Yin Zhu wants to leave, but the yam just sprouts first. It hasn't been planted yet. Fortunately, it's not difficult. It's just that they didn't understand it before. It's not difficult to be taught.

Yinzhu told Jiuyue several times, and after he was sure that Jiuyue understood, he packed up and left.

When Yin Zhu left the tribe, the people in the tribe didn't know about it. It's better not to publicize it. On this side, Jono followed Leihe to the salt mine. After all, people still need to deliver food.

The people of the Juque tribe patrol here from time to time, but they can't find the salt mine. Even half of the orcs can't find it. They all wonder if they are in the wrong place. If the orcs want to mine, don't they need to eat? After all, it's spring now, and you can't take precious grain to eat in the mine cave.

They thought that the orcs would form an alliance with the people of daze tribe. After all, the orcs have no contact with the orcs, and they even hate each other. Who could have thought that there was Yin Zhu as the intermediary between the two sides?

Leihe also thought that he was going to leave. He was afraid that the transportation and food of the big army would attract other people's attention. However, this salt mine is about to be dug up. It is originally a small salt mine. If you are more careful, it will take ten and a half days to dig up the salt mine.

Leihe takes Jono to the silver mine and tells Jono to be careful at the intersection. Then Leihe takes the salt dug by the orcs and prepares to go back. Even if the backpack can be stacked, Leihe can't take so many salt stones alone. Fortunately, with Yin Zhu's help, he carries away all the salt stones belonging to the dark city at one time.

The city of darkness is located in the desert to the north of the Luoyue mountains. It will take a long time to get there. Reih estimated that it will take seven or eight days.

It's not high. Fortunately, Leihe's very powerful. All the beasts along the way are hiding from him, but there's no danger. It's just that he's tired of living in the open, and he turns into a beast carrying Yin Zhu.

It took seven or eight days to get to the city of darkness. The city of darkness is the best residence Yin Zhu has ever seen. The wall is built with big Bluestone. It's very big and spectacular.

"You have a great wall." Yin Zhu sincerely praised.

"Well, the wall has existed for a long time. It should have been built in ancient times. Without the high wall, the dark city would not be able to stand in the yellow sand." Leihe said with a smile. He went back to his home and finally relaxed a little.

"Go in and have a look." Leihe saw that Yinzhu was very happy, and his heart was also happy.

Through the thick gate, Yin Zhu saw that most of the people in the tribe lived in stone houses, which were much better than daze's caves. "Turn around and let daze tribe build some houses. It's too uncomfortable to live in caves. It's dark and humid."

As soon as Leihe enters the gate, the people of the dark city greet Leihe. Of course, the most shocking thing for them is Yin Zhu who follows Leihe.

"The Lord has brought the female back. The lady looks very kind." A group of people secretly looked at Yin Zhu, but they didn't forget what to say there.

Yin Zhu was a little embarrassed by those people. Leihe also saw Yin Zhu's embarrassment and quickly drove the group away.

"You don't have to work when you're walking, do you? It's nothing to watch." Reich looked at them coldly.

It has to be said that Reich is still very dignified, and this opening, everyone scattered.

Later, Leihe first took the people to the tribe's warehouse and put the rocks in the warehouse. These salt mines had to be treated, boiled and filtered, and the impurities were removed. When there was no Yinzhu, Leihe directly took the salt stones for food. For them, there was no problem of impurities.

"Yin Zhu, I'll take you to have a rest first. What can we do tomorrow?" Leihe knows that Yinzhu is in a hurry, but he is also worried that Yinzhu's body will be unbearable.

Yin Zhu also knows that he is not an ordinary person. Even if an ordinary female has been running for so many days, she is afraid that she will have a good rest. Besides, Leihe, a city leader, is not easy to come back. There must be something wrong in the city, so she should take good care of it.

Reih's residence is a big stone house in the middle of the tribe. There is nothing but a big room. The room is empty. There is nothing but a pile of booty in the corner.

At this time, Leihe quickly found a few pieces of animal skin to lay for Yin Zhu, so that she could have a good rest. In the past, when he slept by himself, he just went to the place to have a plate. Anyway, he didn't like the heat either. In winter, it would be easier. It would be better to hibernate directly, saving food and labor.

"I can do it myself. You can go ahead if you have something to do." Yin Zhu said gently that Leihe and Jono took care of her too much. They just didn't treat her as a doll. In fact, she would take care of herself.

"It's OK. It's just for a while." Leihe quickly spread the fur, Yin Zhu directly lay down to rest.

Leihe watched Yinzhu lie down. He touched Yinzhu's head and said, "you have a rest first. I'll be in front of you. If you have anything to tell me." When I just came back, I always had to deal with the affairs in the tribe.

Yin Zhu nodded cleverly, then closed his eyes to rest.Leihe then went out. As soon as he came out of the room, he saw the Deputy Lord of the dark city, Le Yuan, winking at him. "That's our Lord's wife. You're finally enlightened."

Leyuan was the last Lord of the dark city. However, when Leihe was 15 years old, he challenged Leyuan to succeed in taking the position of the Lord of the dark city, and Leyuan retired to the position of deputy Lord.

Leyuan's strength is very good, and he doesn't envy Leihe at all. The strength of the dark city is respected.

"Don't guess. What's going on in the city recently?" Leihe is not going to talk about this topic if he plans to talk about Leyuan directly.

"What can we do here? It's just that several groups of people in the south of the city fought again and died." Generally speaking, the orcs can be divided into three tribes. Half of them are kind-hearted orcs who follow reih's instructions. They basically live an honest life. Of course, they will go out to grab food when necessary. Anyway, they are reih's loyal subordinates.

The other half is divided into two parts. Two thirds of them are neutral. They are willing to listen to lehr in the general direction, but they are not willing to listen to lehr in the small direction. For example, some people like to go out and grab females to pass on their offspring, while others like to grab food and are not willing to hunt animals.

This part is fairly good. The most difficult part to manage is the people in the south of the city. Because they are orcs, they feel hopeless and irrational. They do everything to burn, kill and plunder. Moreover, the females who fall into the hands of those orcs basically have no good end. The strength of Orcs is generally higher than that of orcs. That group of people went out You can destroy some small tribes if you want, and these people don't obey reih's orders at all, and they always fight with each other. Death is normal for them.

In the past, those people were very rampant. As a result, Leihe rushed directly into the South City and killed the top 20 people in the South City, which made the people in the South City dare not say a word. Now, those people dare not hunt their own people for no reason under Leihe's influence. Occasionally, Leyuan can adjust some minor contradictions, but other Leihe can't control them, It can be said that all kinds of bad rumors about the so-called orcs outside are basically made by those guys in Nancheng.

"What happened? It seems that I'm not here. Those people like to make trouble. It's necessary for me to go there for a walk. " Lehrer, hum.

When Yue Yuan heard this, he could only burn incense for those guys in the south city. However, those people in the south city didn't die before. Leihe didn't care for a long time. Why did he suddenly take charge? But thinking of the female Leihe brought back, Leyuan laughs with understanding.

"It's really necessary to straighten it out so as not to frighten our Lord's wife." Yue Yuan said with a smile. Some of those people in the south city are too cruel. What if they leave a bad impression on the future city master's wife? Leihe finally made up his mind to bring a female back. If it's because of the people in the south of the city, he will also deal with them. Although he can't compare with Leihe, he is also the former city leader. It's OK to deal with a few people.

After listening to Yue Yuan's repeated remarks about the identity of Yinzhu's wife, Lei he no longer explains that Yinzhu wants to stay here. Yinzhu's wife is the best identity, and no one dares to move Yinzhu.

The reason why Leihe wants to deal with those people in the south of the city is not that he is afraid that they will frighten Yin Zhu, but that they are out of control and fearless. What Yin Zhu has to do is very important. Once something is found out by those people, it will affect Yin Zhu's safety. This matter is absolutely not allowed, even the neutral group is not allowed. Leihe is prepared for these two things If you don't obey me, I'll die.

In the past, he didn't care about the so-called neutrality of those people, as long as he didn't hurt the people. Now he can't. the city of darkness must be in his own hands. If you want to master the dark city completely, you can't rely on strength alone. Especially for the neutral group, reih is going to talk to the high priest of the tribe.

Of course, the most important thing now is to smooth out the south side of the city, "Leyuan, I'm going to unify the dark city. Will you help me?" Leihe turns his head and looks at Leyuan.

Hearing this, Yue Yuan looked at Leihe in surprise, "do you want to unify the city of darkness? You should have done this for a long time. I didn't have the strength before. You know my wish. I will try my best to help you. "

Yue Yuan is very happy to hear this. His wish is to unify the dark city, so that the orcs in the city can live a good life. However, he was not strong enough before. It can be said that he was the Lord of the city. The dark city used to fight with each other, and several people didn't give him face. When Leihe came to power, the people in the dark city were relatively safe.

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