"Kim, you like me." Yin Zhu was very upset when he asked this.

Sometimes Yin Zhu would think, how could he be so stupid? One or two of them didn't know that he liked it. Xiaojin's relationship with him can be said to be hostile. Even if some people are willing to get along with her, they can't be so good to her. They can be said to be considerate. If it's not because they like it, why should he treat himself like this.

"Yes." Now that they have been told by Sophie, Xiaojin doesn't want to endure any more. He doesn't want to know nothing about Yin Zhu secretly. What he fears most about love is that one side secretly pays, and the other side doesn't know anything.

"But I can't be with you. I love Jono. Even if I get in touch with you, it's for Jono." Yin Zhu was cruel and said what he said from the bottom of his heart.

It's impossible for her to be with Xiaojin, so don't give people hope. Yin Zhu doesn't dare to look up at Xiaojin's dim eyes.

"Yes? Then why don't you look at me? Why don't you look at me and say Xiao Jin forced to cover his chest and said word by word.

Even if he is desperate, he wants an answer from Yin Zhu. Whether he is stubborn or crazy, he just wants an answer from Yin Zhu himself.

Yin Zhu was shaking when he heard this. Tengxiao saw that he rushed forward and held Yin Zhu in his arms. He quickly grabbed Yin Zhu and said anxiously, "don't be sad, Yin Zhu. It's not your fault."

"Xiao Jin, that's enough. Why do you want to force Yin Zhu like this? Do you want to kill him? The reason why you dare to force Yin Zhu like this is that you don't see that Yin Zhu is soft hearted. " Tengxiao cried angrily.

He is angry because Xiaojin is constantly forcing Yinzhu to choose for himself, which makes Yinzhu uncomfortable.

After hearing this, Xiao Jin pauses for a moment, then looks up at Tengxiao faintly, "it's not my intention to come to this world. It's not even my intention to fight for the body with Jono. I like Yin Zhu. Am I wrong? Am I not good to Yin Zhu? "

Tengxiao is silent when he hears this. He doesn't know how to evaluate it, but he can only think selfishly. It's wrong to make Yin Zhu sad.

"Tengxiao, it's not Xiaojin's fault. Don't blame him." Yin Zhu took Tengxiao's hand and slowly raised his head.

, as like as two peas what you want me to say, what do you want me to say? OK, then I say, I love Jono, and I love you very much. No one can take the place of Jono in my heart. Even if I have a face with the same face, I will do anything for Jono, including killing you. I admit that you are very kind to me. I really can not treat you as a stranger, but for Jono, I will do anything. So you don't have to try to impress me, let alone think you can replace Jono. " Yin Zhu looks at Xiao Jin coldly.

Xiaojin looks at Yinzhu's indifference and can't help but take two steps backward. Then he falls to the ground powerlessly.

"Why? Even if Jono's gone, can't I? " Xiao Jin bites her lips and asks Yin Zhu.

"Yes, even if Jono is gone, I still love Jono. I will never find a substitute for him." Yin Zhu said in a calm voice.

Xiaojin can't help laughing when she hears this. She just laughs madly. Yin Zhu holds her fist tightly and tells herself that she must not be soft hearted. She and Xiaojin can't go on, or she will lose control.

"I'll tell you, Jono is dead. Even if you kill me, Jono can't come back. Do you want to kill me, too?" Xiao Jin stares at Yin Zhu with red eyes.

"Jono won't die. I firmly believe that Jono, who loves me deeply, can't leave me like this, so he must live and wait for me to save him." Yin Zhu said firmly.

Xiaojin is defeated when he hears this. He looks at Yinzhu madly. Why does Yinzhu believe that she and Jono are so good? So nice?

"Then I will not move and resist. You can kill me and see if I'm dead and your Jono is still there, OK?" Xiao Jin was half laughing with a crazy smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, her fingers moved. In fact, no matter Xiao Jin or Qiao Nuo, she couldn't do it herself. She couldn't do it.

After coming to the orc world for such a long time, it can be said that Yin Zhu has killed none of them. Even if there was a war before, it was just that Yin Zhu provided some methods and weapons. Before fighting, she didn't really kill a person. What's more, she regarded Xiao Jin as a friend?

"You go, for the sake of taking care of me before you. I will never let you go like this when I see you next time." Yin Zhu turned around and stopped looking at Xiao Jin.

At this time, Xiao Jin slowly got up from the ground, and then walked around to Yin Zhu step by step, looking at Yin Zhu straightly, "Yin Zhu, do you know how much power I just absorbed from the cloud tower, I tell you in this life, Jono can't wake up, he has no way to compete with me, you know? He's dead. "

So Jono's still alive? But this little gold is talking crazy now, without a word of truth, who knows if he is stimulating her to do it. In fact, even if Jono is still alive, she can't do it.

"Take care of yourself." Finally, Yin Zhu said a word of concern, and then turned to take Tengxiao's hand.She can't continue to get along with Xiao Jin, just separate, and meet again next time, maybe they are strangers, even enemies.

Xiaojin looks at Yinzhu and walks away without hesitation. After Yinzhu knows the truth, he still leaves him and doesn't want him. He has no way to replace Jono.

"Yinzhu, you stop. Didn't you say you would do anything to save Jono? I'll give you a chance. As long as you agree to my terms, I'll die myself and let your Jono come out, OK Xiao Jin leaned against the tree and yelled at Yin Zhu's back.

"What conditions?" Before Yinzhu can answer, Tengxiao asks first. If Xiaojin dies voluntarily, it's the best ending for Yinzhu, and Yinzhu doesn't have to bear the guilt of killing Xiaojin.

Yin Zhu also looks at Xiaojin curiously at this time. She also wants to know what Xiaojin's conditions are.

"You stay with me for three months, we live like partners, just the two of us, no one else. After three months, I'll give Jono back to you, OK?" Small gold eyebrows pick, staring at Yin Zhu.

Tengxiao heard this, his face was black, and he was furious, "you can't think about it."

"Don't be fooled by him, Yin Zhu." In Tengxiao's opinion, Xiaojin is desperate now. He plans to cheat Yin Zhu's body first.

Yin Zhu's face is not very good, she did not expect that Xiao Jin would put forward such conditions.

At this time, Xiaojin just tilted his head and looked at Yinzhu. His eyes were full of amorous feelings. "Yinzhu, you can rest assured that I just want to live with you alone for three months. As for whether you want to be with me or not, I won't force you. How can I force you, right?"

Yin Zhu was silent for a while. She didn't believe Yin Zhu's words. It was only three months. Did she dare to spend three months with Xiao Jin?

Now she dares to say that she didn't fall in love with Kim, but what about three months later? Can she guarantee that she won't be attracted to Xiaojin even in three months?

"Why, Yin Zhu, you don't dare to stay with me for three months, for fear of being moved by me or falling in love with me? Or you don't want to be merciless to me as you say At this time, Xiao Jin's eyes were full of joy, even his face was a little ruddy.

"It's impossible for you to talk nonsense." Yin Zhu was a little flustered by Xiao Jin, but he couldn't help retorting.

"It's impossible. There's another problem, that is, you don't love Jono as much as you say. You are not willing to save Jono. Yin Zhu, I tell you, if you miss this time, I may not give you a choice next time." Looking at Yin Zhu's difficult choice, Xiao Jin couldn't help laughing.

If you can make Yin Zhu in such a dilemma, whether his recent actions are successful or not, at least Yin Zhu still has him in his heart.

"Yin Zhu, is it that hard to choose? To save Jono or not to save Jono, you have two choices. " Xiaojin picked up a tree leaf on the ground and said slowly.

"Save Jono. No one can stop me from saving Jono." Yin Zhu bit his lip and said with certainty.

"Stay with me for three months, and I'll give you Jono back in three months." Xiaojin smiles and leaves down. She goes to Yinzhu and takes Yinzhu's hand.

"In that case, come with me. How about going to Utopia? I saw a lake on the back of Utopia and a house on the Bank of the river. How about living there?" Xiaojin has made his own plans.

Tengxiao held Yin Zhu's hand tightly at this time, but he didn't do anything else.

Yin Zhu's eyes are red at this time, and she is at a loss. Obviously, she is still a little confused. Of course, she doesn't object to Xiaojin's choice. Maybe she thinks it's the best way.

"Tengxiao, let go. Yin Zhu has agreed. I don't want you and me to be a giant light bulb. I hate to see you." Xiao Jin said impolitely.

"Yin Zhu." Tengxiao is worried.

Yin Zhu also came back to herself at this time. She looked at Tengxiao, and then held his hand. "Tengxiao, you don't have to worry about me. I'm ok."

"Kim, I'll go with you. We'll live together." Yin Zhu looked at Xiao Jin's eyes and nodded seriously.

She and Xiaojin always end up together. Now this method is very good. Either she and Xiaojin are completely disconnected, or she sink. She also wants to see what means Xiaojin can make her sink. Moreover, she and Jono really owe Xiaojin. If her last company can make Xiaojin free, she will give him the best company.

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