The next day, after eating and drinking, Qiao Nuo is ready to meet Bai Xue. However, Bai Kun stops him with a smile. "Qiao Nuo, you don't need to go to Bai Xue's patriarch for this matter. If the patriarch says it, just give it to LAN Qin and Zixin. They are our patriarch's daughters, and one of them will become our little patriarch." Bai Kun pointed to two beautiful females standing beside him and said.

Jono heard this understanding nodded, let a little patriarch deal with this thing is also OK, snow should want to experience them.

Jono smiles and greets LAN Qin and Zixin, "Hello, I'm Jono from daze tribe."

Bai Kun has prepared tea for Qiao Nuo. LAN Qin and Zi Xin have been ordered by Bai Xue for a long time. They are ready to seduce Qiao Nuo.

Qiao Nuo was worried about this matter, so he started with the topic directly, "Miss LAN Qin Zixin, you know my intention here, so I'm not going to beat around the bush. How about we talk about it directly? As long as I can promise what your tribe wants, I will promise you. "

LAN Qin looked at Qiao Nuo with a smile at this time: "Qiao Nuo, the integration of a tribe is not a small thing. Elder brother Bai Kun only brought back the news yesterday. We are all shocked. You have to give me an over time."

Zixin at this time grinning holding chin, coquettishly looking at Jono, "Jono, do you think I'm beautiful?" Then she blinked her big dark blue eyes.

The two sisters left to talk about him, but did not answer their own questions, and the patriarch Bai Xue unexpectedly avoided? Don't they want to join the Daze tribe? Is it because after Bai Kun went back yesterday, they heard that daze tribe was so small, so they didn't want to?

Thinking that he might go for nothing, Jono can't help feeling sad. You know, there are several elders in Montaigne who have high hopes for Jono's trip.

"Do you think daze tribe is too small? Or something else? " Jono asked anxiously.

Bai Kun didn't expect that Jono would be so upset. However, daze tribe is short of people. This is a fact, especially for females. They can negotiate terms well.

LAN Qin can't do without answering at this time, or he will leave a bad impression on Jono. After all, they are willing to go to Daze tribe. According to Bai Kun's plan, even if their people can't control half of the tribe, they can at least influence daze tribe imperceptibly. This condition alone can't be met by other tribes. What's more, daze tribe can not only satisfy him The prospect of eating and drinking is also quite good. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that daze tribe is too small, so many precious things will lead to hungry wolves.

"Qiao Nuo is not in a hurry. In fact, since elder brother baikun dares to bring you here, he is also thoughtful. We also know some of your conditions. I might as well say that this matter is still under consideration, and the clan leaders are also trying to put forward those requirements." LAN Qin's meaning, Qiao Nuo understood, Bai Xue wanted to see what benefits daze tribe could give them first.

What benefits the tribe can give these people, Montaigne and they also negotiated.

"This is simple. As long as you promise to go there, we will have ready-made caves for you to live in. We can provide food for your tribe for three months. Most of your tribes are female. We have many brave and powerful warriors in our tribe. I believe that if we give them three months to get along with each other, we can always find a suitable one. As long as we choose our tribe's warriors, I promise that the warriors of our tribe will treat the girls well and ensure that the females will not suffer any losses. As for the males, they have three months to adapt, and some of them can become totem warriors. When the time comes, their strength will increase greatly. Even if they can't increase their strength, they can not go out hunting. The tribe still needs people to plant them, and there will be no danger. As for the cubs, our tribe is very strong You can have a baby for free until you reach adulthood. " Jono said his terms directly.

Recently, daze tribe has saved a lot of food, but it has to provide more than 200 people with food for three months. What they have saved before is basically gone. Fortunately, it is summer now, and they still have more than three months to prepare food. They are not afraid of no food in winter.

In the orc world, the winter is relatively long. Normally, there are five months of ice and snow. There are only two months in spring and autumn, and only three months in summer. Now summer has passed for more than a month.

What Jono said was sincere. A tribe's food for three months was not something anyone could take out at will. Since Jono agreed, it was not the amount that they could barely starve to death, but the amount that they could eat for three months.

LAN Qin is quite satisfied with these conditions. If the food is given to them, they won't have to worry about it all winter. As for the summer now, they can hunt in the past. There are so many prey in summer, and their people are weak. They can always find weak animals. "These conditions are really good, but our people went to Daze tribe, and many of our customs are different. We want to manage them internally."

"Of course, if there are internal conflicts among your people, it's better for you to deal with them by yourself, but if it's about tribal affairs, you should follow the orders of the clan head." Qiao Nuo also turned a circle and said, naturally, it is impossible for Meizu people to manage by themselves. What kind of integration is that? Of course, as long as the females here find several partners of daze tribe, there will be no tribe, and all of them are completely integrated.As for internal conflicts, it's simple. Their tribes have just merged, and it's not good for them to insert contradictions. It's better for them to deal with them by themselves.

If Bai Xue uses females to control daze tribe, daze tribe also uses this to divide them. Of course, as long as people on both sides don't have any bad ideas, this small calculation is nothing.

Jono, after all, is also a young patriarch. In addition to the urgent performance before, it is impossible to jump into such an obvious pit.

Zixin looks at Jono, completely ignoring his sisters, and directly talking about the conditions. She can't help feeling uncomfortable, "Jono, how do you think my sister and I look?"

Jono looked at Zixin in surprise. This is the second time Zixin talked about the appearance. He took a look at Zixin, and then seriously replied: "both ladies are very beautiful."

"How about we make a partner for you?" Zixin opens her mouth directly. She doesn't want to talk about all that nonsense all the time.

"You can choose between my sister and me, or you can choose one of our people." Zixin said with a smile, eyes hooked, very attractive.

When Jono heard this, he stood up and said, "Miss Zixin is joking. I have a partner."

"Have a partner? But I think you are a boy. Moreover, the best way to integrate the two tribes is to get married. " LAN Qin also speaks. After all, Zixin has already started. In addition, she also wants to try to see if this Jono will sacrifice her own interests when she encounters tribal affairs.

"No, I've got a partner. I can't imagine the two ladies. It's not my only choice to get married. There are many excellent people in our tribe." Jono couldn't help wiping his sweat when he said that.

LAN Qin was very unhappy to hear this and said, "why don't you talk so dishonestly? Besides you, there is Tengxiao, the most powerful young man in your tribe. It's a pity that they all have their own masters. Do you think there is another outstanding one who can match our sisters? And you and your partner don't really have a bond, so it's OK to leave. "

"No, I won't agree to this. Bai Kun, please advise them." Qiao Nuo looks at Bai Kun for help at this time.

At this time, Bai Kun waved his hand, saying that he could do nothing, "Jono, this matter is also the meaning of the patriarch."

"Is there no other possibility?" Asked Jono in a calm voice.

"Marriage is the best way, and also represents the sincerity of the two tribes. Jono, do you really care about the interests of the whole tribe for the sake of one Yin Zhu?" Bai Kun asked in a calm voice. Anyway, he couldn't do it. Since he was a child, he watched the family members of the tribe leave one by one because of hunger. So he vowed to change the orders of the tribe. Even if he had to sacrifice himself, he was willing to do it, because he could exchange one for the lives of many people.

"Bai Kun, don't push me." Jono said in a calm voice, telling the truth. He was tangled to death.

This is definitely a good opportunity for the development of the tribe. There are many females. In addition to the number of newly added females, there will be a large number of cubs in the tribe. This is the basis for the development of the tribe.

But Yin Zhu is his favorite. For the sake of the tribe, Qiao Nuo says he can't give up Yin Zhu. Moreover, Yin Zhu's girl is very determined. If she dares to give up her, she's afraid she can't bear it. Qiao Nuo shakes her head at the thought.

"If this is the condition, I can only say sorry. I'm afraid the two tribes have no fate." Jono said slowly, word by word.

Seeing this, Bai Kun quickly grabbed Qiao Nuo's name and said, "Qiao Nuo, don't worry. Take your time to think about this."

Qiao Nuo looked at Bai Kun seriously. "Don't think about it. It's impossible. I can't give up on Yin Zhu."

Zixin looks at Jono curiously: "Jono, is your partner beautiful? More beautiful than our sisters? So you don't want to give up? "

When Jono heard this, he gave a gentle smile and thought of Yinzhu's pretty face, "no, Yinzhu can't compare with your sisters, but I think she is very sorry."

Bai Kun looks at Qiao Nuo in a daze. In fact, he can see that the tie between Qiao Nuo and Yin Zhu is very deep, and it is not so easy to cut off. However, in the face of such a thing, Qiao Nuo actually takes Yin Zhu as the first. He really admires it, at least he can't do it.

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