Yuanzu was originally the king of snakes. When he was held up by someone, he would not be soft hearted when he heard Leihe say so. He nodded and said, "in this case, I'll come to learn your tricks."

Two people fight each other very soon. Leihe is a little irritable now. Although he says that he hates these people, Leihe still doesn't give a hard hand to Yuanzu. He is soft hearted after all.

People all say that orcs are cruel and cruel, but no one knows. In fact, reih, the king of orcs, is very soft hearted.

Leihe didn't care about his family. He knew for a long time that a Orc and an orc had no affection for each other. It's just that I don't think it's necessary. One more Yuanzu and one less Yuanzu won't have much influence on the current situation. What's more, no matter how close they are, Leihe won't kill them without hatred.

Originally, they could easily stop a group of people, but now there are so many people in the orc city. If they really fight to death, it's obviously impossible for the orcs to be unharmed. What's more, the main thing Leihe is worried about is Yin Zhu. He really doesn't have the heart to fight with these people here.

Morrison has no desire to fight, and the people in King of beasts city have no desire to fight. They are probably afraid of being beaten by the orcs. Anyway, in so many battles with the orcs, they all lose. Now I see that the orcs are still a little hairy.

If the orcs don't want to fight, the battle won't start. However, there's no way for these people to take Jono away. Leihe wants to take Jono away, but now there's no way, and Leihe doesn't dare to force him. After all, Jono's strength is not low. If he can't take Jono away, it's not good for those people to do too much to Jono.

After such a long time, Leihe also found that the saint didn't seem to know that Jono was Yin Zhu's partner, or even what Jono's name was. Otherwise, he would never have allowed Jono to contact himself as calmly as he does now. At the beginning, Leihe thought Jono would become like this, which was caused by people in the temple. It seems that he misunderstood.

In this case, Leihe naturally won't tell the whole story. Since Jono doesn't go with him, he should put it next to the saint. Now he'd better find Yin Zhu as soon as possible, so that he can know what happened after Yin Zhu returned to Daze tribe.

"It seems that you are in bad luck. Let's bypass you this time." Now that there is no hope of winning, Reich directly told the people below to stop and retreat.

At this time, Wu she had already joined those beast kings. This time, the people she despised were saved. Wu she was still in a high position. After all, even if those people didn't save herself, she would not be. At most, she would have a rest.

At this time, Yin Zhu had already taken Tengxiao to another place in the land of God's punishment to bury the holy valley. As the name suggests, this place is the place where saints are buried, and this place is also the last place where animal gods fall.

However, this place was surrounded by fog before, and no one could enter. This is the place where the beast God hid things. He hid the staff he had been using here. Only the descendants with his breath could enter the fog.

Tengxiao and Yinzhu soon found the burial valley. After all, this place is very easy to find.

Tengxiao originally wanted to go in with Yin Zhu. After all, he let Yin Zhu take the risk alone. Tengxiao was not at ease. Unfortunately, Tengxiao found that as soon as he got close to the white fog, he would be sent out quietly. There was no way to go in, but Yin Zhu could.

In this way, Tengxiao doesn't want to let Yin Zhu face it alone. If Yin Zhu has something to do in this burial Valley alone and wants to ask for help, what can he do at that time? What's more, if something happens to Yin Zhu, how can he tell Bai Kun? He's going to tell Yin Zhu to himself.

After hearing this, Yin Zhu shook his head. "Don't worry, it should be OK. This place is left by the beast God. I'm the descendant of the beast God. He won't hurt me." Of course, Yin Zhu still has something to say. Even if the beast God really wants to hurt her, she is afraid that she will not be able to resist, so it's better to face it simply. Otherwise, you never know what to do next. Only when you know the reason, can you think of an effective way to deal with them. Besides, the beast God's current opponent should be Qingling three, so it shouldn't be It's what hurt her.

Tengxiao asks Yin Zhu to persuade him. Yin Zhu also says that he will come out when he takes something and will never stay. Ning Wai tells Tengxiao to be careful. After all, even if the beast God has a back hand, he is afraid that the three Qingling in this place have already known about it. When he goes in, there is no way for them to take it, but Tengxiao is different.

Tengxiao nodded, indicating that he knew, he would be careful.

At this time, Yin Zhu walked straight into the fog. She was very careful along the way. Fortunately, there was no strange appearance and she was very safe. Soon, Yin Zhu came to a tall palace. The beast God had a way. When she was dying, she could build such a palace. The staff should be in this temple.

The safety along the way made Yin Zhu slightly relax her vigilance. Just as she walked into the hall, Yin Zhu was surprised by the three figures in the hall. She was so scared that she almost didn't fall to the ground.At this time, some of the three figures had already come towards her. Yin Zhu was surprised and wanted to retreat. At this time, he found that the palace gate behind him had already been closed. Who were these three people? Didn't they say that no one could come in except her?

Sure enough, I can't be too confident. This palace has been here for five thousand years. Five thousand years has been enough time for Qingling to find out something to fight against. These three should be the three disciples of the beast God.

Since there is no way to escape, Yin Zhu just calms down. She looks at the leaders and says coldly, "Qingling, since you've already figured out a way to block me here, why don't you do it?"

The three Qingling are all wrapped in the black cloak, only one outline can be seen. The specific appearance can't be seen. I really don't know what these three people look like, but whether the people in this temple have any tradition and how they always like to wrap such black things.

At this time, Qingling looked up and down at Yinzhu, and then said faintly: "before, I wanted to say when the younger martial sister became so timid. Now, it seems that she has a little momentum, not bad."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he thought that Qingling regarded herself as Bena, including the orcs who also regarded herself as the reincarnation of the beast God. It seemed that all this should be the way that the beast God arranged for Bena, but he didn't know why, except for the accident, she came here, but Bena became a brain in the system.

"You say, Bena, why does that old woman treat you so well? If you want to teach her, she has seen you more than ten times from the beginning to the end. I taught you all your knowledge, including things in life, but what? The old man wants to pass the position of the beast God to you. Why do you say that? You can be a god of animals by making jokes and making trouble in the holy mountain. I treat her well and always show filial respect to her. As a result, I have double betrayals. One is my most respected Master, and the other is you, who I love as much as my sister. As a result, you both betray me. " Talking about the past, Qingling is still very angry.

Yin Zhu would like to say that these feelings and the past, he does not want to know, and these feelings have nothing to do with himself.

"Bena, would you like to talk to them yourself?" Yin Zhu asked Beina in his heart, after all, this matter is Beina's heart knot. Beina has the right to say these things, no matter what kind of decision Beina makes.

Bena nodded, she has too many things to ask, Yin Zhu can let her choose, Bena is really happy.

Yin Zhu quickly gave Bena control of her body, and then looked on as a bystander.

"You are really good to me, but this is not the reason for you to kill Shifu. If you want to be a god beast, just say that I can give it to you. You should know that as long as you want, I will definitely give it to you, so this is not a reason. Give me a reason, give me a reason to convince me." Bena cried out angrily at this time.

"Bena, you are stupid. Where there is a reason for such a thing, killing is stupid." Qing Yuan pretended not to care, but she couldn't help but raise her head, afraid not to see her tears.

Yes, kill, kill, where need reason, even if there is a reason, how can it be, master has no, no matter what is late, Beina suddenly feel that their insistence is not so useful, she suddenly some weakness.

"You three are intercepting here. Do you want to kill me? Why don't you do it? " Beina is cold. She's sorry, because her own affairs have put Yin Zhu in a dangerous situation. If she didn't have her own affairs, Yin Zhu would still enjoy happiness in the 21st century. That place is really good.

Hearing this, Qingling laughed sarcastically, "we want to kill you. Unfortunately, the old woman has already arranged everything. First, she won't let us in. It took us more than 3000 years to break through the battle and come in. As for this hall, it's more serious. We can't do it here. If we do it, we'll be punished and don't throw it out Valley, so you're safe here. You see how good the old lady is to you. Even when she dies, she helps you arrange your way back. "

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