Tengxiao is looking for herbs, while Yin Zhu is nervous in the cave. She won't make trouble.

After waiting for a long time, Tengxiao finally came back. The blood in his nose stopped. The whole nose was covered with black ointment. Yin Zhu carefully stretched out his neck and asked, "Tengxiao, is your nose OK?"

Tengxiao's nose is not a big problem, but when he saw Yin Zhu's clever appearance, Tengxiao suddenly had a plan. He frowned and took a breath, and then said, "what if something's ok? What can I do with you? It's the same thing when the bridge of the nose is broken. "

"What what? , nose The bridge of the nose is broken Is it broken? " Yin Zhu felt that she couldn't speak any more. After that, she killed herself.

Yin Zhu looked at his white and tender hand. Then, how strong is his hand?

Looking at Yin Zhu's panic, Tengxiao feels very guilty. Is he going too far? Would you like to explain to Yin Zhu?

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm wrong." Yin Zhu moves to Tengxiao's side, pulls Tengxiao's hide, lowers his head and apologizes seriously.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. You must be in pain." Looking at Tengxiao's face, Yin Zhu felt even more sorry.

She swore that she would never fight with anyone who cared about her.

Tengxiao was also very guilty that he cheated Yin Zhu. When he saw that Yin Zhu would no longer drive him out of the cave, he was so happy that he decided to hide it in his heart and not say anything.

"It's OK. It's just a bridge of the nose. It's OK. I'll be happy if you smile." Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu's face and tries to coax her.

It's really nothing for Tengxiao. The bridge of his nose is not broken. Even if the bridge of his nose is broken, it can only be regarded as a minor injury to the male's physique. Their physique is very good. This kind of minor injury can be cured by just rubbing some medicine. In the past, when he was injured more seriously in hunting, he had nothing to do with it.

The only thing Tengxiao didn't expect was that Yin Zhu would apologize for hurting himself. Isn't the status of the female always higher than that of the male? When does a female apologize to a male for a mistake? Of course, many females still feel guilty, but guilt comes from guilt, and they may not be able to pull down their face to apologize. Yin Zhu is different. If they are wrong, they are wrong. This is his favorite part of Yin Zhu.

Besides, if he didn't annoy Yin Zhu first, there would be no such thing at all, and Yin Zhu made no big mistake.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he said he couldn't laugh. "Is it useful for you to apply this medicine yourself? Are you sure you don't need Jiuyue to have a look? "

Yin Zhu is really worried.

"I don't need it. It works very well. I used to use it when I was injured when I went hunting. Don't worry. Can I have a rest here?" Tengxiao looks up at Yinzhu carefully.

Yin Zhu hesitated for a while and then replied, "yes, you can have a rest there." Yin Zhu pointed to an open space far away from his bed and said, fortunately, the open space in the cave was covered with animal skins, so it was OK to sleep there.

Tengxiao is injured. Yin Zhu really can't keep Tengxiao sleeping outside the cave. He is injured. What if it gets worse? Let him sleep in the cave as the price of his mistakes.

Tengxiao happily lies down in the place Yin Zhu has set. Although this place is far away from where Yin Zhu sleeps, it's in a cave. It's good to make progress.

Besides, Tengxiao has grasped Yin Zhu's psychology now. Later, he continues to pretend to be pitiful, and he can go further tomorrow.

Before looking for so many people to ask for tricks, finally there is a move that can be used. Go back and continue to look for those elders. Tengxiao won't feel embarrassed to ask these questions. It's even more embarrassing when his partner runs away.

Nothing is as important as a partner.

Even though Tengxiao is asleep, his face is also thinking of Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu looks at Tengxiao and stares at himself. He wants to teach Tengxiao to turn around and go to sleep. He can't look at himself like this. But he can see Tengxiao's nose is still covered with ointment. Yin Zhu doesn't open his mouth, so he can only turn around and carry Tengxiao.

Tengxiao watched Yin Zhu sleep with his back to him. He felt a little lost, but he was happy to think that he could go to sleep in the cave now.

Lying on the animal skin, Yin Zhu always felt another hot gaze staring at her back, which made her unable to sleep. The torch outside the cave was crackling. When Yin Zhu turned around, he could see Tengxiao's eyes were still wide open.

"What do you do when you don't sleep? Close your eyes and go to sleep." Yin Zhu gave the order directly, and her sight interfered so much that she couldn't sleep.

Tengxiao heard this and shook his head. "I can't sleep. I really want to see you."

"Look what I'm doing. There's nothing to see." When Yin Zhu heard this, he pulled the animal skin over his body and covered his whole head. Yin Zhu felt confused and kept plopping. Of course, Yin Zhu felt angry.

It's just like this. Yin Zhu feels that Tengxiao's eyes are fixed on her body as if through the skin. After a long time under the skin, she feels uncomfortable and can only lift the skin.The torch at the entrance of the cave has been gradually extinguished, and there is only a little light left. Yin Zhu looks at Tengxiao helplessly, "uncle, would you turn around and go to sleep? I dare not sleep because you are so covetous. "

"Why don't you dare to sleep?" Tengxiao asked foolishly.

Yin Zhu can't say the rest. Is she worried about Tengxiao's plot against her?

"If you do that again, you'll go out and sleep." Helpless Yin Zhu uses his mace.

Ming to such threat, Tengxiao can only helplessly turn a body, "well, I turned past, you sleep." Of course, Tengxiao is not afraid of this threat. The most important thing is that he wants Yin Zhu to have a good rest. He didn't take this matter to heart and didn't sleep. Yesterday, Yin Zhu didn't sleep very well. He slept late during the day.

He wants to arouse Yin Zhu's sympathy, but he doesn't want to affect Yin Zhu's work and rest because of himself. What pregnant females need most is enough sleep.

Seeing Tengxiao turning around, Yin Zhu finally felt comfortable. She lay down with her back to Tengxiao.

Tengxiao's intention is obvious. Yin Zhu is really in a mess. What should she do? In fact, when Tengxiao was forced to be her own guardian, Yin Zhu also had that consciousness, but Tengxiao didn't force her. Yin Zhu just wanted to be an ostrich and didn't know anything. Now Tengxiao is so forced, and some people in the tribe, Yin Zhu feels that he is going to be overwhelmed .

Do as the Romans do, or stick to yourself?

"What do you want me to do, Bena?" Yin Zhu, who is full of troubles, goes to Beina in the system to chat. If anyone in the world can understand herself, it must be Beina who has been to her own time and space.

"What? It's good to just take the people away. Anyway, you don't have any loss. " Bena curled her mouth and said simply.

"This is a man, not a cat or a dog. How can he be so casual?" Yin Zhu refuted directly.

"I don't know what you're struggling with. You said that although you're not a flower maniac, you're also the number one person who looks at your face. Tengxiao's face is not bad. You have to burn incense if you can find such an object on the earth. Now it's so good to take people away directly. You're at ease. Tengxiao's mind is at ease, and Jono's mind is at ease? Worried about being told you're amorous? No one in the orc world will laugh at you Bena said it was simple.

Yin Zhu can only be speechless when she hears this. She has found the wrong person. How can she forget that Bena is also an ORC. This polygamous is as simple as eating and drinking water for her.

"I asked you to help me find a way, not to add to the traffic, OK? Sister If you can send emoticons, Yin Zhu will send her a picture with two noodles on her face.

"No, it's the best plan. Besides, according to my guess, you will be taken down sooner or later. Why take Joe here now?" Bena mends the knife directly.

"Yes, I'll die. I'll talk to you about it." With tears streaming down his face, Yin Zhu really doesn't want to talk to Beina.

"Or shall we make a bet? If you go to your tribe, can you find someone who supports your monogamy and doesn't accept Tengxiao? If you win, I'll find a way to separate you two. If you lose, how about accepting Tengxiao? " Bena said with a smile, saying that her method is very good.

Yin Zhu choked when he heard this, and made a bet that she might lose.

Seeing Yin Zhu's hesitation, Bena smiles, "how dare you bet with me?"

"Where are you standing? I don't think you've been helping Tengxiao. " Yin Zhu muttered.

"I'm not helping anyone. I'm just following the will of the people. Do I gamble or not?" Asked Bena.

Yin Zhu shakes his head. This bet that she will lose 80% or 90%. Is she so stupid to gamble?

"You can see that in your mind. Moreover, the eyes of the general public are bright. This is the will of the people." Beina said with a smile. It's rare to see Yin Zhu like this. Now, when?

"Stop, I don't want to hear that. I'm going to bed." My little friend betrayed me, so sad. Yin Zhu covered his eyes, very uncomfortable.

Tengxiao is so good. All the people in the tribe speak for him. Yin Zhu shakes his head and denies his idea. It's not that Tengxiao is so good that all the people speak for him. It's just that the customs and human feelings are like that, and everyone thinks that.

Find a reason to comfort themselves, Yin Zhu this heart is comfortable.

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