Mei Ying finds Qingling and says what Yin Zhu is doing now. Then she anxiously asks, "master, the female is publicizing those things outside now. I'm afraid those foolish people will be fooled by her, and then it's bad for us. Do you think we should send someone out to publicize them?"

Although the people in the temple have always been superior and despised those in the orc world, the orc world is the foundation of the temple. For example, some gifted disciples and some resources are constantly sent to the land of divine punishment by the orc world.

At this time, Qingling shook his head faintly, "in the past five thousand years, have we given less favor?"

Yes, over the past five thousand years, the temple has not completely ignored the life and death of the orc world, or has gathered some hands, such as the king of beasts city. Of course, there are also some powerful tribes, but now that the new beast God is born, those people are afraid that they have different ideas.

At this time, Qingyuan said with disdain, "if that woman wants to buy, she can go. Anyway, I just want to see how many people take refuge in that woman."

Qingling nodded. Moreover, at the critical moment, she also wanted to see the people who were loyal to her. What she wanted to do was something big. She didn't have the courage to be loyal. She didn't dare to use it.

"Now people all over the world are singing the praises of the new beast God, who is kind and generous. I'm afraid that after a long time, there will be no news from you." Mei Ying is still worried.

Qingling shook his head at this time, "OK, it's not urgent. I have my own plan. Just take the traitor Fu Xiang for me. In addition, the new beast God has come out, you always want to get her source out, don't say you haven't got it out yet? " Qingling asked with an eyebrow.

Qingling has some headache. When he suck in the primary election, he can't help him. At the beginning, I wanted to find someone who didn't have the ability to be obedient and didn't dare to betray them. Who knows that I got such a thing back? I knew earlier that I might as well choose the ambitious Fuxiang. At least Fuxiang has the means, so I would consult her if I didn't have any trouble.

Finally sent away Meiying, Qingyuan this time anxiously asked, "sister, now what should we do?"

Qingling then said with a smile, "don't worry. The most important thing for me now is to heal in advance. No matter what happens, I'll wait until I'm well hurt." Qingyuan wants to say that in this case, why did she let Beina hurt herself and waste her time, but she still swallowed the words she was about to spit out. Her sister always had her own plan.

However, the elder sister had a plan, but she didn't tell her, which made Qingyuan a little sad.

Shirley just took a light look at the two Qingling sisters at this time, and then didn't say anything.

In fact, Shirley had 11, 000 questions to ask, but she didn't ask in the end. For five thousand years, she could say that she didn't want to take part in the butcher's action. After all, people with clear eyes could see that the position of the beast God had nothing to do with her, no matter how round it was. It's good for her to be a steady three saints, and her status and interests were over there. However, because of her own tribe, she didn't want to ask They were bound to the warship by Qingling. Unfortunately, they won the battle, but they won miserably. Everyone paid a huge price for it. As for her tribe, it was because it was destroyed. She was resentful and resentful, but resentment could not change these facts.

Some things are wrong when they are wrong, and there is no possibility of repentance.

She's still alive, but she's very miserable. Then she's still with Qingling Qingyuan. She basically doesn't care about anything now, because she knows very well that she's in charge of the life of being a thug. She can't get any benefits, no matter she can have a free time.

Once Shirley also wanted to kill Qingling, so that her suffering heart can rest in peace, but she is not Qingling's opponent, even a little resentment can not be revealed.

Sometimes, Shirley would think, if only she hadn't been involved in that event at the beginning, is the master still good, and the orc mainland also good, for a long time, when she saw the depressed and ruined Orc mainland, her heart was unfair, and she even felt that she was sinful. Now she finally came back, and the moment she saw Bena, Shirley was happy Yes, but at the same time, Shirley is also jealous. Why, why can Bena have such a good life? Even if she dies, someone still arranges her life after reincarnation, but she has to wait for 5000 years.

Shirley's feelings for Qingling and Bena are complicated. On the one hand, she has been together for many years. However, she resents each other. She really envies each other and cherishes the memories. Sometimes, Shirley feels that there is a devil in her heart, a devil who can eat people at any time.

Shirley sees the spirit clearly. Although she can't fully guess the mind of Qingling, she can still guess a little after spending so many years together. Qingling has a purpose in doing everything. This time, she will give Bena such a good chance to develop. Why? As for what Qingling says about guilt, it's a joke. Qingling can do anything, so it's impossible to feel guilty.

Qingling is going to calculate Beina. Does she want to tell Beina? Thinking of Qingling fighting with Bena, Shirley feels excited when she thinks about it. Anyway, she can't get any good. Since she can't get it, no one can think of it. Shirley laughs when she thinks about it.Shirley also sends people to the orc mainland soon. She still has some subordinates in the humid mainland. My dear younger martial sister is so weak, she still goes to send some warmth.

Shirley doesn't really want to help Yin Zhu. She just thinks life is boring and wants to make things worse.

On the other hand, Leihe is about to catch up with Yin Zhu at this time, but this time Leihe's action is not very good. The orc doesn't like the orcs. When Leihe leads people to pursue the beast God, everyone thinks that Leihe wants to hurt the beast God, so that Leihe can't get close to him. This makes Leihe very angry.

Leihe used to see Yinzhu. When he went to Daze tribe, the Daze people didn't like him very much, but several clan leaders of Mengtai met with them. Now the guards of the shrine and the orcs are there. Leihe felt the strong difference between orcs and orcs for the first time, and he didn't even have the qualification to be a follower of Yinzhu.

Because he didn't see Yinzhu during the day, he could only steal at night. However, even at night, the guards around Yinzhu were very alert. They surrounded Yinzhu's tent in the middle. Leihe didn't want to break through quietly. In the end, Leihe had no choice but to contact Tengxiao first and then meet Yinzhu with Tengxiao's hand.

"Yinzhu, Jono is in the place of God's punishment. He is with a saint named Wu Yi." This is the first thing Leihe said when he saw Yinzhu.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he grabbed Leihe and said, "Jono, you have news of Jono. It's not surprising that Yin Zhu is so worried. Recently, she has gone to many tribes, but she can't find Jono. Now, she has news of Jono."

Only in the land of divine punishment did she leave the land of divine punishment, and now she has to go back.

But for Jono's sake, she's going to make a break even if it's a fire.

After that, Leihe tells you about his encounter with Jono on the road. Yin Zhu knows the whole story at this time. However, when he knows that Jono has completely forgotten himself and is intimate with another female, Yin Zhu is still very sad, but she doesn't blame Jono. After all, Jono's situation is not stable when he runs away, and now he's in trouble At this time, the energy of animal Dan should be absorbed almost, which woman named Saint saved Jono, so Jono would be right with her.

As for the way to treat Jono, Yin Zhu has carefully discussed with Beina. Beina says that swallowing animal Dan has two results: one is to swallow and gain the power of animal Dan, the other is to be swallowed and controlled by the power of animal Dan. It can be said that even if Jono is alive, he can only be regarded as another person's, but Beina says that if the person who is swallowed is not completely destroyed Swallowing, then there is the possibility of awakening.

But now that she can't see Jono, she can't judge whether Jono is completely lost.

With the news of Jono, Yin Zhu doesn't want to continue to drift on the mainland. She plans to go to the land of divine punishment to find Jono. However, Yin Zhu wants to go, but the attendants around him don't want to. From their point of view, Yin Zhu, as an animal God, should benefit the people in the orc world, spread knowledge, and then gain the respect and admiration of the orcs Yin Zhu's own task still has a lot of things to do. How can he go like this?

Yin Zhu wanted to cry a little at this time. At the beginning, the bodyguards he chose were all the people of the dead brain classic. Now he is going to have a headache. If he digs a hole, he will jump even if he dies.

In the end, Yin Zhu had no choice but to say that she had just accepted the inheritance and had a lot of knowledge to go back to study. In addition, she had been running for so long that her body could not bear it. Finally, she had to negotiate with those tribes who had been waiting for a long time about when to go again and gave them a fixed time. Only those people agreed to leave.

Orcs are committed and will do what they promise. As an animal God, they should abide by these promises. That's why the people give way so readily and arrange the food on the road.

As for Yin Zhu, it's not to deceive them. It's Yin Zhu's thought and decision to spread culture. Most orcs are simple and kind-hearted. They shouldn't live like this. As long as they can improve their life, Yin Zhu is willing to help, but the premise of this help is to take care of their own people online. Now it's Jono who is more important.

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