Yin Zhu and Tengxiao have already taken the place of God's punishment, and they begin to pray for blessings and spread new knowledge to every tribe passing by. Of course, the spread of knowledge can't just rely on the mouth. Yin Zhu thinks that this kind of inheritance is easy to be cut off. For example, the most important thing of the five thousand year old animal God culture is to leave a written inheritance, so that it's not afraid to cut off.

There is no traditional writing system in the orc world. Some of them only have simple murals and are still in hieroglyphs. Moreover, they are a kind of hieroglyphs of a tribe. It's very difficult to understand them. Now the Chinese characters have evolved for many years and become very mature. Yin Zhu plans to spread modern Chinese characters in the orc world.

However, cultural heritage can not be formed in a short time. Yin Zhu plans to choose a few smart children to go with him and study with him every time he goes to a tribe. When they are successful, they can go back to their tribe.

It's just that although he spent his college life, he didn't have systematic teaching materials, and he didn't educate his children. It's not a simple thing. Yin Zhu plans to make a simple version by himself first, and some of the fonts he will use in his life will be made first. Yin Zhu doesn't dare to guarantee that he will teach everyone well. In general, it's not a good idea to improve this It will be at half past six.

In addition, if you want to spread culture, the most important thing is paper and pen. It's easy to make paper, but it's not so easy to make good paper. Yin Zhu only knows the principle. Let's see at that time. First get the paper out, and the quality is almost the same.

The arrival of Yin Zhu is welcomed by all tribes. After all, everyone respects the beast God very much. Moreover, Yin Zhu is very kind and teaches them a lot of things, especially about food storage methods. In this winter, it's not only the tribes in the Luoyue mountains who are short of food and clothing, but also the orcs outside the plain who are short of food and clothing The tribes in the mountains are better.

Yin Zhu teaches these people to make pickled vegetables, bacon and dried fruits. For a moment, because they want to make bacon and dried fruits, the price of salt rises immediately. Salt is expensive in places not near the sea. Therefore, Yin Zhu leads people to look for salt mines everywhere and teaches them how to extract salt.

The other is to tell them how to use sea water to bask in salt. Well, there is a way to the seaside outside the plain. They only need to work hard and run for more than half a month to get to the seaside. This can also alleviate the problem of buying salt for these tribes.

Yin Zhu stayed in a tribe for about ten days, taught the main things and then left. Of course, when Yin Zhu went to their place, he would also learn the unique culture and knowledge of each tribe. Those people were also willing to tell the good beast God the secret of the tribe. When Yin Zhu wanted to leave, they were still reluctant to part with it, and still had a lot of things to learn When Yin Zhu said that he wanted to find some children to study with him, the tribe brought over more than a dozen children. In the end, Yin Zhu only selected five children, and they were still the older ones, because these children were basically able to take care of themselves, and some even took care of the younger ones.

This tribe has five children. When Yin Zhu wants to wait for himself to walk all the way, he will become a super large team. However, these people will learn from themselves and receive their own favor. When they return to the tribe, they will become the mainstay of the tribe. Later, those tribes will be interested in themselves, which is the foundation of Yin Zhu's spreading culture.

This needs to be done, and that also needs to be done. Yin Zhu wants to grow three heads and six arms so that he can be busy. Fortunately, the people who follow here are still obedient. They are willing to do whatever Yin Zhu tells them to do. Of course, the most important thing is that Yin Zhu, the beast God who takes office, has something in his stomach. He knows a lot of things, such as a lot of food, of course Yin Zhu was identified, and in the eyes of those people who doubted, he tasted those things first, even some herbs. Yin Zhu also knew that, so he slowly accepted the hearts of this group of people.

Yin Zhu's grand trip naturally attracted the idea of many people in the orc world. Some people can't even wait for Yin Zhu to walk over. As long as Yin Zhu appears in that tribe, those people will follow. Fortunately, these people are quite regular, and some even help Yin Zhu on the road, which doesn't bring any trouble. Of course, it's because there are fewer people, if there are more people Because of this, Yin Zhu called a guard to maintain order.

The Daze tribe also heard the news that Yin Zhu was walking outside. At this time, the Daze tribe had unified the whole Luoyue mountain. Originally, those people were not reconciled. Now they know that the beast God belongs to the Daze tribe. It's just ecstatic to know that they are not reconciled. With Yin Zhu, the beast God, what do they want in the future? Look at the advanced weapons and weapons All kinds of food, happy days are just around the corner.

Of course, this man is submissive, but at the same time, because of Yin Zhu, these guys become arrogant one by one. Fortunately, they are all in the Luoyue mountains, and Montaigne also plans to suppress them. It's not a shame that they want to be Yin Zhu's support.

Bai Kun smiles faintly when he hears about Yin Zhu. When Yin Zhu decides to go out, Bai Kun knows that Yin Zhu will definitely do something. But he really didn't expect that in such a short time, Yin Zhu will turn the whole Orc world upside down. It's really his favorite female.It's just that Yin Zhu has become the beast God of the orcs all over the world to help those who are in trouble. However, he is trapped in daze tribe and can't go anywhere. He really hates being lost. He also wants to go to the outside world to have a look. I don't know if Yin Zhu still remembers that he has a partner waiting for her to come back.

Bai Kun sometimes wondered if he had run more places when he was young, so he was punished for staying in daze tribe. You said that at this time, the outside world is so wonderful, and he can only stay in daze tribe.

After unifying the Luoyue mountains, there are many more things about baikun. After the accident of Jono, Montaigne did not choose any less patriarch. People in the tribe almost have an idea in their heart, that is, the patriarch of the tribe will let Yin Zhu be the patriarch. Yin Zhu is not here now. Montaigne almost treats baikun as the less patriarch.

Fortunately, Bai Kun knows a lot of things. He can say that he takes over directly, but he doesn't need to be taught by Meng Tai.

With the unification of the Luoyue mountains, Mengtai is more stable. At least, there is no need to worry about the Daze tribe dragging Yinzhu behind. Mengtai plans to send someone to find Yinzhu at this time. At least it is good to pass on the news of daze tribe.

The men sent by Mengtai used to be the members of the black wolf bandit group. The black wolf bandit group has long been integrated into daze tribe. Because they are still slaves, they are absolutely loyal. Mengtai can trust them to do many things, and their strength is very strong, second only to Tengxiao.

When Leihe and his party arrived at the temple, they found that Yin Zhu suddenly became the new beast God. The temple was divided into two parts, one was Fuxiang, the other was Meiying, and the two sides were fighting fiercely.

After Fuxiang knew that Leihe and Yinzhu belonged to them, he didn't accept them. On the contrary, he was half sarcastic. Yes, they also despised the orcs. In Fuxiang's opinion, Yinzhu didn't need the orcs to help him because of their existence. It's a hindrance that the ugly orcs dare to come to their palace, but it's a shame Although the nose is not the nose and the eyes are not the eyes, they didn't attack Reich.

Leihe doesn't want to stay in the palace to see people's faces, especially knowing that Yin Zhu is no longer in the palace at this time. The first thing Leihe does is to leave quickly. The people on this side of the palace are better dealt with by their own people.

Because Yin Zhu's whereabouts are not hidden at all, it's easy to find him.

Leihe takes people to chase Yinzhu on one side, while Meiying on the other side naturally knows what Yinzhu has done in the orc mainland. Thinking of what Yinzhu has done to buy people's hearts, Meiying jumps to find Qingling in a hurry.

On the contrary, when they went back to the orc city with Wu He, they were all trapped, because they didn't know who they should be with.

Wu Yao was the one they had agreed with before, but now Wu Yao is standing on the opposite side of the beast God. They came to the temple just to see the new beast God.

Some people think that since ancient times they have followed the beast God, and only the beast God has been recognized. No matter who is the beast God, they only recognize the beast God. Some people think that they have been following the Wuhe faction all the time. Now that they are transferred to the beast God, they can't be reused. It's better to continue to follow the Wuhe faction If it's good, and if it's bad, it may not come to a good end.

For a moment, several beast kings could not make up their minds and quarreled endlessly. However, they did not decide which side to take refuge with, but they did not know that they were quarreling endlessly. However, no one in the temple paid attention to them.

In fact, the so-called Orc city is just a place where they support and monitor the orc world. Their strength is not as strong as robbers. The reason why the strength of ORC city is higher than that of ordinary people is that they have semi-finished totem stones before. In addition, they get more material things, and their physical quality will be better.

But now that Yin Zhu has gone all over the world to publicize those things, the advantages of ORC city no longer exist. Their defection can not bring them great influence, and they even treat them as clown cannon fodder.

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