As Fu Xiang rushes in with people, it's a foregone conclusion. Mei Ying sees that something can't be done at this time, so she quickly takes people to retreat and attack. Fu Xiang just wants to save Yin Zhu. As for the orders of the people who take her, she doesn't want to. Only Leihe's orcs fight fiercely. It's just that the two main characters don't want to work hard. In addition, Yin Zhu's purpose is to save Yin Zhu Jono, the goal has been achieved, and everyone will automatically disperse.

Jono has been very quiet since he was arrested. He didn't toss about. When he was taken back, he didn't toss about. Seeing Jono so good, they wouldn't embarrass him.

Finally back to the temple, Yin Zhu looked at Qiao Nuo standing in front of him. He wanted to rush directly, but Leihe stopped him. "Yin Zhu, be careful of cheating."

Jono is too good to be doubted.

Jono heard this is just a faint smile, "don't worry, I will cooperate with you, that's because I don't want to be with that Sophie, it makes me sick."

Looking at Qiao Nuo's familiar smiling face, Yin Zhu burst into tears. Qiao Nuo's eyes were so calm that she was flustered. Despite the previous meeting, Yin Zhu knew that Qiao Nuo was afraid to forget her, but Yin Zhu still could not accept this fact.

"You even forgot Yin Zhu. I can't trust you." In Leihe's opinion, this man is just Jono's body, but his soul is not Jono any more. A woman he loves most can forget, which is not worthy of his trust.

"I know you've been lenient to me. Is it because of Jono? It seems that my body belongs to Jono. The reason why I want to come back with you is to end this matter. " Jono is very calm smile.

"End? What do you mean Yin Zhu asked in a trembling voice.

"Literally." Jono takes a serious look at Yin Zhu, the legendary New beast God. She is a common female. There is nothing special about her. The only special thing is her eyes. They are very moist and bright. If this man is really his beloved partner, he doesn't have any recollection after seeing him. Maybe, as Wu said, he is a brand new little gold, not Joe No.

"And how do you want to end it?" At this time, Yin Zhu pushes away Leihe, who is defending Shen Qian, and walks in front of Qiao Nuo. Tengxiao also looks at Qiao Nuo with disapproval.

"I heard that you are my partner. I don't know how we used to be. Anyway, I don't have any memory. I don't admit that I'm Jono. I'm just Kim. I hope you don't disturb my life in the future." Jono said word by word.

Yin Zhu can't help but crumble when he hears this. Jono really doesn't have any memory. Is it really the worst case? But how can Jono forget how much he loves himself? How can he let go? Even if there is a little possibility, he shouldn't forget.

"Qiao Nuo, you bastard, in order to save you, Yin Zhu ran all the way, looking for you everywhere. It was not easy to get the news about you, because you were in the hands of Mei Ying and they killed us several times. When you met Yin Zhu, you said nothing, and then you didn't want to find you. Why are you, you bastard?" Seeing Yin Zhu's uncomfortable appearance, Tengxiao rushes up to fight Qiao Nuo like crazy.

Among the three partners, Yin Zhu values Jono the most. How can Jono say no to Yin Zhu.

However, Jono parried Tengxiao, and then pushed Tengxiao away. "You are not my opponent now. You want to fight. Wait until you get well fed." In the past, Jono is definitely not Tengxiao's opponent, but the strength of Jono who has absorbed the golden winged carving beast Dan has greatly increased. Even if Tengxiao is not injured, he may not be able to beat Jono.

Tengxiao heard this, grinning teeth to rush past, but called Yin Zhu to stop, "Tengxiao, you don't have to start."

Yin Zhu looked at Qiao Nuo seriously, as if she wanted to engrave this face on her heart. She sucked her nose, then wiped away her tears, and said quietly, "OK, you say it's over, OK, as long as you can answer my question, you say it's over, I promise."

Yin Zhu's words can be said to make the people present are stunned, Tengxiao even out of control of the voice, "Yin Zhu!"

At the beginning, Yin Zhu almost died of grief for the sake of Qiao Nuo. He knows how important Qiao Nuo is to Yin Zhu, but now Qiao Nuo even says that he agrees to end it. What does Yin Zhu want to do?

Unable to figure out Yin Zhu's mind, Tengxiao is flustered. He is even more afraid that Yin Zhu can't bear to talk casually.

"Tengxiao is OK. As he said, there must be an end to this matter. We are not the same way." Yin zhuqiang said with tears in his eyes.

Tengxiao looks at Yinzhu. He is not crazy. He just goes to Yinzhu and holds Yinzhu's hand tightly.

"I don't say how good my relationship with Jono is, but do you know why Jono devours animal Dan? It's not because Jono simply wants to be strong, he just wants to help me, so he doesn't need to risk his life. You say that Jono loves me so much that he doesn't even want to die. You say, what's your qualification to end it for Jono? How can you end it? Do you know how hard Jono suffered when he swallowed animal Dan? Do you deserve to end it for Jono? You are nothing. " Yin Zhu's eyes show fierce light, approaching Jono and asking loudly.When Jono heard this, he stepped back and looked at Yinzhu, but his heart was shaking.

"If it's over, you call Jono. Jono's the only one who deserves it. Jono's the only one who says I'll agree." Yin Zhu roared loudly, but his tears fell one by one.

Jono originally wanted to say that he was Jono, but looking at Yin Zhu's painful appearance, his mouth moved, but he couldn't spit out a word. Suddenly, he felt that his heart was very stuffy, and he wanted to be out of breath.

"You..." Jono was so miserable that he spewed out a word, and then couldn't say the rest of it. He turned and ran away.

This accident stunned several people at the scene. Yin Zhu then reacted and cried out, "Leihe, help me stop him."

However, Jono himself is a flying ORC. His body sensitivity is much better than that of Rehe. He wants to run away. Rehe can't stop people. Tengxiao is ready to stop people regardless of his injured body at this time. They finally save people, but they can't ask Jono to run away.

However, Jono's strength is high, and his speed is even faster. Even if Leihe and Tengxiao join hands, they can't stop Jono. Looking at Jono who runs away, Yin Zhu is angry and anxious.

She managed to find someone and told Jono to run away.

However, judging from Jono's performance, Jono doesn't have no feelings for her, otherwise Jono won't be like this. Does it mean that Jono hasn't completely disappeared? Does it mean that she can still get Jono back?

Looking at Yin Zhu, who is very tired, Tengxiao can't help reaching out and embracing him. During this period of time, Yin Zhu has experienced too many things. In addition to running around, Yin Zhu has lost a lot of weight.

Tengxiao holds Yinzhu and rubs the top of Yinzhu's hair with his chin. "Yinzhu, as long as we know that Jono is not completely lost, we will get Jono back one day."

Yin Zhu nodded when he heard this, which is at least a good news. Besides, Jono is quite sober now. That person is the second personality for the time being. With him, he won't do irrational things, but he doesn't have to worry about going out to harm others and being hunted. As for the temple, even if Jono is caught, he won't kill Jono. It's safe .

"Let the people of Fuxiang pay attention and see if there is any trace or news of Jono." Jono escaped, so he had to let the people of Fuxiang pay more attention. On this side of the temple, they still had to rely on Fuxiang.

Here, Jono ran all the way. He couldn't tell what he felt, but he was very upset. He used to walk towards Wu Hu's house, but when he was about to arrive, he stopped abruptly, because Jono suddenly thought that Wu Hu's master and the woman were enemies. Once he went back, Wu Hu couldn't rebel against him, neither could he Help yourself, and feel guilty at that time, and that woman is afraid that she will be grilled on the fire because of her own affairs. Although he really doesn't care about that woman, he can't owe a male to a female, even if the female is a beast God.

It's just that there's no way for him to go back there. Yin Zhu is impatient and doesn't want to go there. There's no place for him to go in such a big temple. Jono can't help being at a loss.

All of a sudden, he didn't know what to do and couldn't go out. Jono couldn't help but find a place to sit down, and then seriously thought about his relationship with Yin Zhu and Wu he.

Yin Zhu's words echoed in his mind over and over again. That Jono loved Yin Zhu very much and loved him with his life. He got other people's body and lived again. He really didn't deserve to say that. That would be tantamount to rejecting everything Jono had paid before.

Have you ever loved with your life? Jono stretched out his hand and pressed it on his heart. Why can't he feel the deep love? So he's not Jono. Besides, in his opinion, Jono is too stupid. He is in deep love and has no life. How can he love and protect his deep love? How can he be so stupid.

Jono, Jono, Jono covers his chest hard. Anyway, he has no place to go now. Let's go to the place where he lived before. If he is really Jono, there will always be more or less memories.

Thinking of this, Jono is going to Daze tribe to have a look. There are still his parents there. This partner can not be recognized, but the parents who give their own life and blood can not.

In addition, Tengxiao and Yinzhu are going back to Daze tribe at this time. After all, Sophie has sent someone to Daze tribe. Although Yinzhu always says that she believes daze tribe can survive, she is still very worried. Besides, tengxi and Tengcheng haven't seen each other for a long time. She is eager to go back to see her two children.

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