Looking at the people around him, Bai Kun couldn't help laughing at several people around him: "everyone, I don't mean any harm. I just said a piece of news casually."

Tengxiao saw that this side had attracted the attention of the tribal people. He didn't want to let all the people know about his origin. After thinking about it, he motioned Bai Kun with his eyes and said.

Jono and Yinzhu naturally keep up.

"Come on, since you deliberately talked about the flying lion in the king of beasts city in front of me, I think you also know my origin, so what's your purpose?" Tengxiao coldly looks at Bai Kun who is forced in the corner by himself.

He thought that he had been indifferent to the people and things in the orc city. However, when he heard what Bai Kun said, he found that he still cared.

Hong Sai is so good that he suddenly abdicates. He can still be the king of beasts for many years. Is something wrong? Nantes is an ambitious young man. He'll be fine if he abdicates. But don't think about the good days. Of course, it's none of his business.

"I thought you'd hate him." Bai Kun looks at Tengxiao curiously. In fact, he became hongsai's confidant after Tengxiao left, so he is really curious about the legendary Tengxiao.

They are all the sons of the king of beasts, and Tengxiao's strength and talent are better than Nante's. Tengxiao should be the king of Feitian lion, but Tengxiao was framed and driven out of the city when his strength was low, and even hongsai didn't help him.

"Hate?" Tengxiao shook his head. When he was driven away, he hated him. At that time, he was too young to understand why his father didn't believe him. His father, who loved him so much, gave up on him. However, after so many years in daze tribe, he grew up and became an indispensable warrior in daze tribe. It was because of his growth that he understood a lot Things, understand also don't hate, because don't care.

He has been bullied by Nantes since he was a child. I didn't understand before, but now I think, if hongsai really loves him, how can he not find his injury, how can he not find Nantes little action, so the so-called love is just guilt, compensation, everything can't compare with Nantes, hongsai's favorite son is Nantes, not him.

"What do you want to do? I advise you not to have bad thoughts, otherwise I guarantee you can't get out of daze tribe. " Tengxiao said very simply, for anyone who has bad intentions to himself, Tengxiao doesn't want to let go.

"Let me introduce myself. I, Bai Kun, was the number one counselor under hongsai before. Because hongsai abdicated from Nantes to power, I'm not one of his people and have no way to go, so I came to you." Bai Kun looks at Tengxiao with a smile.

"Are you kidding? As a counselor around the king of beasts, even if Nantes doesn't need you, it's extremely easy for you to find something to do in the city of king of beasts. Why do you have to come to daze in the backwater? " Tengxiao didn't believe Bai Kun's excuse.

"I've come to you. Because hongsai was worried that Nante would be bad for you, he specially asked me to come to you. Of course, there are several guards under hongsai, who are also prepared to give them to you. But those guards are all family members, so I came to you first. " Bai Kun waved his hand to explain his intention.

"Hung Sai is worried that Nantes is not good for me. Is worry useful? Why worry about Zen? And how do you know I'm in daze tribe? " Tengxiao is very curious about this last point. After all, he wandered to Daze tribe at the beginning, which can be said to be completely random. Is it difficult that hongsai sent people to follow him at the beginning?

"We don't know where you are, but I have a drop of your blood in my hand, so I can roughly find out where you are. So I came to the Luoyue mountains. As for the tribe where you are, I really don't know. I'm going to look for it slowly. The first stop I went to was Juque tribe, because I was curious to learn that daze tribe had built a high wall, I just came here. I didn't expect that you were in daze tribe. It's fate. " Bai Kun said with a smile, and he didn't worry about Meng Tai to check, because what he said was true and there was no lie.

"Then tell me why hongsai wanted to give Nantes the Zen seat." Tengxiao still asked this question.

Speaking of this, Bai Kun simply told the so-called holy girl that she had gone to the king of beasts city directly to Tengxiao. Because Nante repeatedly mended his sword to kill Tengxiao Yu, the father and son quarreled. In order to comfort Nante, hongsai gave Nante the throne, and worried that Nante would attack Tengxiao after he had the throne, so he gave it to Nante The available people around him are left to Tengxiao.

After hearing Bai Kun's explanation, Tengxiao couldn't help laughing. "He's really a good father. No one on either side offends him. Neither side wants to pull him down."

When Bai Kun heard this, he didn't say a word. It was a matter between father and son. Besides, he didn't know much about Tengxiao's father and son. He had better speak less.

"I don't need you here. You'd better go back." Tengxiao said coldly.

Bai Kun shook his head at this time, "don't, don't, I've joined daze tribe now. People belonging to Daze tribe, you can't drive me away."

Bai Kun is not stupid. It can be said that he knows Tengxiao's whereabouts. Now it's obvious that someone is looking for Tengxiao's trouble. Is it true that Tengxiao let him go? I'm afraid that before I get out of daze tribe, I've got some killing moves waiting for me.Besides, this daze tribe is quite interesting. At least there seems to be a lot of Secrets here. He'd better play here first.

Tengxiao heard that Bai Kun didn't leave, and he didn't ask for it. He just said coldly, "give me my drop of blood first. In addition, since you have joined the tribe, go hunting from the afternoon."

This is the kind of Bai Kun who doesn't keep his hand. He doesn't look like a liar, but it depends on the specific situation. No matter what the purpose of this person is, he can't play tricks even if he puts people under his nose.

Tengxiao sent Bai Kun away first. At this time, Meng Tai asked in a calm voice, "Tengxiao, you should be flying. It's a pulse."

Tengxiao laughed bitterly for a while and said, "I really come from the Feitian lion in the king of beasts city. The original Feitian Lion King hongsai is my father, and Nantes and I are half brothers."

The half brothers and sisters of the orc are normal, but the half brothers and sisters are abnormal. For a moment, everyone is watching Tengxiao.

"I don't know who my mother is. I only know that I was born to a female other than hongsai. He said it was an accident, and then he took me back to the city of the king of beasts. However, the family didn't accept him. Nantes mother was a joke because of my existence, and finally she died of depression. Nantes hated me and hongsai. As for my father, he wanted to be a good father My father's, but he wants to please both sides, but both sides are not good, but generally speaking, he is still inclined to Nantes, that's it When it comes to hongsai, Tengxiao's heart is still a little rough. It's false to say that hongsai is totally merciless to himself. However, as long as he is against Nante, hongsai will always defend Nante.

"As for why I left the orc City, it was because Nantes framed me. Then my father dared me out of my childhood without my excuse, and finally I was exiled to Daze tribe." Tengxiao doesn't want to recall the vagrancy.

"I drove you away when I was a child. The father of hongsai is a failure. Now what do you say to let people protect you? Is he coming to make fun of it?" Meng Tai said with disdain that he was still a king of beasts. His two sons were all unfair. I really don't know how to manage the city of king of beasts.

"Patriarch, I don't care any more. I have nothing to do with the city of king of beasts. What's the matter with me is the Daze tribe. In addition, I think the saint is only related to the beast God, maybe because of the totem stone." Tengxiao didn't want to talk more about his family background, so he simply changed the topic. In fact, they had long wanted to discuss the saint's problem, but Bai Kun had a lot of inconvenience before.

Tengxiao knows very well that she hasn't gone out to Daze tribe for so many years. The saint named the person who was flying lion, and then found her head. It's obviously because of the totem stone. No wonder he was chased and killed by the people of Honghe tribe after he bought the jade. I'm afraid that the jade had been put there for fishing. After all, the whole Orc world has no totem, jade Except for making jewelry, stone is useless at all. It is likely to be totem stone that requires such large pieces of jade.

"I think it's the same reason. Fortunately, those people don't know that Tengxiao belongs to Daze tribe. It's not so easy for them to find us. The most important thing for us now is to seize the time to develop." When Montaigne heard that the so-called Saint could make the whole Orc City obey, he felt numb. Orc city is the largest city in the orc world. The power in those hands is really terrible. Once the Daze tribe is exposed, he is afraid that he will be doomed.

It's just a comfort to say so much now.

When Yin Zhu hears Tengxiao's story, she can't help but feel sorry for the man. Even if Tengxiao makes light of it, she can imagine how much suffering he suffered from childhood. Of course, the feeling is just the Tengxiao he used to be. It doesn't mean that she will like him, but is it because of the past that she knows she has a baby, so she will be desperate to stay with her By your side?

To tell the truth, Tengxiao is his own guardian now, but he really wants to say that he doesn't disturb his life. Instead, he has been helping himself.

For Tengxiao, sometimes Yin Zhu really doesn't know what to do. Objectively speaking, this man is not bad, on the contrary, he is a very responsible person. Of course, he has a bad temper. Generally speaking, he is a good man, but it is because of his good temper that she is in a dilemma.

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