Bai Kun never thought that the brain circuit of his clan leader should be like this. He said weakly: "clan leader, Yin Zhu is a female born in daze tribe, and she loves their tribe very much. Where is the kind of person who deviates from her tribe for a partner."

White snow hears this words cold hum, "that means you are useless, a successful Meizu person has no object that can't seduce."

Well, Bai Kun can only say that he is not a successful Meizu man.

"Since this Jono is no longer possible, the marriage object should be Yin Zhu. Although this female has no actual power and position in daze tribe, her status can be said to be the highest. It is estimated that many things in the tribe revolve around her." It's useless for Bai Xue to scold Bai Kun and fail to seduce Yin Zhu. But Bai Xue also knows that if a person's will is strong enough, especially Yin Zhu, who loves the tribe and family, is more difficult to seduce him. So she still wants to go to Daze tribe.

Yin Zhu and Bai Kun suddenly remember that they had talked with Yin Zhu before. This female insists on monogamy. Don't you see that Tengxiao has not been recognized? It's hard for the patriarch to plan this matter, but Bai Kun didn't say it. Otherwise, the patriarch would scold him for nothing.

"Bai Kun, you have contacted that Yin Zhu. What do you think of him?" Asked Snow White.

"Smart and kind-hearted, a strong and independent female with her own ideas." Bai Kun thought about it and made a simple evaluation.

"It seems that you have a good feeling for her. Since you are familiar with her, I think this marriage partner will be better." Snow White decided an order with a smile.

When Bai Kun heard this, he was almost choked to death by his own saliva. "Clan, clan leader, what do you say?"

"So what are you doing? You are always smart. With you by the side of the female, I don't have to worry about the future of the tribe. You can try your best to coax the little woman over." Bai Xue looks at Bai Kun's surprised appearance and smiles with satisfaction. This boy has been an individual since he was ten years old. There are not many things that can shock him.

"Patriarch, no, I can't do it." Bai Kun admired Yin Zhu for his ambition to live with Qiao Nuo all his life. At the same time, he envied the pure love, and he didn't want to destroy it.

"Baikun, it's not me who embarrasses you, or for the future of the tribe, you have to go up. Tell me about the younger male generation of our tribe who has not yet married. If you can find one, I won't let you go." White snow very much wish to see white Kun's face changed.

Other tribes have more males than females, so it's not enough at all. On the contrary, except for some males who go out, most of them have partners. The tribe still has adults who have no partners. But if you want to send people to Yin Zhu, you can't send a useless fool.

"I'll give you the future of baikun tribe." White snow said with a smile.

After a moment of silence, Bai Kun nodded. He wandered for more than ten years just for the future of the tribe? Besides, this daze tribe is still his choice. Besides, Yin Zhu is really a good-natured female, and it's also good to be a partner. As for the relationship between Yin Zhu and him, we can also cultivate feelings.

Bai Kun believes that he can't escape if he wants to please any female. Of course, not to mention that he is so mean. Since he chooses Yin Zhu as his partner, he will not hurt Yin Zhu, and won't rely on Yin Zhu to constantly obtain unfair benefits or even calculate partners for his tribe. All he wants is to have a position to help his tribe fight for benefits as much as possible. That's all Already.

Of course, even if he wants to make trouble, the people of daze tribe are not dead. It's impossible for him to make trouble.

And as a partner, he will be a qualified partner, take good care of Yin Zhu and never betray him.

"Of course, I'll ask LAN Qin and Zi Xin to contact that Qiao Nuo tomorrow. If Qiao Nuo can't stand the temptation, it's nothing for you." Snow White said it was the second option.

When Bai Kun heard this, he wanted to say, patriarch, you are only afraid to be disappointed. Besides, a patriarch who can be seduced by beauty to abandon his original partner, patriarch, do you dare to trust him to hand over the clan to this man?

Two people discussed almost, white snow to white Kun smile waved hand said: "you all the way back tired, go back to have a good rest."

Looking at Bai Kun's back, there is no smile on Bai Xue's face. At last, she has no choice but to talk. If she can, she really doesn't want to give Bai Kun such an order. Bai Kun's child is too sensible and has too much burden on her body. If she can, she really wants to take her two daughters for Bai Kun.

Bai Kun has been sent to the tribe by her since she was a teenager. She wanders outside. At the same time, she does not forget to earn good things and send them back to the tribe. Although Bai Kun is blushing now, he seems to have a good life. This is what Bai Kun has worked hard for many years. He must have suffered a lot before.

I just hope that Yin Zhu is as good as Bai Kun said, otherwise she will feel guilty all her life.

Bai Xue walks out of the cave and looks at the familiar scenes in the tribe. This place is not the ancestral place of their tribe. It's just because of the special characteristics of their family, she fled to this place. However, she has lived here for more than 500 years. Anyway, she grew up in this place since childhood and is about to grow old now. Now she is going to leave here with the tribe people and go to an unknown place Fang.She had wanted to leave this place with her people for a long time, but now she really wanted to leave. She was disconsolate. Once the matter was settled, she was afraid that Zhui Chi would pack up and leave the day after tomorrow.

Snow sitting in the moonlight, looking at the tribe, also don't know what to think, at this time a white haired old granny came out, "snow, what are you thinking?"

The visitor is Bai Xi, an old priest of Meizu, and Bai Xue's grandmother.

"Mammy, why did you come out? Why didn't you have a good rest?" Snow held Beth in a hurry.

"When the boy Bai Kun came back, I knew you couldn't sleep." Bai Xi smiles and lovingly touches Bai Xue's head. Over the years, the burden of the tribe has been on Bai Xue alone. Although Bai Xue now sits down and decides to go to Daze tribe, she is just as worried. She is worried that it will be hard for her people to live there.

Snow at this time of uncomfortable lying on the body of Bai Xi, "Mammy, Meizu to my hand is gone." Personally send one's own tribe to another tribe and let the other party swallow it. Even if she says it's integration, she can offer conditions. Meizu should have a certain say, but it's still swallowed. As a clan leader, it's a helpless and hopeless decision to sit down.

"No one will blame you. Besides, I don't think you're wrong, and the people won't say you're wrong. You're trying to make Meizu better exist. Besides, in ancient times, Meizu was dependent on the strong, so it doesn't matter what Meizu was. It didn't exist in ancient times, and it's the same now." Beth said with a smile.

Meizu is a big race. In ancient times, the female of Meizu was the favorite companion of the heroes and kings of the major tribes. However, the order collapsed five thousand years ago. They had no fighting power and no protection. Many of them were robbed and sold as slaves. They fled to the swamp tribe with people. When they arrived here five hundred years ago, they were killed There are still more than 1000 people waiting. In just 500 years, the number of Meizu people has shrunk by one fifth. If they do not seek a way out, they are afraid that in another 100 years, the Meizu people will die.

The swamp jungle is a natural barrier to protect the Meizu people, but it also limits the Meizu people. I don't know how many Meizu people die in the swamp, and the game in the swamp is more difficult to catch, especially the Meizu people's combat power is not high. The seasons of spring, summer and autumn are good. However, once the cold winter comes, at least 20 or 30 Meizu people will die.

"Besides, the Daze tribe mentioned by Bai Kun is pretty good. Isn't it that most of the males there have no partners? There are many maids here. In the past, let them choose some suitable ones as partners. The two tribes are completely integrated, and there is no difference between them. Besides, our little maids are powerful. Are you worried that they can't accept those little males? Moreover, when the time comes, we will have more babies. In the future, the number of Meizu people exceeds that of daze tribe. Isn't this tribe equal to ours? It's just a change of name at most. " Bai Xi persuades Bai Xue with a smile. She really wants to see the place Bai Kun said soon.

Snow White nodded, in fact, she knows the truth, nothing is more important than life, inheritance does not necessarily need tribes, at least there is life, she is just sad.

"Well thought Mammy." Bai Xue is amused by Bai Xi's words. The children born by Meizu and other races may not belong to Meizu. Normally, when a Meizu and other orcs are together, only one of the ten children born will belong to Meizu. Of course, if Meizu and Meizu are together, the children born naturally belong to Meizu.

"There's something you can't imagine. If you want more, there will always be our Meizu." Beth said with a smile.

"Mammy, I don't like the swamp, but I really want to leave. I'm afraid I won't come back." Snow White sighed.

"Bah, bah, bah, who wants to go back to such a bad place? You have to believe the boy baikun. He went out to run for ten years before he chose this tribe." Beth took a deep breath.

If you can, who wants their tribe to disappear? If the tribe is gone, it means they have no home. Many tribes move around with their people and are unwilling to join other tribes. However, Meizu can't help it. They can't support themselves and attract enemies. They can only rely on the strong. If they can, they really hope that God can take back their beauty and give them the strength to live.

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