And where is Jono at this time? At this time, he was discussing with Wu Hu over there to let Wu Hu help him escape.

Jono doesn't plan to make a partner with Sophie at all. Even if Qingling gives an order, it doesn't work. Not to mention the former Jono doesn't. now Jono becomes very rebellious because he has absorbed the golden winged beast Dan. How can he wrongly do such a thing? Besides, the people he identifies just help him at the beginning. As for Qingling, he doesn't care Care, OK?

Even if Qingling's strength is high, he can't give in anyway.

He doesn't want to do anything against his own will, but it's very difficult for him to kill by force, and even more likely he will be caught back. Moreover, those who guard him are all close to Wu Hu, and the captain is Wu Hu. How can Jono fight Wu Hu.

"Wu Yu, help me, and you will escape with me. With our ability, we can escape to the orc continent and have a good life. We don't have to worry about this at all." Jono knew that he had to take great responsibility to escape. After spending so long time with him, Jono really recognized him, not because of love, but because of Jono's current consciousness, who was the one he saw at first sight and helped him warm him, and the one he was willing to repay and protect. He took her as a friend and family member.

Wu Yu sighed helplessly when he heard this, "Xiao Jin, why do you embarrass me? I can't turn my back on my master." Originally, he just saved such a person at random. Who knows that Jono has such an identity? Jono is the partner of the new beast God. Jono trusts her very much. He can't bear to think of Wu she's here. Just thinking of the master's plan, Wu she closes her mouth. How long has she been with Jono? Even if Jono trusts herself again, she's the saint of the temple Jono is just one of her men.

"Xiao Jin, I just want to say one word. I can't promise you this, but you don't have the chance. To tell you the truth, someone cares about you and is preparing to rob you. So it's still unknown whether you can become a partner with Sophie. If you don't want to be with Sophie, you can go with those people." The latter words are in a low voice.

Hearing Wu Yu's words, Jono frowned. He could not help hesitating and asked, "they? Robbing relatives is your enemy, isn't it

Wu Ji nodded when he heard this.

"Does it matter to me who they are?" Jono thought that before those people had been calling themselves Jono, and they took good care of themselves. In particular, the woman named Sophie also called him Jono. At the beginning, he was not interested in Jono's name. He felt troublesome, but there was always something familiar about it.

Wu Hu shook his head when he heard this, "Xiao Jin, to tell you the truth, I don't know your origin, because when I rescued you, you had lost yourself. Maybe your name is Jono, and you have something to do with them, but you can also say that you have nothing to do with them. The people who have always devoured the beast Dan wake up again after they are lost, and they have become another person, which can be said to be a birth change The rebirth of bone can be said that you are Jono, or you are not Jono. It depends on what you think and who you want to be Wu Yu said in a low voice, the truth and lies, only half true and half false is the most easy to cheat.

Jono is not completely lost. When Jono slowly absorbs the energy, he will wake up sooner or later, but it's impossible to tell Jono that.

After hearing this, Jono was silent for a while and said, "no matter who I used to be, I can't remember. I think I'm Kim."

Wu Ji was overjoyed to hear that. That's what she wanted. As long as Jono was willing to stand on her side, it would be much easier for her to do.

"Xiao Jin, listen to me. If the person outside is really your former partner, they will never hurt you. If you really don't want to be with Sophie again, you can go with the person outside for the time being." Wu Ji began to give advice to Jono.

Jono couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this. "Sophie looked at me with hatred as soon as she saw me. Who the hell would like to find such a partner? Besides, she's so ugly."

Wu she can't help but caress her head when she hears this. It's a small tribe from outside. She can't control her emotions at all. She can still count on her to do something big.

"Xiao Jin, do you remember what I told you? You should go with Yin Zhu first. At least you need to understand her and avoid such a mess. In addition, you can avoid Sophie. I'm sorry that I didn't protect you. I can't even let you go. I hope you don't blame me." Wu said that it was a helpless sigh.

Jono shook his head and said, "I don't blame you. You have your problems. I understand. Besides, you don't have to apologize to me. If it wasn't for you, I would not be able to live so clearly now. "

"Well, I'm glad you understand me." There was a little smile on Wu's face.

"Go, time is almost up. Put on your clothes. I'll give you a chance to go with them later." When he saw that Jono wanted to open up, he persuaded Jono to change his clothes and make a good show.Jono didn't want to be embarrassed, so he quickly changed his clothes. It had to be said that there were many good things in the temple. Jono was wearing a fiery red fox fur, which was a rare good thing. Jono's handsome face was even more beautiful against the fiery red fox fur.

No wonder the new beast God is so reluctant to give up. According to Wu's idea, the new beast God is not rational enough. As an animal God, he should take care of himself and protect himself. It's not for a partner to fight here. If the animal God wants a partner, just say it In the world, there are many males recommended by the pillow. There are so many excellent males in the world. It's hard to find one better than Jono. However, Yin Zhu's brain is not clear, otherwise their plan would not be so easy to succeed.

"Our little Kim is very handsome." Wu can't help joking.

When Jono heard this, he gave a gentle smile. His heart almost missed a few beats. This kind of smile was pure and beautiful. He wanted to leave this precious thing behind.

"Don't laugh, Xiao Jin. After all, you don't want to be a partner with Sophie. It's necessary to pretend." Wu Fang wants to know if Sophie's face will turn bitter at that time if she knows that this so-called companion ceremony is a trap from beginning to end and has nothing to do with her dime.

Wu Ji doesn't like Sophie, not because Sophie is a orc, but because this person is superficial, cruel, inhuman, and unscrupulous. Such a person is terrible.

Jono laughed, and then immediately put a bad face, look at that face is obviously ten thousand not willing, just almost did not write on the face that I was forced.

Wu Ji smiles when he sees Jono's face change for a second. I didn't expect Jono to have such a side. It's very lovely.

As soon as Jono and Wu Yu went out, they saw Sophie and Yin Zhu fighting. At this time, Yin Zhu rarely stood beside the altar where the ceremony was held. Yin Zhu was only with two people, one was Tengxiao, the other was Leihe, and the others were 200 meters away from the altar.

There's no way for Yin Zhu to make such a risk, because Sophie says that if Yin Zhu's people don't retreat a little, she doesn't dare to hold a ceremony with Jono, so Jono will never appear.

The auspicious time has passed, and Jono hasn't appeared yet. Yin Zhu has to believe that this is an abnormal game. It's obvious that there are few people with Yin Zhu. They are all around Sophie and their intentions are very clear. They are ready to take this opportunity to catch Yin Zhu. As long as they catch Yin Zhu, they don't have to talk about anything.

Yin Zhu thought that even if it was dangerous, she would try. She believed that the three of them could hold up to 200 meters away and rush to rescue them.

Originally, Sophie asked for 500 meters, but as a result, the bargaining between the two sides became what it is now. Of course, there is no meter unit in this era, just a long bamboo pole to light it, which is about 200 meters.

Jono's appearance can be said to detonate the battle. When Jono wants to come to him, Yin Zhu immediately goes forward and catches Jono, and Sophie also asks someone to do it at this time.

Leihe and Tengxiao were going to fight by themselves, and one of them was staring at Jono. Yin Zhu helped them fight properly, but they didn't expect Jono to let them catch them without any resistance.

Of course, Leihe is the first time to keep an eye on Jono and tie him up. Jono doesn't struggle at all.

Reich thought that there must be a trick in the middle, but Jono really didn't move anything.

Both Leihe and Tengxiao have high strength, but they can't stand too many people around them. They want to protect Yin Zhu. Tengxiao can't stand it alone. Yin Zhu has seen that Tengxiao has been injured. Leihe is just distracted to protect, but there is no big problem.

"Leihe, you help Tengxiao. Tengxiao won't be able to support you. I'll take care of Jono." Seeing Tengxiao injured, Yin Zhu couldn't help crying.

Reich looked at Jono, who was tied up, and then nodded, "you need to call me." Finish saying without hesitation rushed to Tengxiao's side, help Tengxiao resist part of the attack.

With Leihe's help, Tengxiao finally survived the initial time. When Fuxiang saw that Qingling didn't show up at this time, he confirmed Yin Zhu's guess in his heart, and then rushed in with his men without hesitation.

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