Daze tribe is cheering for their victory, but they don't know that there is a huge crisis approaching them at this time.

Sophie was rescued by a small caravan when she fled again. The caravan took Sophie out of the Luoyue mountains and saw the world outside the Luoyue mountains. Sophie knew how small her vision was. She had even taken a fancy to a small Juque tribe before. Juque tribe could only be regarded as a small village in a big tribe on the plain. Along the way, Sophie was dazzled Dazzled, I don't want to go back to Juque tribe any more.

Because Sophie is a female, and she is also pretty, the caravan people are pretty good to Sophie. After all, a beautiful female is a valuable property anyway.

On this day, Sophie followed the caravan to the black soil tribe and met Mackin, who was a subordinate of Nantes and belonged to Feitian. This guy was a bit lecherous. Seeing that a beautiful female Sophie was following a small caravan, she stopped the man and robbed Sophie after losing something.

Although the people in the small caravan are very angry, they have little influence and can't help it. As for Sophie, she is eager to leave the small caravan as soon as possible. Where is she staying in such a small caravan? She has traveled with the small caravan for such a long time. Sophie knows very well that the most prosperous place in the whole Orc world is the orc city. Now she has the chance to go to the orc City, Sophie How could Fei want to miss it.

The caravan watched Sophie go with McKinley happily. They knew that the rescuer had no conscience, so they would not save her.

Sophie really wants to please a man, and she is willing to put down her capital. She quickly seduces McKinley and makes it clear what McKinley is doing. However, it is because of this that Sophie knows that Tengxiao has offended the people of the king of beasts city. Thinking of this, Sophie can't help laughing and Daze tribe begins to laugh Now that you are well developed, offending daze tribe is not death.

At this time, Sophie said that she had news about Tengxiao. McKinley was overjoyed when he heard the news. He didn't expect that he robbed a little beauty and even gave him a chance to perform meritorious service. He had been away from the orc city for several months. However, most areas of the plain had been investigated. Tengxiao didn't show up in the Red River tribe for a short time News, who would have thought that there is no place to look for if you break the iron shoes, it will take no effort.

McKinley happily took Sophie to fight for 300 rounds, and then happily took Sophie back to the king of beasts city. After wandering for several months, suffering and suffering, he wanted to go back to the king of beasts city for a long time, but he didn't dare to go back without any news before. Now he really wants to rush back right away.

Sophie also slowly inquired about McKinley. When she knew that McKinley was one of the four Orc kings in the orc City, Sophie almost didn't look up and laugh. She didn't expect that she was such a good person to hook up with anyone. What did Yin Zhu compare with herself?

Of course, Sophie doesn't forget to ask why Tengxiao has offended Nante. Although McKinley dotes on Sophie, it's not easy to say what happened between the brothers. He's also afraid that Nante is unhappy, so he doesn't say much.

Although Nantes has inherited the position of the old king of beasts, he has just inherited it. It can be said that Nantes is trying to accept his own power. Many people in the tribe still obey the old king of beasts.

After returning to the orc City, McKinley takes Sophie to Nante for the first time. Nante summons them immediately after knowing the news of Tengxiao.

Nante first asked Tengxiao about his life in daze tribe. Knowing that Tengxiao only mixed with a small tribe of 300 or 400 people and made a stupid and ugly female partner, Nante couldn't help laughing and was very happy.

In Nante's opinion, Tengxiao is more and more successful. What qualification does Tengxiao have to compete with her? But he never thought that Sophie would be jealous of Yin Zhu and try her best to belittle him.

"King, shall we send someone to Daze tribe to kill him?" McKinley asked carefully.

When Nantes heard this, he laughed and said, "why not, just a small tribe? Where do we need someone from our side? " Besides, what Nantes has said is that apart from being backward, there is also danger in the Luoyue mountain range. There are many fierce beasts, and their people are not familiar with the situation of the mountain forests. If they rush in, they are afraid that there will be many deaths and injuries. As for Tengxiao, a young boy, who has gone through serious danger to Daze tribe, it can only be said that Tengxiao is very lucky.

Let's talk about such a small tribe. It's too high for the people of king of beasts city to make a move. After thinking about it, Nantes thinks it's good to find a tribal representative in the Luoyue mountains.

With his own help in the back, I'm sure we can easily destroy the tribe named daze. As for the innocent people in daze, Nante didn't think about it at all. Daze tribe even wanted to take Tengxiao. That's damned.

Since we have to choose an object to support, naturally we have to ask Sophie. Sophie's first recommendation is the Juque tribe. First of all, the strength of the Juque tribe is much stronger than that of the Daze tribe. First of all, the two people are hostile forces.

For Sophie's recommendation, Nante is also very satisfied, soon Nante found his personal bodyguards, ready to let them go south to find the people of Juque tribe to deal with Tengxiao.As soon as Nante's action fell, hongsai on the other side received the news. After knowing the news, hongsai found Nante, and he looked at Nante very complicatedly. "Nante, Tengxiao is your brother, can't you spare him? I've already passed you the position of the king of beasts. Isn't that enough? "

When Nantes heard this, he looked at hongsai sarcastically. "I should have inherited the position of the king of beasts. I can't talk about the benefits you gave me. Don't say anything about it. Besides, although your position has been passed to me, how much power do you still have in your hands? You know it. It's just an empty shell position. You're on guard against me, right? Why let him go? My mother is so angry because he's such a bitch. Why did I let him go? You should be glad that I didn't go to the temple. I tell you, if you dare to stop me, I'll go to the people at the other side of the temple to complain. You don't want to see such a result. "

"You, you, how can you let go of Tengxiao?" Hong Sai asked helplessly.

"Let him go? Why let him go? The reason why I don't go to the temple to complain is that I don't want him to die too easily. I want to grind him to death bit by bit and let him die in despair, just like my mother did at the beginning. " Said Nantes indignantly.

When he heard this, he was shocked and then turned pale. He thought that Nantes didn't want to go to the temple, but he didn't think the truth was worse than he imagined.

"Stop it. I won't let you do it. I won't let you do it." Honsai cried angrily.

"No, what right do you have to say that? Or can you try to stop me? " Nantes looks at honce fiercely.

Hongsai looked at Nantes powerlessly, then closed his eyes and said powerlessly, "Nantes, you shouldn't do this to Tengxiao. You shouldn't blame Tengxiao for this."

"I'll tell you the truth, and you'll think about whether you want to do that to Tengxiao." Hongsai took a deep breath, and then told the truth that he had concealed for more than 20 years.

"I didn't betray your mother. I have known your mother since I was a child, and I have a very good relationship. So your mother chose me as a partner at the beginning." When it comes to her beloved woman, Hong Sai's eyes are full of happy memories.

"It's because I care too much, I care too much, I'm too stupid, my mother will die in depression because of your betrayal. You have no face to mention my mother and say that you didn't betray me. Where did Tengxiao come from? Don't say that Tengxiao is not your kind. If my mother had chosen more partners, there would be other partners without you." Cried Nantes angrily.

"Tengxiao is indeed my seed, but my heart has never betrayed your mother. At the beginning, I was poisoned by love, and then I had a vague relationship with Tengxiao's mother. On that time, I was married by dew, and Tengxiao's mother had no feelings for me, so she gave birth to Tengxiao and left me, so as not to disturb my life, When I brought back Tengxiao, I always wanted to explain to your mother, but she didn't give me a chance at all. She was angry when she saw me. I wanted to separate two people and let her calm down. I didn't expect that she would think wildly and then fell ill. She was seriously ill and didn't let me know. It was too late when I knew. I can say that I didn't betray your mother or even you I regret my mother's death. " When Hong Sai said this, he couldn't help but burst into tears. This is the most sad thing in his life.

"Because I feel that I owe you my mother, so you bully Tengxiao everywhere. I never said a word to you. In addition, Tengxiao's mother didn't exist, so I didn't like him much. Until you framed Tengxiao and drove him out of the beast king city, I found that my two children had become enemies of the flourishing age because of me. In order to avoid you two killing each other, I was cruel To drive him out of the orc city is to reduce the hatred in your heart. But after so many years, I find that you can't forget the hatred. Instead, it's because you are trapped deeper and deeper. Nantes, I don't want to stop you because of Tengxiao, but I don't want you to struggle so hard. You should know very well that I simply drove him out when I knew you framed him Go, you should understand that I chose you as one of the two children. " Hong Sai cried sadly.

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