"You lie." Nante hated all her life. How could she accept the fact that she had always hated wrong?

When Hong Sai saw Nante's crazy appearance, he couldn't help regretting, "Nante, I was wrong about this matter. When I took Tengxiao back, I should directly tell your mother the whole story. No matter whether your mother wants to know or not, she should tell her hard, so that she won't end up depressed because of Tengxiao, and even more when your mother is gone Hou, I really want to tell you that I don't want you to live in hatred. I made a mistake. I'm not a qualified father. I'm even more ashamed of Tengxiao to you. "

"You lied. You wanted to protect Tengxiao. You said that on purpose." Nantes shook his head violently and didn't want to believe him.

"I don't have to lie to you, Nantes. Some of my former cronies know about it. You can inquire about it yourself." Hung Sai closed his eyes painfully.

"They are loyal to you. They don't say what you want them to say." Said Nantes indignantly.

"I'm telling the truth. Think about it with your head. If I really have an affair with Tengxiao's mother, how can I not get her back for so many years?" Hongsai said angrily that Nantes' mother would become so angry because of Tengxiao's appearance. He really didn't expect that. After all, there are a lot of dew and marriage on the side of orcs, and there are many orcs who are polygamous. Therefore, generally no matter male or female, they don't care much about these things. They just want each other to be good to themselves. Who can think that her heart is so small, it's not good at all Keep explaining, didn't he bring Tengxiao's mother back?

"That's because I don't allow it. If you dare to bring it back, I will kill her directly. No one can take the place of my mother." Cried Nantes angrily.

"How do you want me to believe what I say, to let go of yourself and Tengxiao?" Hong Sai said with great heart.

"The last one is the point. You want me to let go of the sky and dream." Nante's eyes were cold.

Hongsai looked at Nante seriously. After a long time, he sighed deeply, "I'm sorry for your mother. I'm also sorry for Tengxiao. You can do whatever you want, but I can tell you, don't think you are very powerful. Tengxiao's real strength is absolutely not weaker than you. It's just that I kept suppressing Tengxiao for you at the beginning When I drove Tengxiao out of the king of beasts City, I was no longer qualified to suppress him as a father. In the future, you should pay attention to whether your fight is dead or alive. " Hongsai said that a complete individual is like a person without spiritual support. His whole back is bent and he walks out of Nantes house decadent.

"What do you mean by that, old man? How can I be no better than that bastard?"

"Don't you wait for me, don't you think I'd better go to the sky? You can say that again when I bring his head back. " Said Nantes indignantly.

At the same time, on the territory of the white tiger king in the north of the king of beasts City, a playful and lovely girl was sitting on a swing and heard the people below her report to her, "did you say there was news about brother Tengxiao? Are you sure? "

The girl is Roland, the daughter of the white tiger king. When she was a child, she fell into the water and was rescued by Tengxiao. Then she stuck to Tengxiao's butt every day until Tengxiao was framed by Nantes and driven out of the city of the king of beasts. For this matter, Roland ran to hongsai and quarreled. It was just hongsai's disposal at that time. Let alone Roland, it was Roland's father, hongsai After all, it's not the king of beasts city that Hong Sai deals with. Will Hong Sai be happy if another king of beasts intervenes?

"Yes, miss." The guard Liufeng nodded his head.

"I heard the news from my subordinates in Lion King's mansion. It seems to be in a small tribe in the Luoyue mountains." Liu Fengxin doesn't think so. A man who has been driven out of the beast king city is not worthy of his master. The male who matches the beast king city with his master can be counted.

Their young lady is the daughter of the white tiger king. Since she became an adult last year, she doesn't know how many people have asked for marriage. Unfortunately, none of them can look up to Roland. If ordinary females had been forced to mate, no one would dare to do anything in Roland's identity to be so headstrong. What's good about Tengxiao? In the past, she was just a private girl who was not favored by hongsai Having a son, now he is driven out and no longer admits that he doesn't know how to stay in that small tribe, but his master still thinks about such a person. He wants to say that Tengxiao is not worthy of him, but Roland doesn't allow anyone to say anything bad about Tengxiao.

"Nante must have accompanied people to deal with brother Tengxiao, right?" Think of Nantes temperament, Roland can't help laughing, but it's a pity that such a person with bad root, this hongsai is holding in his hand.

"Yes, they have sent people to the Luoyue mountains." Liufeng said seriously.

"Then we'll go to the Luoyue mountains, too." Roland said with certainty.

"This..." Liufeng hesitated. It was a long journey, not to mention whether Roland could bear it, not to mention that there were many wild animals in the small place of Luoyue mountain. The journey was very dangerous in the past. Once he dared to take people out, what happened to Roland, the white tiger king would never let him go."Go to the Luoyue mountains, you go to prepare things. I'll go to my father and make it clear. I won't trouble you." Roland doesn't know the scruples of Liufeng.

Roland also knows that it's impossible to travel without her father's consent. Even if she runs out secretly, she worries that she will be caught if she doesn't run far away. Her father has that ability.

After so many years, it's hard to get the news of Tengxiao. Roland can't wait any longer. She runs to find her father, White Tiger Wang Chengtian.

"Father, father, I'm going to the Luoyue mountains." As soon as Roland went in, she went straight to play coquetry all day.

"The moon mountains?" This should be a mountain corner, right? How can my baby suddenly go to such a place? Chengtian's eyebrows are crowded together?

"What are you doing here? If you want to go out and play, go to Yokogawa plain. There are beautiful enchanting flowers there at this time." Chengtian thinks Roland is bored in the city of king of beasts and wants to go out to play, so he recommends a place with good scenery and relative safety.

"No, I don't know how many times I've been to Yokogawa plain. I see flowers every time. What's fun? I'm going to Luoyue mountain range." Roland said that he only wanted to go to the Luoyue mountains.

"Where are you going and what do you want to do? There is no food in that place. Where can you stand it? I don't like to go to Yokogawa plain. We can change to qiufenggu. The scenery is good there. " Chengtian some headache said, according to reason, his family's baby is not this unreasonable person, how to have to go where?

"I didn't go to see the scenery. I went to Tengxiao, who is in the Luoyue mountains." Roland is sure to say that she went to Tengxiao for the sake of Tengxiao. In the future, she is only afraid to be with Tengxiao, so it's better to say this earlier.

Chengtian's expression is bad when he hears this. Tengxiao is Tengxiao again. In the past, because of this, he went to compensate Hong Sai for his smile, and Roland didn't choose his partner. He thought Tengxiao was gone, and he should die. Roland's temperament is uncertain, so it's good to play for two years, but he ran out. It's really annoying.

"Roland, I know you like Tengxiao, but if you think about it, Tengxiao is in his twenties. He probably has his own partner. It's no use if you go." Chengtian's painstaking persuasion.

"No matter what, I always have to go to see it. Father, you have taught me since I was a child to fight for what I want. If I don't fight for it, I'll regret it. Father, I like Tengxiao very much, so I don't want to regret it. No matter what, I'll go to see it. Of course, if brother Tengxiao has a partner and is very happy, I'll come back and find one A stable life after a partner, father, do you say good Roland is holding Chengtian's hand.

Chengtian can't help but have a headache when he hears this. Does he teach his daughter too well? But he knows Roland's temperament very well. If he really doesn't agree, Roland can remember it all his life.

"When you come back, will you really choose a partner?" Chengtian looks at Roland in doubt.

Roland nodded with certainty and said, "yes, father, don't worry. I just want to see if I really have no hope."

Chengtian would like to say which male in his twenties doesn't choose a partner, unless he is incompetent. How can tengxiaosheng's descendants be poor? Especially in that kind of small tribe, it is absolutely outstanding. It must have been eaten by the female early.

"Father, I'm afraid it's very dangerous to go to the Luoyue mountains all the way. Please lend me your escort." Roland heard his father agreed, and then put forward his request very impolitely.

Roland put forward this request naturally because of Nante. Nante asked people to go to the Luoyue mountains. Naturally, she also wanted to bring more people with high skills. Otherwise, those people would be embarrassed by Tengxiao. They can't help him. It's useless to go there. They must bring more people with high strength so that Tengxiao can be saved in time. How many people have high strength Go to her father's escort.

Chengtian can't help laughing bitterly when he hears Roland's impolite words, "you are really impolite." Although he said that, he obviously agreed to come down. The Luoyue mountain is very dangerous. He is not at ease without those people following him.

Promise Roland, Chengtian also let people go to the Lion King's house to inquire about the news, this Tengxiao news to say the king of beasts City someone care about, absolutely is the Lion King's side.

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