Leihe then passed on the information he got to Bai Kun. Bai Kun said that he didn't say anything after he knew it. He just let Leihe keep an eye on those people and let him know if there was any problem in time.

Henghou originally wanted to count the people of daze tribe and then seize the weapons of daze tribe. However, until the orcs attacked the beast king city, the lion king was seriously hit. Henghou could not stay at this time, and planned to go back immediately to help Nante.

The people of shiwangyimai didn't find the totem stone missing. After all, the place where the totem stone is stored is quite hidden. They can't find the totem stone without leading the way. However, when the totem stone of dark city swallows half of the totem stone belonging to shiwangyimai, all the totem soldiers of shiwangyimai vomit blood one by one, and then feel as if they have blood in their bodies It's like something's been stripped.

Even Hong Sai, the lion king with the most powerful strength, is the same. Moreover, Hong Sai finds that his strength is even lower than when he didn't inspire the power of totem. Hong Sai knows that the totem stone is in trouble.

Hongsai takes Nante to the place where the totem stone is stored. Looking at the empty secret room, hongsai can't help spitting out a mouthful of old blood. "Leihe, Leihe, I must kill you."

Nantes originally thought that reih had finally beaten back, but he didn't think that reih only quit because he had stolen their totem stone. But how could the orcs steal their totem stone? And now they are obviously eaten by the totem stone. I don't know what reih did to the totem stone.

Nantes was also flustered at this time. He grabbed hongsai's hand anxiously. "Father, what should we do now?"

"Block the news first. This news must not be known to the other king of beasts. Once they know, the lion king will not exist." Hongsai closed his eyes painfully.

This matter is too important. Hongsai himself arranges it. This matter is too serious. He thinks that once the news is leaked, he is not only the lion king but also the king of beasts.

Finally, he managed to control the key people. At this time, hongsai looked at Nantes gently and said, "Nantes, would you like to leave the orc city first? When things are safe here, my father will pick you up."

The reason why Hong Sai made such an arrangement was that he was worried that if he could not defend himself, Nantes' life would be in danger. He might as well send it out. The outside world is so big. It's not so easy to chase and kill a person.

Nantes shook his head at this. "No, father, I'm the lion king, and we're not there yet."

When he heard this, he shook his head. "Nantes, listen to me, we can't wait until that time. You just want to go, and it will spread sooner or later. Our family can say that the masters have died a lot, but we don't have totem warriors. How can we hold up the dignity of a king, or even fight with Reich The serious injury hasn't healed, but as long as we don't have the strength, others will dare to call on us. Nantes, you are the one I can't let go of in my life. So you listen to father's advice and leave here. If I can get the totem stone back, I'll get you back. "

On hearing this, Nantes shook his head firmly. "No, I'll never leave." He managed to drive Tengxiao out of the orc city. As a result, he also wanted to escape from the orc city like Tengxiao? Never, his dignity does not allow him to do so, he would rather die arrogantly in the city of the king of beasts, die on the throne of the lion king, also do not want to leave like this.

"You, why don't you listen to me?" Hongsai glared at him angrily.

"Father, no matter what, I won't leave. You don't want to send me away secretly, or I will come back by myself. It's hard for you to say what others will notice at that time." Nante said obstinately. He believed that his father loved him. Only at this time did Nante let go of his resentment and feel that hongsai really loved him.

"Well, if you want to stay, you can stay for the time being, but if it's time for danger, when I let you go, you're not allowed to stay, just go for me, OK?" Hong Sai's eyes say, in fact, Hong Sai still has something left to say. If he really has no way to go, he will go to Tengxiao. Tengxiao is kind-hearted and will take him in. But he doesn't say it. Hong Sai is very clear about Nante's opposition to Tengxiao. After saying this, he is afraid that the warmth between father and son will disappear immediately.

What's more, Tengxiao's place is too remote and may not be suitable for Nantes. In fact, hongsai thinks that their brothers can join hands. They are brothers. It's a pity that they made a mistake from the beginning. Of course, the biggest mistake is him. He hesitated to invert their relationship into what it is now.

"Good." Seeing that Hong Sai couldn't catch up with him, Nantes finally laughed happily.

Hongsai looked at Nante's happy smile, and he also had a rare smile in his heart. Their father and son seldom had such a warm time.

The next day for hongsai is to try his best to make Nantes a qualified king and manage his own people. Hongsai begins to restrain his people and let them go out without conflicts with other Orc king people. Of course, if others deliberately provoke them, they will never stay behind to fight back. That is to say, they have died so many people in this war It's normal for the clansmen to keep a low profile and narrow their sphere of influence. Of course, if they are bullied and dare not fight back, they will have problems.Because of hongsai's disposal, the other animal kings didn't feel any problem. Only the Lion King's important people knew about the loss of the totem stone. Naturally, they won't tell about it. It can be said that the animal King City is safe for the time being.

Wei Xi can't help laughing when he hears that the orcs are attacking the orc city and aiming at the lion king. The Daze tribe actually colludes with the orcs. He didn't believe it before, but now it's a coincidence. No wonder a small daze tribe dares to fight against their Juque tribe because they have support behind them. Thinking of the orcs, Wei Xi has to believe it Xi is really afraid. If all the orcs in the dark city come out, the Juque tribe will not be able to hold on. Thinking of this, Wei Xi can't help being afraid. Fortunately, in the previous battle, the orcs just come to make a scene, otherwise the Juque tribe will be destroyed, and the patriarch will not be able to see his ancestors.

Wei Xi tells henghou what he thinks and asks henghou to go back and tell the lion king that the Daze tribe dares to join hands with the orcs. It's up to the orc city to join hands with the surrounding tribes to suppress the orcs.

Heng Hou was very angry when he heard this. He never thought that the Tengxiao tribe would dare to join hands with the orcs. He really didn't want to live.

Henghou naturally does not dare to fight against the orcs. Even their king is not Leihe's opponent. How can he find trouble with the orcs? Henghou says that he will mention this matter to the lion king when he goes back, and then he goes back in a hurry.

Half a month has passed since henghou returned to the king of beasts city. Henghou told Nante about Weixi's conjecture. As soon as henghou went back, hongsai knew that Nante was even more dissatisfied with him because of the defeat in the previous war. It can be said that Nante's control over the king of lions is less than 30%.

When hongsai heard the news from henghou, he couldn't help but frown. Then he went to hongsai in a hurry. Because of the loss of totem stone, they had been looking for the traitor, but they couldn't find it out. Because they couldn't find the traitor, they were always uneasy. Now they heard that daze tribe and orcs were in collusion, Nante and hongsai Saima thought of Tengxiao.

Did Tengxiao bring back the orcs for revenge?

Nante looked at hongsai angrily at this time. "Father, I have said that Tengxiao is not funny. He dares to join hands with orcs and frame his own people. Even if he really hates me, what about you? You are his father, and there are so many people. He is too cruel. "

Henghou, Nante's subordinate, can't help but sneer at this. Who can be more cruel than Nante? Even his brother can do it. Moreover, Nante wants to destroy daze tribe. They just fight back. Besides, Tengxiao and Lion King are all criminals who have been expelled from daze tribe. Now they are from Daze tribe, of course, henghou After that, he would make complaints about it. He did not dare to speak in front of Nantes unless he did not want to live.

The totem stones of the tribe are all lost. The lion king doesn't know how long he can stay. Henghou is very disappointed.

Hong Sai can't believe it at this time, "no, no, Tengxiao won't do that." Hong Sai murmured, he really can't believe that mellow will only look at his little son with wronged eyes, will destroy his tribe.

"If you don't believe it, if it wasn't for him, the orcs would know where our totem stone is? What's more, if you think about what Wei Xi, the chieftain of the Juque clan, said, there are so many coincidences in the world. Whenever daze tribe is in trouble, the orcs will help. Think for yourself. " When Nante saw that hongsai's heart had gone to Tengxiao again, she couldn't help laughing.

"Let's investigate the matter first." Hongsai still can't believe it, and the impact is too big for him, so we should think about it.

The location of this totem stone is really related to Tengxiao, but it's definitely not Tengxiao who told the orcs to let Leihe attack the Lion King clan. Bai Kun guessed this by chatting with Tengxiao.

Bai Kun is Yin Zhu's partner, and he can die for Yin Zhu. Tengxiao, who is also Yin Zhu's partner, is not at all wary of Bai Kun. In addition, Bai Kun's evil spirit, he guesses the address at the same time.

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