Roland's temperament is very good. The little girl is very lively. Although she can't hide her deep feelings when she looks at Tengxiao, the girl never makes excessive movements or even has no superfluous words. On the contrary, she always brushes her favor for Tengxiao in front of Yin Zhu. Her sister-in-law shouts all the time, which makes Yin Zhu feel a little embarrassed.

The girl's temperament is very good, but Yin Zhu also knows a lot about Tengxiao from Roland's mouth. Only then can Yin Zhu know that Tengxiao's childhood was miserable and black. As a child of the lion king, his life was worse than that of ordinary people's cubs.

Roland is very smart. In recent days, she also got to know Yin Zhu's three partners. However, Yin Zhu has emotional communication with the other two. On the contrary, Tengxiao is very restrained. This relationship is a bit strange. Then Roland went to ask other people in the tribe for information. The tribe people are always tolerant of females, while Roland is lively and playful. People in the tribe like this Girl.

So Roland knows about Yin Zhu and Tengxiao. After knowing the past between them, Roland can't help scolding Tengxiao for being a fool. However, since Yin Zhu has accepted Tengxiao, they still have cubs. They will have a good relationship in the future. And after contacting Yin Zhu for such a long time, she also feels that Yin Zhu is very good-natured, gentle and kind. No wonder Tengxiao brother will like it, so Roland will always brush in front of Yin Zhu.

Roland's attitude surprised Liufeng. He really didn't expect that Roland would put down his feelings for Tengxiao so soon, for more than ten years. However, his master can't compare with other people.

On the other hand, Mengtai people pay attention to the Juque tribe at this time. Since the defeat of that war, the battle between daze tribe and Juque tribe has always existed. As long as people from the two tribes come across it, it's a bloody battle. However, the people from daze tribe are brave and brave, but they don't suffer any losses. However, the Juque tribe is almost the same. They always have a large number of people The Daze tribe can't compete in this. It can only be said that each tribe has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the losses are not big.

When Bai Kun tells Jono and Montaigne about Nantes, he doesn't take care of it any more. What Bai Kun cares more is that Roland occasionally mentions that a saint has gone to the city of the king of beasts to find Tengxiao. He also brings people from Honghe tribe with him. He thinks that Tengxiao was chased by Honghe tribe because he bought a piece of jade. This jade is used as a totem, which makes these things a little difficult According to the news from Beina, those saints are likely to be the people from the former temple, and they are also the enemies of Beina. Those people have great powers, and they can definitely count that Beina is not dead, or the heirs of Beina will appear many years later. They can't figure out someone, but they can take the necessary Donglai from Yinzhu to wait for Yinzhu, such as baiyushi.

Few people in this place can use jade, even if the decoration is only a small piece, and people prefer to use animal teeth to make decorations. What else can such huge jade be used for besides totem stone, and who else can use totem stone besides the people on their side?

To understand this, Bai Kun felt that his brain was not enough. Those people had already gone to the king of beasts city to find Tengxiao. Now the news that Tengxiao appeared in daze tribe has been spread out. I'm afraid the news will be covered for a long time. By that time, with this point of Daze tribe, can Yin Zhu be protected?

As soon as the saint appeared, he was afraid that it was Yin Zhu's death. Thinking of this, Bai Kun felt a headache. Not only for the sake of Meizu, he wanted to find a backing for Meizu. To tell the truth, Yin Zhu also found the peculiarity of Meizu. He was very happy. However, Yin Zhu was a big trouble. He would never give up Yin Zhu when he was burned by the totem For a moment, he won't give up Yin Zhu in his whole life. It's just a headache to think about it.

Maybe you can ask Beina, since they can calculate Yin Zhu, I think Beina is familiar with their style, and can also turn over and calculate them.

Bai Kun didn't tell Montaigne about all these things. It was too big for the tribe to carry the calculation of the Juque tribe. The people of the tribe were very happy. If he said this, he was afraid that the morale of the whole tribe would drop. Recently, there were too many things happening in the tribe. He wanted to let Yin Zhu leave and come to the temple It's only aimed at Yin Zhu. If Yin Zhu leaves daze tribe, the world is so big that it's not easy for those people to find someone. But will Yin Zhu leave daze tribe? Besides, once Yin Zhu leaves, what will he do? He's tied to the Daze tribe now.

However, Yin Zhu is not in good health now. No matter what his plans are, he has to wait until Yin Zhu gives birth to the baby. He only hopes to last until next spring.

Bai Kun really wants to talk to Beina himself, but if he talks to Beina, Yin Zhu will know for sure. When Yin Zhu knows, he is afraid that his heart will be in disorder again. This restlessness is a great burden on Yin Zhu's body.

He can't think of any good way. Bai Kun sometimes hopes that he really wants to think more. Unfortunately, if he doesn't think about it more, he depends on Jono and Tengxiao. Tengxiao has some force. Jono is clever and careful, but he is not smooth enough, not cruel enough, and he doesn't think thoroughly enough.

Baikun thinks about it and finally decides to go to Leihe. Anyway, the whole dark city is tied to Yinzhu's chariot now. It's not necessary for baikun to use it. Bena has finally left Yinzhu some useful hands.However, people in the dark city, Morrison is the descendant of the original beast God guard, so they should know more about those legendary things. However, Bai Kun did not dare to find him. Morrison still felt too dangerous for him. Bai Kun only dares to discuss with Lei he. After all, Lei he has feelings for Yin Zhu, not all interests. The relationship organized by interests will not be strong. After all, when other people can give better conditions, the other party can betray Yin Zhu, such as Morrison.

It seems that the reason why he is still alive now is to thank Morrison for his idea. But Bai Kun knows that he and Yin Zhu are calculated for Morrison. Moreover, Yin Zhu's child is still in Yin Zhu's stomach. He doesn't know if there will be any change after he is born. If Jiuyue doesn't say which child is still alive, they are afraid to die It won't hold up.

Leihe and his family are not far from the Daze tribe. Leihe often sneaks into the tribe in the middle of the night just to have a look at Yinzhu. However, Yinzhu was sleeping at that time, but he didn't communicate with Yinzhu very much.

Since he wants to ask Leihe to do something, Bai Kun doesn't have a rest in the middle of the night. He specially waits for Leihe outside the cave. When Leihe sees baikun, he nods. Leihe respects a person who can do nothing for Yinzhu. Of course, seeing baikun, Leihe has some ideas in his heart. After all, baikun is like a monster, and Yinzhu is a monster Can accept, that oneself this monster Yin Zhu also can accept, also can like?

Leihe is very happy to understand this. However, because Morrison calculated Yinzhu, Leihe feels very uncomfortable. Especially he knows that one of Yinzhu's children wants to become a Orc like himself. Leihe has already thought that if daze tribe can't accept that child, he will take the child back to the dark city and raise him as his own child He is short of successors.

"Leihe, I tell you, Yin Zhu is afraid that there will be a big crisis next. Would you like to help Yin Zhu?" Bai Kun asked in a calm voice.

When Leihe heard this, he quickly asked, "what kind of crisis, say it quickly. As long as you can help Yin Zhu, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

"I think you know the origin of Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu is the descendant of the former Saint Bena, and he is also the key person to save the orcs. However, those people also left behind in those years, and their names were called the sacred palace. There are already people who went to the orc City to check the origin of Tengxiao. The orc city is connected with the people there. I want you to inquire about the information about the sacred palace, but I don't know I want to be so passive, and I don't want Yin Zhu to be calculated. Would you like to help me and Yin Zhu? " Bai Kun asked in a calm voice.

Bai Kun also knows that he is scheming against Lei he. If Lei he has no feelings for Yin Zhu, he will not take risks.

Leihe agreed without hesitation, "OK, I'll do it. I'll help you find out the information about the temple."

"I think Morrison should know something. You can dig something out of his mouth." Thinking of Morrison's calculation of Yin Zhu, Bai Kun can't help coming back.

"Yes, I see." Leihe said rudely.

It's not dangerous for the God's palace. In fact, we both know that it was several disciples of the beast God. Even the beast God died because of it. Is it not dangerous? But Leihe even agreed without hesitation. The man's real temperament is really good. Besides the orc's shortcoming, he has good full marks and strength. Yin Zhu's eyes on men are good.

Bai Kun nodded at the back and thought about it.

Bai Kun looks at Lei he, who is walking away quickly. The orc is so simple that he has too much time to say. If Lei he can find out the news of the temple and come back alive, I will match you with Yin Zhu. Bai Kun swears in his heart.

As for Yin Zhu, Bai Kun likes it, but he doesn't like it. In Bai Kun's opinion, the more he really likes it, the more he should consider for each other. As long as it is beneficial to Yin Zhu, he will do it. This is the most pure and selfless emotion.

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