Yin Zhu is busy making ceramics in the tribe. On the other side, Qiao Nuo and Bai Kun rush all the way to the swamp and jungle in the afternoon of the eighth day.

Baikun's tribe is in the swamp jungle to the west of daze tribe. If Meihu is not the leader, Tengxiao can't believe that there is another tribe living here. The swamp jungle is very dangerous. If you don't have familiar people to lead the way, you can easily get into it. Generally, only desperate people are forced to enter the swamp jungle. In addition, the swamp jungle is very dangerous The danger here is also very high. The living environment here is worse than that in the Luoyue mountains.

No wonder Bai Kun said that his family is willing to be merged. It seems that the life of Bai Kun is not very good.

Bai Kun took Qiao Nuo to turn east and West. Qiao Nuo almost didn't get dizzy. "Bai Kun, are you almost there?"

"Here we are. Now." Bai Kun smiles and touches his nose. It's not for his villain, but for the name of his family. He has to do this. In fact, it's not that no one knows that the fox people live in the swamp jungle, but those people just can't find their specific foothold. Even if they walk through it, the seven or eight turn people have already been dizzy. Only those who grew up in the Fox family know how to go.

Of course, there is enough strength to push the whole swamp jungle, but that will kill a lot of people. It depends on whether the population of the fox clan is worth it.

Jono felt dizzy and could only follow Bai Kun's steps. If no one took him with him, he would be dead. Jono saw a very powerful beast fall into the swamp and disappear without a trace in a quarter of an hour.

I really don't know how the fox clan finds the right way in the swamp. It's their unique ability.

Jono arrived in the evening. As soon as baikun entered the tribe, some people came out to welcome him. It seems that baikun came back through unknown channels. His people are quite enthusiastic. As baikun said, most of the females in the tribe are very beautiful.

When he first arrived, Bai Kun arranged for Jono to have a good meal and then have a rest. Jono also knew that this was a big deal. Bai Kun always had to discuss it with his tribe.

Bai Xue, the head of Meihu clan, looks at Bai Kun standing in front of him. "Bai Kun, you have left the tribe for eight years, and you have passed a lot of news back over the years, but you have never brought anyone back. I have never heard of this daze tribe. Of course, you are a smart man. Since you have brought people back, at least you are worthy of our refuge. Give me some help Talk about the Daze tribe. "

Bai Kun's heart ached when he saw that the original elegant clan leader had white hair. Their clan leaders were worried by the clan. Although the safety of the Meihu people living in the swamp tribe was guaranteed, the natural danger of daze tribe and the fact that the Meihu people were not good at fighting, they could get less food. If it wasn't for the support of the going out Meihu people, I'm afraid many people will starve to death.

Every year, more than ten beautiful females of the Fox family go out and never come back.

"Daze tribe is located in the Luoyue mountains. It is a small tribe with a total population of more than 300 plus more than 90 slaves. The population is simple. If our tribe is integrated into it now, it will account for nearly half of the population. We can ask their tribe for good conditions, and it will be easy to resist anything if there are bad things in the future." Bai Kun gave a brief introduction to Daze tribe.

When Bai Xue heard this, she didn't speak and waited for Bai Kun to continue. If they were willing to join such a small tribe, there were many choices. Since Bai Kun recommended daze tribe, daze tribe always had its own advantages.

"The reason why I chose daze tribe is that daze tribe has a legendary totem. As long as it is added, it can become a totem warrior. In addition, I calculated the daily food and prey collected by daze tribe, and found that they hide at least five prey, or even more, every day. Now in the summer, they can't eat so many prey, which means that daze tribe has been destroyed With the method of storing meat, there are also a number of other new types of green vegetables and wild fruits, what they can do with dried fruits and vegetables, and what they can plant. The Daze tribe should have a good winter. " In the dark, Bai Kun doesn't know a lot of information, but many things can still be known by analysis.

"In addition, they have built high walls, four or five Orc high walls, with walls. As long as there is enough food, even if they are besieged by powerful tribes, they will not be able to beat them down in a month or two. Moreover, they have to build stone houses, new long-range attack weapons, and all kinds of things. They are at the forefront of the world every step, The Daze tribe is destined to rise. We are only wanted when there are few people and we are in a depression. When they are really strong, they will not need more than 200 of us. " Bai Kun sighed.

After hearing this, Bai Xue thought for a while, "the conditions of this tribe are really good, and we will not become vassals if we add them at this time. On the contrary, we still have a certain say in tribal affairs. Have you ever told them that we are the fox clan?"

Bai Kun shook his head. "No, without the permission of the clan leader, I don't dare to say it's the fox."Snow White nodded, this is not cheating, they are really fox, but it is a very special race.

Bai Kun then told the story of daze tribe's offending Juque tribe again. Bai Kun didn't care about it, and Bai Xue didn't care any more. If a tribe wants to rise, the best and fastest way is to swallow the surrounding tribes without listening. Moreover, with totem, daze tribe has no shortage of experts. With high walls, Bai Kun says that it is only afraid of food A lot of them have been saved, and even a small salt mine has been dug. It can be said that there are enough materials and they are not afraid of fighting between the two tribes. If the Daze tribe can afford the war between the two tribes, can they afford to send so many people to Daze tribe?

Besides, daze tribe is so mysterious that Bai Kun has only stayed for a few days. I'm afraid there are still many secrets in the dark, so it's really good to think about the tribe Bai Kun is looking for this time.

"Bai Kun, you said they were very rare, right? I'm looking forward to our integration, so we'll have a good discussion about the intermediate conditions. " Bai Xuecai will not be polite, especially this matter is related to the survival of a tribe. The people of the whole tribe trust her, so she naturally wants to bring hope to the people of the tribe.

"By the way, I think that young patriarch Qiao Nuo is very good. He is a good match for our LAN Qin and Zixin." White Snow says with a smile, LAN Qin and Zi Xin are both her daughters.

Bai Kun frowned at this, "patriarch, I'm afraid it's not right." He didn't spend a long time in daze tribe, but he could see that Jono and Yinzhu were not so easy to break up.

"Why? What's the problem? Is there someone Jono likes? " Snow White asked curiously, if you can, the two tribes can become a family, then the integration of the tribe will be more smooth, and don't worry about the future.

"Yes, he has a partner." Bai Kun said.

"With a partner? But I think that Jono is still a boy. Since his partner is still a boy, I don't want to get along well with that partner, or I'll call LAN Qin. They directly implement the enchantment technique and hook people up. No matter how powerful he is, he can't fly out. " Bai Xue said with a smile and thought her idea was very good.

"Patriarch, no way." Bai Kun stops them in a hurry. The people of Meizu do have a special ability, that is, the people who are confused by them can never leave them. However, Yin Zhu is fierce and mysterious. If the people of Meizu dare to rob Qiao Nuo, they will not make friends at that time. I'm afraid they will have a feud.

Bai Kun then told the story of Yin Zhu, including why Jono is still a boy.

After hearing this, Bai Xue thought for a while and said, "are you saying that the changes of daze tribe are all brought by the female named Yin Zhu?"

"Yes." Bai Kun nodded.

When Bai Xue heard this, she immediately grabbed a fruit on the table and threw it at Bai Kun. "Since this female is so powerful, why didn't you turn me back? You useless thing wasted your life as a member of Meizu."

If the female comes to their tribe, their tribe can rise on its own. It's better to rely on others than on itself.

Bai Kun's face froze when he heard this. He really didn't want to seduce Yin Zhu.

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