Tengxiao wants to catch up with Xiaojin, but Xiaojin is a flying ORC. He can catch up with Xiaojin. Although he can fly, his speed is too different from Xiaojin.

"Xiao Jin, why don't you put down Yin Zhu as soon as possible?" Tengxiao cried out.

As a result, only Xiaojin's proud cry came from the sky, "Tengxiao, if you have the ability, you can chase it."

Tengxiao was so angry that he didn't give any advice if he was fighting, but he couldn't catch up with him.

Yin Zhu always feels that Xiao Jin seems to be fighting Tengxiao, and it's because of his own relationship.

"Xiao Jin, what did Tengxiao tell you before? Tengxiao is straight. If there's something that makes you unhappy, don't be angry. I'll apologize for him. " Yin Zhu said gently, and then he reached out and stroked Xiaojin's head and gave him shunshun hair.

Xiao Jin is very comfortable when he is touched by Yin Zhu, but he feels flustered when he hears Yin Zhu's apology. Yin Zhu apologizes to Tengxiao. What's more, Yin Zhu understands Tengxiao so well. This kind of family makes Xiao Jin very uncomfortable.

But he can't blame Yin Zhu for this. They are a family, but he is an outsider.

The word "outsider" annoys Xiaojin. He doesn't have a long life in this world. He urgently needs recognition, especially for Yin Zhu.

"Don't worry, Yin Zhu. Tengxiao didn't offend me." It's just that the angry words are not convincing.

When Yin Zhu heard Xiao Jin's different opinions, he couldn't help but smile a little. Xiao Jin didn't admit it. Anyway, those who have long heads can understand it. Tengxiao and Xiao Jin must be in conflict.

"Well, Xiaojin is not angry. We Xiaojin are the best." Then there was another flush.

Xiaojin is a little ashamed by Yin Zhu's appeasing tone. He is not so good, but does Yin Zhu like to be good? This no one to guide the small gold, everything is their own groping, so more and more toward this direction.

"Well, as long as Yin Zhu likes me, I'll be good." Xiao Jin said happily.

At first, Yin Zhu feels strange when he hears this. He likes it. It doesn't matter, but if Xiao Jin doesn't have conflicts with Tengxiao. She doesn't have to be so tangled, otherwise she will have to worry about the soaring sky, this sandwich biscuit is not very easy to be.

"Xiao Jin, do you think you should slow down a little bit? We are too fast to catch up with the people behind us." Yin Zhu can't help pleading when he sees the people of the flying lion family who are working hard behind him.

"This speed is not fast, Yin Zhu. Those people are all male, and their physical strength is good. A little distance is a little fun for them. You don't have to worry about that. You can't be so soft hearted, so as not to raise their laziness. It's not good." The little golden eye turns stealthily and digs holes for the people below.

The following are Tengxiao's dog legs. He doesn't like all the people who have a pulse in the sky lion, because they are all for Tengxiao and exclude him.

"They've worked hard, but they're not as good as Kim. You're not as good as you, so you slow down a little bit." Yin Zhu thinks that Xiaojin still needs to follow the hair, otherwise this guy will blow up his hair carelessly.

"Really, Yin Zhu really thinks I'm very powerful, more powerful than Tengxiao?" There was joy in her voice.

"Yes." In terms of speed, Xiaojin is really better than Tengxiao.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he felt as if he had drunk honey water. Then he became happier. What he showed was that he flew higher and faster, and even played some high-intensity skills.

Yin Zhu was scared to hold Xiaojin's neck and screamed, "Xiaojin, why did you suddenly speed up? I was almost scared to death by you, you know?"

Hearing the voice of Yin Zhu's reproach behind him, Xiao Jin could not help but droop his head and reply feebly, "I thought you would like it. Didn't you say I was powerful?"

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help but blush. It seems that this praise can't be said casually. Otherwise, the boy would be shocked. It's really frightening.

"Well, it's my fault, but when you fly in the future, no one can fly as you like. If there are people, you'd better take it easy. It's very scary." Yin Zhu said that this kind of treatment is more exciting than roller coaster.

"Don't worry, I won't scare you in the future." As for others, he won't carry others in the future, and he won't be able to ride without a horse. Although Wu horse is a person who helps him and gives him life, he will repay where he should repay, but only his partner can ride on his back.

Xiaojin slows down, while Yinzhu continues to give Xiaojin shunmao at this time. Xiaojin's feathers are very smooth and beautiful, very comfortable to touch, golden and dazzling from a distance. "Xiao Jin, it's beautiful." Yin Zhu said appreciatively.

"Yin Zhu likes it." Xiaojinyi is happy, and her feathers stand up.

When Yin Zhu saw Xiaojin's joyful performance, he couldn't help laughing. Xiaojin is still very easy to talk. After persuading him, he would go back and talk to Tengxiao. When the time comes, they won't make any more noise, so she can rest assured.Yinzhu doesn't know what Xiaojin is thinking, and Yinzhu doesn't think about it in that way. Even if Xiaojin is another personality, she still looks at Jono more when she looks at Xiaojin. Although Yinzhu has changed the name of Xiaojin, she doesn't completely distinguish the two people and treat them as two independent people.

Sometimes I wonder, is there one aspect of Jono like this? Or where does little Kim have Jono's shadow and habits.

Although Xiaojin has his own independent personality, some things are subconsciously influenced by Jono, such as eating habits, and some small actions.

Xiaojin just wants to understand his mind, and is preparing to make efforts to win Yin Zhu's favor. He won't go to expose this matter. What if Yin Zhu doesn't contact him?

Xiaojin is very clear that he will be influenced by Jono if he is carrying Jono's shell, but what's the matter? Without Jono, he can't contact Yin Zhu so easily. It can be said that there are both advantages and disadvantages, just want to open up.

The only thing he has to worry about is whether he can completely replace Jono's position in Yin Zhuxin. As for time, he still has a long time to go. Thanks to the seal of Qingling, Jono will not be able to absorb energy so easily, let alone rush out so quickly, so that he has enough time to grow up and can make himself more comfortable with his body That way, the fight between him and Jono will have more chances of winning.

If Yin Zhu can be moved, he will have a better chance of winning. His temperament can be seen from the Yutian tribe. He dare not expect Yin Zhu to help him at that time, as long as Yin Zhu didn't do it.

People are selfish. Even if Xiaojin likes Yinzhu, Xiaojin doesn't intend to give up completely. He doesn't want to love and protect himself. Only when he exists can he love and protect him. Besides, he wants to accompany Yinzhu for a long time, so Tengxiao's bullshit idea is completely ignored I won't think about it.

However, Tengxiao knows what he thinks of Yin Zhu. Next, he is afraid that he will stop him. Tengxiao is with Jono. Think about it, he has many enemies. It's said that Yin Zhu has a partner, so he doesn't know whether another person is easy to get along with.

Xiao Jin shakes his head after thinking for a while, but let's not think about the mess. Now the most important thing is to deal with Yin Zhu. As long as Yin Zhu thinks he is good, then everything else is not a problem.

Thinking of his purpose, Xiao Jin feels that he is full of fighting spirit and strength. He can do it. He can wake up from the muddled chaos, and he must be lucky to be favored by Yin Zhu.

Tengxiao looks at Xiaojin and Yinzhu happily flying in the sky. He hates his teeth. Is Xiaojin showing off to himself? He is the only one who can fly.

When he got back to the resting place, he would lock Yin Zhu in his arms and never let that little gold touch him again. That guy is not funny.

Tengxiao is extremely uncomfortable when he thinks of his empty arms. How nice it was when he and Yin Zhu were outside. But at this time, there is a little gold. If Qiao Nuo is willing, what is a little gold.

Jono, if you are a good brother, wake up quickly, or Yin Zhu will be taken away by someone.

After a hard morning, Xiaojin took Yinzhu to have a rest and prepare for lunch. Xiaojin wanted to get something to eat and then continue on the road. As a result, Yinzhu was not happy. If he didn't understand his mind before, Xiaojin would catch Yinzhu and fly directly. But now he has to worry about Yinzhu's feelings, so he can't do it. He has to do it Yin Zhu's favorite baby.

Tengxiao can't catch up. By this time, Xiaojin has already cooked his prey. Tengxiao stares at Xiaojin angrily. Then he directly sits next to Yinzhu and holds Yinzhu in his arms. As for his food, Ninglu and them go to get it.

"The cuddle in broad daylight is too unorthodox." Seeing Tengxiao holding Yin Zhu in his arms, Xiao Jin's heart is very sour, so he opens his mouth and starts to rescue Yin Zhu. He didn't hold it. Why did Tengxiao hold it.

Yin Zhu was also a little shy. In the public, and when Xiao Jin said that, her face turned red. She pushed Tengxiao, "let go, it's not decent. I don't want to hold it until evening."

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