After Yin Zhu knew that her life was not in danger for the time being, she was at ease, otherwise she would not be the opponent of these people.

However, Yin Zhu didn't like these people. After all, a man who could even kill his own master, it can be said that the beast God brought them up and educated them since childhood, which is no different from their parents.

"What about you? Because of the ridiculous inheritance, you killed Shifu. " Beina is very painful to question. Her feelings for the three elder martial sisters are no less than those of the master beast God. After all, Beina was brought out by these three people since she was a child, but her dearest one is divided into two groups. It's too cruel to ask her to make a choice.

Hearing this, Qingling burst out laughing, "my dear younger martial sister, do you think that we can't hurt you here, so you can scold me so recklessly?"

Beina heard this silence, but now this opportunity is rare, if you don't ask clearly, Beina really can't pass the pass in her heart. Even as early as many years ago, she had accumulated enough strength to return to the orc world, but she couldn't face it. That's why she stayed in the 21st world for such a long time. However, this time has been extended to 5000 years.

Beina really didn't know how to face it, but she had to face it in the end. She had been escaping for 5000 years, and even pulled Yin Zhu down.

"I always want to ask clearly. I just want to know, elder martial sister, now I have got the inheritance of master. In fact, I don't want to be the beast God. If I give up this position to you, what will you do?" Bena asked directly.

As for Yinzhu, Beina can only say she's sorry. Without Yinzhu's consent, she sent out the things that belong to Yinzhu. Beina is really sorry, but Beina knows that Yinzhu has no ambition. She is a little woman who is loved by others and lives a rich life. I don't think Yinzhu will have any objection. Moreover, after knowing this matter, Yinzhu can be aboveboard You don't have to worry about danger.

When Qingling heard what Beina said, she laughed and burst into tears. "Little younger martial sister, you are so timid. How can you worry that you will die if you are inferior to us?"

"If we kill the old woman, won't you avenge her? She has chosen you as a cowardly descendant. If she knows about it underground, she will be very angry. " Qingling said and laughed with pride.

After laughing, he scolded the God fiercely, "old woman, do you see that this is your chosen successor? Do you think I can't compare with her, where can't compare with her, can't compare with her timidity, can't compare with her cowardice?"

Beina is flustered by Qingling's words. Is it revenge? She was heartbroken when she thought of her master's death, but looking at the elder martial sister who was almost crazy, she was miserable and sad, and she hated such elder martial sister. She also resented why she did that, but she didn't kill her elder martial sister. She hated them, but she never wanted them to die.

It can be said that in the world, five thousand years have passed. Except for Yin Zhu, these people are her only relatives. Whether she admits it or not, it's good. There are only a few people in the world who know her existence.

Qingling laughs madly for a long time, then looks at Beina sadly, and says in gloomy words: "little Beina, it's too late. The fate between us has been predestined for a long time. Either you die or I live. The old woman has already set it up. I want to be a beast God. I have to kill you and kill you." With that, Qingling began to smile again.

"You say that the old lady loves you so much. Even if you die, she protects your soul and reincarnates you. But why does she have to let you and me fight against each other? You say, Bena." Qingling smiles, but there is no smile in his eyes. Some of them are crazy.

When Beina heard this, she closed her eyes painfully. Master, why do you want to do that? Why do you want me to make such a painful choice.

The first elder martial sister, the second elder martial sister and the Third Elder martial sister are the people who grew up with her from childhood. She is the same as her own elder sister. Although they have done something wrong, Beina has never thought of fighting with them. She is such a person, whether she is cowardly or useless.

Yin Zhu, what do you think I should do? Beina looks at Yinzhu helplessly.

Yin Zhu feebly touched forehead, can how to do, now this body when own good? She just borrowed Beina for a while, that is to say, Qingling is her own enemy. Although Yin Zhu has no great ability, she still knows that she can't be soft hearted to her own enemy.

"Elder martial sister, what do you want to do?" Asked Bena, after a long silence.

"Bena, I'll give you a chance. Do you see the staff on it? The old lady specially left it to deal with us. We can't take it. You can. I'll stand here and give you a chance to take revenge." Qingling straightened his face.

Yin Zhu is a little confused at this time. Qingling looks like a madman. This brain circuit is different from ordinary people. Now he will give himself a chance. Is it a trap?

Bena took a serious look at Qingling, and then walked slowly towards the position of the staff.Beina walked steadily, while Yin Zhu was worried. Fortunately, nothing happened along the way until the staff reached Beina's hand.

When Beina takes the staff into her hand, the fog over the palace suddenly dissipates slowly. At this time, Qingyuan, who is beside Qingling, raises her hand directly to Beina, which is an attack.

Beina didn't have time to defend. This attack was stopped by Qingling. Qingyuan looked at Qingling in disbelief and asked, "elder sister, what are you doing?"

"Qingyuan, I said I would give Bena a chance to get revenge. Get out of the way." Qingling coldly pushes away Qingyuan who is standing in front of him, goes to Beina's front, and then stops.

At this time, Qingyuan could not help shouting, "elder sister, are you crazy? What are you doing There are special incantations on the staff to deal with them. As long as Bena starts the magic in the staff, the fire on their bodies will burn rapidly, and then their hearts will suffer huge trauma or even fall.

Qingling this gives a chance to revenge, in fact, is to send his life to Beina in front.

At this time, Beina looked at Qingling with a very complicated look. "Why, why do you think I will be soft hearted and let you go?"

Qingling at this time a faint smile, "little younger martial sister, I never wanted to kill you, before also did not want to kill you, you are very lovely, I just want to make you lose your ability, do not want your life, the result of things appeared deviation, said that those have no meaning, I just apologize, so I give you a chance, let you revenge."

Bena's eyes turned red when she heard this. "Why do you think you can pay it off at one chance? The master is gone, and the orchid frost is gone. What will you pay for it? "

Qingling just a faint smile at this time, and then closed his eyes.

Bena shook her lips, and then exclaimed angrily, "OK, you want to get rid of the grudge, right? I'll help you. If you can live under this move, there will be no grudge between us." With that, Beina directly stimulates the seal inside the staff and attacks Qingling with a fierce attack.

"Big sister." Qingyuan cried out bitterly. Qingling would not be able to stand such a fierce attack.

Qingyuan wants to go up to save Qingling, but Qingling is in front of Beina. How can she save her? The attack has arrived.

A bright flame rose from Qingling's body, with the meaning of Jue Jue. At this time, Bena grasped the staff tightly with her two fingers, and did not see the spirit clearly. She turned and stepped out of the palace.

Just as soon as she got out of the palace, Beina's momentum disappeared. She quickly returned her body to Yin Zhu, and then said wearily, "Yin Zhu, while Qingling is injured now, you should leave as soon as possible. Besides, I'm very tired. I'm going to have a good rest."

Yin Zhu takes over her body, and then rushes out. To tell the truth, Beina can still use the staff to activate her magic, but she may not be able to do it, so she'd better slip away first.

At this time, Qingyuan held Qingling and cried, "sister, why did you do that? Why, we don't owe Beina, we don't owe Beina."

Qingling, who looked seriously injured, sat up like a nobody. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, then patted Qingyuan on the shoulder and said, "I'm ok. Don't worry. Let's go back to soul eating cliff first."

At this time, Qingyuan nods her head and plans to take Qingling back to heal her wounds. As for Yinzhu, she doesn't want to pursue her for the time being. It's all about the safety of Qingling.

Three people soon returned to the soul cliff, Shirley at this time also worried to see clearly Ling, "elder martial sister, are you ok?" See clearly the appearance of work properly hurt very heavy, and Bei Na didn't keep a hand.

Beina at this time a faint smile, "really nothing, our younger martial sister is still so soft hearted, you don't see at that time the attack seems to be very fierce, the attack is a real attack, but Beina has calculated the range I can bear, will let me hurt, but absolutely not fatal." Qingling said and raised the corner of his mouth to smile.

Hearing Qingling's words, Qingyuan was relieved, but she was still very unhappy. "Elder sister, you can't do this in the future. You don't know that I was scared to death by you. We can't gamble on everything. What if you miscalculate?"

Qingling shook his head at this time. "It's necessary. I always want to know if our younger martial sister has changed. If it hasn't, it's much easier for us to do. I can't bear to destroy such a softhearted younger martial sister." Qingling said tut tut sigh.

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