At night, the bonfire rose. Bai Kun and a group of people from the tribe began to worship around the altar. At this time, Yin Zhu was dressed up and prayed on the altar.

Bai Kun looked at the big jade on the altar. There was a flame like pattern on the jade. The most important pattern seemed to move as if it was alive. What's more, how did Yin Zhu stand on the altar? Isn't he a priest who presides over the altar?

He remembered that the priest of daze tribe was a little female named Jiuyue. How could Yin Zhu also be a priest? It is not easy for such a small daze tribe to have two priests.

There are two priests in a tribe, which Bai Kun has seen before. But normally, only the powerful tribe can breed more than one priest. A tribe as big as Juque tribe can't have two priests. There are so many secrets in daze tribe.

When he first saw Yin Zhu, he thought that this female was very special. He didn't expect that she was a priest or a married priest. It's interesting. It's really interesting.

As for the large piece of jade with flame pattern placed in the middle of the altar, he has never seen it, but is it common for a tribe to worship on the altar? Bai Kun desperately scrapes the memory in his brain. He seems to have heard of this thing. What is it?

Bai Kun thought very hard, and then he suddenly thought of something, this, this thing is not the legendary totem.

Totem is a unique thing in ancient times. Anyway, it can't be seen now. He has seen the description of totem from the ancient animal skin of the tribe. Totem is the embodiment of the faith and power of the tribe. If the people of the tribe don't worship totem once more, the more faith Totem gets, and the more power totem feeds back to the tribe at the same time, if it's really totem No wonder Yin Zhu said that their tribe worships in the middle of every month, and there are totem stones. That tribe doesn't try to sacrifice more?

But isn't this totem long gone? How can daze tribe have totem? It's, it's impossible.

Bai Kun's mind is spinning around. He doesn't believe it. It shouldn't appear in daze tribe. Once the news comes out, I'm afraid the whole Orc world will be hit by an earthquake.

Tengxiao and Qiao Nuo are at Bai Kun's side at this time. Looking at Bai Kun's shocked appearance, it seems that Bai Kun is still a little knowledgeable. He even guesses what this thing is, otherwise he won't have this expression.

"Why are you so surprised? Shouldn't you have seen it?" Tengxiao said with a smile.

"It's a totem, isn't it? Totem, right Bai Kun holds Tengxiao's hand tightly and his eyes are wide open.

"No? It's in the orc City, too. " Tengxiao said softly.

Bai Kun's face changed when he heard this. He also said that he was hongsai's confidant. But he didn't see the totem in the king of beasts city. It seems that he was also guarding against the outsider. His confidant is not his own. Thinking of this, Bai Kun felt that he had a sense of achievement, but now he was hit.

"Does the king of beasts have totems?" Bai Kun confirmed again.

"Yes, all the four beast kings have a piece in their hands. Otherwise, the strength of the four beast kings will be so strong because they have totems." For hongsai, Tengxiao doesn't hesitate to dig a hole, so that baikun's heart will not be on hongsai's side.

Bai Kun heard this.

Totem ah, no wonder he thinks that some warriors of daze tribe are powerful and frightening. It turns out that they are totem fighters, legendary totem fighters. It's no wonder that these totem fighters usually hide their totems. No wonder he didn't think of this part and didn't dare to think about it.

However, daze tribe only has this kind of people and strength. Even if there are totem stones, they don't dare to use them clearly.

Looking at the totem stone, Bai Kun suddenly feels that the jade is also familiar. I remember that the holy woman said Tengxiao robbed a large piece of white jade? Can totem still be robbed?

"You didn't take this totem, did you?" Bai Kun looks at Tengxiao.

"No, the white jade I traded with the people of the Red River tribe. The totem is from our tribe." Tengxiao is very straightforward. The reason why they rely on baikun today depends on whether baikun will be rejected by the totem stone after they worship the totem. Once that happens, they will take baikun directly. If the totem recognizes baikun, they can at least say that Kun has no malice to Daze tribe, so they can rest assured that baikun will be in daze tribe Stay down.

"The totem comes from prayer?" Bai Kun asked curiously. He really didn't know that totem came from this way.

"Only jade can carry totems, while white jade is the worst. Unfortunately, we can't find good jade. Totems are prayed from the sky by all the people of the tribe according to their own wishes." Tengxiao rarely explained two more sentences.

Jiuyue failed to stand up for the totem sacrifice, which indicates that Yin Zhu probably made the totem stone. Totem stone, a female who can make totem stone, is just as excited as chicken blood. His favorite thing is to dig other people's secrets and satisfy his curiosity.Yin Zhu can even make totems, so it's a small problem to eat those valuable food.

I always think Yin Zhu is unusual. It seems that his intuition is OK.

On the other side of the altar, Yin Zhu prayed quickly. A force came out of the altar and fell on the people. Unfortunately, only 12 people became totem warriors this time. One of them was Bai Kun, but none of them was promoted to level 2 totem warrior. It's not so easy to cross from level 1 to level 2.

I didn't expect that this totem recognized Bai Kun, but it also showed that Bai Kun was sincere in joining daze tribe.

Tengxiao and Qiao Nuo see that Bai Kun has become a totem warrior, and both of them are sincere to Bai Kun.

At the moment when he was recognized by the totem, Bai Kun understood the function of the totem. Fortunately, he didn't have any bad thoughts about daze tribe, otherwise he would have to explain it here today.

I didn't expect this totem to have such a function. With this thing, no spies or other things can enter daze tribe.

Feeling the power coming from his body, Bai Kun can't help shouting. He clenches his fist and smashes it to the ground. Looking at the big hole on the ground, Bai Kun is surprised to see his fist. It's so fierce.

The surrounding people can't help but smile when they see this. The one whose heart becomes a totem warrior is not like this.

"How's it going?" Qiao Nuo looks at Bai Kun with a smile. Now he really takes Bai Kun as a clansman.

"Our tribe has to accept people, right? I know a group of people. There are more than 200 people, and most of them are females. Do you accept them? " Bai Kun asked directly.

He is talking about his people. He is not an ordinary Fox family, but a charming Fox family. There are more females in their family. Moreover, the females of their family are very beautiful. Because this brings disasters to the tribe, the people of the charming Fox family dare not be born. They hide in the mountains.

However, because there are few males in their family, it's very hard for them. Bai Kun is a smart man in the tribe, so he was sent out early by the elders of the tribe to look for the origin of the Meihu clan. There are at least more than 30 people like him, both male and female. However, he hasn't been able to find a good place for ten years Fang gei's tribe settled down. When he was in the king of beasts City, although he had a good life and status, he didn't see Hong Sai and didn't tell him anything?

As for joining daze tribe, Bai Kun also considered it well. The female fox is the majority, and they all rely on other people to live in daze tribe. However, there are not many people in daze tribe, and the people are quite simple. They account for nearly half of the population of daze tribe. Even for such a large population, daze tribe can't embarrass them, and there is no problem Is there a serious lack of females in daze tribe? Looking back, the female of their family came over, and the pillow wind was blowing. Who would listen to it.

In this way, Bai Kun thinks his idea is very good. In addition, there is Yin Zhu in daze tribe. There are totems in daze tribe now, and there are those novel foods in daze tribe. There are also apprentices who dig holes outside daze tribe. It is said that the yam in daze tribe has sprouted and grown. After mastering the cultivation techniques, can they still lack food in the future? Besides, Bai Kun thinks that there must be a lot of good things in Yin Zhu's hands, and there must be a good life in the future.

As for daze tribe offending the Juque tribe, this is indeed a hidden danger. But when daze tribe is powerful, are you still afraid of the Juque tribe? It's the saint's business that is a bit troublesome. The orc King City, but they don't add it at this time. They will add it later when the Daze tribe is strong. It's easy to add icing on the cake, but it's hard to send charcoal in the snow. Besides, when the tribe comes in at this time, they will certainly be able to say something in the tribe. They can be regarded as the elders of the tribe.

It's because I think clearly that Bai Kun spoke.

As soon as Jono heard this, he agreed. What this tribe needs most is people, especially females. But after thinking about it for a while, I think it's not right. "I'm afraid there's only one tribe among the more than 200 people. Are you sure people are willing to join us?" Which tribe would like its own tribe to disappear? Even if there are few people, they are willing to stick to it, unless they really can't live.

When Bai Kun heard this, he hesitated, "shall I go back and discuss it?" The tribe is certainly willing to find a master to rely on, but the current daze tribe level is too low, his idea is good, but also need the support of the tribe people.

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