The next day, Yin Zhu stayed in Yutian tribe for another day. Of course, if he wanted to teach them all kinds of things, two days would not be enough. However, Yin Zhu didn't have enough time to spend here, so he had to go first. Naturally, people in Yutian tribe didn't want to go, but they wouldn't stop him. They could only gratefully send Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin away. When he left, he was very happy One by one, they give their most precious things.

Yin Zhu looked at the things they brought and looked at Xiaojin with a smile, "Xiaojin, you see they are also very good."

Xiao Jin nodded at this, "well, I'm biased. They're really good."

Yin Zhu heard this with a smile, "so helping others is a very happy thing."

Xiao Jin nodded when he heard this. It was really a pleasant thing.

Sophie was in a hurry all the way. Without any delay, she soon arrived at the Yutian tribe. At this time, the people of the Yutian tribe were happily adopting some of the methods of Yin Zhu's education, and kept singing about Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin.

At this time, Sophie heard people around her sing praises to the priests. It was Yin Zhu. Especially after Sophie described their faces, Sophie's face turned blue with anger. Unexpectedly, Yin Zhu and Jono were together.

Before also said that Jono himself escaped, the feelings are deceptive, waiting for her here, if she really believe it, I'm afraid that two people have stuck together.

What's wrong with Yin Zhu? It's clear that Jono has lost herself and completely become another person. But in this way, she can still attract Jono. What's wrong with her? Although she has an ugly tail now, her strength is much higher, that is, her general masculinity is not her opponent. Isn't that enough?

Listen to the Yutian tribe people keep saying Yin Zhu's good, Sophie can't help but blush at the people behind her and say: "come on, kill all the people of the whole tribe for me, tell them that Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo are responsible for all their fate."

At this time, ziyao, the captain of the guard, frowned. As the guard of the temple, even in the face of the strongest enemy, he would rush forward without hesitation. But ziyao hesitated to let him attack these ordinary people.

Sophie looked at ziyao's appearance, looked down at her fingernails which she had just dyed with flowers, and said sarcastically, "why don't you want to listen to me? You forget how you guaranteed in front of Qingling when you came out."

"No, I promised the Lord that I would listen to you, but they are not in your way at all." Ziyao frowned and said.

"Who said they didn't get in my way? Listen to what they said. Every sentence praises Yin Zhu. In the future, they will be Yin Zhu's help and our enemy. They will treat their enemies as ruthlessly as the storm. Or do you think I'm not worthy to tell you to do things?" Sophie smiles.

"No, since they are our enemies, I will destroy them." Ziyao gritted his teeth and said, Sophie said that for this reason, if he didn't do it, it was his fault.

"Do it." Ziyao waved to the people behind him impolitely.

The guards of the temple were like a group of hungry wolves rushing into the crowd. Many people in Yutian tribe were directly slaughtered, even the females and cubs. Sophie did it by herself.

Sophie's ruthlessness is incisively and vividly displayed at this moment. Even ziyao's heart is cold when he sees it. This woman is not soft hearted when she kills people. The people of Yutian tribe are just taking people. Normally, even some fierce robbers will not attack females and cubs, because females and cubs are a fortune for any tribe Even if you don't need them, you can sell them to exchange goods. Normally, if the adult male of a tribe dies, the tribe doesn't exist. This is the first time that the tribe has been wiped out in a real sense.

"Why are you so soft hearted? Don't let go the enemies who hate you, especially the little ones, or they will be a disaster when they grow up. " Sophie wiped her long fingernails covered with blood on the body on the ground and said with indifference.

Ziyao frowned and stood in the bloody place. He felt very uncomfortable, but this woman enjoyed it so much. It's just abnormal.

"The hunting people of Yutian tribe are afraid that they will come back. If you go back and intercept them, it's better to let one or two go, so that Yin Zhu can know, isn't it? It's better to let Yin Zhu come back to save them. After all, this play can't go on without Yin Zhu. " Yin Zhu, beast God, Sophie can't help laughing when she hears this. Even if it's beast God, she can turn her into a bad God. In the future, she will make people outside dare not mention the beast God any more. Whoever dares to mention Yin Zhu will have bad luck. At that time, who dares to praise Yin Zhu.

The beast God without the power of belief is just a priest who can point magic spells. There is nothing to be afraid of.

Soon, the males of Yutian tribe who went out to look for food came back, and they couldn't escape the trap arranged by Sophie. Looking at the bloody tribe, the males wanted to rush in and die with their relatives. What's more, they shed tears directly because it was too miserable. There was no tribe that could survive, but no one would be so vicious and even female Both sex and cubs are killed. It's almost inhumane. Why should we do that? Females and cubs are not aggressive. Why should we kill them.When you know that Yin Zhu is involved in this incident, naturally some people blame Yin Zhu. After all, some people are too sad to blame Yin Zhu. This time, Sophie didn't kill people, but arrested them. After all, there is always bait to call Yin Zhu.

As for the people who escaped, it was Sophie's intention to let them escape.

Yin Zhu doesn't know that because of his own reasons, he has brought destruction to the Yutian tribe. At this time, Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin are happily walking on the road.

Just when a male of Yutian tribe, covered with blood, caught up with Yin Zhu, "run, run, there's a devil, a devil."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was stunned. He still knew him. He was a master of the Yutian tribe. He was preparing to marry the youngest daughter of the clan leader. He asked Yin Zhu to give his blessing before. It seemed that his name was Yongzhen.

But this forever true appearance looks very tired, and there are injuries on the body, and the more important thing, forever true this is to deliver the message to oneself.

"What's the matter with you? Xiao Jin, help her to deal with the wound on her body Yin Zhu held the man in a hurry.

"You tell me, are you the new beast God, aren't you?" Yongzhen holds Yin Zhu's hand and asks seriously.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he nodded, "I'm sorry, I didn't tell the truth because I didn't want to attract other people's attention. What's the matter with you?"

When Yongzhen heard this, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said, "because of you, your enemies don't know where to find your whereabouts, so they took our whole tribe to revenge. They slaughtered our whole tribe, even the females and cubs. Those demons, demons."

He said that it was the relatives in the tribe. He couldn't help heartache. He didn't want to escape. He just wanted to send a message to Yin Zhu. Especially after confirming Yin Zhu's identity, he would go back to find those people. Yutian tribe is gone, and he won't live alone.

"Me, you say those people are because of me? Who? Who is it? " Yin Zhu's eyes turned red when he heard this.

Even robbers and orcs can't kill females and cubs. They can't sell them at most. How much they hate themselves, even females and cubs won't let go. Thinking of the enthusiastic people of Yutian tribe, Yin Zhu can't help shaking. Those people are too much, too much.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he quickly stepped forward to hold Yin Zhu. He was really worried that Yin Zhu would not be able to support him. He was so friendly to those people and looked forward to them. Now the smiling faces of those people are still in his mind, but people can't say it. Moreover, because of Yin Zhu, Yin Zhu couldn't accept it. Even if he had changed it, he couldn't accept it.

"Who is it? Who is it? I want that bastard to die. I want that bastard to die. " Yin Zhu clenched his hands hard, and his nails sank deeply into the meat without feeling.

"It's a half ORC with a snake tail. The female and a group of males are very powerful. I managed to escape. There are only two of you, Yin Zhu. You'd better run away quickly. Later, I'll remember to avenge the people of Yutian tribe. I believe the beast God can avenge us, right?" Yongzhen asked in a trembling voice.

Yin Zhu heard Yongzhen's description, where don't know, Sophie, it must be her, only she will be so cruel, even the female and cubs are not let go, too cruel too much.

"I want her dead, Kim. I want Sophie dead." Thinking of herself and the loss of the whole Yutian tribe, Yin Zhu would like to strangle herself. Why did she go to the Yutian tribe to have a rest at the beginning, and why did she harm those people.

At this time, Xiaojin saw that Yinzhu's hand had been bleeding by herself. It was the first time that he felt heartache. Xiaojin quickly grabbed Yinzhu's hands. He tried hard to break Yinzhu's hand and wanted to see the wound. However, Yinzhu was too hard, and he didn't dare to use too much force. Looking at the dripping blood donation, Xiaojin couldn't help worrying, "Yinzhu, don't worry In this way, it's not your fault. It's Sophie's fault. Don't hurt yourself. Let go of your hand. "

"Yin Zhu, you can't hurt yourself like this. It's hard for me to do that." Xiao Jin cried anxiously.

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