Tengxiao thought he would be tortured to death, but he didn't expect Ninglu to find Yinzhu. Tengxiao hugs Yinzhu happily. It's so good that Yinzhu comes back.

He really didn't expect that Yinzhu would turn back. Otherwise, he would never touch Yinzhu. Tengxiao didn't ask how Yinzhu came back. He just wanted to hold Yinzhu tightly. He was anxious for several days when Yinzhu was taken away by Jono.

When he got up in the morning, Yin Zhu was still a little embarrassed. He fought with Tengxiao all night. People around him knew that this kind of thing was normal for orcs, and even some of them openly fought in the field, but Yin Zhu felt shy.

After finishing, Yin Zhu and Tengxiao find that Xiaojin didn't come with her. She can't help but wonder, "Ninglu, have you seen Xiaojin?" Seeing the puzzled appearance of Ning Lu, Yin Zhu explained again, "Xiao Jin is Qiao Nuo."

Ninglu nodded and said, "he didn't come with us." That kid doesn't like it, and makes trouble for their little clan leader. Once again, this guy can get away, and let Tengxiao and Yin Zhu go everywhere. It would be better if he had a few more cubs.

If Yin Zhu knew Ning Lu's mind, he would fie this guy. Is it so easy to have a baby?

Is it because of Tengxiao that Xiaojin didn't come with him? Thinking of the days before, he got along well with Xiao Jin. Yin Zhu thinks that even for Qiao Nuo's sake, he can't let Xiao Jin run around.

"Why don't you let him come." Yin Zhu frowned and looked at Ning Lu with disapproval.

Ning Lu heard this and waved his hand, "I can't help it. If people don't want to, I can still force it. Besides, at that time, I only focused on the young clan leader. How can I remember so much? When I found out, we had already gone a long way."

Yinzhu also know this thing can't blame Ninglu, is she also subconsciously ignored Xiaojin?

Thinking of this, Yin Zhu grabbed his hair with some guilt, then carefully looked at Tengxiao and said, "Tengxiao, let's go to find Xiaojin."

Tengxiao is good for Xiaojin and Jono. Anyway, when Yin Zhu comes to see him as a partner, he won't be jealous. He just wants to see if Xiaojin will hurt Yin Zhu.

"How did you change Jono's name?" Tengxiao asked curiously.

At this time, Yin Zhu waved his hand and said, "I didn't change it. Xiao Jin said that his name was Xiao Jin. In fact, no matter what he called them, he wasn't Jono, which I couldn't cover up."

Tengxiao nodded when he heard this. "Anyway, we'll get Jono back." As long as people are not dead, there is hope.

"In fact, xiaojinren is very good." Apart from being a little grumpy sometimes, other things are really good.

"Then let's go to him." Tengxiao holds Yin Zhu's soft fingers and is very satisfied in his heart.

Where is Xiaojin at this time? After thinking about Xiaojin all night, he feels that his heart is blocked. He knows what it's like to like someone. But why is that person Yin Zhu? He should have kept a distance from them.

Don't understand Xiaojin decided to go to Sophie, Sophie this bastard let him see Yinzhu and Tengxiao together, and then want to understand, the heart of the fire always vent fire, or sooner or later will explode.

Sophie was ready to wait for Tengxiao to come back and beg for herself. At that time, she could not only occupy Tengxiao, but also humiliate him, so as to repay her humiliation of being rejected by Tengxiao. Then she was ready for everything, but she glared for nothing all night.

This snake is originally lewd. It doesn't eat ordinary poison. It's usually used to stimulate partners when snake like orcs are mating. Although it won't be as painful as poisoning, it also has an impact. Sophie takes off her pants and waits for the sky to soar. As a result, she doesn't come at dawn overnight. Sophie's face will be mad.

Under the influence of snake venom, Sophie didn't come to the sky. She had to find some bodyguards to send them away. Those bodyguards didn't want to be with a orc, but Sophie was so powerful that she suppressed them directly.

Sophie admires Tengxiao. She is very clear about her snake venom. She didn't expect Tengxiao to tolerate it. However, the longer she tolerates it, the more severe it will break out. Sophie wants to see how long Tengxiao can tolerate it.

When Xiao Jin came, she found that Sophie was just fooling around with the bodyguards. Thinking of the fact that Sophie was still thinking about herself, Xiao Jin felt as if she had been insulted and began to attack directly, using the most violent method.

Sophie is very angry when she is interrupted. She turns around and finds that it's Jono. Even though Jono is not the one she expected, she can do it. Sophie fights with Xiaojin happily.

Here, Yin Zhu and Tengxiao plan to save the Yutian tribe. They pick up Sophie by the way. When they arrive, they find that Sophie is already fighting with Xiaojin, and the palace guards are refueling.

Seeing that Tengxiao rushed up directly with people, Yin Zhu was stunned to see that the blood donation had dried up and turned into dark red land. The bodies on the ground that had not been buried were still lying there, and there was a baby she had held yesterday. It was so lovely that now she was lying here cold.Although Yongzhen has heard about this scene for a long time, what she saw with her own eyes is far more frightening than what she heard. Yin Zhu squats down slowly with her eyes closed. She must help the Yutian tribe recover the blood and debt.

Sophie, you should die. Although Sophie has done it to her many times before, Yin Zhu is not so angry and resentful. You can take revenge on her. She has nothing to say. Why do you want to involve the irrelevant people and the guards of the temple? They also die.

The palace, which is the palace to protect the orcs, is not for killing. Even if their positions are different, they should not kill these ordinary orcs.

Yin Zhu clenched his hands, and then slowly summoned his wand, and then step by step went to the battlefield.

"Xiaojin, you go away, Sophie. You don't want to settle with me. I just want to settle with you, too. We'll settle it one by one." Yin Zhu said word by word.

Yin Zhu's words make everyone present stay for a while, and then Sophie decisively quits the fight. Xiaojin and Tengxiao look at Yin Zhu uncertainly at this time, but fortunately they haven't refuted what Yin Zhu said.

Sophie laughed wildly at this time. "Yin Zhu, if you want to settle accounts with me, what qualifications do you have to fight with me? Just depend on your level?" Sophie looks at Yin Zhu with disdain.

Yin Zhu clenched the staff in his hand and said, "Sophie, you and the guards of these palaces are damned, damned."

Sophie just smiles when she hears this, but ziyao's face turns white when he hears Yin Zhu's words.

"Damn me, I'll see how you let me die. Do you have that ability? Yin Zhu, I want you to die. The reason why I became like this is because of you. " Sophie said, gritting her teeth.

"Then fight." Yin Zhu said coldly.

Tengxiao is very entangled with Yin Zhu at this time. Yin Zhu's fighting ability is not very strong. There are more things about animal theology, such as blessing, healing and all kinds of knowledge. The main thing about animal God is not fighting. The most important thing is that Yin Zhu's ability is not strong enough now.

Probably seeing Tengxiao's worry, Yin Zhu smiles, "Tengxiao, Xiao Jin, you don't have to worry. Will I do something I'm not sure about?"

At this time, Yin Zhu raised his staff and recited a mantra. If Sophie was still an orc, she really couldn't help it, but Sophie was a half ORC. The half ORC was cursed by the former beast God, and it was also the back hand left by the former beast God to Yin Zhu. How could Yin Zhu's hand have no way to control the half Orc.

Sophie wanted to be very beautiful. She rushed to abuse Yin Zhu and asked Yin Zhu to kneel in front of her to beg for mercy. However, all of her thoughts were too good. Just after Yin Zhu's mantra was read, the staff in Yin Zhu's hand sent out a dazzling light and directly hit Sophie. Sophie immediately curled up in a ball and kept shaking, as if she was scared It's the same thing.

Ziyao was still watching. Seeing this, he rushed up with people, grabbed Sophie and ran. It was obvious that the new beast God had a special way to restrain Sophie. Sophie wanted to be very beautiful. She rushed to abuse Yin Zhu and asked Yin Zhu to kneel down in front of her to beg for mercy. However, all of her thoughts were too good. Just after Yin Zhu's mantra was read, the staff in Yin Zhu's hand sent out a dazzling light and directly hit Sophie. Sophie immediately curled up in a ball and kept shaking, as if she had met a terrible thing It's the same.

Ziyao was still watching. Seeing this, he rushed up with people, grabbed Sophie and ran. It was obvious that the new beast God had a special way to restrain Sophie.

Ziyao can't help but have a headache now, and Yinzhu specifically controls Sophie's means. How can these people fight with Yinzhu in the future, and this Sophie? It's really bad luck to follow such a person.

Yin Zhu didn't expect that someone would pick a fight, but ziyao didn't fight and ran away. Yin Zhu could only take people to chase him.

It's just that ziyao wants to run away, but Yinzhu still plans to go to Utopia. This road has gone the other way. What should we do?

Ziyao can't help but have a headache now, and Yinzhu specifically controls Sophie's means. How can these people fight with Yinzhu in the future, and this Sophie? It's really bad luck to follow such a person.

Yin Zhu didn't expect that someone would pick a fight, but ziyao didn't fight and ran away. Yin Zhu could only take people to chase him.

It's just that ziyao wants to run away, but Yinzhu still plans to go to Utopia. This road has gone the other way. What should we do?

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