Leihe followed the high priest into her room, which was very open, even a little chilly. Leihe rubbed his shoulder, and then said coldly, "the high priest asked me for something, right?"

"Leh, you didn't bring a female back today. Why didn't you bring her to see me?" The high priest said lightly.

Reich's face turned pale when he heard this, and then he laughed, "but it's a female. Why should the high priest care?"

"RAH, she's here for no one but me, so you'd better bring people here." The high priest said with a smile.

Reih's face changed greatly when he heard this. He knew that as a priest, and a powerful priest, he had some feelings about some things, but he didn't expect that the high priest's feelings were so strong.

"RAH, you don't have to be hostile to me. If I want to do something, you can't stop me at all." Said the high priest.

Leihe didn't look very well at this time, because he couldn't grasp the idea of the high priest. This idea of being grasped by others was very bad. He didn't dare to bring Yin Zhu here like this. After all, Yin Zhu didn't have any strength.

"RAH, you are very careful. It's her choice. Don't worry, I have no hostility to you." With a slight wave of the high priest's hand, Reich felt himself waved out of the room, and the door closed.

Reih was shocked and looked at the closed door. He knew that the high priest was very powerful, but he didn't expect that he didn't even have the qualification to fight with her.

Does the high priest mean that he is not hostile to them?

Leihe turns back to find Yinzhu at this time. When he returns to the supplies, Leihe finds that Yinzhu has just woken up and is rubbing his eyes vaguely.

"Is Yin Zhu awake?" Leihe asked softly.

"Well, it's much more comfortable after a sleep." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

"And you? When things are done, take a rest. No matter how strong your body is, you can't hold it. " Yin Zhu said with concern.

Leihe is very happy to hear Yin Zhu's concern. No matter how tired he is, he will be swept away.

"I'm ok, Yin Zhu. The high priest of Morrison wants to see you. She seems to have guessed your intention. She's the most powerful and long-lived priest in the dark city. I think she's the only one who can help us solve our doubts. She's very powerful. Although she doesn't seem to have any malice to us now, we should be careful 。” Reich then said all three branches of the city of darkness.

Yin Zhu nodded with understanding. He was sure to be careful, but he should not flinch. After all, this high priest is harmless to himself for the time being, so it's good to ask for some news in the past.

Reih and his men soon came to the door of the high priest. Reih knocked on the door. After the high priest's hoarse invitation, he pushed the door and went in.

"Here you are. I've been waiting for you for a long time." Yin Zhu came in and saw a man with his back to him.

However, before waiting for the opposite person to turn around, Bena in the system called out, "be careful, Yin Zhu. This person is not a living person."

"Not living? What do you mean Yin Zhu asked in horror.

"That means she's dead. She's dead." Bena answered quickly.

At this time, Yin Zhu grabbed Leihe's hand, "Leihe, let's go." Leihe didn't have time to think about it. He took Yinzhu to turn around and left. However, the gate was already closed at this time, and Leihe couldn't open it with all his strength.

"RAH, what are you worried about? I don't mean any harm to you. If I do, you can't stand here well." The man opposite finally turned around.

Leihe guards Yinzhu behind him and looks at the high priest with great vigilance, "who are you?"

"Who?" The person opposite pondered for a while, then said with a bitter smile: "I am a dead spirit who can't die but still lingers in the world."

Leihe and Yinzhu were silent when they heard this.

"Well, you don't need to ask me who I am, but if you have any questions, I will answer you if I can. Little female, if you have any questions, just ask." The high priest's swarthy eyes looked at Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu thought that there was a dead man on the opposite side, and only his soul was left, so she felt flustered. Fortunately, Leihe stood in front of her like a high mountain, and she finally felt a little secure.

"You're dead, aren't you?" Think of the opposite is a powerful priest, Yin Zhu carefully used honorific.

"Are you afraid?" The high priest's hoarse voice was harsh.

"High priest, I heard that a man died, but he didn't want to return to the embrace of the beast God and stay in the world by force because he still had an unfinished wish. What's your wish? What can we do for you? " Yin Zhu has 10000 more questions to ask the high priest, but now he wants to find out the identity of the mysterious high priest.

"The little female knows a lot about how to surpass me, but you don't have that ability." The high priest sneered."Why does the high priest think I can't do it without saying it?" Yin Zhu asked patiently.

"Little female don't want to find out my identity. If you have any questions, just ask. I'm in a good mood today. I'm willing to tell you." The high priest changed the subject directly, and was obviously reluctant to talk about the previous matter.

Yin Zhu saw that he had no choice but to wave his hand. Since people didn't want to talk about it, he had to give up.

"Well, high priest, I want to ask you about totems. I wonder if you can help me out." Yin Zhu didn't directly talk about 5000 years ago, but asked about totem.

Totem is unique to orcs in ancient times. Even if there are incomplete totems in the current king of beasts City, few people know about them. If the high priest knows the totem in ancient times well, it means that the high priest is probably a 5000 year old man.

The high priest smiles at Yin Zhu's careful questioning, but does not expose him. Instead, he laughs and explains about totems in great detail. He even knows how to build a totem for a tribe.

After hearing what the high priest said about totem, it's very important to confirm what Bena taught herself. It's all right and there's nothing wrong. It seems that the high priest really didn't cheat himself in this aspect.

"High priest, the history of the city of darkness has existed for many years. For the first time, I saw such high walls and stone houses. The city of darkness is spectacular." Yin Zhu determined the identity of the high priest and turned to talk about the city of darkness as if he were curious.

"Yes, for more than 5000 years, the city is still standing." The high priest's voice sounded a little cheerful.

"It turns out that the city of darkness has a history of more than 5000 years. It's very powerful for a long time." Yin Zhu sighed with admiration.

Leihe looks at Yinzhu, who has a clever and constant routine, and smiles. The little girl is usually confused, but she is a little smart at this time.

"Yes, more than 5000 years. I've been waiting for you for more than 5000 years." Said the high priest with a sigh.

The little girl still didn't believe her. She had been telling the same story all the time. The high priest told her directly.

"What does the high priest mean by that?" Yin Zhu asked carefully.

"Little girl, I'm so clear. Are you still pretending to me here? What's your name, little girl? " The high priest looked at Yin Zhu very interestingly.

At this time, Yin Zhu turns his head to look at Lei he. He has a direct showdown. Yin Zhu doesn't know how to talk about it next.

Leihe saw this, touched Yinzhu's head, and then said very simply: "since the high priest knows our purpose, why detour? We want to know the truth about the Holocaust 5000 years ago, including the mystery of orcs in the dark city. Please tell us."

After a moment's silence, the high priest said, "since you say that, well, come with me."

Then the high priest stood up and pressed down one corner of the corner wall, and a deep passage appeared in front of them.

"Don't you want to know the secret? Come with me The high priest was the first to enter the passage.

This passage is made by hand. I didn't expect that this backward Orc world should have such a high-level secret room. It's incredible that with technology, you can build several cities at will.

The city of darkness is more mysterious and powerful than she imagined. At this time, Reich knew that he underestimated the high priest. Without the high priest, the city of darkness would not coexist for thousands of years. They would have been united for a long time. Morrison didn't have the strength to compete for the position of the Lord of the city, but they didn't want that position. They seem to be in a dilemma It's just waiting. For example, the priest seems to be waiting for Yin Zhu to come.

"Yin Zhu will be careful. I don't know what's in the tunnel." Leihe told me carefully.

Yin Zhu nodded cleverly, "I know." It's about life. Yin Zhu will be careful.

Along the long passage, with seven turns and eight turns, Yin Zhu's basic direction was blurred, and he didn't know where to go. Of course, what surprised him even more was the narrow and curved passage. It was very empty and comfortable. He really admired the people who built the tunnel.

"It's almost there." Reich asked impatiently.

"Soon." Answered the high priest.

As the high priest's words fell, he finally came to the key point of the passage. It was a heavy looking gate with a half man and half beast regiment on it. Yin Zhu could not tell what the half beast was.

"How do you want to open this door?" Looking at the high priest standing on one side, Yin Zhu couldn't help asking curiously.

"Put your blood in the eye of the pattern on the gate, and the gate will open." The high priest said coldly.

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