Although Yin Zhu and Tengxiao are noisy, their relationship is very harmonious. Although Yin Zhu wants to be angry when he looks at Tengxiao, he can't stand Tengxiao. What can Yin Zhu do if he is a man who is sincere and obedient to you?

Yin Zhu, a member of the tribe, couldn't explain. Instead, she kept teasing him. In the end, Yin Zhu was too lazy to explain. Anyway, people would not believe her. She just broke the jar. Anyway, she didn't stay with Tengxiao?

In addition, she now focuses on the construction of new houses. The foundation is the foundation for building the city wall. Those people will understand it when they talk about it. In fact, Yin Zhu has seen that people build houses, and she doesn't understand the principles. But fortunately, the orcs are smart. She gives us ideas and goes back to discuss common progress. In addition, she only builds one floor of this house, I don't plan to do many layers, so I don't have to worry about the bearing problem.

Tiles are a problem. Yin Zhu plans to find some people to burn them. As long as he makes tiles, he can also make ceramics later. This thing can be used in many places of life and can also be used for trading. Daze tribe has more prey in the valley, but many species don't have it. It's very necessary to go out to trade and make ceramics, which can be used as a special product of the tribe.

On the first day, Yin Zhu took people to find clay that could be used to make porcelain, and taught them to make embryos. Although the embryos were not very good-looking, at least the shape came out. Unfortunately, the first furnace was abandoned because of the low temperature. The second time, the temperature was too high, and all the pieces were broken. Yin Zhu didn't know the temperature of the porcelain ware. Moreover, they didn't have a thermometer, and the temperature could only be measured According to people's feelings.

Back and forth for two days, Yin Zhu and more than a dozen people failed to make six heats. None of them was good. All of them were exhausted. If they didn't trust Yin Zhu very much, they would play with them as Yin Zhu.

Although these things don't need to be done by Yin Zhu, he can worry about these things and run around to see if they are successful. These things still need to be done. Yin Zhu can hold on the first day. When he comes back to the cave the next night, Yin Zhu is really tired. The most important thing is that he has failed all the time. Yin Zhu has no spirit and looks like a frost beaten eggplant.

Tengxiao didn't go hunting these two days. He helped Yin Zhu build a house. As for Yin Zhu's ceramics making, he went to see it again. He also saw Yin Zhu's hard work these two days.

"Don't give up. I believe you can. You are the best." Tengxiao can't help but encourage Yin Zhu. The little girl is dejected. She doesn't have the spirit to quarrel with him a few days ago. It makes him feel very sad.

"Really? But I've always failed, and I'm not confident. " Yin Zhu said lost.

Tengxiao heard this, hugged Yin Zhu's shoulder, "I believe you."

When Yin Zhu heard this, she looked at Tengxiao seriously and saw the other party's 100% trusting eyes. She laughed, "well, if you can't do it six times, you can't do it ten times. If you can't do it ten times, you can't do it one hundred times. This first time, people who do it have no experience. If others can do it, why can't I do it?" Besides, she also has a general direction. How can she be depressed because of the failures when she thinks about how many times the people who invented ceramics have to experiment to succeed?

What she has done recently has been so successful that she forgot about it.

"Thank you. I will make it." Yin Zhu clenched his fist.

Tengxiao looks at the smiling Yinzhu in front of her. This kind of Yinzhu deeply attracts her. This kind of Yinzhu is also unique.

"Well, Yin Zhu is the best." Tengxiao said with great pride.

Yin Zhu was looking at Tengxiao sitting in front of him. When did this man run to his side and still half hold her? What's the matter with that kind of Rongyan tone? What does she have to do with him?

Yin Zhu directly reached out and pushed the man, "what are you doing so close?"

Tengxiao was pushed upside down by Yin Zhu, but he didn't have much strength. He didn't get hurt. It was just that empty feeling in his arms was very bad. Was it a bridge over a river? But seeing the confident smile on Yin Zhu's face, it's more satisfying than anything.

"Yin Zhu, you are tired these two days. Let me give you a massage, or you will feel worse tomorrow." If he can, Tengxiao doesn't want Yin Zhu to work so hard. It's not that he can't afford to support Yin Zhu. It's just that Yin Zhu's identity is special. When he gets all the respect from others, he has to bear more than others. What Yin Zhu is doing now is beneficial to the development of the whole tribe, and he certainly won't stop it.

It's really hard for me. I feel very tired after taking a bath. It's Jono who massages me at this time of the day. But now Jono is not here. Let's forget it.

Seeing Yin Zhu shaking his head and rejecting himself, Tengxiao is very disappointed, but after thinking for a while, Tengxiao still goes forward, "Yin Zhu, you'd better press it, or you'll be very uncomfortable tomorrow, and my technique is very good."

Yin Zhu is very much looking forward to a massage, but if this person soars to the sky, Yin Zhu is determined. Knowing the feelings of this person for herself, she is still in a hurry to get someone else to massage her. That's like sheep into the tiger's mouth.

Tengxiao see this also tangled, Yinzhu don't click, he worried that she can't stand tomorrow, but Yinzhu refused himself?Tengxiao thought about it and decided to be tough. Sometimes, as long as he is good for Yin Zhu, he can't follow Yin Zhu's temperament.

Thinking of this, Teng Xiao went forward directly, stretched out his finger and began to massage Yin Zhu. It was the first time that he pressed Yin Zhu. He was worried that his hand might be too strong. He tried to put it gently and press it several times at most. Of course, he only knew if he wanted to take advantage of it.

Yin Zhu was startled by Tengxiao's action, "Tengxiao, what are you doing?"

"Yin Zhu, it's no use for you to refuse this. I have to give you a massage, or you can't stand it tomorrow. You'd better not move. If you want me to finish it quickly, of course, if you want to have more contact with me, just move. I can catch you even if you run." Tengxiao was cold, but the movement in his hand didn't stop.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he said, "Tengxiao, who taught you to threaten me like this? You are playing a hooligan. Do you know that?"

Yin Zhu felt Tengxiao's hot palm burned into her skin through the animal skin. She was anxious and angry, but because of Tengxiao's threat, she didn't move. If Tengxiao was captured, it would be a shame. Recently, their gossip has spread all over daze tribe. If there is a news headline, it will be on the headline every minute.

Although he strongly massages Yin Zhu, Tengxiao himself is not comfortable. Yin Zhu is different from other females. She takes a bath every day. Moreover, Yin Zhu likes to take a bath with her own flower soap. Now he is close to Yin Zhu, with a faint fragrance of flowers around the tip of his nose, mixed with the unique fragrance of females, and the attractive white skin under the animal skin. He is challenging every minute His bottom line.

Tengxiao straightens his eyes and doesn't dare to look at him. He is afraid that he can't hold on. Tengxiao believes that it's OK for him to force Yinzhu to massage. As long as he doesn't touch those special positions, Yinzhu should not be angry. If he dares to cross the line a little bit, Yinzhu will definitely beat him to death with a stick.

Yin Zhu is like a cat. When she is docile, she is cute and lovable. When she annoys her, she gives you a paw and never talks with her.

"Don't think about it. I'm worried about your discomfort. Is my strength enough? Will it be too heavy?" Tengxiao in order not to let his wishful thinking, quickly ask, two people chat, he can also transfer the mind.

Probably knowing that he was struggling in the room, Yin Zhu wanted to finish it quickly, so he cooperated very well. "Fortunately, it would be better to be heavier."

"All right." Tengxiao adjusted his strength appropriately, "is it right now?"

"Yes." Yin Zhu felt it for a while. The massage is really comfortable. Tengxiao's craftsmanship is pretty good.

Tengxiao has already started to talk at this time. In the past few days, he has been slowly figuring out how to treat Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu is soft hearted and can appropriately pretend to be miserable. Of course, he can't follow her completely. When it's time to be tough, he should be tough, or the little woman will run away.

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