Moths to the fire is about him, but now Xiaojin doesn't understand where he is attracted by Yin Zhu, or because Jono's potential consciousness is influencing him. If he doesn't understand, he should make it clear.

"Yin Zhu, sometimes I think your life is very simple." Xiaojin smiles faintly.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he said with a smile, "it's very simple. In my father's and mother's words, I'm not smart enough. I'd better not think about those messy things. I'd better follow the simplest way, at least it won't make it too bad."

Xiao Jin couldn't help laughing when she heard this. It seems that Yin Zhu's father and mother are very intelligent. After all, few people will educate their children like this.

Speaking of her parents, Yin Zhu suddenly missed her parents, but after a long time, they were afraid that they had forgotten their daughter. She hadn't thought of them for a long time.

"Your father and mother are very good." He went back to Daze tribe and saw Montaigne. From a distance, he felt the blood connection between the two people, but he didn't come forward to recognize each other. Maybe they didn't recognize him.

Father and mother, what kind of feeling is this? He doesn't feel it at all. Wu Hu has taught him a lot and cared about him, but Wu Hu's love for him is not selfless.

"Yin Zhu, how can you be a beast God?" After all, the beast God is the god worshipped by the orcs in the legend, and Yin Zhu is like the God described in the legend no matter where he comes from.

"I don't plan to be a beast God. In fact, my heart is very small. I'm a beast God who was driven to the shelves. However, people in this continent live a hard life. If I can, I really want to help them." Yin Zhu said sincerely.

"You have a loving heart. Maybe that's why you become a beast God." Xiao Jin said with a smile.

There are many females in this continent. However, those females basically take care of their children and help deal with their prey in the tribe. They basically spend their whole life in the small place of the tribe, and they don't go out to see it, and they don't want to help other orcs.

"What's it like to be a beast God? Are you very proud?" Xiaojin and Yinzhu are chatting while they are on their way. They are chatting like old friends. They don't talk about the previous topics because of their different identities.

"No, they all say that what kind of position they stand in is how much pressure they have to bear. As a beast God, I feel very sad to see that the people of this continent live so hard. I hate that I can't change their lives immediately, but my strength is too low." What Yin Zhu said is true. There are many things she has to do. Perhaps the most important purpose of her journey is to change the lives of people here and make their lives more prosperous and happy.

"You don't have to have too much pressure. In fact, you have done a good job. At least the people of daze tribe live a rich life because of you, and then they will gradually promote it, and then all the people will fall down. At that time, you will be the real beast God in the orc world." Xiao Jin said comfortingly.

Enyinzhu is now said to be a new beast God, but he doesn't have the power of a real beast God. The main reason is that he doesn't have the power of belief, and he knows all the knowledge and magic that can be used by beast gods. However, the effect is not good, because he doesn't have enough foundation.

"Well, my wish is to do my best to help people in this world improve their quality of life, so that they will no longer suffer from poverty." Yin Zhu cried out happily.

"Great, great." Xiaojin said with a smile.

Even a male may not be able to do this. The beast God is just a title, and Yin Zhu should do it.

"I don't feel strong at all. In fact, I didn't do anything. Even the unification of daze tribe depends on the efforts of the clan leader. Although I have some novel things, they can't erase their achievements. There is their support and hard work in it. I'm just playing tricks." Yin Zhu doesn't think she's strong, because she doesn't do many things, such as making ceramics. She just knows an outline. What's more, she relies on the wisdom of the public to learn from the lessons of failure. It's not her credit that she comes out step by step.

At most, she can only be regarded as a guide, and the road is left by the people of daze tribe.

"What's your ideal, Xiao Jin?" Yin Zhu asked curiously.

"I don't know. I've never thought about it. Maybe I can think about it now." Xiao Jin said with a smile.

"Think about it, everyone should have an ideal, no matter whether they can achieve it or not, at least have a goal to strive for." Yin Zhu is very happy to encourage Xiao Jin to think about it.

Xiaojin really thought it over, and then Xiaojin suddenly found that he didn't know what to do. His life had no beginning or end.

"It doesn't matter if you don't think about it. Take your time and let me know when you think about it." Maybe seeing Xiaojin frowning, Yin Zhu couldn't help it.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he nodded, "yes, I'll let you know when I think of it." Xiao Jin wants to say that his ideal and desire is to live a long life. He doesn't want to disappear, but it's obvious that Yin Zhu doesn't want to hear the answer, so it's better not to say.After flying for some time, Xiao Jin stops to hunt for lunch. Although he knows that Yin Zhu is inferior to other females, Xiao Jin is still worried. He catches a small prey nearby and doesn't go far enough. However, Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin have enough to eat. If they have a lot of food on weekdays, Yin Zhu will put the food away and put his backpack anyway It's not bad inside. It's every Orc's instinct to cherish food.

Xiaojin quickly found food, and then one person to deal with the prey, one person to pick up firewood, of course, get along very well, angry very harmonious, but a bit like a family.

Yin Zhu looks up at Xiao Jin who is working hard. He can't help but smile. Although it's not Jono, Xiao Jin doesn't feel bad for her. In Yin Zhu's opinion, the things that Xiaojin was angry with before were a bit like children's tantrums.

Xiaojin is not angry very good, even the bright smile can warm people's heart.

After just a few days together, Yin Zhu was very clear that Xiaojin was not bad tempered, or even simple. It was impossible to get along with her like this after someone else caught her. It was just that, Yin Zhu was a little worried. Such Xiaojin made her a little softhearted.

But now she has no way to save Jono, so she doesn't care. Maybe when she has the ability to save Jono, maybe she can find a way to find a body for Xiaojin at that time, so it's useless to think about more now.

I have to say that sometimes Yin Zhu's nature of not looking for trouble is also very good, at least he has a more comfortable life.

On the other hand, Tengxiao lost Yin Zhu, almost no madman. At the beginning, he could follow far away, and occasionally he could find some evidence. At this time, he was still chasing far behind. As long as he had a little direction, he would keep chasing.

Tengxiao is ashamed to think that Yinzhu was lost in his own hands. Even if the man who robbed Yinzhu is Jono, one of Yinzhu's former partners, he can't accept it. What's more, Jono still doesn't know whether he will hurt Yinzhu.

However, Tengxiao tracked for several days, but slowly he was completely lost, unable to find Yin Zhu.

The loss of Yin Zhu almost made Tengxiao crazy. Tengxiao rushed back to the swamp jungle and asked Ninglu to bring more than 100 people to help him find it. In addition, he asked someone to send a message to Leihe in the dark city. As for daze tribe, they didn't want to worry about it because they didn't send the message back. Besides, there were not many people in aze tribe.

There are too many people, so it's easier to find traces. There will always be traces left in the place where we live. Tengxiao finally found some traces, and he hurried to follow them.

Just at this time, Xiaojin and Yinzhu have long gone away, but they don't want to catch up so fast, but the general direction is right.

Tengxiao thinks that when he meets Jono next time, he will never be soft hearted because of his identity. When he meets people, he must beat him so that his parents can't recognize him.

As for the question of whether Jono will hurt Yin Zhu, Tengxiao has seriously thought about it. Tengxiao thinks that he won't at least in a short time.

Tengxiao can't help frowning as he looks at the direction they are going. If they don't change their direction, Yin Zhu's final destination should be the far north. It's snowy all the year round. Even if the orcs are hardy, going there will have a great impact.

What's there in a place like that worth going to, unless? In Utopia, Tengxiao, who is the pulse of the lion king, naturally heard of the legendary things. When Yin Zhu went to the far north, Tengxiao naturally thought of this place.

It's a legendary place. How sure is Yin Zhu that he can find that place? Thinking that Yin Zhu is likely to go to Utopia, Tengxiao is not willing to track down Yin Zhu's trace at this time. He is afraid that he will not catch up with Yin Zhu before others have entered Utopia.

Who knows if there will be any danger in that place? Jono is not reliable now. He'd better go to Utopia quickly. At least he can stop Yin Zhu before he arrives. At the most, he can follow Yin Zhu to protect Yin Zhu.

Yinzhu and Xiaojin don't know Tengxiao is following them. Xiaojin won't care even if he knows. He just wants to get along with Yinzhu, and there is no hostility.

As for Yin Zhu, if she knew Tengxiao was coming, she would be very happy. After all, with Tengxiao, she could feel at ease.

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