Because of the arrival of Meizu, the people in the tribe are very happy. They are most happy to touch the males. These guys work like chickens for their future partners. It's a happy thing for them to work overtime to build houses.

With the help of Tengxiao, Bai Kun enslaved a bull with low attack power. As for the other members of Meizu, they enslaved some wild animals more or less. Although the strength of these wild animals is not high, they are still weak, and they are still adapting to their own ability. Moreover, Yin Zhu said that these weak wild animals are not useless, they can be tamed and domesticated In the tribe, the tribe will not be bad for food. Bai Kun has already done this. Yin Zhu has also asked people to build high animal pens in the tribe, which are specially used for raising these animals.

Some of Bai Kun's successful enslavement of wild animals gives Bai Xi hope. According to Yin Zhu, when their strength is higher, they can enslave the powerful wild animals and let them help hunting. As for the low strength Meizu people, they can domesticate wild animals. It can be said that Meizu people are useless, but a female is very powerful.

Bai Xi is very happy. Bai Kun has already taken over the second batch of Meizu people. As for the last batch, it is estimated that it will arrive in a few days. The whole tribe can be said to be thriving. The yams planted outside the valley are also very prosperous. If you want to come to autumn, you can dig out a lot of yams.

In addition to yams, Yin Zhu also collected some other seeds, but they are all vegetables with high yield. There are not many other things to be found, so she has to wait. After all, the things she identified before are still too few. In the previous Valley, if you want to go out more, you can definitely find other food.

The prosperity of daze tribe is in the eyes of the Juque tribe. Wei Xi was going to kill the whole daze tribe when the wild animals attacked the city in winter to avenge his son. However, the Daze tribe is getting better and better day by day, and even recruited a lot of people. Because of the participation of the Meizu, there are more females in the Daze tribe, Moreover, they are beautiful females. Some wandering orcs in the Luoyue mountains have chosen to join the Daze tribe. They are very powerful when they can be wandering orcs.

Wei Xi can't sit still at this time. He wants to destroy daze tribe immediately. He knows very well that he won't fight against daze tribe at this time. When daze tribe becomes powerful, he will never have a chance to revenge his son again.

It's said that the people of daze tribe have been producing stones recently, and they don't know what they are doing. Apart from producing stones, they don't know what they are doing with wood. It's a pity that the Daze tribe now has a high wall, and they can't get any information.

Wei Xi wants to fight against daze tribe. However, the whole tribe in the Luoyue mountains makes an alliance. He breaks the alliance by himself. It's not good. He always has to find an excuse. Moreover, the Daze tribe has changed so much. They also want to find out the reason for the change of Daze tribe, such as the city wall made by daze tribe and the weapons for long-range attack What he wants, not to mention some delicacy.

Of course, some of the Juque tribe are opposed to attacking daze tribe. For example, Lao Tzu Mo, the eighth commander of the Tuque tribe, says it mildly, but it's useless. Moreover, a large number of people have already taken a fancy to the wealth of daze tribe. They snatch these things, such as sugar and vermicelli, which are used by the Tuque tribe itself, but they trade them It's also an excellent item. The so-called revenge is just a cover.

Of course, if they want to deal with the Daze tribe, they are going to find someone to explore the foundation of the Daze tribe, but the Daze tribe is not so easy to enter now, so after thinking about it, they plan to let Sophie go, and they'd better get all those good things. After all, Sophie's parents and brothers are in the Daze tribe, and she wants to love them More or less.

Besides, Sophie always hates the one named Yin Zhu, who has a secret. She just asked Sophie to try the water.

So Sophie went back to Daze tribe with her husband under the arrangement of Wei Xi. She said that she would take her partner back to show her mother-in-law.

Sophie stood at the gate of daze tribe and looked at the high wall. She knew daze tribe had a good life. Why did she go to Juque tribe? In daze tribe, she was a flower in the tribe. She was a baby in the hand of the male. But when she went to Juque tribe, she had a good look at her companions Mate, Sophie's face is gloomy, and she can drip water. All of these are crooked melons.

Today, the gatekeeper happened to be Agger. Looking at Sophie wandering at the gate of the tribe, Agger's face changed, "Sophie, what are you doing here?"

Sophie saw Agger, first with a happy smile, and then saw the people behind her, her face couldn't help putting on an aggrieved face, "Agger, I'll come back to see my parents."

"Didn't you go to the Juque tribe for glory and wealth? What are you doing here? Get out of here with your people. " Yage said very impolitely. Now he is desperate for Sophie. Besides, there are many beautiful females in the tribe. He used to see Sophie as a flower, but now he finds out that it's because he has never seen a beautiful woman and treats her as a treasure. He is ready to find a new partner."Yager, you are so cruel to me that you don't even let me see you? When I was in the Juque tribe, I couldn't do that to you. I just went to the Juque tribe, and I couldn't stand on my feet. " Sophie said, crying with her mouth covered, very sad, people don't know what happened to her.

"Don't pretend in front of me, cry, cry." It hurts to see Sophie cry like this when I like it. Now I see through her trick, and I feel upset and disgusted after reading it.

Sophie never thought that Yager would have this attitude towards herself. She thought that even if she had done something bad, Yager would give up herself. But when Yager left, she had a bad face and still had feelings for her. How could it be that in just two or three months, Yager would give up her love for herself?

Sophie is unbelievable. According to her idea, Yage loves her so much that how can she give up?

"Yager, how can you do this to me?" Sophie was heartbroken.

Yager was impatient at this time. He pointed directly at the five husbands who had a bad face behind Sophie. "Your partner is behind you. You can choose any one to cry and complain. I'm not afraid."

At this time, Yan Hui's face couldn't hang. Sophie was seducing people in front of him. Although she said that a female can have more than one husband, the partner didn't say the upper limit, but generally speaking, a female has only four or five partners. It really takes more than ten or twenty partners. The more partners she has, the more useless her partner is. She can't afford to find so many partners.

Sophie has already chosen five partners. At this time, she doesn't forget to seduce others, which makes them five shameless.

Yan Hui thought of this, grabbed Sophie's hand, dragged people into his arms, and then put his mouth close to Sophie's ear, threatening fiercely, "how can we not satisfy you? How many more do you want? Don't worry, when we enter daze tribe, we will satisfy you well, not disappoint you, or you can't control your legs and want to rush at the male. "

Sophie couldn't help shivering when she heard this. Yan Hui, an old pervert, likes to toss her in bed. Although she likes to be with these males again, she doesn't like being abused.

Sophie thought of this and quickly shook her head, "Yan Hui, you misunderstood me, didn't I come back with a task? This Yager also has a position in daze tribe. I thought he liked me as much as before. He wanted to talk to him, but it didn't work. Don't worry. There are many males in daze tribe who like me. I can always find some idiots. "

When Yan Hui heard this, she was cool. Sophie was pretty good-looking. She had a few good friends in daze tribe. That's why Wei Xi sent her to Daze tribe.

"Yage, what you said is too much. Anyway, even if Sophie joined the Juque tribe, our tribes are allies. At this time, you should welcome them. Am I not qualified? What's more, Sophie is also a member of daze tribe. She shouldn't keep people out Yan Hui couldn't see Sophie's stupidity, so he might as well open the skylight and say it was bright.

After hearing this, Yage was stunned for a moment, and then said that he would go to ask the patriarch for advice. Although everyone knew that Sophie and his party had no good intentions, they couldn't stand it. Yan Hui said that the alliance between the tribes still existed and didn't tear their faces. At this time, people said that if they were guests, daze tribe would obviously offend people, which is the same People who used to sneak outside are different.

After hearing Yager's report, Montaigne told the tribe to shut down some shady things, or go to some remote corners. Even the Meizu hid, especially the Meizu, who can enslave wild animals. People outside know that there are many more people in daze tribe, but they don't know the secret of Meizu and its ability. Daze tribe is ready It's a killer.

Meng Tai came out slowly to pick up the people when he had collected the things he should have collected. At the same time, Meng Tai did not forget to inform Yin Zhu.

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