Yin Zhu and Tengxiao help to settle down the Yutian tribe, and then say goodbye to those people.

After Yin Zhu and other things are busy, he finds that Xiao Jin has run away again. Yin Zhu can't help feeling his head. It's obvious that Xiao Jin is hiding from them. Is it because of Tengxiao? I thought I got along well with him before, but I didn't expect that Tengxiao would run away as soon as he appeared.

Tengxiao saw some troubles in Yinzhu, he gently grasped Yinzhu's hand, "it's OK, I'll catch the person back." It's still here just now. It's very easy to chase.

Tengxiao didn't wait for Yin Zhu to react, so he turned around and ran away.

Xiaojin didn't run far. He didn't know what to do to Yin Zhu. He couldn't bear to leave, so he stopped there.

Looking at Tengxiao, Xiao Jin couldn't help but put on a smelly face, "what are you doing here?"

Tengxiao tilted his head and touched his hair at this time, then looked at Xiaojin seriously, "what are you running for, because of me?"

"I hate to see you, don't want to see you?" Xiaojin said angrily, his face was very bad.

When Tengxiao heard this, he tilted his head and looked at Xiaojin. Then he said seriously, "well, you really hate me. I can feel it, but you should like Yinzhu."

Tengxiao's words scared Xiaojin, who was still leaning on the tree, and almost didn't fall from the tree.

"You, what are you talking about?" Xiao Jin's mouth is shaking and his face is changing color. Is he so obvious? Did Yin Zhu know?

"Don't you know what I'm talking about?" Tengxiao is not sensitive, but Xiaojin behaves very differently. According to reason, how can Xiaojin treat Yinzhu very well? But Xiaojin is very good to Yinzhu. A male is inexplicably good to a female. The simplest reason is courtship. That's why Tengxiao says so. Tengxiao just wants to have a try, but it turns out that this try is true.

This is fate. It's like this. Tengxiao is also a service.

"Yes, I know very well. What can you do with me?" Xiao Jin said angrily, originally he could still pose as high as a hydrogen balloon, but as a result, he was stabbed with a needle and nothing was left.

"I don't want to, but I want to ask you what you want?" Tengxiao holds his chest in both hands and looks at Xiaojin coldly.

As Yin Zhu's partner, Tengxiao knows that Yin Zhu's heart is soft. Don't he and Bai Kun just let Yin Zhu fall in love debt and have to pay it back? Fortunately, the orc world is doff, which has nothing to do with it. Let's not say what kind of attraction Xiao Jin has to Yin Zhu, even if he doesn't pay attention to it. Then Xiao Jin's attitude towards Yin Zhu is different. What should we do if two people have something?

When the time comes, how can Yin Zhu choose between Xiaojin and Jono? At that time, there will be no people in the room, so the best way is to strangle him and never give Xiaojin a chance.

Fortunately, Yin Zhu has always been slow in dealing with feelings. He doesn't have to worry about Yin Zhu's thoughts.

"What do you want from me?" Xiao Jin didn't know what he wanted, so he asked Tengxiao.

Tengxiao said with a smile, "do you ask me? If you really love Yinzhu, you should make Yinzhu happy. Yinzhu's happiness is Jono. You give Jono back to Yinzhu. "

"Bah, you think I'm a big fool. You want my life. Besides, how can you pay me back when the Jono people are gone?" Xiaojin looks at Tengxiao with disdain.

Not only is a big fool dare to deceive him, really when he is a fool.

"Xiaojin, your name is Xiaojin, right? You should know very well that you shouldn't exist. You've been with Yinzhu for so many days. You should know very well how deep Yinzhu's feelings for Jono are. You like Yinzhu. Do you think Yinzhu will like you? You robbed her most beloved partner's body, you should not exist, Xiao Jin. If you really love Yin Zhu, you will return your body to Jono. Only in that way, Yin Zhu will be happy. Love is not possession, but completion. " Teng Xiao seldom said something big.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he said, "let go of your bullshit. If you don't own it, why do you follow Yin Zhu and let Yin Zhu accept you as a partner? For the sake of love, you don't want to stick it up shamelessly. It's like what you say." Xiao Jin said angrily that Sophie had been promoting Yin Zhu's stories in the temple, especially about Tengxiao. The news must be a little distorted, but it's also a little bit.

Tengxiao's face froze when he heard this, and then he laughed again, "I'm following Yinzhu. I'm the guardian of Yinzhu. I just want to protect her. I don't mean to coerce her. I won't hinder Yinzhu's happiness. You are different from me."

"Fart, it's hard for me to see this colorful world. Why do I want to die? Why don't you die?" Xiao Jin glared at Tengxiao fiercely. When he was stupid, he would believe it.

He believes that Yinzhu loves Jono very much, but there is a saying in the world that things are different, and the passage of time will take everything away. Since Jono is no longer here, he will love Yinzhu for Jono, isn't it very good? Why can't he move Yin Zhu? Why can't he give up? Even Yin Zhu doesn't know how much he loves her. He doesn't even leave his name for his inexplicable sacrifice. Who knows you are affectionate? Does he look so stupid?Tengxiao can't help but have a headache when he sees that Xiaojin can't make sense of it. "How can you be so stubborn that you will harm Yin Zhu, do you know? Yin Zhu must save Qiao Nuo. If you let Yin Zhu fall in love with you, how will Yin Zhu do it then? "

When Xiao Jin heard this, he laughed, "you are worried that Yin Zhu will fall in love with me, aren't you?"

"Why let Yinzhu choose? Since Jono has gone, it's good to disappear forever. It's good to have me to take care of Yinzhu in the future." Xiaojin is very excited to think that Yinzhu might like him again.

"You think too much. No one can replace Yin Zhu's love for Jono. Do you think you can replace Jono with a face of Jono? It's impossible. Qiao Nuo is Qiao Nuo. Bai Kun and I can't take his place in Yin Zhuxin, and you're even more impossible. " Tengxiao said angrily.

"Then we'll try." Xiaojin is very happy to say, in fact Xiaojin is very clear, don't look at Jono is sealed now, can't turbulence, but Jono sooner or later will grow to be able to compete with him, at that time Jono will come out, and then he will be slowly swallowed by Jono.

Without Wu Jin's help, Xiao Jin can't produce intelligence alone. Jono, because his body is his, can suppress Xiao Jin as long as his strength is as strong as Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin knows that his time in this world is limited, but in this limited time, he wants to do something he wants to do, at least he won't regret it.

Anyway, he has so much time. Is it hard to avoid Yin Zhu until he dies? Then why don't he take this time to indulge himself? At least he won't come here for nothing. At least he should let Yin Zhu remember himself. If it's time to leave, he won't make it difficult for Yin Zhu to do it. Just leave by himself.

Xiaojin looks at Tengxiao with his chest in his hands. Does he want to thank this man, let him understand his feelings for Yin Zhu first, and now let him want to understand how to face Yin Zhu? He's really a good man.

For the sake of giving him directions, he scolded him.

Tengxiao is half angry when he hears this. He wants to get rid of Xiaojin's idea. How can he inspire Xiaojin's fighting spirit. He is really not smart enough. If only Bai Kun were here, that fox like man would promise to help Jono come back as soon as possible.

Now that Xiaojin has figured out what he wants to do, he doesn't stare at tengxiaogan here. He'd better go back to find Yin Zhu.

"Hey, stop for me." Looking at Xiaojin who flies away directly, Tengxiao catches up in a hurry.

At this time, Xiao Jin ran back happily, saw Yin Zhu, went forward directly, grasped Yin Zhu's hand and held it tightly, "Yin Zhu, didn't you say you want to go to Utopia? Let's go quickly. "

Yin Zhu looks at Xiaojin in amazement. Before, she disappeared inexplicably, and now she appears so happily. She can't understand Xiaojin's mood. It's really changeable.

She originally wanted to ask why Xiaojin left without saying goodbye before, but she didn't expect to turn around and come back. She was very happy and asked what.

"Well, we have to wait for Tengxiao." Yin Zhu looked up and saw Tengxiao had come back in the distance.

Xiao Jin's face immediately became overcast when he heard this. After he had Tengxiao, Yin Zhu could not see him in his eyes any more. He was very annoying. He couldn't do it. For his future, he had to be alone with him.

Think of this little golden eye bead a turn, and then squat on the back of Yin Zhu, and then directly into the sky a rush, fly.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu hugged Xiaojin's neck tightly, "Xiaojin, what are you doing? Hurry down. "

"Yin Zhu, it's better for me to fly faster with you. As for Tengxiao, just let him catch up with him slowly. He can certainly catch up." Xiaojin has already thought about it. He takes people to run first and doesn't have to leave too far. In this way, in case Yin Zhu has something to do, Tengxiao can help him. Of course, he is fast. Tengxiao will spend 12 points to catch up with him. At that time, he's too tired to have time to contact Yin Zhu. This method is very good.

Tengxiao saw Xiaojin running away with Yinzhu from a distance. He was almost stupid. This man had abducted Yinzhu before, but he did it again. It happened that he suffered several losses in this move.

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