The next day, as soon as Yin Zhu woke up, he saw Tengxiao do standing aside with a pot of steaming soup. Yin Zhu frowned. Didn't Tengxiao never go into his cave before? Now how to enter the house? Who gave him the right?

"Jono left in the morning and let me take care of you." Seeing Yin Zhu's unhappy appearance, Tengxiao explains in a hurry.

Jono said she was going to leave yesterday, and she knew about it. As for Tengxiao's words, Yin Zhu also believed that Jono was most worried about leaving.

"Put things on the stone mound outside the cave, and I'll sort them out and eat them later." Looking at Tengxiao pitifully standing there, Yin Zhu felt that he was a vicious bad woman if he put on his face.

"Good." Tengxiao saw that Yin Zhu didn't refuse, and he was in a good mood immediately. His walking steps were light and fast.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu can't help but have a headache. Isn't it a hope for others to go on like this?

After a simple wash, Yin Zhu walked out of the cave and looked at Tengxiao, who was busy there. Yin Zhu said, "Tengxiao, you don't have to be busy for breakfast in the future. I'll go to the square to eat with you. You can do what you want to do instead of hunting. You don't have to worry about me." Yin Zhu said very simply.

Tengxiao's body froze when he heard this, and then he grasped the corner of the stone pier tightly with one hand, "I promise Jono to take care of you."

"No, I can take care of myself." Yin Zhu looked at his body and found that his four more stomachs were almost seven or eight months old compared with the present ones. However, he understood the three in his stomach. Fortunately, the orc's physique was much better than that of real human beings. There was no problem except that his body was clumsy and inflexible.

It's said that Yin Zhu's three births are quite normal, and there are seven or eight more births. When Yin Zhu thinks about that situation, she shakes her head. Even if she can be born, the care after she is born is also a big problem, so she is very glad that she doesn't have too many births.

"I will do what I promised Jono. I will follow you and take care of you before Jono comes back." Tengxiao said.

The real contact between Yin Zhu and Tengxiao is not much, but just a few times, Yin Zhu can also see Tengxiao's temperament. That is to say, this guy's temperament can be twisted. No one wants to change the things he decides, and don't want to break people back.

Yin Zhu looked at his stomach, then very helpless said: "you like to follow it." What else can she do? She's also very helpless. Anyway, Tengxiao hasn't been an invisible person before. She hasn't used this person's things, animal skins, and prey before. It's just that there's Jono here, and this person hasn't swayed in front of her.

Anyway, I've taken a lot of things. It's not so bad. Yin Zhu can be regarded as a broken pot. He doesn't care. Yin Zhu thinks that he is still pregnant with a child. The child is Tengxiao. He can't eat and use his food too much. But when he gives birth to a child in the future, the most children use his food. He can't play with it any more.

Tengxiao clearly changed his face before he saw Yin Zhu, but then he said, whatever. Do you agree or disagree?

Yin Zhu has a big stomach and doesn't do anything in the tribe. Even the people in the tribe don't let Yin Zhu do it. They just talk when they have something to do. It's impossible for the Daze tribe to let a female with a baby work when they are busy.

Yin Zhu knits sweaters when he's free. It's said that there are several females in the tribe who like Yin Zhu's sweaters. It's a pity that it's not easy to get rid of them. However, the fur of the long haired beast doesn't scrape off much. It's impossible to get rid of them in large quantities, unless Yin Zhu can find cotton. Besides, it's not very useful to find cotton. Yin Zhu can't weave cloth The production of weaving machine is even less conceptual. Is it all made into cotton thread to make clothes by hand?

To tell the truth, Yin Zhu admires the protagonists in the novel. She uses all kinds of techniques. Anyway, she has also studied in University and read a lot of miscellaneous books. Many of them only have the impression of one name. As for nothing else, the food she gets here is because of the identification system. As for boiling sugar and making starch, she was a child Grandma's family in the countryside has seen how she did it, but she thinks she won't do it.

As for planting yam, I don't know much about it. It means that I know how to plant yam in the soil. I can only rely on the identification system to show that it likes Yin and Yang, and then see how to deal with it.

In the daytime, Yinzhu and Tengxiao are in a good place. Anyway, Yinzhu is the old rule. As Tengxiao doesn't exist, but when it's dark and happy, Yinzhu returns to Shandong and watches Tengxiao go into the cave. Can Yinzhu's eyebrows kill mosquitoes?

"What are you following in for?" Asked Yin Zhu.

"You have a big stomach, and your body is not flexible enough. I'm here. If you need anything at night, I can wait on you at any time." Tengxiao said he was still very useful.

Yin Zhu feels toothache when he hears the sentence "wait at any time". Is this guy going to sleep in a cave with her? Yin Zhu promises that once this thing is done, the whole tribe will tell her to sleep with Tengxiao tomorrow.

Despite the fact that there are not many females in the tribe, the tribe is just a little big and has a small population. It's known to all the people who have fallen. At this time, the females don't go out to work, so they just take care of their children at home. There are no entertainment programs, and there's only gossip left. Yin Zhu doesn't want to become the main character of the gossip center."I don't need to be taken care of. Get out of here." Yin Zhu pointed to the entrance of the cave and said.

"No, I promise Jono to take care of you." Tengxiao said this from beginning to end.

"I said I didn't need to be taken care of. Jono didn't count." Yin Zhu said with a frown.

Tengxiao stood still, just like that. Yin Zhu felt a headache.

"Go or not, if you don't, I'll go." Yin Zhu was also angry and walked out of the cave.

What's the matter? It's her family, but now her family is occupied.

Tengxiao couldn't let Yin Zhu go out at this time. He quickly grabbed Yin Zhu and said, "you, don't go. It's dark. What if you accidentally fall out?"

If he let Yin Zhu go out this evening, not to mention that Jono would cut him, even he would cut himself.

"Then get out of here." Yin Zhu points to the door of the cave.

Tengxiao looked at Yin Zhu's stubborn appearance, very embarrassed, "well, then how can I take care of you?"

"You don't have to take care of me. I'm not disabled yet." Yin Zhu is not angry and says that he must talk about it with Jono.

In fact, Yin Zhu felt that Jono had plans to make a pile of himself and Tengxiao, but she expressed her views several times, and it didn't seem to have any effect, or Tengxiao was more powerful, which could let Jono help him without bottom line.

Tengxiao saw Yin Zhu's dark face and knew that he couldn't do it for a while. He could only nod and say, "OK, I'll be at the gate of the cave. If you have something to say."

Anyway, it will take at least 20 days and a month for Jono to go back and forth. He has time to get along well with Yin Zhu. He can't push Yin Zhu. Today is the first day.

When I think of Tengxiao, I go to the cave gate to make a bunk, not to mention a bunk. This guy turns into a beast and lies on the ground. Now in summer, it's cool to sleep at the cave gate.

At this time, Yin Zhu closed the wooden door of his small fence. Looking at the fragile wooden door, Yin Zhu felt that it was not very useful, so he had better build a house.

With all the walls built, can the house be far away? Looking back, she nagged with Montaigne that the house of the tribe should be built. Thinking about the winter in my memory, she was a girl from the south, but she didn't need to be frozen. In winter, it's very necessary to build the Kang. Mmm, now I think she has a lot of things to do. When winter comes, she'll have a baby, so I have no time to study it. I'll put it on the agenda Cheng.

Yin Zhu closed the small fence, but at this time, she was a little tangled. She always loved to be clean and took a bath every day, while the orcs usually took a bath. No matter men or women, they all jumped to the river and washed. But she used to take a bath with hot water, which was done by Jono. Jono suddenly left. Now who would give her a bath with hot water?

Yin Zhu can't sleep without taking a bath. He looks at the firewood piled on one side of the cave and the water in the bamboo tube. It's good to burn a small pot of water and wipe his body.

There is still a spark in the fire at the entrance of the cave, which Tengxiao kept. Tengxiao remembers that Jono said that Yin Zhu was afraid that he would be hungry in the middle of the night and wanted to eat. Yin Zhu washed the stone pot with clean water and began to boil water.

The stone pot is really damn heavy. Fortunately, she has a lot of strength now. Yin Zhu is busy with her own work. Tengxiao is standing on the edge of the cave. Tengxiao is worried and runs to the entrance of the cave to watch. Watching Yin Zhu busy boiling water, Tengxiao feels very uncomfortable. Would Yin Zhu rather work hard than ask him for help? She just doesn't want to see herself?

Originally, there was still a lot of confidence. This shrinkage has become zero.

Tengxiao thinks that Yin Zhu wants to cook something to eat. He is still hesitating whether he wants to help him or not. However, in the twinkling of an eye, he sees that Yin Zhu starts to take off his animal skin skirt. Then Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu's body in the light of night. His head has only one idea. It's so white.

Yin Zhu felt that something was wrong. She always felt that someone was looking at her. As soon as she raised her head, she saw two dark eyes. She screamed when she saw this. With a slap, she threw the animal skin that she was holding in her hand towards Tengxiao. "Dead rascal, dirty bastard."

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