Bai Kun found out the direction of daze tribe, and then went straight to Daze tribe.

Needless to say, there are still many people going to Daze tribe along the way. Of course, most of them are detectives from various tribes. No wonder others care. He also wants to see the Daze tribe.

When Bai Kun saw the towering wall from a distance, he was shocked. Even though he knew that daze tribe had built the wall, he thought it was an ordinary low wall. But this high and wide stone wall, you can see how strong the wall is. Can the orcs build it?

The chief priest of daze tribe must be a man full of wisdom. Of course, there must be secrets in daze tribe.

There are still many orcs around to wait and see, but Bai Kun goes straight forward. He wants to join the Daze tribe.

As soon as Bai Kun stepped forward, he was stopped by the gatekeeper, "stop, who?" Today's gatekeeper is Qingkui. He directly stops baikun. Outsiders can't let them enter daze tribe casually. With the high city wall, the tribe will be much safer to do anything. There's no need to worry about being learned by outsiders.

"I'm a wandering ORC. I've heard about the deeds of daze tribe, so I'm here to join daze tribe." Bai Kun split his mouth and laughed sincerely.

Qingkui took a look at baikun and said, "where are you from? Which tribe are you originally from? Let's make it clear."

If the tribe wants to expand, it needs manpower urgently. But even if you need manpower, you can't ask for it casually. At least you have to explain the origin clearly. Of course, some spies will be called in more or less. This is also impossible. However, as long as the totem is identified, it will be OK. Anyone who has evil intentions towards the tribe can't be recognized by the totem, anyway These people can only be the most basic people, and only those who are recognized by Totem will become the top of the tribe.

"I'm from outside the Luoyue mountain range. Because I've offended an enemy, I have no choice but to live in the Luoyue mountain range. I heard about daze tribe's fight against black wolf bandits before. I'm here to join daze tribe with respect." Bai Kun's smile curved his eyes and eyebrows, and he was very clever.

Qingkui took a look at baikun, and then asked others to look at the gate, "you can meet the clan leader with me."

After entering the gate, Bai Kun secretly looked at the environment of daze tribe. Well, the tribe was built very big, but there were fewer people. However, the people who looked at the tribe were full of spirit, no matter male or female or young, they were very happy, and no one was upset because they offended the Juque tribe. It seems that daze tribe should not be afraid of the Juque tribe, so they don't know about daze What's the inside story of the tribe? It's not afraid of the Juque tribe.

What's more, the people of this tribe are very regular in their work. Although there are few people, their work efficiency is not low.

In addition to looking around, Bai Kun also asked some small questions from time to time. What Bai Kun asked was not a question that could not be answered. Qing Kui told him without saying anything. Bai Kun also knew that if he wanted to get a secret, it would be impossible. He might as well ask some basic things and know some basic information.

Along the way, Bai Kun was smiling and sweet mouthed. All the way, Qingkui cried. Qingkui fell in love with this young man. Of course, the other thing is that people with high facial values are likable, and the same sex is the same. Bai Kun is really beautiful. I'm afraid that the title of the first beautiful man in the tribe will come to Bai Kun, but the name of the tribe is different Blessed are the females.

"Patriarch, his name is Bai Kun. He's here to join our tribe." Qingkui already knows Bai Kun's name on the road, but also because Bai Kun fabricated a pathetic identity, which makes Qingkui feel sorry for him.

"Sit down." Mengtai asks people to sit down and asks Qingkui to leave first.

"Why do you want to join our tribe? Isn't it better to join the Juque tribe?" Even though daze tribe has high walls, daze tribe has offended Juque tribe, which is obviously not a good place to go. At this time, someone came to join the tribe. If this person is OK, Montaigne would not believe it.

When Bai Kun heard this, he was very embarrassed and scratched his hair. Then he said helplessly: "I dare not cheat the clan leader. I also want to join the Juque tribe, but it's not so easy for the Juque tribe to join. I offended people in the Juque tribe before, so..."

The rest is very clear.

"Who have you offended?" Montaigne asked directly.

"Four elder's partner, a female named Sophie, forced me to be her partner, but I didn't agree." Speaking of this, Bai Kun is a little embarrassed.

"Sophie?" Mengtai is a little surprised. Sophie goes to the Juque tribe. Mengtai is angry. However, when neidou leaves, he is raised by his own tribe. He doesn't care about Sophie's life in the Juque tribe, but he doesn't expect to hear from Sophie and become the partner of the four elders of the Juque tribe. As far as he knows, the four elders are old.

Hearing that Montaigne knew Sophie, Bai Kun simply told her about Sophie. Montaigne was silent for a long time when he heard the result. Sophie was so desperate for power. Fortunately, this man was not in the tribe, otherwise the tribe would be in trouble.

"Patriarch, you see what I have to explain clearly. I don't know if I can join the tribe? You can rest assured that although our fox clan's strength can't compare with those of the fighting class, my strength is still not weak. " Bai Kun expressed his own value."OK, I'll arrange a cave for you to rest. In the afternoon, you can go hunting with the males of the tribe." Meng Tai said simply that no matter who baikun was, he would throw him out to hunt and create value for the tribe first.

"Thank you, patriarch." Bai Kun said thanks with a smile. He didn't expect the clan leader to be completely convinced of himself. In that case, he didn't dare to stay in daze tribe.

There is a new beautiful man in the tribe. The news spread all over the tribe, especially the females who are going to choose their partners. They all secretly come to see Bai Kun. As it is said, he is as beautiful as bubble and frightening.

For a while, many females are going to visit baikun. By the way, they show the love among the tribes and help baikun clean up the cave where no one has lived for a long time.

Yin Zhu doesn't have much interest in beautiful men. Anyway, she has Jono's.

At noon, Yin Zhu met Bai Kun. The main reason was that Bai Kun was so attractive. There were more than 20 young females around him. The most important thing was that this man even put so many females in order. He was very fierce.

However, the face was really beautiful. Even when I saw it, I felt enchanted. But it was a short time, and Yin Zhu came back to himself.

But for a while, when you go, you'll see. Who's Yin Zhu? That's the female who takes over the beautiful men of the tribe. "Yin Zhu, you've already occupied Tengxiao and Qiao Nuo. You won't rob baikun with us any more. You can't take all the good things by yourself. You have to leave some soup for us, right?" The shrewd Lisa asked directly.

Yin Zhu was a little embarrassed when she was asked. She reached out and touched her nose, then said with a smile, "don't worry, I just have Jono." Sometimes it's good for a beautiful man to appreciate quietly. There's no need to occupy people.

Bai Kun turned his head curiously and asked, "who is she? And who are Tengxiao and Jono? Beautiful man? " There is someone named Tengxiao in this tribe. Is it a coincidence or is it the person you are looking for?

"She is Yin Zhu, the most powerful female in our tribe. Tengxiao and Jono are the first and second beauties of our tribe. They both follow Yin Zhu For Yin Zhu, the people of the tribe still respect him very much. Even if they like Bai Kun, they can't discredit him.

Bai Kun looked up at Yin Zhu carefully at this time. The female's stomach has been propped up. It seems that she is pregnant. As for the face, it's not beautiful. The face is a little baby fat, and the eyes are very smart and attractive. The whole person looks very lovely. However, she can get the best two males of the tribe. In addition, the females of the tribe are not envious. It seems that she is very beautiful This is an unusual one.

"As for Tengxiao, see, it's the first warrior of our tribe. Jono is over there. He's the head of our tribe." Lisa sees that Bai Kun is interested in Tengxiao and Qiao Nuo, so she points them out to Bai Kun.

"Tengxiao and Qiao Nuo are rare beautiful men, but they can't compare with Bai Kun." Lisa said with a smile, looking at Bai Kun's beautiful side face.

Bai Kun looked at Tengxiao carefully at this time. Although Tengxiao didn't turn into a beast, he immediately recognized that Tengxiao was the flying lion he was looking for.

Bai Kun recognized Tengxiao, went directly to the front of Tengxiao, and said directly, "Tengxiao, I'm Bai Kun from the king of beasts city when I meet you for the first time."

Tengxiao heard from the king of beasts City, the whole person's eyes shrink, and then try to smile, very calm asked, "is it?"

"I have a big event in the city of king of beasts. Would you like to hear about it?" Bai Kun said with a smile.

Tengxiao didn't know that this man was only for himself at this time. Otherwise, he clearly said that he didn't care about the orc King City, and this man just said something about the orc King City in front of him.

"Say it or not." Tengxiao didn't know whether this man knew his identity or came to test.

Mengtai several also see wrong, all surrounded by the surrounding, this new join the tribe baikun seems to be for Tengxiao?

"Just a month ago, the king of beasts gave the throne of hongsai to his son Nante. From then on Nante became the king of Feitian lion." Bai Kun said softly.

Tengxiao can't help it any more at this time. He grabs Bai Kun and stares at him with red eyes. "Who are you? What do you want to do? "

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