The Juque tribe suffered a great loss because of Bai Kun, especially Tian Xue, who almost didn't bite off her teeth. But now she's guilty. She doesn't dare to say anything more, but she keeps all her hatred in mind.

It can be said that the Juque tribe has been domineering in the Luoyue mountains for so many years. It sounds like an alliance with the surrounding tribes. In fact, they still exploit and humiliate the surrounding small tribes, but it's not too much. It can be said that the face of the Juque tribe has been completely lost this time. Wei Xi has discussed with the tribe's people and is ready to attack daze tribe.

However, as soon as Wei Xi was ready, before they had time to start, their tribe was harmed by the orcs. Especially, the cubs of the tribe were robbed of more than 100 people. Thinking of this, Wei Xi was very angry.

They want to settle accounts with orcs, but they don't dare to go to the dark city. As for the wandering orcs, it's not so easy to meet them. Moreover, orcs are powerful, and they have to pay a great price to intercept them.

Think of this Orc all the way into the Luoyue mountains, only the Juque tribe was affected. Is it because they are rich? Thinking of this, Wei Xi wants to say that the Juque tribe is so poor that they can't even eat food.

Wei Xi didn't connect the orcs with daze tribe. After all, they felt that daze tribe didn't dare to do such a big thing. But before Tianxue, Sophie said that daze tribe had dug the salt mine together with the orcs, but there was no evidence. Daze tribe only said that they had found a small salt mine by themselves.

As soon as the people of daze tribe were calculated by the people of their own tribe, the orcs came to rob their own tribe. Do you think there are so many coincidences? Think about the salt mine before, think of the dead brother, Tianxue more and more feel that his idea is right, so she hurried to find Weixi.

Wei Xi doesn't want to pay any attention to this daughter. It's useless to be silly and stupid, but Tianxue has always said that it's important to see him. After listening to Tianxue's words, Wei Xi says that the Daze tribe colludes with the orcs, and no one believes it. If he says that Daze tribe once or twice trades with the orcs, he believes it, that is, Juque tribe also colludes with the orcs occasionally Orcs do business, but if they collude with each other, the Juque tribe doesn't have the courage, let alone the Daze tribe. Do you want to be exterminated?

However, whether this thing is successful or not, we can let the rumors spread first. Moreover, he has never found a reason to attack daze tribe. This reason is very good. Moreover, the orcs are the public enemies of all orcs. He can also use it to ask all the tribes in the Luoyue mountains to attack daze tribe.

After Wei Xi thought it out, he let the rumor out. Of course, I don't know if anyone believed the rumor.

After hearing this rumor and receiving Wei Xi's request to join hands to attack daze tribe, the leaders of these tribes didn't look very well. Wei Xi wanted to use them as guns. They didn't believe in colluding with orcs.

They don't care about the existence of daze tribe. It's just that over the years, no tribe has ever been destroyed by other tribes in the Luoyue mountains. Once this norm is broken, any tribe around the Juque tribe can't stop it if it wants to. Does the Juque tribe have the ambition to unify the whole Luoyue mountains?

In addition to some clan leaders who are thinking about it, there is also a small tribe standing firmly behind the Juque tribe. They are the vassals of the Juque tribe. To say that they are still a tribe, they just have a name. If they want the benefits of the Juque tribe, they have to be the sword of the Juque tribe. Everyone wants to understand, but they have to do it.

The people of daze tribe naturally heard a lot of rumors, but they were not afraid. On the contrary, they actively prepared for the war. It was useless to be afraid. The Juque tribe wanted to use the people of other small tribes, but at the same time, the people of other small tribes were not stupid. Even if they would send out manpower or something, it must be the people of Juque tribe. On the contrary, they just wanted to take advantage of the people of other small tribes If the Juque tribe is afraid of fighting, will other tribes still have trouble with daze tribe?

Daze tribe is really small and weak, but it's their root. If Juque tribe wants to attack them, it needs to draw a long line, and keep up with all kinds of food. Even if it's only ten days' journey between the two tribes, sometimes a battle can be decided in ten days.

There's a lot of food in the tribe. The only thing to worry about is water. Be careful that the people of Juque tribe intercept the river when they pour. For this reason, Mengtai also asked people to dig a large pool to store water in the tribe. In addition, Yin Zhu said that they can dig wells. They don't know what a well is, but Yin Zhu said that they understand that with a well, the tribe won't have to worry about it The water's gone.

Unfortunately, Yin Zhu knew little about how to dig a well. However, Yin Zhu knew that there was always water under the wet ground, so she asked the tribe to have a try.

Yin Zhu said that even if he knew little about it, many people would take it as an imperial edict to deal with it. Don't mention it. Montaigne arranged for people to do it. After digging more than ten holes, Montaigne really found a spring, because Montaigne was so happy.

The relationship between the two tribes is now just a powder keg. Mengtai has arranged for more tribe people to stare at the Juque tribe. As soon as there is any news, they will tell them in a hurry that they are easy to make arrangements.Mengtai didn't tell Yinzhu about the fight between the two tribes. Yinzhu is not in good health, so she shouldn't worry about it. Besides, the fight is a male affair. If Yinzhu is to worry about everything, what are they going to do.

Now Yin Zhu is lying in the cave to rest every day. She wakes up and walks a few times, but she doesn't walk much. Yin Zhu does feel that her body is much weaker, so she also consciously takes more rest.

As for the mark on Yin Zhu's arm, Yin Zhu remembers to appease his new partner these days. This time, he has three partners. Yin Zhu is really busy. At the beginning, Yin Zhu feels embarrassed. Fortunately, they will adjust and get along with each other very well. They don't have to worry about Yin Zhu at all. This also makes Yin Zhu's resistance calm down.

Full of food, sleep and food, and a beautiful man's attentive service when he wakes up, Yin Zhu says that he is about to degenerate. This kind of life is so beautiful that he will really degenerate.

Just when Yin Zhu was still raising his body, Juque tribe gathered people from surrounding tribes and surrounded daze tribe with 7000 males. Of course, they didn't attack for the time being. Because of the wolf tribe, they carefully checked whether there were traps near daze tribe.

For this matter, Meng Tai said that there was no city wall before, so we need traps. Now we have a high city wall, so why do we need traps? For those who come to invade their own tribe, daze tribe people are very angry. The archers who have practiced well have stood on the city wall one by one, ready to shoot.

Wei Xi knows that daze tribe has long-range weapons, but at that time, when facing the black wolf mercenary regiment, bows and arrows were made casually, and the materials used were much worse, so the range was far away. Now, the bows and arrows were carefully designed by the tribe's manual experts, and even some of the arrows were added. Jiu Yue and Bai Xi are very clear, There are too many people in Juque tribe, so they will not be polite to them.

Wei Xi thought he was doing a good job. As a result, the first group of daze tribe's bows and arrows fell down more than 500 people. Wei Xi quickly told people to step back. As for the added bows and arrows, he quickly called the tribe's priests. He thought there were only a few kinds of poisons, but he didn't know that many of daze tribe's poisons were identified by Yin Zhuxin, even Yin Zhu himself There may not be an antidote.

The war is so cruel, Jono. They know that either you or I will die, so they will not be soft hearted at all.

If Wei Xi wants to rush into daze tribe, they must withstand the arrow rain of daze tribe. There are only 500 people in this wave. Even many people in Juque tribe can't afford such a loss. Wei Xi wants to ask other tribe people to have a try, but no one is stupid. Besides, they can't make soy sauce. Who wants their own tribe people to die .

Wei Xi has no choice but to continue to try. After all, this weapon is not very common. Maybe the Daze tribe is just like this? As a result, the bows and arrows of daze tribe did not stop. Wei Xi's brows hurt when these three waves went down. Even if someone rushed to the bottom of the city wall, someone immediately fell hot water on the wall. It was not so easy to rush into daze tribe.

Wei Xi almost lost his nose when he saw this. He knew it was not so easy to attack daze tribe, but he never thought that if he could not even touch the city wall, he would go one third. If this continued, Juque tribe would become a joke. Moreover, even if many of them could not afford such losses, Wei Xi could only ask people to pause.

He wants people to rush down in the air. After all, some of them can fly, but it's useless. Daze tribe also has flying orcs. Besides, they have weapons, and they haven't been able to get close to them. They become targets as soon as they fly, so they can't rush in at all.

Wei Xi has no choice but to besiege the city and fight a stalemate. After all, he encircles the whole daze tribe. The people of daze tribe don't want to fly out. It's just that the stalemate is not easy to fight. The food they bring is limited. Although there are still a lot of prey to kill, it's a big problem for them to eat. The prey nearby is limited and they can't go Let's go hunting far away. Besides, there are so many people here. It's not stupid for them to hunt. They've been running far away for a long time. Now it's gambling. Who can store more food.

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