Yin Zhu happily ran towards the legendary city, and Tengxiao Xiaojin also speeded up.

Just look at the outline of the legendary city, you can see how magnificent the city is, with its high walls, and those scattered houses. It would be nice to live in such a place.

Yin Zhu slowly pushed open the high gate, but when he pushed open the gate, Yin Zhu thought there was a noisy scene inside. Then when he went in, he found that there was silence inside, and a thick layer of dust led into his eyes.

Tengxiao they also went to Yin Zhu's side at this time, looking at the empty city, Tengxiao was stunned, "how can this happen?" Utopia is the place where the orcs live. I don't know how many people there are. How can there be no empty people.

"Let's go in and have a look. There is no one here, or there is something special. Let's look for it separately." Yin Zhufen asked.

Tengxiao asks Ninglu to separate people and investigate them together, while he and Xiaojin follow Yinzhu.

Yin Zhu pushed aside one of the rooms. The room was empty and there was nothing in it. Even the animal skins visited on the ground were smashed by Yin Zhu for a long time.

"Where are so many people in this utopia?" Tengxiao couldn't help asking, so many people, even after such a long time, couldn't have all died. Moreover, as the people of beast gods at that time, they had more good things in their hands than any other tribe. They should be more tolerant to pass on than other tribes.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was silent. "Now I don't know what's going on here. I can only look for it. I'm sure I can find the answer."

One room after another was empty, and there was no one. After looking for it, Yin Zhu did not look for another room after another, but walked directly to the center of the city.

There must be buildings with signs in a city. Most of those things will be built in the central area. Bena once said that there is a big cloud tower in the middle of Utopia, where the ancient animal Dan of Utopian people is placed. That place can be said to be the birthplace of Utopian people.

Yin Zhu wants to go to the cloud tower now. If the beast God really left something, it should be put there.

The location of the cloud tower is very easy to find. Yin Zhu quickly finds it. Looking at the well preserved cloud tower, Yin Zhu goes in after a moment of silence.

Cloud tower has a thin layer of protection magic, Yin Zhu easily broke open, she gently pushed the door of cloud tower, walked in.

As soon as he walked into the cloud tower, Yin Zhu was attracted by the group of red jade in the center of the cloud tower. It was a group of blood red jade, which was as big as a small ball. The group of light sent out soft golden light and an attractive fragrance. Yin Zhu even heard the blood jade calling to himself, "come on, come on."

Tengxiao they are attracted by the powerful animal pills around them. The power of these animal pills is very great, but they can't compete with each other.

It's a pity that such powerful animal elixirs are useless. With their current strength, they dare to absorb the power of these animal elixirs. There is only one end, that is to lose themselves and be completely engulfed by the power of animal elixirs.

"What's that?" Yin Zhu swallowed his saliva and tried to stop the pace he wanted to move forward.

It's weird and can bewitch people. She wants to grab it and eat it.

It's because it's so weird that Yin Zhucai desperately controls himself. He only has a little sense and doesn't let himself lean on it.

However, Bena in the system cried loudly at this time.

"What's the matter with you, Bena?" Yin Zhu anxiously asked, after spending so long time with Beina, Yin Zhu has regarded Beina as a relative.

"Shifu, the blood jade is left by Shifu. It's Shifu's blood." Bena sobbed. At the beginning, Beina didn't see the beast God die with her own eyes. She only knew that the beast God had been calculated. She also knew that there had been no miracle of the beast God in the world for five thousand years. But Beina still expected her master to live, even if she was still alive, but the blood of the beast God was here. She said that the beast God was really dead, otherwise his blood would never be here.

Beina cried for a long time and then said to Yin Zhu, "Yin Zhu, go and absorb the blood. You are the descendant of the beast God. The blood can help you learn calligraphy faster and use it more thoroughly. Go."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he was silent for a moment, and then ordered. This should be the hindhand left by the beast God.

The heart blood of the beast God, Yin Zhu smoked when he heard this. It looked as bright and shiny as jade. Who could have thought it was a blood donation.

"How to absorb?" You can't eat it!

"Swallow them." Bena said very simply.

Eating blood, just think of this Yin Zhu will feel his appetite, but the smell of blood donation constantly tells Yin Zhu that it is a very delicious good thing.After hesitating for a while, Yin Zhu went up. Although he was psychologically very resistant, Yin Zhu knew that this thing was very important to him.

Yin Zhu reaches out his hand and takes the blood jade directly. Sure enough, it feels the same as she imagined. It's very smooth, but how can you eat such a big piece of hard jade? I can't swallow it if I choke.

Yin Zhu thinks about it and finally decides to bite it with his teeth. However, when Xueyu approaches Yin Zhu's mouth, Yin Zhu finds that Xueyu in his hand turns into a dark red gas and flies towards his mouth.

Well, there is no fishy smell, on the contrary, there is a faint fragrance. Yin Zhu keeps swallowing. With her actions, the gas is constantly getting smaller, and Yin Zhu's body is constantly changing.

On the other hand, Sophie, who has been pursuing from a new perspective, finds the entrance to Utopia at this time. Looking at the path in the sky, Sophie can't help but be overjoyed. Utopia really exists in that place. She informs Qingling at the first time, and then can't wait to run in.

I don't know how long Yin Zhu has been in Utopia. I don't know if they have found anything left by the beast God. Those things must be good things. Thinking that Yin Zhu will become more and more powerful day by day, she, as a orc, can't get rid of her control. In this life, Sophie can be subordinated to anyone, but Yin Zhu can't.

She can't accept that Yin Zhu is stronger than she is. No, she must think of a way to get the best advantage from Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu has swallowed the whole piece of blood jade. At this time, the blood of beast God is constantly transforming her body.

Tengxiao saw that Yin Zhu's body was constantly flowing out some dark substances, which should be impurities, and then slowly flowing out some blood donation. The blood of the beast God was very overbearing, as if he wanted to replace the blood in Yin Zhu's body.

Fortunately, this process is very painful. Just when Yin Zhu can't bear it, the original animal elixirs on the top of the cloud tower are broken one after another, and then the forces from the animal elixirs begin to drill into Yin Zhu's body. Tengxiao and Xiaojin are scared to see the change. There are at least a hundred animal elixirs in it, each of them is very powerful I can't bear it, not to mention so much.

Tengxiao and Xiaojin rush in to save Yinzhu. However, they find that the energy of these animal elixirs is very soft. They are not as violent as the legendary animal elixirs. It's quite easy to absorb them.

Even Yin Zhu, who was very painful at first, became more comfortable in the pacification of this force. All this should have been arranged by the beast God.

Tengxiao and Xiaojin are very embarrassed at this time, because they are worried about Yinzhu running in. Isn't this the power to rob Yinzhu? But now they don't want to quit.

Yin Zhu saw Tengxiao's face is not good-looking, she can guess Tengxiao's mind, "Tengxiao, it doesn't matter, so much power, I can't absorb, don't waste, you can absorb as much as you can."

Xiaojin begins to absorb energy with great joy at this time. Xiaojin finds that with his constant absorption of energy, Jono's originally throbbing soul gradually becomes calm. Xiaojin has been worried that even if he wins Yin Zhu's favor, it's no use. He will be swallowed up by Jono sooner or later. Now after absorbing this energy, he will definitely follow him Jono's strength, thinking of here, Xiaojin can't help but speed up his pace.

As for grabbing Yin Zhu's power, it doesn't matter. In the future, he will use these power to protect Yin Zhu.

Many of these forces are very powerful. Yin Zhu estimates that they will absorb all of them. I'm afraid they won't succeed in three or two days.

Sophie rushed into Utopia quickly with people, and was soon found by Ninglu. Ninglu naturally tried his best to intercept these people.

Sophie also found the abnormality of the cloud tower at this time. When she rushed into the cloud tower, she saw Tengxiao little jinjono holding hands and enjoying absorbing power there. Seeing this, Sophie couldn't wait to rush up.

With so much energy, just breathing makes her feel comfortable. It's obviously beneficial. Can you let her slip away if you don't take advantage of it? As for attacking Yin Zhu, Sophie didn't think about it at all. The first time she rushed to grab the good things belonging to Yin Zhu.

Yin and Zhu naturally see Sophie rushing in. However, they are absorbing energy now, but they can't do anything at all. They can only watch Sophie rush in and snatch the good things that belong to them.

Sophie felt the huge power constantly entering her body. She couldn't help cheering in her heart. This time she came to Utopia, it was right.

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