After hearing Yin Zhu's words, Xiao Jin was stunned for a moment, and then flew down from the sky. The feeling of falling in a straight line almost didn't make Yin Zhu scream.

Yin Zhu hasn't recovered from the feeling of weightlessness. He has been left behind by Xiao Jin. "I think you're stupid enough to walk well. I'll wait for you in front of you." Then he flew away with a whew.

Yin Zhu was silly at this time. She said something wrong, so Xiao Jin left her behind.

Even when a woman comes to her aunt, she is not so fickle. Don't guess what a man is thinking.

Xiaojin stops after flying for a distance. He doesn't fly too far. At least he can see Yinzhu. Yinzhu has some protection ability. Even if there is an accident, she can survive until she goes to save people.

Xiaojin feels that his heart is beating a little fast because of Yin Zhu. You say that this woman has nothing to say and believes in what she does, but he may not believe in herself.

Xiao Jin looks at his fist and touches his face. Why does Yin Zhu believe him because of his face?

Xiao Jin has a fidgety pull his hair, he can't understand, how can Yin Zhu trust him so easily, he didn't do anything worthy of Yin Zhu's trust. It's strange to be trusted because I don't understand and I don't know why.

Looking at Yin Zhu walking slowly towards his own direction, Xiao Jin sighed again when he saw this. He followed Yin Zhu's tortoise speed. He really didn't know how long it would take to get to Utopia.

Yin Zhu looked at Xiaojin's wheezing and flew back. He couldn't help but waved to Xiaojin happily, "do you feel guilty about leaving me here alone, so you came back to accompany me?" The smile is so bright that two eyes can't see it. However, it makes people feel warm from the heart. The smile can warm to the bottom of my heart.

"I promise to accompany you to Utopia. I'll keep my word. Let's go. I'm afraid of your speed. I have to accompany you all my life." Small gold rolled a white eye, and then obediently changed to stop in front of Yin Zhu.

Seeing Xiaojin's awkward appearance, Yin Zhu couldn't help laughing, "Xiaojin, I know you want to help me, thank you." With that, he climbed up Xiaojin's back.

This time, Xiaojin flew very smoothly and slowly. Yin Zhu was more comfortable sitting on it.

However, be careful that flying too high will cause unnecessary trouble, so Xiao Jin is flying over the forest. It's not very high. It's easy to avoid anything, and it's easy to live with food.

"Xiao Jin, can you tell me why you were angry just now?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"I'm not angry." Xiaojin's hard answer.

He is really not angry, just don't know how to face the trust of Yin Zhu, some unprepared.

It's strange that she's not angry. She just left her in this way. Do you really think she's a fool who can't look at people's faces? Since Xiaojin doesn't want to talk about it, he should skip it first so as not to make people angry again.

"Then why do you believe me?" Xiao Jin suddenly asked.

Yin Zhu was cold when he heard this. Why, why would he believe Xiao Jin? Because Kim is Jono's second personality? With a Jono face? Yin Zhu shook his head. It's not like that. Why?

"Intuition, intuition thinks you won't hurt me, intuition tells me, I want to trust you." Yin Zhu thought for a while and said what he felt. Then he reached out and grabbed the fluff on Xiaojin's head.

Direct, intuitive? Kim is thinking.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he was silent for a while, and then said, "if you don't use your head, you rely on your intuition, and you're not afraid that your intuition will take you to the pit."

Yin Zhu laughed at this, "but my intuition is right, isn't it? You didn't hurt me. In fact, sometimes I don't know what I should do. When I don't know how to choose, I'll rely on my intuition and instinct, because that's probably what I want to do most in my heart. "

Most of the time, people can't think clearly. No matter how smart people are, sometimes they will go to the top. So sometimes she is just a little silly. If she doesn't want so much, she will follow her senses and do what she wants.

Xiao Jin was shocked when he heard this. Is it intuitive? Now he is very confused and has no direction. Can he follow his own intuition and do whatever he wants.

Yin Zhu did not know that he casually pointed out the future direction to Xiao Jin.

For Xiaojin, Yin Zhu's feeling is complicated. For this person, she wishes Xiaojin didn't appear, so Jono would not disappear. Jono is still Jono, but it's harmless to herself. Even for some simple Xiaojin, Yin Zhu can't say too much.

"What do you want to do in Utopia?" Xiao Jin asked curiously.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. "I don't know."

Good wayward answer, do not know, do not know to find a completely disappeared place, even do not know how much manpower and material resources to spend here.

Yin Zhu said mildly, "utopia also disappeared 5000 years ago. I believe that there must be something related to the temple. In this case, I always want to see it. I always think that maybe I can find some answers there.""You say that the orc world is so big that I dare not stay in the temple. However, I always want to find people who can help me, and Utopia is undoubtedly the best place, so I definitely want to find it." Yin Zhu said very quietly.

The Utopia in the legend is very beautiful. In addition to the beautiful scenery, it is also very quiet. It is like a paradise. It is the dream hometown that every Orc yearns for. Yin Zhu also wants to see if the place in the legend is the same as what she imagined.

"Do you have a clue?" Utopia has disappeared for thousands of years. In these thousands of years, no one wants to find Utopia, but among so many people, no one can find Utopia, even the people in the temple.

After all, Qingling knew where the animal God's hometown was, but even Qingling didn't find it. It's said that the animal God's body was hidden in Utopia. Even Bena thought that way.

Utopia is in the far north of the orc world, which we all know. However, the far north is about to be turned over, and we still can't find Utopia. A city as big as Utopia seems to disappear suddenly.

"No Yin Zhu sighs that there are all kinds of information about the animal God's inheritance, but there is no Utopian information. This is what surprised Yin Zhu most.

It seems that all kinds of Utopia have been deliberately erased, but those who have the ability to do such things are naturally the former beast gods.

Yin Zhu always has a feeling that the beast God is playing a big game of chess. Even her new beast God is just a piece on the chessboard. Of course, Yin Zhu didn't say that from the beginning to the end. She felt this feeling when she became the new beast God.

This kind of feeling is very bad, so Yin Zhu wants to go to Utopia to see what's special about this place that the beast God has deliberately forgotten.

With this feeling, Yin Zhu didn't say anything, let alone tell anyone.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he felt that it was a huge pit to look for utopia. He would not accompany Yin Zhu to look for Utopia all his life, just for a lifetime. Thinking of this, Xiao Jin could not help but feel happy. If only he had a lifetime.

Xiaojin turns his head and looks at Yinzhu. Xiaojin is very clear that one day he will be destroyed by Yinzhu, and then he will never exist again. But Xiaojin has not been able to fight against his future enemies, at least not now.

"What are you thinking, Kim?" Xiao Jin's previous glance at himself was too complicated for Yin Zhu to forget.

"I wonder if you will be soft hearted one day when you have the ability to kill me." Xiaojin hesitated for a long time, and then said this sentence. After saying this, Xiaojin felt that Yin Zhu was obviously stiff behind him.

"I, I will, I will be soft hearted, but I will not let you go, you should not exist, this world is Jono's world, your body belongs to Jono, not yours, not yours." Yin Zhu thought for a while and then answered seriously.

After answering this question, Yin Zhu was also a little worried. Yin Zhu wondered if he would be thrown down by Xiao Jin and then fall to death.

But Yin Zhu doesn't want to cheat Xiaojin on this issue. As she said before, if she trusts Xiaojin, she won't cheat a person she trusts, even if the result is bad.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he laughed and said, "Yin Zhu, sometimes you are silly. I really doubt how you grow up so big."

"Stupid? I don't think so. At least I will. No matter what I do in the future, I won't be ungrateful. " Yin Zhu finished and sipped his lips.

In order not to be ungrateful, just to be agreeable? Xiaojin smiles. His time is stolen. In such a short time, should he live happily and come as he wants.

Xiaojin looks at the position of his chest. There is a seal of Qingling. Xiaojin feels that the person under the seal is ready to move. That's Jono. Especially the more he contacts with Yinzhu, the more the vibration under the seal is. Jono feels the existence of Yinzhu.

Yes, what Yin Zhu said is right. He shouldn't have appeared. If there was no Wu, he would not have appeared. He would only be in a muddle. Then Jono would wake up slowly and swallow him in a muddle.

Who knows that he will meet Wu Hu. Wu Hu helps him to sort out his strength. Then he controls his strength and suppresses Jono. Even Qingling helps him seal Jono and let him grow up step by step.

It's just that the stolen things have to be returned sooner or later. I don't know how much time he has.

Xiaojinhe makes it clear that if he wants to live longer, he should stay away from Yinzhu. In this way, Jono won't be stimulated and won't wake up so soon. But he likes to get along with Yinzhu, at least he is very comfortable.

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