Yin Zhu thinks that Tengxiao is absolutely unable to sleep, but what Yin Zhu didn't expect is that she fell asleep unconsciously.

At dawn the next day, Tengxiao had already cooked and was waiting for Yin Zhu. To tell the truth, Tengxiao, a regular breakfast maker, did better than Jono. Of course, Yin Zhu would not let Jono do things by herself. She still likes to cook with two people, talking and laughing.

Looking at Tengxiao's nose on the edge of the stone pier, which is coated with thick ointment, and looking at the breakfast cooked well on the table, Yin Zhu talked and said, "Tengxiao, if you want to hunt in the future, I'll do it myself. I don't need you." In particular, they also sleep late than the price, which makes it hard to wait.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Yin Zhu likes to eat? Or am I not good enough? " Think of here Tengxiao some frustration, he must do a good job of cooking, there is a saying is not to seize a person's heart must seize her stomach.

"No, just don't waste your talent. You are the first warrior of the tribe, not used to be a cook." Yin Zhu said Tengxiao's fiery eyes made her panic.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't take much time to cook. As for the first warrior, you can rest assured that I won't let others surpass." Tengxiao doesn't care about the first warrior. But if Yin Zhu cares, he can't lose his title. He can give Yin Zhu face.

"No, you have to hunt, practice martial arts and take care of me. You sleep so short every day. Aren't you tired?" Yin Zhu is a little weak. He can't get rid of him if he sticks to it.

"I'm not tired. I'm happy to take care of Yin Zhu. I'm not tired at all." Tengxiao's eyes are shining. Yin Zhu is concerned about him. Sure enough, he can see what he has done. Now the harvest is coming.

Pro, are you a little prince? Isn't it disgusting to say something so sweet and greasy? No more people?

Who can help me? Yin Zhu says she's going crazy.

"Would you like to have a taste of this soup? Has it made any progress?" Tengxiao gallantly beat a small bowl of soup to the front of Yinzhu, and had the impulse to feed Yinzhu without eating.

Yin Zhu didn't want to eat it. If he ate it again, Tengxiao couldn't control it. But Tengxiao's nose, which was still covered with ointment, was so guilty that he could only pick up the bowl and chopsticks to eat.

I can't afford to be in debt.

Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu. He has been obedient since he hurt himself yesterday. Even when Yin Zhu is not happy, he just needs to touch his injured nose, and Yin Zhu will swallow the rest of the words. It seems that the nose injury is worth it.

If Yin Zhu knew Tengxiao's idea, he would give him another stick.

"I'm full. I'll go out for a walk." Looking at by Tengxiao's fiery eyes, Yin Zhu feels uncomfortable, so he'd better go out for a stroll and eat. He'll find some females to knock their teeth and talk gossip. Tengxiao can't help but go to the females.

As for building a house or something, because he got up late in the morning, Meng Tai said that in the morning he arranged for people to get stones, and in the afternoon he asked Yin Zhu to see how to build it.

Tengxiao watched Yin Zhu go out, but he didn't speak, but followed him with a smile.

On the way out, however, Yin Zhu saw that all the people of the tribe were looking at her with a smile on their faces, with three jokes and seven blessings. How strange did she think of this smile.

At this time, Charles came up and looked at Tengxiao with a smile, "ouch, what's wrong with your nose? I don't think it was too intense last night. " After that, Xia Er winked at Tengxiao Yinzhu and made a face.

Yin Zhu, a member of the tribe, basically knows each other, but he can't talk about his friendship with shire. It seems that Tengxiao's friendship with shire was pretty good before, but how strange is this joke?

"No, I fell down yesterday." Tengxiao finished also carefully looked at Yin Zhu, did not collude with shire, also do not know whether Yin Zhu heard this will be angry.

"Fall? How can I fall like this? I'm so excited? Also, you finally let Yin Zhu accept you. How can you not be excited? You and Jono will have a good life in the future. " With that, Xia Er patted Tengxiao on the shoulder, looking as if Tengxiao had been working hard and happy.

Tengxiao's face turned black when he heard this, and he looked terrible.

At this time, Yin Zhu grabbed Charles and said, "what do you mean? What do you mean I took him? "

"Yin Zhu, didn't you sleep with Tengxiao yesterday? Don't you take it up? " Seeing Yin Zhu's bad face, Xia Er thought that he was in trouble? Thinking of this, he said to Yin Zhu in a hurry: "Yin Zhu, I think I have one more thing to deal with immediately. I'll go first." Then he left in a hurry.

At this time, Yin Zhu thought of the look on his face. He didn't know what was going on in his heart? "Tengxiao, can you explain to me what's going on?" Yin Zhu smiles very gently.

"Well, I, I don't know." Tengxiao swallows his saliva. The angry Yin Zhu looks very scary.

"Fart, you don't know. Can you not? Didn't you tell this story? " Yin Zhu said angrily."I didn't spread this story. I swear to the beast God." In the orc world, swearing to the beast God, this word is very serious.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he believed Tengxiao, but how did it spread so quickly? Why do those people gossip like that?

Tengxiao can't help but feel proud to see that Yin Zhu didn't pursue this rumor. It's true that this rumor didn't come from him. But yesterday, almost all the females in the tribe looked for it, just to get a good idea. Because of his high profile, it can be said that all the people in the tribe knew that he was going to take Yin Zhu, especially there were some gossip loving females in the tribe, This matter doesn't need to be promoted by him, and those people will also pay attention to it, so it's really not from him. Of course, it's the result of his calculation.

Yin Zhu originally intended to find several people to chat with, so as to relax himself. As a result, she saw Lina coming with ivy. Lina looked at her with a smile and put out a hand to hold Yin Zhu. "Congratulations, it's been a long time. I don't know which is better than Tengxiao and Jono?"

When Yin Zhu heard this, she couldn't hang her face. This one was even more powerful. She opened the Yellow tune directly, and ivy stood aside with a shy smile. The girl also chose a partner at her last bar mitzvah.

Lina saw that Yinzhu's face was not good, because Yinzhu was embarrassed, she poked Yinzhu with her little finger, "don't be embarrassed to say that the beautiful men of the tribe are all in your hands, you are very lucky."

Yin Zhu's face is even worse when he hears this. Qin, I usually see you eat and drink. Some delicious food runs faster than anything, so I don't see how much she cares about her. Now it's better to directly tease and hurt friends. And now she says that she has nothing to do with Tengxiao. I'm afraid these people don't believe it.

"What if you like it? You can pull people away now, just do whatever you want Yin Zhu stares at Lina.

"Well, isn't he in a bad mood because he didn't eat?" Lina glanced at Yin Zhu's tummy.

With that, Lina nodded her head. It was no wonder that she was in a bad mood when she saw such a beautiful man.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he burst into tears and ran away. When Lina saw this, she ran after him with a smile.

Ai Wei also smiles shyly at this time. Yin Zhuping is very busy every day. She worries about the development of the tribe, and the people show more concern and respect for Yin Zhu. Now is it better not to laugh at Yin Zhu's jokes.

Tengxiao stops when Lina pulls Yinzhu away. He only hears the funny voice of Lina. Seeing Yinzhu blushing and losing, Tengxiao says that he is in a good mood. Now everyone knows that he is with Yinzhu. Yinzhu's sophistry is useless. The thrust is very good. Even if Yinzhu doesn't go, someone pushes her away.

Tengxiao sees Yinzhu walking away with Lina with a smile and turns to work. He still has to hunt to support his family. Thinking of Yinzhu and her three cubs, Tengxiao is in a good mood.

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