Tengxiao escaped and soon felt uncomfortable all over. Even his thinking was a little fuzzy. Tengxiao became like this, which made Ninglu jump, "little clan leader, what's the matter with you?"

"Ninglu, knock me out, then tie me tight, lest I do something out of control." Tengxiao orders directly.

Ning Lu hears this to nod, very obvious, Teng Xiao is about to be unable to control oneself, just like this request, that Su Fei's poison is really terrible.

Snake nature is lusty. Normally, snake venom is based on one's own strength. People with high strength can suppress the other's snake venom, but Tengxiao can't suppress Sophie's snake venom. Does it mean that Sophie's strength is higher than Tengxiao's?

Sophie was just an unarmed female when she took refuge in their flying lion. The most important thing is that this man carried the poison of the beast pill and successfully absorbed the power of the beast pill. How did the orcs torture Sophie and create such masters? I really don't know if reher should blame them for this.

Ninglu knocked Tengxiao unconscious, found a spring and put it in the spring. However, it didn't reduce Tengxiao's venom. Tengxiao soon woke up. Tengxiao's eyes were red and his reason was gone. All he had left was his instinct. Fortunately, Ninglu tied people tightly and asked several people to suppress him. Tengxiao couldn't break free, It's just that it's not the way. Tengxiao's snake venom just can't resist.

They are all males in this nest. Where can I find females for help? Besides, if you find any female, what if something happens?

"Little clan leader, you can't go on like this. I'll go to the nearby tribes to see if there are females." Ning Lu looked at Tengxiao constantly fluttering, very uncomfortable.

He is to grab a female back, otherwise Tengxiao is afraid to be unable to hold on.

"No, don't go, don't go." Tengxiao just couldn't control himself, but his reason was still there. He said a few words with difficulty.

Tengxiao didn't want to find another female, and he didn't want to. His parents had an accident. Then, Nante and he didn't have a good childhood. He didn't want to do that, and he didn't want to betray Yin Zhu, even if he had to.

The mother of hongsai and Nantes is a reflection of his situation. How he would like to go that way? No, he would rather die.

Ninglu probably saw Tengxiao's determination, talked and stayed by Tengxiao's side. He knew Tengxiao's life experience. He didn't dare to make a decision because he knew it. Look at the pulse of the lion king. Now, hongsai's home is in a mess.

Just don't find a female, but always find some way to help Tengxiao untie the snake venom. Even if he can't untie it, he should reduce the snake venom. Otherwise, he's really worried that Tengxiao can't survive. Tengxiao is the hope of their flying lion. It can't be destroyed by this.

At this time, Ninglu secretly complains that he didn't learn something useful from the priest when he was in the tribe, otherwise he would not have seen Tengxiao suffer and had no way. He had no way, so he had to go to the side to find out whether there was a tribe or a priest.

Ning Lu is very lucky. When he goes out to look for someone, he finds Yin Zhu who has just returned. Seeing Yin Zhu, Ning Lu is so excited that tears are coming down.

"Yin Zhu, I've finally found you. Save Tengxiao." Ning Lu seized Yin Zhu's hand in a hurry.

"Tengxiao? What happened to Tengxiao? " Yin Zhu asked anxiously.

At this time, Ninglu took a look at Xiaojin, who was standing beside Yinzhu like a guardian, and then said, "please follow me to see it." Ning Lu didn't have time to say what happened. He just said that Tengxiao had been poisoned by Sophie and was waiting for Yin Zhu to save his life.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he followed Ning Lu and wanted to see Tengxiao as soon as possible.

At this time, Xiaojin looks at his empty hand, and his eyes are a little obscure. The warmth suddenly disappears. It's really uncomfortable. And with Tengxiao, Yin Zhu doesn't have himself in his eyes.

Looking at the far away Yinzhu, Xiaojin is very sad, looking at Yinzhu's back, but he didn't take away the man. Xiaojin can see that Yinzhu is very worried. Yinzhu was taken away before, and a large part of it is because Yinzhu is willing to go with him, so it's so easy to throw Tengxiao away, so Tengxiao can't catch up with him. If Yinzhu doesn't want to, even if he forcibly takes people away It's no use to be abducted. If Yin Zhu wants to resist, he can easily escape.

Moreover, the reason why Yin Zhu is willing to follow him is for Jono's sake. It's definitely not because he is Xiaojin. Xiaojin seems to be a little depressed because he wants to understand this problem. Now, because of Tengxiao's accident, Yin Zhu leaves without hesitation.

Sometimes, Xiaojin will find out why he is so sensitive, and then he wants to understand. This kind of feeling is very annoying.

Yin Zhu's back is almost out of sight. Xiao Jin can't help clenching his fist and smashing the trees beside him. Yin Zhu just walked away and didn't care about him at all.

Ninglu actually knows that Xiaojin doesn't keep up, but Ninglu doesn't want to prompt at all. Tengxiao says that this Jono has taken Yinzhu away directly. Otherwise, Tengxiao would not have such a thing. If this person wasn't another partner of Yinzhu, Ninglu would be rude to Jono.It's better to get rid of such unstable factors as soon as possible and not to get in touch with them.

Xiaojin looked at the end of the road, there was no shadow of Yinzhu, and the smell of Yinzhu in the air almost disappeared. Xiaojin reluctantly pursed his lips, thought and thought, and finally caught up with him.

He didn't want to be abandoned here. He always wanted to catch up and make it clear. He always had an end in his work. Those who promised to accompany Yin Zhu to utopia always wanted to go.

Yin Zhu has found Tengxiao by this time. Seeing that Tengxiao is nearly comatose by the snake venom, Yin Zhu holds Tengxiao in her arms. Sophie, Sophie again. She absolutely wants to make Sophie look good.

"Yinzhu, Yinzhu." Tengxiao even lost his mouth and kept calling Yin Zhu's name.

When Yinzhu heard this, his tears almost didn't fall down. Seeing that Yinzhu was about to help Tengxiao detoxify, Beina couldn't help saying, "Yinzhu, wait a minute."

"Bena, aren't you supposed to know nothing at this time?" Yin Zhu asked, a little annoyed. Even if you know it, you should treat it as if you don't know it. Otherwise, she has no face.

"No, Yin Zhu, Sophie's snake venom is specific. You can't just find someone to have a good time. Fortunately, you are a beast God. You can use the technique to cross out the unique specificity before detoxification." Beina said that she didn't want to spy on the outside world at all, but she always told Yin Zhu when she knew, so as to avoid Yin Zhu's useless work.

Specific uniqueness? Yin Zhu's teeth itch when he hears this, and he almost makes Sophie succeed. This time, she is not the one who wants to come back to save the Yutian tribe. Does she miss the treatment of Tengxiao?

Sure enough, this Peck and drink is predestined by heaven.

When Yin Zhu comes, Ning Lu is at ease. They find a place to rest. As for Tengxiao, they give it to Yin Zhu. They want to have a good night for their young clan leader.

Xiaojin follows Yinzhu quickly. Seeing Yinzhu and Tengxiao together, Xiaojin suddenly becomes very angry. It's just that more things are painful after the anger.

Why, why he would be so uncomfortable, Tengxiao and Yinzhu together is not it? They were originally friends, but as long as he thought of Yin Zhu leaving him without hesitation, he felt uncomfortable. He didn't come with him. For such a long time, Yin Zhu didn't find that he didn't come with him and didn't even ask.

Because he's not important to Yin Zhu, right? He just has Jono's body, so Yin Zhu has to compromise and accompany him. If he can, Yin Zhu may want him to die immediately.

Thinking of this, Xiaojin can't help covering his chest. His heart is so painful. He wants to rush in and open Tengxiao.

It's just that Xiaojin didn't do that. It's hard for him to cover his chest and run away in a hurry.

What's the matter with him? Why is he so miserable because of this? Does he like Yin Zhu?

Thinking of this, Xiaojin couldn't help but stare at the sky. He likes Yinzhu. How can he? How can he like Yinzhu? He and Yinzhu are doomed enemies. Yinzhu will kill him one day for Jono's sake. Isn't he cheap?

When did it start? Obviously, he doesn't like the female at all. He starts from Yin Zhu's impolite refusal to let him deny Jono's feelings, starts from his interest in Yin Zhu, and then falls down in the contact unconsciously. If it wasn't for Tengxiao's stimulation, he probably wouldn't want to understand his own heart.

Just want to understand how, even if Yin Zhu accept him, he is afraid that he can only be Jono's double, want to understand this little gold, suddenly feel very desperate.

Xiaojin covers his chest and sighs. He has a good life. However, why should he contact Yin Zhu? The orc world is so big that he can live a comfortable life in any tribe. Why is it so unpleasant for him?

is dislike as like as two peas love. Xiaojin turns his mouth and dislikes him very much. But when he remembers that Yin Zhu believed him completely before, why did he feel so sweet when he took his hand and walked with him.

He's really sick, and he's very sick. I just want to know what he's going to do? It's not clear that he can still follow Yin Zhu calmly, but he wants to understand that Xiao Jin doesn't know what to do.

Jono, what do you want me to do?

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