Yin Zhu shook his head firmly, "no, I know it's not my fault, but the disaster of Yutian tribe is really caused by me. I can't save them, I always have to help them get revenge."

When Xiao Jin heard this, he nodded, "OK, I'll go with you."

Hearing this, Yongzhen shook his head. "No, beast God, I'm not asking you to avenge us now. There are too many of them. You'd better run first, as long as you help us to avenge later." Yongzhen knows very well that it's no use for Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin to go back now. If they really let the beast God fall because of their tribe, it's the loss of the whole Orc continent.

"There are still some people in your tribe? The only people left in your tribe, I will always save them. If I escape like this, I will feel uneasy all my life and become my demons. " If you don't know, you can still run away. Now Yin Zhu doesn't allow you to run away. Sophie, she should have died long ago, but she kept Sophie alive for various reasons.

Yin Zhu won't let this kind of person stay for a long time. Sophie's heart is too cruel. This kind of person will harm daze tribe sooner or later. Besides, if Sophie wants to kill all the people she has contact with in the future, how can Yin Zhu spread what he wants to spread.

"But you are not their rivals. They are too many." Never really hesitated to say.

Now that we know this, we can prevent it. How to rescue me is always going to find a way, isn't it?

"Well, anyway, I don't want to live. I'll go back with you. Anyway, we'll try. But if we have no hope at all, I hope you don't care about us and run away directly. After all, you can only go out and have unlimited possibilities." Yong really said.

"Good." Yin Zhu nodded for sure. She just wanted to help, not to die.

"Xiaojin, are you sure you want to accompany me?" Yin Zhu turned his head and looked at Xiao Jin.

Xiaojin didn't say anything. He just went forward and grabbed Yinzhu's hand.

"Thank you." Yin Zhu thanks very seriously.

"Let's go." Xiao Jin also knows that this time he will go back. He's afraid that he will work hard. It's silly to go back like this, but he just wants to accompany this woman once. What should he do?

Xiaojin thinks he can't be saved, but he has so much time. Why don't he do what he wants to do according to his heart? Why should he upset himself?

Yin Zhu helps Yongzhen deal with the injury, and then turns around and walks towards the Yutian tribe.

When he went back, Yin Zhu was always trying to figure out how to deal with Sophie. It was obviously a trap, but he knew that the trap had to go in to see if it could be done.

What Yin Zhu doesn't know is that Sophie can trace Yin Zhu, and Tengxiao can. After all, the whereabouts of Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin are not covered up.

This time, Tengxiao got to Yutian tribe faster than Yinzhu. Before he got to Yutian tribe far away, Tengxiao smelled the bloody smell from Yutian tribe. It was obvious that something big had happened to the tribe in front of him. Thinking of Yinzhu's route, Yinzhu was probably in this tribe. Tengxiao could not help but rushed in with people.

Sophie was going to ambush Yin Zhu with someone, but Tengxiao didn't want to come in, but Tengxiao doesn't matter. Anyway, her purpose is to rob Yin Zhu's man. You know, she was salivating about Tengxiao before, and it's hard for Tengxiao to deliver her to the door.

Although Sophie had an ambush, Tengxiao was not stupid. There might be danger in the bloody tribe, so Tengxiao was ready for it the first time she rushed in.

Sure enough, there was an ambush, but the people Tengxiao brought were the essence of the lion king. He stepped up the Daze tribe and got the blessing of the totem. Compared with the people in the temple, Tengxiao didn't lose. As for Tengxiao, he was already fighting with Sophie at this time.

Seeing Sophie's first moment, Tengxiao feels sick, because Sophie's blankly salivation doesn't hide at all. Tengxiao feels that being loved by females is a disaster for the first time.

"Sophie, you are insane." Watching all the people of Yutian tribe fall into the blood foam, Tengxiao can't help clenching her fist. This female has been selfish and cold-blooded before, but now she is more abnormal.

"It's not that you forced me. Without you and Yin Zhu, I would still be Sophie, who is loved by everyone in daze tribe." Speaking of the past, Sophie also hates being trampled on by others.

Tengxiao heard this and laughed angrily, "Sophie, you'll always find excuses, never find your own problems, no one is good to you? There are so many people who are good to you. Isn't Jones good to you? It turns out you're killed. Isn't Yager good to you? You left him and went with the other males. "

Seeing Sophie as if thinking, Tengxiao couldn't help laughing sarcastically, "are you going to forget their appearance? You look ugly. Do you know why we like Yin Zhu? Because Yin Zhu will always remember the people who are good to her and be grateful, unlike you who only remember the bad things others have done to you, and then trample on the good things others have done to you. It's a good match for your heart to become what you are now. It's just as ugly and disgusting. "Jones Yager? This seems to be a long time in memory, those people seem to have no impression of her, but as Tengxiao's words fall, those who were deliberately forgotten by her immediately become distinct.

Jones, that stupid guy, can't do anything to help her. Where is she worthy to stay with her? Yage, she also invited Yage to join the Juque tribe. Yage refused, saying that she abandoned Yage, but Yage abandoned her, leaving her helpless in the Juque tribe and having to accept those flawed partners.

Looking over the past memory, Sophie suddenly felt that she was really stupid and could be in a mess, and then didn't find a male to rely on, but fortunately, now she is strong enough, she doesn't need to rely on anyone at all.

"They're all idiots. They don't deserve me." Sophie said coldly.

"You are so selfish, so Jono and I don't like you. You can never compare with Yin Zhu." In front of him, Sophie is very hard to be strong, but Tengxiao is not sure of winning. Damn, is the strength of the man who devoured the ancient beast Dan so strong that he wants to have a try. He just thinks about the consequences of Jono and Sophie. He doesn't want to forget Yin Zhu and become another person.

Fortunately, after chatting with Sophie for so many days just now, Tengxiao comforts her that Yin Zhu didn't fall into Sophie's hands. If Yin Zhu had fallen into Sophie's hands, Sophie would have shown off.

Tengxiao didn't have any idea, but he was more careful this time.

It's a good news that Yin Zhu didn't fall into Sophie's hands. In this way, he doesn't have any constraints. He can fight with Sophie happily. As for the result, he can ignore it. As for the experts like them, unless they die together, it's difficult for one side to kill the other side. After all, if they lose, they can still escape.

However, this Sophie is too cruel. No matter where this small tribe offends Sophie, it should not kill the female and the cub. It's just a devil. Since he meets such a thing, he can't let it go. The hatred between Sophie and Yin Zhu is the most profound. This woman almost killed Yin Zhu many times. It's not easy to seize the opportunity, absolutely You can't let her go.

In fact, Sophie's strength is similar to Tengxiao's, but Sophie has some special talents because of mutation, such as snake venom. However, Sophie's snake venom is not ordinary poison, but enchanting poison.

Sophie looks at Tengxiao, who is attacking her. She smiles strangely, and then emits a light pink gas to Tengxiao. Snake orcs basically have their own special snake venom, but they don't know what it is. Tengxiao also blocks their breathing for the first time.

Sophie saw this but giggled, "it's no use, Tengxiao. It's no use even if you don't breathe. This poison will enter your body through your skin exposed in the air. You can't avoid it."

"Tengxiao, don't you dislike me very much? When I become your partner, I'll see how much you still dislike me. " Sophie chuckles. Tengxiao and Jono are her demons. She wants the two males long ago, but she doesn't believe them. If Jono doesn't have them, he can make Yin Zhu crazy.

Think of here, Sophie can't help laughing, her charm poison she has tried in the temple, in the temple no matter how much she dislikes those bodyguards, as long as the charm poison will obediently follow her, even if there are other females, can only with her to detoxify.

The most important thing is that the enchantment is not so easy to solve. At least Tengxiao has no way to solve it now.

Tengxiao also felt that something was wrong at this time, because the fog had been close to his skin at this time, and some had entered his body. No matter how he resisted, those things still continued to enter his skin, and a hard dry heat began to rise in his body.

Tengxiao believes that what Sophie said may be true, but he doesn't want to fall in love with Sophie even if he dies. He is afraid that he will lose control and make something he regrets. Tengxiao bites his teeth and says to Ning Lu behind him, "let's go, run." Ninglu also sees that Tengxiao seems to be wrong. He doesn't hesitate. He leaves the battle and follows Tengxiao.

In her opinion, Tengxiao is the fish on the chopping board. If she wants to escape, she can't escape. She also smiles and stops ziyao, who is going to chase him.

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