Leihe then goes into the room and finds that Yinzhu is asleep. He asks a female he trusts to look after Yinzhu, and then goes to Nancheng.

It can be said that the south side of the city is the dirtiest place in the dark city, but there are always struggles where there are people. The three most powerful gangs here are Luke, Neil, Tracy and reih. What they have to do is to be stupid. All the other especially violent people are executed, and the rest will naturally behave well.

The south side of the city says that they are not afraid of death, but in fact these people are the most vulnerable and afraid of death.

In order to carry out his plan smoothly, Leihe also called a group of subordinates to surround the whole Nancheng, and those who did not teach Nancheng to escape. Today, he had to take Nancheng.

In the past, he disdained and resented why they were cursed orcs, as long as they didn't harm the people. It's none of his business to harm the orcs, but now he can't. now he wants to protect Yin Zhu. No uncertain factor should exist. Only one voice can be heard in the dark city, that is his voice.

This Leihe took a large group of people to Nancheng. Where can we hide the news? Leihe's brave and ruthless. People in Nancheng all know it. Now Leihe is so fierce, he can't understand that someone in Nancheng is hot for Leihe.

Luke, Neil and Tracy are all very upset. They don't know where to offend Reich. They know that they are definitely not Reich's opponents. The former Reich can easily kill them, not to mention now. If Reich didn't kill so many people in one go before, the leader of the South City would not be able to sit with them.

Now the relationship in the three weekdays is absolutely not good, now all sit together.

"Lord, what are you doing here with so many people? I remember we didn't offend the rules laid down by the Lord. " Luke was a little older, so he was pushed out by two other people to be the speaker's representative.

"Of course, if there is any small person who accidentally offends you, we will apologize and correct it, and we will never forgive that person." Luke saw that Reich's face was not very good, and he quickly went on to promise.

Luke doesn't want to be humble, but there's no way. He can't compete with others. Big fists are the last word.

"You didn't offend me, but the rules I made before should be changed. In the future, you should listen to me. If you dare to disobey me, you should die." Leihe's long, narrow eyes stare at Luke, and they shiver for no reason.

Luke heard this with a thump in his heart. "The Lord of the city is too hard. We said well at the beginning. We don't need the Lord's food and materials, and we won't offend the people on the Lord's side. Now the Lord of the city wants to take back what he said before? I know the strength of the city master is very strong, but the city master can't kill all the people in the south of the city? "

The people in the south of the city are all unrestrained lunatics. If Rehe dares to come, Luke promises that even if he can't kill Rehe himself, he will cause a big trouble to Rehe. Besides, so many people fight together, and many people will die.

Neil also stepped forward at this time and looked at reih with a cruel look. "Reih, don't go too far. Everyone is from the dark city. We didn't hurt the people. Why do you want to kill us all? If you do, I'll go to Morrison and have a good talk with them." Neil said angrily.

Morrison is the leader of the neutral group. Morrison is very powerful, but they seldom take charge of the affairs in the city. Basically, if others don't provoke them, they won't do it.

"Morrison's side, I will go to say, and you have only one way, yield or die." Reich looks at Neil coldly.

Neil was scared to shiver by Leihe's fierce eyes. Leihe's eyes were too terrible, but he was not sure that he would retreat under Leihe's attack.

Tracy saw this and quickly stopped Neil. He said with a smile: "reih, you want to rule the whole city. I understand, but you want to rule the whole city. As long as Morrison agrees, I'll answer you. And I'll make sure my people are good. If you can't even convince Morrison, you'll take over our place It's no use After all, Morrison is in charge of one third of the population and land of the dark city.

What's more, they know that the most important thing in Morrison's hands besides this force is that the high priest of the dark city is with them. If reih can bite such a hard bone, then their struggle is meaningless. If reih can't take Morrison, then they naturally don't want to be reih's subordinates.

After hearing Tracy's words, Reich just smiles. Tracy is treacherous, but since he dares to take the lead, he is sure.

"And the two of you?" Reich glanced at the other two.

Lucknell nodded hastily to agree with Tracy.

Leihe nodded and turned to Morrison's territory. It's better not to kill.

Luke's face is not good to watch reih go away, and then look at each other, "how to do?""Don't worry, Morrison. They don't give in so easily. How many years have the city of darkness been changed, how many city owners have changed, and when did Morrison's faction belong to the city director? Their faction is powerful. There has not been a city leader for so many years, but they disdain to fight for it. If Rehe can really make Morrison yield, then we have no sense to struggle. " With that, ratsy sighed deeply.

"I understand that, but what I'm most afraid of is that Reich can't persuade Morrison to come back and continue to trouble us?" Neil said with a headache.

What should we do if we are not as strong as others and afraid of death?

"Wait and see." Tracy's got to wait.

"You say that Leihe didn't want to rule the whole city before. Why did he suddenly want to rule the whole city now?" Asked Luke curiously.

"It's said that Leihe brought a female back today. It's said that she is the wife of the future city Lord." Neil continued.

"Is it to show your strength to females? Or are you afraid that the people on our side will scare the little Orc Female? " Luke guessed curiously.

"Hard to say." After all, the former reih was very good for the people. Of course, it was on the premise of not provoking him.

On this side, Reich went directly to Morrison's territory. The city of darkness is so big. Reich didn't want to hide what he did. No, before Reich arrived, Morrison was waiting there.

"Reih, I understand your intention, but I can tell you that you don't want to rule our family. If you are really arrogant, I want to challenge you, the city master, and take your position as the city master." Morrison said coldly, with a strong momentum.

The Morrison people never fight for the Lord of the city, and seldom fight in honesty, so the people in the tribe don't understand Morrison's strength. They feel the momentum of Morrison. Leihe also shows his own momentum impolitely. The two momentum collide like two sharp blades, and then a whirlwind appears.

Morrison's face is a little bad. He knows that the strength of this city leader is stronger than ever, but he didn't expect to be so powerful. He is not sure of winning.

The two men were about to fight together. At this time, a husky voice rang out: "stop, Morrison. This Reich is my guest. He's coming to see me. Reich, come with me."

Leihe turned his head and looked at a man wrapped in black cloth at the door, with only a pair of dark eyes exposed. Looking at his back, he could see that the man was very thin and weak, including the way he walked, as if he was very weak.

"High priest." Cried Morrison in surprise.

The high priest is a legendary character in the dark city. This is the first time Leihe has seen her. He has long known that there is such a high priest in the dark city. However, even when Leihe ascends the position of the Lord of the city, he can't see this person, who is in charge of the family of Morrison and secretly controls the dark city.

The city of darkness is divided into three branches. Rehe is the main branch of the city. The main branch of the city of darkness has always been Rehe. Rehe also has its own priests. Morrison is a mysterious branch of the city of darkness. However, they are peaceful and obedient to discipline, and basically do not cause trouble. Another branch is the south side .

"RAH, come on, I know what you're going to ask. I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I've finally got you." The high priest said in a hoarse voice.

"What do you mean?" Reich's eyes narrowed into a line, like a snake that would bite back at any time.

Although this man looks like he can fall in a gust of wind, reher knows that this high priest is very strong, because this high priest has existed for a long time. How can a high priest who can control Morrison's pulse be weak? All these are appearances.

As for the high priest, it may be true that he knows his purpose. Sometimes the priest can predict something. Of course, maybe the high priest is cheating him.

The high priest did not wait for Reich to agree, but turned and walked slowly towards his house.

On one side, Morrison saw this and gave raher a quick push. "The high priest asked you to follow quickly."

Reich nodded and followed. He also wanted to know what the high priest knew. Besides, he also had many questions for others to answer. After all, Morrison was the most secret in the dark city, or the high priest really knew something.

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