The next day, Bai Kun ran in front of Yin Zhu again. It was rare to find such a special female. Naturally, Bai Kun wanted to have a good contact with her.

Looking at Bai Kun's very flexible knitting, Yin Zhu always feels very disobedient and strange.

"Yin Zhu, I'm here again. I remember you said that when the sweater is knitted to a certain length, it needs to be made into sleeves separately. How do you make it here?" Bai Kun is very studious. He has knitted more than half of his sweater this evening. Did this guy go back to work overtime yesterday? It's very positive.

Yin Zhu then very carefully asked Bai Kun how to separate the sleeves, but Bai Kun was also smart, so he didn't have to waste a lot of time.

As for the arrival of Bai Kun, Yin Zhu didn't say anything. If Bai Kun really has a purpose, it will be revealed in one or two days.

Bai Kun sat next to Yin Zhu and asked directly, "what kind of person do you think I am, Yin Zhu?"

"Smart, handsome, humorous gentleman?" Yin Zhu then said a few words, at least Bai Kun seems to be very suitable for these adjectives.

"That's all? But I think you are on guard against me, Yin Zhu. If you don't trust me, Tengxiao and several adults in the tribe don't trust me. " Bai Kun sighed.

Yin Zhu was embarrassed for a moment when he heard this. Pro, aren't you going to inquire about something here? How dare you say that? How can you have a pleasant chat next?

"I didn't say that I don't believe you, but trust in this thing also needs foundation." Yin Zhu said lightly.

"I understand, but to be honest, Yin Zhu, I don't have a bad heart for daze tribe. You don't trust me. I understand. I just hope you don't be so wary of me. You can always see my sincerity after a long time." Bai Kun said with a smile.

"I know, and you think too much. We're not on your guard. You don't know how much tribal females like you." Yin Zhu looked at the beautiful face and said with a smile, it's not the first time to see this face. It's amazing that she didn't see it once. Fortunately, she saw many stars in her previous life, so she won't lose her temper.

"Does Yin Zhu like it, too?" Bai Kun blinks at Yin Zhu and smiles. The fox people's most powerful Kung Fu is enchantment. Of course, Bai Kun can't use his skills against Yin Zhu. Once he uses his skills, it can be regarded as attacking each other. It's just a brilliant smile, but Yin Zhu can't resist it.

This smile is like spring flowers bloom, Yin Zhu the whole person is stunned, this man is deliberately hook up with her?

"It seems that Yin Zhu likes my face very much, too?" Bai Kun touched his beautiful face and began to smile. He had never been proud of his appearance before. This time, he suddenly felt that it was good to be beautiful.

Because of Bai Kun's words, Yin Zhu's cheeks turned red and he was teased, teased.

"Bai Kun, you'd better not talk to females like this, otherwise the consequences will be very serious." Yin Zhu thinks that the tribe doesn't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at Bai Kun now. If this man seduces him again, the males in the tribe are afraid that there will be a group of people lining up to fight with Bai Kun every day.

"That's how I talked to Yin Zhu and laughed." Bai Kun said that he was still very good outside. Of course, he wanted to see Yin Zhu's expression when he used to smile and show his charm.

"No, don't do this to me. I can't stand it." Yin Zhu is very straightforward, that smile is too tempting, one careless will make a mistake.

Bai Kun couldn't help laughing when he heard Yin Zhu's words. Yin Zhu was really Frank. Several people would say that they were attracted, and it was really interesting. He thought that the days of daze tribe were very interesting. He could not only learn a lot of things he didn't understand, but also burst out golden sentences from time to time. His days were also very interesting and happy, which was better than those in the king of beasts city It's much better when it's dead. It seems that daze tribe is really right.

"Is it that funny?" Yin Zhu looked at Bai Kun's exaggerated smile and couldn't help three black lines in his head.

"Yin Zhu is very cute." With a smile, Bai Kun reaches out and rubs Yin Zhu's head.

Yin Zhu was stunned by Bai kunzhe's sudden intimacy. After being kneaded twice by Bai Kun, she moved her position and looked at Bai Kun warily. "Bai Kun, I tell you, although you are beautiful and attractive, I only like Jono. After all, the attraction of skin and flesh is only for a while, and the tacit understanding and resonance in spirit is the best I will never make a mistake. " Yin Zhu wants to say that she is a layman. Naturally, she likes to be beautiful. But if she is too beautiful, she can't rely on reality. She will never think about it. Besides, Jono is not bad.

Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu a foot away from him, and then at his hand. He just sees that Jono seems to have nothing to do and likes rubbing Yin Zhu's head. Then he subconsciously rubs it. It's really comfortable, but it scares Yin Zhu.

"Well, I'm just curious. Many people like to touch their head like this. It seems very comfortable to see others touch it. I'll try. What are you running for? Since you are so determined, what are you afraid of me?" Bai Kun rolled his eyes. He was a sensitive little hedgehog. He drew back when he touched it.

He just thinks that Yin Zhu is cute and interesting. He just has some ideas. As for finding a partner, he hasn't thought about it.Seeing that Bai Kun doesn't seem to be interested in himself, Yin Zhu feels a little embarrassed and thinks it's too easy.

When Bai Kun saw that Yin Zhu didn't know what to say, he couldn't help laughing. However, he also knew that he couldn't tease any more. If he continued like this, Yin Zhu was afraid of going crazy.

"By the way, look at this dress, right?" Bai Kun quickly changed the topic.

Yin Zhu was a little annoyed, but seeing Bai Kun's consciously changing the topic, he didn't say anything more.

"By the way, I think the people of the tribe prepared a lot of food today, as if they were going to sacrifice." In recent days, Bai Kun knows how much food the tribe can consume every day. But today, the fresh meat is suddenly increasing, and it is still placed next to several tables in the tribal square. Naturally, he is curious.

In fact, he pays attention to it every day. The Daze tribe hunts a lot of prey every day and doesn't take all of them out to eat. The Daze tribe should hide its prey. But it's summer now. Even if there are a lot of ice, the meat will be preserved for ten and a half days. Moreover, it's summer now. When the number of prey is the most, it's not worth doing so, let alone storing it Will you keep the game? Does daze tribe have a way to store meat for a long time?

But no one knows how to make this thing. They only know which prey is sent to the warehouse by the clan leader, and then it's gone. It seems that even the storage method is only known by the clan leader, but others don't know.

After hearing Bai Kun's question, Yin Zhu didn't refuse to answer. Anyway, this matter will be known tonight. It's just time to use totem stone to test Bai Kun's loyalty. "Well, our tribe sacrifices once a month."

More sacrifices can enhance the strength of totem stone. The stronger the totem is, the stronger the tribe's soldiers will be. If it wasn't for sacrifice, she had to communicate by herself. She didn't have enough strength. She really wanted to come to sacrifice once a day to quickly improve the strength of the tribe, so that the male of the tribe could do the same as an airplane. Unfortunately, she didn't have enough strength.

"Once a month? What do you say? " After all, in the city of the king of beasts, only some specific festivals would offer sacrifices. How many more things would it take to offer sacrifices every month.

"No, only daze tribe has this custom in the whole Luoyue mountains." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Totem stone and so on. Bai Kun will be shocked to see it tonight.

"Every month, isn't that a waste?" The sacrificial objects will disappear. I remember the first time I saw all the objects on the altar disappear. Yin Zhu was very surprised. What was the food eaten? You should know how people worshiped in the original world of Yin Zhu. These objects are still there, but the sacrificial objects of daze tribe will be absorbed by the altar.

"It's not wasteful. Besides, the warriors of the tribe are happy." They are willing to trade some prey for powerful power more than anyone else.

It seems that tonight's priests should also be famous. Otherwise, such a small tribe will sacrifice in the middle of every month. It's also a custom. Once it's defined as a custom, it's a fixed thing. Spring and summer are OK. In normal autumn, a large amount of food will be stored. In winter, the food is even more precious. That's to say, the food in winter in the city of the king of beasts is very precious If so many sacrifices are offered in the middle of every month in winter, the Daze tribe is really powerful.

Moreover, the warriors of daze tribe are really powerful, and their strength is no worse than that of king of beasts city. It seems that he will know a big secret of daze tribe tonight.

"Well, the warriors of your tribe are very powerful." Bai Kun, this is a compliment of loyalty.

Bai Kun runs to Yin Zhu one or two days. At this time, the females in the tribe who are interested in Bai Kun begin to be disappointed. Sure enough, they still like Yin Zhu. They are not as good as Yin Zhu.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yin Zhu put away her sweater and was ready to meet Qiao Nuo. Later, she had to preside over the altar. The festival sacrifice or something could be handed over to Jiu Yue, but the totem stone can only be handed over by Yin Zhu himself. Who is the totem stone? Now she only knows Bei Na.

"Jono, I have properly disclosed some information to him today. Whether baikun is a human or a ghost depends on tonight. Once he has malice to Daze tribe or me, he will be rejected by totem stone." Yin Zhu said, holding Jono's hand.

"In fact, where you need to worry about this matter, just leave it to me." Qiao Nuo pinched Yin Zhu's nose and said lovingly.

"I don't need to worry about this. If he wants to come up and talk, I'll just talk to him." Yin Zhu said that she didn't bother much. Recently, she was really lazy and didn't bother much about anything. Jono always said that he would come here for fear that she would be tired.

"It's very kind of you, Jono. You're the best companion I've ever met." Yin Zhu holds Jono's arm and raises his head.

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