go to the city of darkness.

Reih thought for a while when he heard this. He knew that orcs were abandoned by the curse of heaven, but he really didn't know that orcs had something to do with the catastrophe five thousand years ago. Orcs, think about the people in the dark city who were abandoned by their families since they were young. What's more, they were despised by others because of this inexplicable curse, and then they felt inferior and abandoned.

Leihe thinks that he can only be a Orc all his life. However, Yin Zhu now says that as long as the curse is lifted, these orcs will become normal orcs. This is not only Yin Zhu's business, but also a Orc's business.

He had seen before that Yin Zhu was not simple, but he never thought that Yin Zhu was the descendant of the goddess. No wonder he could bring out such a good thing.

"RAH, you'll help me, won't you?" Yin Zhu asked in a calm voice.

"Yin Zhu, it's not about helping you any more. It's also about us orcs. I'd like to ask what we did wrong and should be punished like that. It's not about me helping you, it's about us helping each other. If we can make the orcs in the dark city return to normal, it's worth my death." Reich said seriously.

"Let's go to the city of darkness at once." Said Jono.

Leihe shook his head at this time. "It's right to go to the dark city, but I think it's better for you daze people not to go. I'll take Yinzhu back alone."

Several elders of daze tribe heard Leihe's words, and their faces became overcast. There was no one in the tribe to follow. How could they trust Yinzhu to Leihe.

"Jono, that's why I said it after careful consideration. The orcs have existed for a long time. If Bena's enemies are still there, don't you think they will know the abnormality of the orcs? I'm afraid the dark city has been monitoring it. We don't know the strength of our enemies, so we must be careful not to let those people find Yin Zhu. If you go to the city of darkness, it's too conspicuous. The relationship between orcs and orcs is not good. If you orcs appear in the city of darkness, they will soon attract their attention, but Yin Zhu is different. The city of darkness will go out and take several females back. If I take Yin Zhu back, it won't attract people's attention at all. " Reich analyzes.It has to be said that Reich's words have moved all the people present, but they are still not at ease.

"Nonsense, if you want to abduct Yin Zhu effortlessly, you will certainly find various reasons." Big elder Yate is not willing to say.

"Do you believe me, Jono? I will never disobey Yin Zhu's will to leave her in the dark city. I like Yin Zhu, so I don't want to see her embarrassed. Yin Zhu's heart is on you, so Yin Zhu will definitely return to Daze tribe, unless you have no confidence in Yin Zhu. " Reich looks directly at Jono.

"Well, that's it. Leihe, please take good care of Yin Zhu for me. " Jono held Reich's hand very seriously.

"Don't worry, unless I die, Yin Zhu will be fine." Lehrer held his chest and promised.

As for Montaigne, seeing that Leihe and Jono have made a decision, they can't even say what they have to say. They can only choose to believe Jono and Yinzhu's judgment.

Montaigne and the elders shook their heads and turned away, leaving Jono yinzhuleihe and his three men there.

Yin Zhu on one side hears Leihe's confession, and her mind is blank. She looks at Leihe in a daze. Leihe is very kind to her. She feels that she treats Leihe as a relative, but she doesn't expect that Leihe even says that she likes herself.

Probably seeing Yin Zhu's uneasiness, Lei he smiles and touches his head. "Yin Zhu, I like you, just like you, so you don't have to be embarrassed about it."

When Yin Zhu heard this, she felt guilty. How could she not be embarrassed? She knew that the other party liked herself and had difficulties. One of them went to the other party for help. Didn't she give the other party a chance to touch herself and then make the other party more painful?

But there's no way she can go to the dark city without Reich.

"RAH, I, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, and I'm not worth your efforts. Remember to protect yourself if you are in danger." Yin Zhu doesn't know how to get rid of Leihe's idea of liking himself.

Leihe saw this and touched Yin Zhu's head with a smile. "Silly girl, don't have a burden. I have never planned to find a partner in my life. I don't want my children to suffer the same pain as me, and I don't want my partner to be ridiculed. Besides, orcs are violent every year in dark July. I have seen many orcs who are violent and irrational in dark July kill by mistake I'm afraid that I will kill my beloved by mistake one day. I can't bear the consequences, so I didn't want to be with you from the beginning to the end, otherwise I would not let you go at the beginning. "

"I like you. I just want to protect you and see you happy, so I will be happy. So you must not have the burden, Yin Zhu." Leihe smiles very gently, and the long Phoenix eyes are sentimental.

Seeing that Leihe peels his heart open in front of him, Yin Zhu listens to tears, saying that he is not moved is impossible.

"Silly, what are you crying for? The reason why I told you is that I was afraid that you would have a burden and feel guilty. Just be happy, because I want to make you happy when I give everything." Leihe reached out to wipe the tears from Yin Zhu's face.

"RAH, I will, I will find a way to remove the curse from the orcs, so that you will never have such a miserable life again." Yin Zhu swore.

"Well, I'll thank Yin Zhu for all the orcs in the dark city." Leihe said with a smile.

Leihe just said what he wanted. Besides Yinzhu, he also wanted to tell Jono that he would never leave Yinzhu in the dark city.

Jono is shocked to see Leihe's confession to Yin Zhu. If he wants to be him, he may not be able to do so.

"Leihe, I give Yin Zhu to you. You must ensure Yin Zhu's safety." Jono put down his prejudice against Reich and smashed his fist into Reich's chest.

"Don't worry, I promise I'll send back a hair of Yin Zhu." Reich smiles and pats Jono on the shoulder.

"Yin Zhu, I'll wait for you to come back." Jono said with a smile.

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