So when Tengxiao comes to separate the people, he finds that Bai Kun has beaten them hard. Liufeng's face is irregular, which is miserable anyway.

Tengxiao checks Liufeng's body first. Fortunately, Bai Kun is very decent and looks terrible, that is, skin injury. Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to explain to Roland.

But when he saw Liufeng's black and blue face mixed with blood donation, Tengxiao couldn't help covering his face. Baikun was too black. Could Liufeng's face be seen? I really don't know how Liufeng provoked baikun. It's reasonable to say that a gentleman like baikun shouldn't be so angry and use his fists and feet to fight talent.

"Too much, too much." Liu Feng is very angry. It's the first time that he has been beaten so badly. This man named Bai Kun is a bit strange in strength. However, he has never been able to beat this man with totem power or Cheng. Moreover, this man controls his strength well every time. It only makes him look very hurt. In fact, it's just skin and flesh. It's better than killing him directly It's even more difficult for a man to be killed, which shows that the strength of this man is much higher than that of himself. He is completely played by others.

The most important thing is that he and Bai Kun still beat him in the face all the time, so he said he was ugly? How dare you hit him in the face? His face is almost unconscious now. I'm sure I can't see anyone.

"Boy, remember, next time I'm ugly, I'll beat your parents to the point where they can't recognize me." Bai Kun finished and left happily.

When Liufeng heard this, he was so angry that he wanted to fight with baikun. But just as he wanted to rush up, he stopped. Now he is being abused. No, he will go back to practice. He must beat baikun down.

At this time, Bai Kun has gone to Mengtai to discuss Nantes. Thinking of Nantes, Bai Kun still wants to say that it's too much trouble.

Fortunately, Roland doesn't mean anything. In addition, Tengxiao and Yin Zhu are having an affair, but their feelings are not deep enough. It's just that Roland comes to stimulate them. It makes Jono worry that they have children, but they are always so awkward. Thinking about this, Bai Kun thinks he's a jerk. He's not a husband, so he thinks so much about it What do you do? You can only blame Tengxiao for his failure. He feels bored when he wants to rob Yin Zhu.

Jono is a super qualified husband now. Even people who are good at calculating like him think Jono is very good at getting along with others. They dare not calculate Jono. Of course, he has a conscience, otherwise hum.

When Bai Kun and Liufeng begin to fight, Roland comes out. At the beginning, Roland is very worried when he sees Liufeng being beaten. When he sees Liufeng being beaten again and again, there is no problem. He knows that this man has a sense of propriety, so he doesn't care.

Roland would not have come out if he hadn't seen the sky rising.

"Brother Tengxiao, are you here?" Roland's voice was full of joy.

"Well, how was your rest?" Tengxiao rarely asked about it.

"It's very good. Thanks for Tengxiao's concern." Think of Tengxiao or care about their own, Roland's heart can not help but happy.

"Since you have a good rest, I'll take you to see Yin Zhu, your sister-in-law." Tengxiao said with a smile, the little girl grew up in a blink of an eye, he really did not know that Roland had such a mind for him.

"Sister in law?" Roland hesitated for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said, "OK, I want to see my sister-in-law, too." Roland's heart is sour.

"Brother Tengxiao, did you tell my sister-in-law about me?" Roland asked carefully, don't know how Tengxiao introduced himself, the female who grew up together, will Yin Zhu be angry?

"Yes." Tengxiao answered.

Next, they didn't talk much. Tengxiao knew Roland's mind, didn't know what to say, and was afraid to say what they shouldn't, while Roland was full of mind, thinking about how to deal with the female named Yin Zhu.

Yes, deal with, first deal with, see how the female, if not good, she will start, Roland said in his heart.

Yin Zhu is still living in a cave. One is the stone house, which has not been completely built yet. The other is that Yin Zhu has a big stomach now, which makes him tired of moving. Jono said that when Yin Zhu was born, he would move into the new stone house. At that time, almost all the tribal houses were built.

"Yinzhu, this is Roland." Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu sitting at the entrance of the mountain and has a rest. He smiles gently.

At this time, Yin Zhu was leaning against a big wooden chair at the door. This thing was made by Yin Zhu. In addition, Yin Zhu's back was slanting and covered with thick animal skin. It was very comfortable to lie on it.

Roland's first sight is that a female with a big belly is lying on a big chair lazily. When she sees her, she smiles with curved eyebrows. Yin Zhu is not a very beautiful female, or she is very clean and soft. She looks very comfortable and friendly.

This female is very likable. At first glance, Roland can't hate Yin Zhu.

"Welcome to Daze tribe, Roland. I'm Yin Zhu." Yin Zhu sat up straight and said with a smile."You have a baby?" Roland looks at Yin Zhu's stomach in surprise.

Hearing this, Yin Zhu gently lowered his head and touched his stomach. He said with a smile, "well, there are three cubs. They are very lively. Do you want to touch them?"

"Is that ok?" Roland's eyes immediately stare at this. She has not seen a pregnant female, but other people are not so close, and she will not touch other people's stomach.

"Of course." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Looking at the expression of Yin Zhu, we can see that she must be a good mother who loves her cubs. Her mother said that the female who loves her cubs will not be too bad. Of course, what her mother said may be the same, but I think it's not too bad.

"Is it brother Tengxiao's?" Roland asks curiously. Of course, she finds that her name seems to be closer, but she can't change it for a while. Brother Tengxiao is a wood, but the female is different.

Roland first carefully sweeps Yinzhu, and she worries that her secret will be discovered. After all, she likes other people's partner and runs to the front of each other. If she is exposed, she will be embarrassed.

Yin Zhu looks at the girl's uneasy appearance and can't help laughing. The girl really likes Tengxiao, but she has bright eyes and wants to be clean.

"Yes." See Roland sorry, Yin Zhu is not to open Roland careful thinking.

After hearing Yin Zhu's affirmative answer, Roland said happily, "brother Tengxiao is going to be a father, and I'm going to be an aunt?" When Roland knew that Yin zhuhuai had a baby, she knew that there would never be a possibility between her and Tengxiao. Even if Yin Zhu was not good, she had been with Tengxiao since childhood and had a lot of contact with Tengxiao. Tengxiao had a bad life since childhood. The lion king didn't love him. Tengxiao wanted to have a happy home than anyone else, but he didn't have a mother, and Nantes had to bully him Negative him, so have a cub, Tengxiao brother has a home.

It's good that brother Tengxiao finally has her own home, and she can't be the one who destroys his happiness. She even has to protect brother Tengxiao. After thinking about it clearly, Roland finally puts down all her thoughts in her heart. She can still secretly like brother Tengxiao. Of course, she can't let brother Tengxiao and sister Yin Zhu know.

Yin Zhu also looked at Roland carefully at this time, trying to see what change the girl would have. As a result, he saw only heartfelt joy, for Tengxiao.

The girl is a little silly, but she makes people feel cute.

"Yes, you are." Yin Zhu said with a smile, she is not that kind of person recognition is very powerful, but in front of this Roland is very simple, emotional what are written on the face, very good difference.

"Of course, sister-in-law, you don't know, what I hope most in my life is that brother Tengxiao can be happy." Roland said happily.

When Yin Zhu heard this, she admired the girl. Not everyone could do such a thing. At least Yin Zhu wanted to say that she couldn't do it. She couldn't say so frankly that she wished her beloved. I'm afraid she would stay away from her.

If the predecessor didn't calculate Tengxiao, I'm afraid Tengxiao and Yin Zhu are made in heaven.

Of course, Yin Zhu also thinks that she will not do such a thing. If she has not promised Tengxiao to be her partner, maybe she will make up. Now that she has been with Tengxiao, this matter is another matter. She will not let her man out foolishly. Besides, her children also need her father's help.

"Well, having a sister like you is Tengxiao's blessing." Yin Zhu is really lucky for Tengxiao. It's a pity that he is not lucky to meet such a girl. He can only be harmed by himself in his life.

Yes, Yin Zhu thinks that he will harm the three of them in his life. Now that they have been tied together, she will never allow them to repent. She is a very stingy person. Since Tengxiao knew that she was Jono again and wanted to be her partner wholeheartedly, she can't be blamed.

"Really, my sister-in-law thinks so." Roland is very happy to be recognized by Yin Zhu.

Tengxiao was very worried about the meeting of the two people, but he didn't expect that the two people get along very well, calm, nothing, unexpected.

But think about it, Yin Zhu and Roland are excellent people, and there will be no accident. However, they live in harmony with each other. Tengxiao's worry is finally put down. If he can, he doesn't want to see Roland suffer. Of course, his first choice is Yin Zhu, and Yin Zhu is the first one in everything.

It's just that his sweating is really a little abrupt. Tengxiao finds a corner and quickly wipes off the sweat on his head. It's not good if he shows it to those two people.

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