When Yin Zhu wakes up, the first thing he does is to find Bai Kun. When he opens his eyes, he sees Qiao Nuo holding his hand wearily.

"Bai Kun, where's Bai Kun? Is he OK?" Yin Zhu's anxious kiss.

"Bai Kun, he's OK. Now he's with the patriarch. Yin Zhu, you haven't talked to me for a long time." Jono said with some loss.

Yin Zhu was stunned at this, and then she felt guilty. Recently, she ignored Qiao Nuo too much, because she thought Bai Kun would be, so she tried her best to be good to Bai Kun, as if she could make up for Bai Kun. Who knows that she ignored Qiao Nuo, and Qiao Nuo must be in a bad mood this time.

"I'm sorry, Jono. I'm just..." Yin Zhu wants to explain something, but she doesn't know when. She's really afraid that Jono will be sad. Then she complains about herself. She can't find a way to do it well with two men. She's stupid and can't do it well.

"Silly, you don't need to apologize. Besides, don't I know you? I just want to tell you that Bai Kun is better now. You don't need to bear so much pressure. Yin Zhu, I'm useless. I always want to be strong, but my strength is limited. " Jono said with a deep sigh.

"Who said, you are very good, you are very good, besides, you are the most important in my heart." Yin Zhu said in a hurry.

When Jono heard this, his face turned into a flower. No matter it was true or false, at least Yin Zhu was willing to make him happy, wasn't he?

"Yin Zhu, can I tell you something?" Qiao Nuo holds Yin Zhu's chin and rubs it gently on Yin Zhu's head.

"You said Yin Zhu said very simply.

"Yin Zhu, take Tengxiao away. You have tested him for so long." Said Jono.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he froze, then looked up at Jono seriously, "Jono, you..."

"Yin Zhu, I told you this before. I don't have to wait for you to figure it out. But this time, I learned a lot about Bai Kun. Tengxiao's treatment of you is very good. I believe that if he can, he can die for you. I'm afraid that day will be too late. Besides, Zai Zai will be born in a few months Do you think you don't recognize him? " Qiao Nuo sighed. He could see that Yin Zhu also had feelings for Tengxiao. Yin Zhu was still confused. He simply pushed him.

Besides, his strength is too weak. He has long decided to go to the ancestral land after Yin Zhu gives birth to a baby. If he goes to the ancestral land in case, he will arrange the way for Yin Zhu.

"But, but Jono, I, I won't deal with your relationship at all. I'm afraid I owe you. I'm afraid you're sad, but I have to take care of Bai Kun. Jono, I'm very confused. I'm afraid I'll take care of one thing and lose the other. I want to be a good partner, but I can't do it. Since I can't do it, why should I tie people around and let other females take care of him?" Yin Zhu said something uncomfortable.

"Silly, you just think too much and no one blames you. I think Tengxiao is very willing. As for taking care of baikun before, I think you did the right thing. In that case, even if you don't go, I will let you go. Yin Zhu, I don't know how you can be so insecure. You won't care about one thing and lose the other. I'll always be yours. You have to believe me. " Seeing that Yin Zhu was sad, Jono couldn't help stretching out her finger and brushing her little nose.

"But, but..." Yin Zhu is still hesitant. In addition to hesitation, she is also a bit embarrassed. She was a housemaid in her last life, and she had never slept with a man. It's good to come here. One, two, three, plus herself, she can make a table of mahjong.

She has never thought of looking for several husbands. As she said, she has to take care of one thing and lose the other. She can't do it well, so she doesn't want to. But now, Tengxiao, one or two, is in front of her. Yin Zhu knows what he does to himself. She also knows Tengxiao's intention very well. This man is domineering. He stays by her side directly by means of coercion. She doesn't know I've been running away before.

"Yin Zhu, you believe me. I'll take care of this, OK?" Jono clenched Yin Zhu's hand.

Yin Zhu has some affectation and wants to say something. Then she is stopped by Jono's eyes. In the end, Yin Zhu still doesn't say anything. Well, she escapes again.

So let it be? I just remember that I used to swear that I would only find a partner, but now I am slapping my face, which is a shame to say.

When Jono saw that Yinzhu didn't say anything against it, he knew that Yinzhu agreed. But Yinzhu was thin skinned, so he immediately changed the topic and didn't talk about it any more, which saved him from self defeating himself.

"Well, let's not talk about it. If we go on, your stomach will sing. I'll go to fetch water to wash your face, and then I'll give you something to eat." Jono stands up with a smile.

Yin Zhu wanted to stand up, but asked Jono to stop, "you are weak, lie down, or I will be angry."

Yin Zhu nods. Bai Kun is in good health. After a month's worry, she finally gives up and has a good rest. Otherwise, her body can't bear it.

See Yin Zhu clever lie down to rest, Jono this just turned and walked out.

As soon as Jono went out, he saw Bai Kun coming in slowly. After a morning's training, Bai Kun was able to command his limbs. He just went to Montaigne and Bai Xi and they came back."Is Yin Zhu awake?" Asked Bai Kun?

"Just wake up, I'll get her something to eat. You go in and accompany Yin Zhu. I'll find you as soon as I wake up." Jono said with a smile.

Bai Kun nodded and went into the cave. He didn't say what he wanted to help. Now he can just keep his body stable, walk and sit down, but he can't do anything.

As soon as Yin Zhu looked up, he saw the man wrapped in the hide, "Bai Kun?" Yin Zhu called softly.

Bai Kun answered softly.

Yin Zhu looked at the fox mask on Bai Kun's face and stretched out his hand to take off the mask. "Bai Kun, let me have a look, OK?"

But Bai Kun pressed Yin Zhu's hand, "what's so good about it? It's so ugly. If you want to see it, I'll show you enough at night, OK?" At night, he can become Bai Kun, who is popular among thousands of girls.

Hearing this, Yin Zhu drew back his hand and blushed, "who wants to see it?" The goods are teasing her.

"It turns out that Yin Zhu doesn't want to see me. I'm just so ugly. Yin Zhu can't wait to stay away. Where can he see me?" From the beginning of knowing Yin Zhu's temperament, Bai Kun knew that he was now targeting Yin Zhu, so this wave of pretending to be pathetic immediately made Yin Zhu's eyes red.

"You, you know I didn't mean that, Bai Kun. You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Yin Zhuxian is very guilty, but when he hears Bai Kun's laughter, he knows that he has been teased by Bai Kun.

"I didn't mean to, but I hope Yin Zhu can remember what I used to look like instead of what I am now." Bai Kun reaches out his dry hand and touches Yin Zhu's hair.

Yin Zhu wants to catch Bai Kun's hand. To tell the truth, she is afraid to see such a skeleton. But she thinks that this person is Bai Kun. If she shows the slightest fear in front of Bai Kun, Bai Kun will definitely stay away from her, so she can't.

Yin Zhu told himself over and over again that this man is Bai Kun and his partner. Besides, you can't just look at skin and flesh.

Yin Zhu gave himself a good atmosphere in his heart, and then held out his hands to Bai Kun in front of him. "What's wrong with you now? That's what I like." Yin Zhu can see that Bai Kun is quite concerned about his previous image.

Through a layer of animal skin, you can still feel the bones of the diaphragm people. Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu holding his body and trembles. She should be afraid. Her eyes turned around before, but he saw them. But think of this girl in their own death when desperate rushed to their side, holding their hands, en, this small problem can be forgiven.

"I believe it." Bai Kun smiles. He really believes that Yin Zhu just doesn't adapt now. When he gets used to it, he won't be afraid of himself.

"Do you feel pain now, and do you feel uncomfortable?" Yin Zhu raised his head from Bai Kun's chest with some embarrassment, and quickly touched Bai Kun's body with his hands.

At this time, Bai Kun came to Yin Zhu's ear and said with a smile, "it's not bad. It's very good. If you're worried about Yin Zhu, you'd better check it at night and feel it slowly, OK?"

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was so angry that he gave it to Bai Kun, "Bai Kun, can't you be on time?"

Thinking about how people like Gao Leng and di Xian had become such a bastard full of dirty words, Yin Zhu fancied for a while. At night, Bai Kun said to himself with his dreamy face. He shivered, but he didn't want to think about it.

"I'm quite upright. Besides, I'll say that to you. No one else will think about it." Bai Kun said that it is necessary to tease your partner or something.

"OK, I know you're good, Beier." Yin Zhu said angrily.

Bai Kun looks at Yin Zhu's face flushed with anger. This pale face has some color and popularity. It's hard for him to see Yin Zhu like that in the morning. In order to save himself, Yin Zhu almost didn't put himself in.

"Well, you should smile more. It's beautiful." Bai Kun said with a smile.

Originally, rouhu's face is bigger than palm's, and his big eyes are moist and flexible. Of course, in Bai Kun's opinion, it's better to grow more rouhu. It's so thin that people are afraid to see it.

"I've always been beautiful. People are more beautiful." Yin Zhu couldn't help stinking.

When Qiao Nuo saw Yin Zhu and Bai Kun chatting and laughing, he finally put down his heart that he had been hanging. He thought that Bai Kun could make Yin Zhu happy. That would be good. If Yin Zhu was happy, his body would be better, and he would be relieved.

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