No matter how angry Yin Zhu and Tengxiao are, they can only watch Sophie snatch the energy that belongs to them. As for why they didn't guard against it before, it's because Yin Zhu didn't expect that he could not move at this time, otherwise he couldn't take advantage of Sophie.

They don't know what's going on outside Ninglu. Sophie can run in. Obviously, outside Ninglu, they should meet a powerful enemy, but only Sophie runs in. Obviously, the people outside and Ninglu are equal. They don't have to worry about the safety of Ninglu and others.

Yin Zhu was not unprepared. She didn't think that she would dare to run in front of her when she naturally restrained Sophie.

Although Sophie keeps absorbing energy quickly, Sophie also knows that she can still snatch Yin Zhu's energy now. As soon as the energy is absorbed, she will be worse. Let alone there are three people here. Yin Zhu still naturally conquers her. She has to find a way to escape later. As long as she gets out of the sight of these three people, it's still very fast to escape.

But since Sophie was the last person to come in, she is also the one closest to the gate.

Sophie wants to escape, while Yin Zhu wants to know how to leave Sophie later. Sophie has been disgusting them all the time. Besides, the crimes Sophie committed should have died long ago.

During the three days, the energy of the cloud tower gradually decreased, and now the energy is very little. During these three days, no one else broke into the cloud tower, but they were stopped by Ninglu. It can be said that there were casualties on both sides, but the total number of people on both sides was almost equal, but no one rushed in to destroy the balance.

Sophie saw that there was little energy in the air. At this time, she could move faintly. Sophie looked at it and was unwilling to move slowly.

She wants to ride now can barely move, quickly disconnect, and then leave, really wait for all the energy absorption, then she will die.

Sophie moves. Tengxiao and Xiaojin also understand Sophie's meaning. They both start to move quickly. There is not much energy left. Let Yin Zhu absorb it. They are enough to deal with a Sophie.

Sophie looks at Tengxiao and Xiaojin who are moving with her. As long as Yinzhu doesn't fight, she still has the chance to escape from them. Sophie looks at Tengxiao and Xiaojin, and is not reconciled. What's good about Yinzhu? Just let Jono Tengxiao like her. Why does the new born Xiaojin in Jono's body like her She is not as beautiful as herself. She is not as beautiful as Yin Zhu.

"Xiaojin, why do you work so hard for Yinzhu? Yinzhu can't like you. What she likes is Jono. She will kill you sooner or later." Sophie can't help but dig at Xiaojin. Of course, it would be better if she could plot against Xiaojin.

"It's none of your business." This can be said to be the worst thing in Xiaojin's heart. Sophie comes to poke his heart. He can only have a ghost if he is happy.

"Xiaojin, it's only a short time since you fell in love with Yin Zhu, even your own life. Yin Zhu's ability to seduce men is really powerful. No wonder you can seduce Tengxiao and Qiao Nuo in a short time. I can see your ability now." Sophie is very angry. What's good about Yin Zhu? All the men are facing that bitch.

"You're bullshit. What the hell." Tengxiao has been trying to hide things like this is revealed by Sophie, he is very angry.

Subtotal is a little uneasy, because he doesn't know if Yin Zhu will be angry when he hears the answer.

Yin Zhu looks up at Sophie foolishly. What does Sophie say? How can Xiao Jin like her? But think about how Xiaojin took care of herself all the way, especially when Xiaojin deliberately quarreled with Tengxiao all the way. She didn't understand why Xiaojin didn't like Tengxiao. Now she wants to understand that she likes herself and Xiaojin likes herself.

"How do you understand now that you like to pretend that you are always ignorant, and then you always enjoy the man's pay. In the end, you just need to say something silly, I don't know, and then you can get rid of it completely. You are more cruel than me. Even if I use those men, I will give them meat, where you don't have to pay anything like your white lotus, and you still have to pay It's really powerful to use people around. Where's the beast God? " Sophie gets angry when she sees Yin Zhu's appearance. Why Yin Zhu doesn't need to pay for anything, someone will do it for her.

What about her? She benefits everything she does for her.

There was some embarrassment and rigidity in the ceremony. At this time, Xiao Jin had bowed his head. He was afraid to look at Yin Zhu. He was afraid that he would be disappointed and mad. It was hard for him to understand his mind. Yin Zhu was his only pursuit in the world. How could he give up like this?

Sophie saw Yin Zhu's deep thought and attacked again, "Yin Zhu, aren't you always kind? I'd like to see how you can save Jono, kill the little gold who loves you and pays for you, and then save Jono? You are just like that! Xiao Jin, I'll wait to see your end. Your end will be very miserable. Do you think it's worth your abandoning me and changing your life for others' unknowable green eyes? "

When Yin Zhu heard Sophie's sharp words, she felt her heart beat hard. In fact, as early as when Xiao Jin asked herself to tell him when she killed him, she knew that she was afraid that it would be very difficult for her to do anything to Xiao Jin, not to mention the long-term contact. Xiao Jin is good to herself. Yin Zhu has regarded Xiao Jin as her friend.It can be said that in contact with Xiao Jin, Yin Zhu wants to stimulate Qiao Nuo to see if Qiao Nuo's spirit still exists. However, Yin Zhu is also trapped in Xiao Jin's tender love net.

Yin Zhu feels that she has a headache. She can't and can't attack Xiaojin, but she can't give up on Jono.

Tengxiao also looks at Yin Zhu with great worry at this time. The shame cloth between Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin is torn away by Sophie. They just want to maintain the balance and have no way.

Sophie had already slipped to the door and left the energy coverage. At this time, she was happy to run out. As long as she went out, she could move freely and was no longer constrained. Besides, at this time, Yin Zhu's three people were distracted by her previous words. It was a good time to run away.

As soon as Sophie runs out of the door, she leaves quickly. Tengxiao and Xiaojin react at this time. Their primary purpose is to chase Sophie. However, compared with them, it takes them at least a few seconds to get to the door at this time. However, such a long time is enough for Sophie to escape.

Tengxiao Xiaojin Yinzhu is very clear that Sophie said those words just to disturb their heart, Sophie wants to escape, but those problems are also fatal, otherwise how can they be distracted so easily.

Tengxiao and Xiaojin went out to have a look after they got out of the energy coverage. Sure enough, Sophie had run far and far with her, and they couldn't catch up. They had to wait at the door for Yinzhu to absorb the final energy.

Tengxiao and Xiaojin are not in a good mood at this time. They sit in silence at the door waiting for Yinzhu.

It took Yin Zhu more than ten minutes to absorb all the remaining energy. At this moment, Yin Zhu felt that he was unprecedentedly powerful, including the whole Utopia under his control.

Tengxiao looks back at Yin Zhu at this time. At this moment, Tengxiao really thinks that Yin Zhu is a beast God. Yin Zhu's body sends out a strong and holy atmosphere, which makes people worship him.

"Yin Zhu." Tengxiao hurried forward and grasped Yin Zhu's hand. Only by grasping this soft hand can Tengxiao have a real feeling.

His partner is a beast God, which is very proud, but Tengxiao now feels more worried.

"What's the matter?" Yin Zhu felt Tengxiao's confusion and asked in a low voice.

"Yin Zhu, don't leave me." Tengxiao holds Yin Zhu's hand tightly.

"Nonsense, how could I leave you." Yin Zhu rolled a white eye, really don't understand, when this man become so worried about gain and loss, before didn't promise him, can also a face domineering said death will follow her, no one want to separate him.

At this time, Xiao Jin lowers his head, and Yu Guang from the corner of his eyes secretly looks at Tengxiao and Yin Zhu's hand, waiting for Yin Zhu to announce the final result.

At this time, Yinzhu finally looked up at Xiaojin. Looking at the silent Xiaojin, Yinzhu was also silent.

What are you talking about? Say let small gold don't like yourself, don't be good to yourself, at that time she can calmly kill small gold save Jono?

In fact, their ending has been doomed from the beginning. There should be no beginning. She should not contact Xiaojin. She should catch Xiaojin directly, and then torture Xiaojin in the most cruel way to drive him out of his wits.

It's a pity that they have a beginning. Even if they don't fall in love with Xiaojin now, at least she doesn't ignore this person any more. At least she can't kill this person directly.

It's said that nature makes a fool of people. Yin Zhu has a deep understanding of the meaning of this sentence.

It's just that it's not the worst situation. Anyway, it has to be solved.

"Xiao Jin, let's talk about it." Yin Zhu took a deep breath and said.

Tengxiao can't help but look at Yin Zhu anxiously. This is what he is most worried about at first. Unexpectedly, it happened. How should Yin Zhu choose? No matter how he chooses, it is a kind of harm to the soft hearted Yin Zhu.

Thinking of this, Tengxiao can't help looking at Xiaojin with his head down on the ground. He should have killed this son of a bitch in the first place, and now he won't let Yin Zhu in a dilemma.

"Good." Small gold unexpectedly simply, unexpectedly full promise to talk with Yin Zhu.

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