Bai Kun really has no bad heart for the tribe, but he even says that he can let more than 200 people join the Daze tribe. It seems that Bai Kun's origin is not simple.

For this matter, Jono naturally went to Montaigne for the first time to discuss.

After hearing this, Montaigne nodded and said, "since people trust us so much and give up their tribe to join us, why don't we accept it?" As for whether such a large tribe will rob its own power or not, Montaigne is not worried at all, because it will be inevitable. Everyone wants to fight for some benefits for their own people. However, as long as they are loyal to the development of the tribe, those are small problems. Moreover, the biggest problem of the tribe now is population. They are willing to join daze tribe at this time. He is very happy Why not give each other a good preferential treatment.

Besides, any big tribe is not a few forces. It can't be as simple as daze tribe. After all, there are fewer people and fewer contradictions. It's necessary for daze tribe to develop. In the simplest case, as far as the black wolf slaves they take, although they are underground and have no rights, they are also a force to unite. Besides, they are not only a group of people, but also a group of people Yin Zhu also promised those people that if they didn't do bad things, they would return to their normal status in three or five years, and those people would certainly join in a group at that time.

If there are several groups in daze tribe, it also shows that daze tribe is strong.

Jono laughed at this, and his father was quite open about it.

Several elders of the tribe also fully agreed to this matter. In particular, Bai Kun said that there are more females than males in the tribe, and there are so many single dogs in daze tribe that they are going to get moldy. They are eager for females to join the tribe.

However, there must be conditions for a tribe to integrate into another tribe. Several elders of the tribe discussed with each other and decided to let the young patriarch, Qiao Nuo, go to their tribe to talk with Bai Kun. The tribe gave Qiao Nuo some conditions in a certain range. It depends on Qiao Nuo's grasp.

Of course, Bai Kun also said that he would not agree. It depends on whether Jono can move their patriarch.

Jono doesn't want to leave. He left Yinzhu at this time, but this matter is related to the development of the tribe. As the head of the minority clan, he always has to shoulder this important task.

"Go ahead, it's OK. I'm in the tribe. The people take good care of me." Yin Zhu smiles and pats Jono on the shoulder to let him walk safely.

Jono nodded. "OK, take care of yourself. I'll be back soon."

That night, Jono went out of the cave after Yin Zhu fell asleep. Looking at Tengxiao outside the cave, Jono couldn't help sighing.

Tengxiao is Yin Zhu's guardian. After taking back the white jade, he silently guards Yin Zhu every day. As an invisible person, he doesn't speak or show off. When he has something to do, he tells the truth. Sometimes Jono feels that it's too much for him to occupy Yin Zhu, especially Tengxiao.

Tengxiao didn't sleep at this time. He looked at Jono and sighed. He couldn't help asking, "what's the matter, don't you want to give up Yinzhu, or I'll go and you'll stay at home with Yinzhu?"

When Jono heard this, he felt even worse. Tengxiao is so damn virtuous.

"Tengxiao, I'm leaving tomorrow. You should take good care of Yin Zhu." Jono couldn't help saying.

"Don't worry. I promise to protect Yin Zhu. There will be no accident unless I die." Tengxiao made a serious promise.

Jono shook his head helplessly at this time, and then directly sat beside Tengxiao, looking up at the stars in the sky, "Tengxiao, I remember our relationship was very good before, but because of Yin Zhu, we didn't have so much to say."

Tengxiao was shocked when he heard this. Then he cracked his mouth and showed his eight teeth with a smile. "I always thought you were a brother, and I used to be, and now I am."

After hearing Teng Xiao's words, Qiao Nuo feels even worse in his heart. He has a small mind. Especially after he knows that Yin Zhu is not willing to find many partners, he wants to occupy Yin Zhu alone, but Teng Xiao is helping Yin Zhu with many things. "Tengxiao, do you like Yin Zhu?"

"If there are no cubs, do you like Yin Zhu?" Jono asked again.

Tengxiao was silent when he heard this. After a while, he shook his head again. "Jono, this hypothesis doesn't exist, so I can't answer it."

"Jono, I didn't know who my mother was since I was a child. Anyway, my mother wasn't my father's partner. Because of this, my brother, that is, Nantes, hated me because of this. His mother also felt ashamed and sad because of this. In the end, she died early. Nantes hated me because of this, so he kept asking me for trouble. I know that I owe him, father On the surface, he loves me, but his favorite is Nante's mother. He knows Nante bullies me every time, but he will never scold Nante. He will only secretly give me something as compensation. When Nante calculated me for the last time, in fact, I knew it. I deliberately asked him to calculate successfully and see what his father would do. As expected, he was very obedient I've been driven away by Nantes, and I'm really tired. I've wanted to leave the orc city for a long time Tengxiao talked about his past.

"I swore at that time that when I had a baby, I would love him very much, and I would not let him leave his mother. I would let him grow up happily." Tengxiao made Jono a little shocked when he said this, so when he knew that Yin Zhu would not choose himself as his partner, he forced him to be Yin Zhu's guardian, using another identity to guard Yin Zhu and his cubs."What about Yin Zhu? Have you never liked Yin Zhu? " Jono asked again.

Do you like it? Tengxiao asked questions in his heart. At the beginning, he hated Yin Zhu. But he knew that after Yin Zhu had a child, he would look at Yin Zhu every day whenever he had time, and then he was attracted by the female day by day. However, because of what he had done before, he had no chance any more, and even Yin Zhu didn't have him in his eyes.

Yin Zhu's feelings have always been very pure. He used to like him only, but now he just likes Jono. He can't bear to destroy such a pure love, and he doesn't dare to destroy it.

"Like it, right? Yin Zhu is so good. It's not normal if you don't like it. If you like it, go and work hard. This time when I leave is your chance." Jono patted Tengxiao on the shoulder.

"Jono, you?" Tengxiao looks at Jono in surprise. This is the first time Jono has publicly supported him to like Yin Zhu.

"I don't want to give in, but you are very kind to Yin Zhu. Besides, I don't worry about your character. Besides, Yin Zhu may not have no feelings for you. Otherwise, how can you be willing to have a baby? You have to believe in yourself and don't do things secretly. Who knows that you have a heart, Yin Zhu is very soft." Jono patted Tengxiao on the shoulder.

Jono says that Yin Zhu is soft hearted. Tengxiao believes that although Yin Zhu doesn't look at him when he doesn't exist, he doesn't talk to him very much. But every time Yin Zhu prepares food, he will prepare his share. Although he doesn't ask him to eat, he will prepare his share and put it there.

"But what Yin Zhu doesn't like, I don't want her to be unhappy, let alone force her." Tengxiao is a little happy with Qiao Nuo's support, but he is not happy when he thinks of Yin Zhu.

"Well, just think about your three cubs. They will be born in the future. When you don't say a word to Yin Zhu every day, what will they think? Do you want to tell your cubs that your mother hates your father and you are not blessed Qiao Nuo hates iron not just looking at Tengxiao, he finally willing to accept Tengxiao, as a result, the goods are still hesitating here, he also wants to go back.

"Think of whelp." Jono knocked Tengxiao on the head.

Tengxiao nodded seriously after listening to Jono's words. Yes, for Zizai, he can't be so passive. He can't hide like this any more. He also wants to give Zizai a perfect home.

"Thank you, Jono." Tengxiao is very happy to thank you.

"Thank me. When the cub comes out, you always call me father. Besides, when Yin Zhu gives birth to the cub and has a good rest, I'm ready to give birth to the cub. You have to take the cub to get out of the way and give me the time." Qiao Nuo wants to make a joke, at this time, he also makes a joke with Tengxiao.

Tengxiao heard this and nodded, "it should be."

If Yin Zhu knew these two people's goods, she was calculating her rebirth at this time. I don't know if she would kill these two goods with her shoes.

"I tell you, Yin Zhu likes to sleep late in the morning. You go out early to catch some prey and come back. You can make some soup and brush some vegetables for breakfast. When you're ready, Yin Zhu is almost awake and can eat. He won't be hungry. Don't roast meat in the morning. There are also vegetables and fruits out there. When you see them, you can pick some back. Yin Zhu is hungry with her cub. If she has nothing to do, I can make a tooth beating sacrifice. And I took a lot of vermicelli and put them in the cave. If Yin Zhu is hungry at night, remember to give her a bowl of vermicelli for supper. " Jono always thinks that Yin Zhu is thin recently, but Yin Zhu doesn't eat much meat. On the contrary, those miscellaneous people eat a lot. When they think about it, they worry about how to eat so little.

As for eating Yin Zhu, she wants to say that she is very aggrieved. She also knows that she is pregnant with a baby. Even if she wants to lose weight, she dare not. However, the staple food here is meat every day. Is it not greasy to eat meat all the time? She still likes to eat some fruits and vegetables. Maybe it's because she has some vegetables and fruits, but she's slowly losing weight.

"Well, I remember all that." Tengxiao wants to write down these things in animal skins. Yin Zhu likes these things, but he has to remember them well.

When Qiao Nuo saw Tengxiao taking Yin Zhu in mind, he was relieved. Later, Qiao Nuo taught Tengxiao not to be scared away by Yin Zhu, but he almost told Tengxiao to stick to Yin Zhu all day long.

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