On the side of daze tribe, Yin Zhu didn't know that Leihe went to attack the beast king city for his own sake. By the time this magnificent battle reached daze tribe, the war was over.

Roland was worried about his father at the beginning. Later, he felt relieved when he knew that his father had nothing to do with him. Especially when he knew that the Lion King's pulse had been hit hard, Roland snickered for a long time. That's why Hong Sai was stupid to choose Nantes as his successor. What a good man brother Tengxiao is.

Yin Zhu looked at Bai Kun very puzzled at this time. "Bai Kun, you said that Leihe was very good. How could he attack the beast king city, especially the lion king, for me?"

Among her three partners, Bai Kun is the smartest. She can understand Bai Kun that she can't think of. So Yin Zhu likes to discuss things with her.

At the beginning, Yin Zhu felt that his three partners would take turns, but he didn't think that this aspect didn't need Yin Zhu to think about. Jono and the three of them arranged well how to accompany Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu was very comfortable, that is, Yin Zhu admired the three men.

Leihe will go to the orc city for trouble, which is expected by Bai Kun. After all, as soon as the people in the palace appeared, they were in the orc city. If the two had nothing to do with each other, Bai Kun didn't believe it. Even the orc city was probably supported by the Palace.

The reason why the city of king of beasts is called the city of king of beasts is that they have more or less mastered the knowledge and power handed down from 5000 years ago. They live a richer life than other tribes. Where these things come from may be passed on to them by the temple.

The most obvious thing is Tengxiao's theory. The four animal kings in the orc city have totem stones. Although they are only half totems, they are also totems. According to Yin Zhu's theory, there should be no totem in this world because of the fall of the animal God, because without God, there would be no basic belief in the totem. How does this half totem exist? I'm afraid those people in the city of king of beasts don't believe in animal gods for a long time. They should be changed into those people in the temple. However, those people are not animal gods after all, so they can't form a complete totem.

It has to be said that Bai Kun really guessed the reason why the totem was set up in the king of beasts city.

I don't know if Leihe has found anything useful after a good fight in the king of beasts City, especially the king of lions. You know, he went to Tengxiao and Roland to ask them about the layout of the lion zone. After such a fight, there must be something to come back.

When Bai Kun heard Yin Zhu's words, he laughed and touched Yin Zhu's head. "What do you want to do so much? Besides, Lei he is very smart. He won't suffer any losses. Moreover, he is very powerful. You don't have to worry about him."

Yin Zhu thinks about it, too. Leihe is the king of the orcs. He used to be able to hold down the four big Orc kings. What's more, now he's still wearing his own guard necklace. It's nothing to think about.

"Bai Kun, you said that Leihe had done so many things in order to get rid of the orcs this time. Do you think we should thank him?" Yin Zhu is a little embarrassed to ask. She really appreciates Lei he's contribution to her. She thinks that when she first met Lei he, it was because he saved her. She gave him something and Lei he returned it with salt mine. If there was no salt mine, daze tribe offended Juque tribe again. Now the salt that the tribe wants to eat is a big problem.

"Don't worry, I'm ready to thank you." Bai Kun wants to say that the gift he gives is absolutely what Leihe wants most. As for Leihe's a orc, this is not a problem. Anyway, Yin Zhu doesn't hate orcs. Besides, when Yin Zhu becomes powerful, Leihe's curse is lifted. These are not problems.

"Well, the pink fruits in the woods should be ripe recently. Have they been picked yet?" This pink fruit was identified by Yin Zhu as soon as he came to pick it up. It is rich in starch, but it was not mature at the beginning. Now it should be mature.

Bai Kun nodded. This matter has been arranged for the tribe to pick. There are a lot of trees around this kind of pink fruit. It seems that it can be picked. Even the food processing machine is constantly processing, directly turning it into vermicelli. The females like to eat this vermicelli. They boil some bone soup and then put some vermicelli and vegetables. The taste is that the males like to eat it.

There are a lot of this kind of fruit powder on the mountain nearby. People from other tribes don't want it, because it's hard to eat the powder when it's going to go down. Besides Yin Zhu, who knows that it can make vermicelli? Mengtai estimates that he will take back all the fruit around, and the vermicelli will be enough for the tribe to eat for a whole winter, not to mention that their tribe has stored other vermicelli Things.

The yam planted by Yin Zhu has survived, and now the leaves are green. Yin Zhu said that they planted it later. Dig slowly, and wait until winter comes. Anyway, the yam will not be bad even if it is fallen leaves and buried in the soil. Daze tribe can have a safe winter this year.

Even they know about Bena's existence, and Yin Zhu doesn't hide the fact about the identification system. Now when people from the tribe go out and see plants they don't know, they will bring some back for Yin Zhu to identify and see what it is. Recently, Yin Zhu also identified a kind of food, which is a bit like a variety of Bromus. It tastes similar to Bromus, but it's a pity Looking for is to find a point, because it is very scattered, the collection is not much, plus this thing is not easy to shell, Yin Zhu also has no way, but asked people to dry first when put away, after all, bromeg this thing, want to come after the wheat should not be far away, think about this heart is a lot more comfortable.Because there are many more medicines in Yinzhu tribe. Bena is surprised at Yinzhu's identification system, and Bena doesn't understand some species.

Leihe takes Sophie back to the city of darkness, and then throws her to the orcs below. If a woman with strong temper encounters such a thing, she is afraid she will be killed directly. However, Sophie is full of hate and unwilling. She wants to revenge.

Leihe went to Morrison with his booty at this time. This time, he not only caught a Sophie, but also brought back the totem stone belonging to the lion king.

Originally, the complete totem stone could be hidden in the altar. Without the call of the tribal priests, the totem stone would not appear. However, some of the totem stones in the king of beasts city are semi totem stones, which have no such function. They can only be placed in a secret place. Because of the previous explanation of Tengxiao, the people of Tengxiao quickly found the totem stone Come out, Leihe estimates that they don't know their totem stone is gone.

"I didn't get the news, but I brought this thing. Do you think it's useful?" Reich threw the half totem stone directly at Morrison.

Morrison quickly reached for the totem stone, and then said with a smile, "reih, you're so powerful that you can steal their totem stone. I admire you. It's useful."

Morrison took the totem stone, opened the tunnel where the totem stone was hidden, and led Leihe in. When Morrison threw the half totem stone to the totem stone, Leihe saw that the totem stone suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the half totem stone. Then Leihe saw a woman's Figure Struggling and roaring in the totem stone, "Damn orcs, you dare to do me a bad deed. I won't bypass you. Absolutely not."

Leihe looks at Morrison with a bad face. Morrison knows a lot about it. He's really worried that he'll be cheated if he's not careful.

Morrison looked back at Reich and explained with a smile, "this thing is used by the people in the temple to nourish their spirits, and now it's just used to fill in the power of the totem stone for many years."

"Is that what I've brought with me? Morrison, you have a lot of things to hide. Should you explain it to me? " Reich looks at Morrison coldly with his chest in his hands.

Morrison didn't get angry when he heard this, but asked Reich, "what do you want to know, you ask, I'll tell you what I know."

"About the temple, you know how much, say more." Leihe said impolitely.

"I don't know much about the temple, but I think you will soon know something about the temple. I tell you that on the third day when you attacked the city of king of beasts, my people went out hunting and caught a small caravan. The caravan brought a lot of goods and they were robbed back. There was also a beautiful female food." Morrison explained for a moment.

How could Morrison tell him about the female who came back from the robbery? Thinking of this, Reich's eyes lit up. "What's wrong with those females? Is it from the temple

Morrison didn't nod or shake his head when he heard this. "I don't know, but I heard from my subordinates that these people seemed to be robbed on purpose at the beginning. They didn't try their best to escape. In this special time, they even took the initiative to bump into the hands of orcs. Do you believe that it's ok?"

Leihe nodded when he heard this, and no female would like to come to the city of darkness. It's strange that the one who took the initiative to send her to the door was OK. Even if she was not the saint, she would have something to do with the temple, but she was very generous. She not only sent materials, but also had five or six females.

"I've got people staring at them. As for other people, I don't say much. No matter what they want to do, they will always show their feet, so I might as well give them a chance." Morrison said with a smile, it's better to give them a chance than to wait slowly. They don't have so much time to wait for them to come slowly, so they'd better hurry up and find out the saint as soon as possible, so they can be at ease as soon as possible.

"All right, it won't be useless this time." Reich said happily.

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