The party soon went to Montaigne. When Yin Zhu arrived, he saw Montaigne and Bai Xi chatting there.

As soon as Bai Xi saw Yin Zhu, he waved to him with a smile, "Yin Zhu, what happened yesterday was that Bai Kun was wrong. I want to apologize for him."

When a man of such an age said that he wanted to apologize, how dare Yin Zhu accept it? What's more, she can only blame herself for not being able to bear it. How can she blame Bai Kun? Besides, she has already made a big profit this morning. How dare she? Yin Zhu said with a quick smile: "Mammy, I don't blame him for what you said. Besides, Bai Kun has already apologized."

When Beth heard this, she laughed with great joy. "That's good, that's good."

The boy is easy-going and not stingy. He has a good temperament when he has anything to say. Bai Kun is too good for such a female.

Mengtai naturally knows about the marriage between the two tribes this time. Mengtai has to say that the eyes of the people of the Meizu are so poisonous that they can see the difference between yin and Zhu. Fortunately, they are not tough. The outcome depends on Yin Zhu himself.

When Bai Xi arrived in the morning, she said that the females she brought were not young. Now she found a suitable partner and wanted to hold the ceremony as soon as possible. Montaigne was naturally very happy about this. The girl who married in was like taking root in daze tribe.

After that, Bai Xi and Meng Tai talked about the development of the tribe. They were very happy to talk about it. However, this topic only lasted for a while, and finally returned to the secret of Meizu race.

"Patriarch, we are from Meizu. We didn't explain this before. I'm really sorry. I thought our family would be beautiful and weak. Anyway, most of them are females. There's no big problem. Who ever thought that our family had a big secret, please let us know." Bai Xi put down her face and said it sincerely. Moreover, when she called Mengtai patriarch directly, she recognized her identity as a member of daze tribe.

Bai Xi can't help it. It's too important for Meizu. Even if she knows that it's going to be pinched, she can't help it.

Hearing this, Montaigne nodded, "mammy is not in a hurry. The whole family doesn't speak two languages. We are all clansmen. We always hope that the tribe will be strong." Beth was old enough to be called mammy by Montaigne.

Meng Tai is very happy. Yin Zhu is really a noble man in the tribe. With the addition of the Meizu, the strength of the tribe will be doubled.

At this time, Yin Zhu sat down under the public's attention, and then seriously reported what Beina said, "Meizu is a very special race. I think you all have your own talent and skills, and can even control people. Of course, the strength of controlling people is directly proportional to your own strength, right?"

Bai Xi nodded. This is the deepest secret of their family. Meizu seldom goes out to take action, and is even more afraid of being exterminated because of this skill. In fact, controlling people is in direct proportion to being controlled. If the other party is powerful, it can't be controlled at all.

"Enslaving wild animals is the same as controlling people, that is to play your own charm. You have a special affinity. I believe you know that as long as you don't deliberately attack wild animals, ordinary wild animals will not attack you, right?" Yin Zhu asked with a smile.

Beth nodded, that's why they survived in the woods.

"In fact, there is no so-called way to enslave wild animals. The main thing is to rely on your own affinity to communicate with wild animals. At last, you can plant animal seals. The formula of planting animal seals is very simple. I'll teach you several times. You can catch some simple wild animals with low strength and experiment first. You can only do it when you are sure of your own strength and can communicate with large wild animals To enslave large beasts. " Yin Zhu's method is really simple. Of course, the main thing is to rely on Meizu people to do it by themselves. What she can do is to point out the direction.

After listening to Yin Zhu, Bai Xi learned the secret of animal seal on the spot. Then he turned to Meng Tai and said, "patriarch, the smartest man in our tribe is Bai Kun. If this slave beast is learned, it will benefit the whole tribe. Can you do this? Tengxiao Shili is the most powerful in the tribe. Let him help Bai Kun catch some weak beasts How about practicing for Bai Kun? In addition, if there's something Bai Kun doesn't understand, I'll ask him to come to you. What do you say, Yin Zhu? " Bai Xi said the following words to Yin Zhu.

Bai Xi thought about it for Bai Kun, and tried to put Bai Kun beside Yin Zhu.

Teng Xiao looks at Bai Kun disgustedly when he hears this. What's the use of being beautiful? It's useless if he doesn't have strength.

When Bai Kun sees this, he looks white. He's a guy with a long head. Sooner or later, I'll take Yin Zhu faster than you. I'll see how you'll show me your face.

Montaigne is to see the two in the dark than the fight, he can not help but smile happily, "of course."

Yin Zhu naturally won't refuse at this time. Since she says this, she naturally wants to do it well. Besides, she is eager to be a little busier, so that she can live with Jono.

When Bai Xi heard this, he waved to Bai Kun with a smile, "then you young people, go and be busy. Bai Kun, if you don't understand, just ask Yin Zhu, do you know? Don't fight for face, you know. "Bai Kun nodded, "I know, Mammy." Mammy gives him a chance to contact Yin Zhu. If he can't grasp the chance, he is a fool.

At this time, Qiao Nuo takes Yin Zhu's hand and goes out. See, he just ignores Bai Kun, and Bai Kun will create opportunities to contact Yin Zhu himself. Her family Yin Zhu is a treasure, and everyone wants to rob her.

"Bai Kun, I tell you, even if you try hard to get close to Yin Zhu, you won't have a chance." Tengxiao holds his chest in both hands and looks at Bai Kun contemptuously.

Bai Kun glanced contemptuously at Tengxiao at this time, "do you think I'm as useless as you, and I haven't done a fart for such a long time?"

Tengxiao's nose was almost crooked when he heard this. After a long time with Yin Zhu, he really had nothing but ambiguity. However, he thought that Jono would come back and dilute the amount. With the wind blowing, nothing was left. Thinking of this, Tengxiao wanted to throw Jono out for a year and a half.

"No matter how bad I am, I will be a father by the end of the year, Yin Zhusheng." Tengxiao said coldly.

When Bai Kun heard this, he didn't say anything. Well, it's a dead place. No matter how Yin Zhu ignored Tengxiao, the first baby of Yin Zhu was still Tengxiao's. thinking of this, Bai Kun felt that he had been killed in battle and couldn't compare.

"What's so proud of? You're not accepted by Yin Zhu for having a baby. You're the only one in the whole daze tribe. Maybe you're the only one in the whole Luoyue mountains. You're awesome. I admire you." Bai Kun said in a quiet voice, if you don't lose the battle, if you dare to offend yourself, insert a knife into his wound.

Tengxiao heard this, his face turned black and dark. "Since you are so powerful, you can catch the beast by yourself. I think your skill is as powerful as your mouth." Tengxiaodou couldn't beat baikun, and then he quit.

If you ask for help, you have the attitude of asking for help, don't you? It's not like he asked for it.

Bai Kun is silly at this time. He suddenly feels that he has been a fool recently, and he is still a very low-level fool. As long as Yin Zhu's intelligence quotient is concerned, he will not be online for the time being.

"Hey, Tengxiao, it's the task of the clan leader to arrange for you. It's not good for you to be so willful." Bai Kun pulls Tengxiao in a hurry.

"I'm the first warrior of the tribe. I have to hunt hard. I don't take my cubs with me." Tengxiao said with disdain.

In fact, it's very easy to hunt. Some small animals, Bai Kun, can do it by himself. However, it's not easy to catch them. We need powerful people to do it.

In fact, Yin Zhu is also very interested in living animals. He also wants to know if he can domesticate some animals, so that he doesn't have to worry about having no meat to eat. Of course, domestication depends on the people of Meizu.

Jono heard the two people behind him bickering in front of him and couldn't help laughing. It seems that the two get along well. He doesn't have to worry about the relationship and disharmony in the future.

"Yin Zhu, what do you think of Bai Kun?" Looking at Bai Kun's appearance, I know that Bai Kun will not give up. In the future, I'm afraid that he will really accept this man. Qiao Nuo can't help but inquire about Yin Zhu's ideas.

"It's OK. It's beautiful enough." Yin Zhu's evaluation is very direct.

"Pretty?" It's not a good word to describe male, but Bai Kun is really beautiful.

"I remember Yin Zhu likes beautiful men." Jono said with a smile.

Yin Zhu wants to say that this is the predecessor of the pot. Don't carry it to her. Of course, Yin Zhu likes beautiful men. After all, everyone loves beauty. But appreciation is one thing, and this partner is another. If you choose a partner, Yin Zhu will never just look at his appearance. Character is the most important thing.

"Like is just appreciation, not love, I only love Jono." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Jono understood what Yinzhu meant. He touched Yinzhu's head and said, "I love Yinzhu, too." Finish saying oneself ha ha of smile.

To tell the truth, he would only talk about these words when he was with Yin Zhu. In the past, he didn't believe that he would say these sweet words to make his partner happy. He estimated that he would show it by action more often. Of course, now he also wants to act. Naihe Yin Zhu's body doesn't allow it.

It's been months since they got married, and even though he's still a boy, it's sad to think of Jono.

The two of them had a lot of love talk. The two of them who used to bicker after eating dog food had no energy to fight at this time. The two of them didn't work yet.

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