"Yin Zhu." Tengxiao wanwan didn't expect that Yinzhu would agree to Xiaojin's terms. He cried anxiously, but he didn't know what to do.

"Don't believe him, Yin Zhu. What he said may not be true." In Teng Xiao's eyes, Xiao Jin is a treacherous person. He may not keep his word. Maybe he just wants to use these three months to impress Yin Zhu, or even go into Yin Zhu's life. At that time, Xiao Jin may not return Qiao Nuo to them.

What's more, Yin Zhu firmly believes that Jono will not die, but they don't feel Jono's existence in Xiaojin. Normally, if Jono is still alive, it will appear, even for a moment, but Jono never appears from the beginning to the end.

What if it's Kim's trick? Xiaojin said to give his body back to Jono. In case Jono is no longer there, what Xiaojin called Jean will not exist at all.

They didn't believe that Jono would die so easily, but they had to prepare for the worst, didn't they?

When Xiao Jin heard this, he waited for Tengxiao, "shut up. I can't cheat Yin Zhu. I have many chances to cheat Yin Zhu." Tengxiao is insulting him. He is calculating Yin Zhu. It's true that he wants to return his body to Jono. He has absorbed so much energy, and now his strength is strong enough. Even if he returns his body to Jono temporarily, Jono can't kill him. He can even go out for a walk when Jono is tired. If he can move Yin Zhu, Yin Zhu will be killed later It's another matter whether he is willing to die or not.

"I can't believe you." Tengxiao looks at Xiaojin coldly.

"I don't need you to believe me, as long as Yin Zhu believes me." Xiao Jin Bai takes a look at Tengxiao, then turns his head and looks at Yin Zhu with a smile.

"Tengxiao, I've made up my mind about this. You, you can find a place to stay for three months first." After all, she now says that she wants to be with Xiao Jin, which is a kind of betrayal for her partner. Of course, it's nothing for the orc, it's just that the female has one more partner. Normally, as long as the other side doesn't have any bad heart for the female, other partners can't stop it.

Tengxiao is a little angry when he hears this, but Yin Zhu has made a decision. He can't stop it even if he wants to.

"OK, you can go to utopia with Xiaojin. Let's seal her again. Besides, I want to go back to Daze tribe to have a look, and then I will wait for you here in advance." It's a long time in three months. He's going to go back to Daze tribe and tell Bai Kun what happened here. Bai Kun is smarter than him, or he can understand what Yin Zhu is doing.

Yin Zhu nodded when he heard this. It's OK.

Seeing that Tengxiao didn't oppose it any more, Xiao Jin gave Tengxiao a rare smile. Then he took Yin Zhu's hand and walked toward Utopia.

Tengxiao looks at the two people walking far away. He can't help feeling a little irritable. Tengxiao always feels that he doesn't want to protect Yin Zhu. He wants to make Yin Zhu feel uncomfortable and make a choice. When he goes back, he must be disciplined by Bai Kun.

Ninglu this time carefully looked at Tengxiao, "little clan leader, where are we going?" Are they going back to Daze tribe with Tengxiao or to swamp jungle?

"You go back to the swamp and jungle. I'll go back to Daze tribe myself." Tengxiao said in a calm voice.

Ning Lu thought for a while and nodded, OK.

Sophie ran away after she got the advantage, but she didn't run far away. She was still waiting for Qingling to come. Qingling naturally couldn't leave the land of divine punishment. The time of this round trip was too long. Once she was stopped in the orc land and couldn't go back, the divine fire could burn them, so they would never come. Of course, Qingling was very popular It's clear that even if it comes, it's estimated that this good thing has come to Yin Zhu's hands. Even if their master is dead, many things are still left out.

However, even if there is no way to snatch things, we should always know what Yin Zhu has got. Only in this way can we not suffer from ignorance when dealing with Yin Zhu. This time, no one will come.

As for the reason why Wu came, in addition to the reason why Wu came before, there is another reason why Wu and Xiao Jin have friendship. Wu gives Xiao Jin life, and Xiao Jin owes Wu no matter what. Although these are small things, they will become big things if we make good use of them.

Yin Zhu and Xiao Jin have found the lake that Xiao Jin said. There is a beautiful house by the lake. It's not big, but it's in a good location. It's located by the lake. There are some unknown wild flowers around it. It looks very comfortable and warm.

At this time, Xiao Jin has quickly sorted out a clean place for Yin Zhu to sit down. He also draws water for Yin Zhu to eat first, and then he goes to clean the room.

Yin Zhu didn't do it, so he looked at Xiaojin's extremely happy busy work, looked at Xiaojin's doting eyes, Yin Zhu was in a trance and saw the existence of Jono.

Some people will say that Xiaojin and Jono use the same body. In fact, they are one person, but Yin Zhu can't accept it because they have relatively independent souls. Even Xiaojin doesn't want to be Jono's double.

It is clear that he promised to come down, but for the next life, Yin Zhu is a little afraid, afraid that he will really be interested in Xiaojin.Obey in every way as like as two peas.

The house has been cleaned up. Yin Zhu chose a house next to the lake. As long as she opened the window, she could see the green water of the lake, the inverted willows by the lake, and the wild flowers under the trees. If there were no such things, she would like to spend her life with her beloved in such a house.

At this time, Xiaojin said to Yinzhu with a smile, "Yinzhu, take a rest first. I'll go to the back mountain to pick up firewood and fight some prey." There are several mountains behind Utopia. From a distance, you can see the whole area. If you want to have prey there, you don't have to worry about eating and drinking. It's estimated that there are fish under the lake. I really want to know how Utopia sealed a city and the whole area of land. The former beast God is still very powerful.

"Yes, you go. I'll wait for you. " Yin Zhu smiles, and then takes out some daily necessities in his backpack, such as some seasonings, salt and so on, as well as the sleeping bed.

Looking at Xiaojin walking away, Yin Zhu holds his chin and looks at his back. Then he falls on the bed he just made.

"What do you think I should do, Bena?" Yin Zhu said quietly, and then he pulled one side of the animal's skin to wrap himself up. He just wrapped it up for a while, and then tore it apart.

Beina sighed at this time, "Yinzhu, I've never found a partner, and I don't know about it. Anyway, you can follow whoever you like. It's not a big deal to take more than one partner as simple as it is."

Beina said that the most important thing for Yin Zhu now is to cultivate and fight them to Qingling. As for his partner, it's not a big deal for Yin Zhu to like more than a few.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he said that he had a different education and could not communicate.

Yin Zhu doesn't know what she's struggling with. Anyway, she's very upset now. It's clear that she agreed to this, but now Yin Zhu really wants to go back.

She really made this decision on a whim, with Xiaojin. Especially after knowing Xiaojin's Thoughts on herself, Yin Zhu really couldn't look directly at Xiaojin and look at her affectionate eyes. You said what she did, she knew that she couldn't get along with Xiaojin. Then, Yin Zhu didn't want to see her. She was brain pumping.

Yin Zhu sometimes thinks that if only she were a pornographic girl, no matter how many beautiful men there are, the more the better, then she will not be entangled now. I really admire the female owners in those novels. There can be many men. The most important thing is that they are not entangled.

Beina can't help but say that she can't help it. Since she promised Xiaojin, she would go down on her knees. Besides, Jono would come back three months later. If Yin Zhu is the only one, Jono still doesn't know when to come back.

After all, even now, she has no way to destroy Xiaojin without harming Jono. After being with Xiaojin for such a long time, Bena finally felt the power of Qingling some time ago. This power is very obscure, and she can't find it without seriously feeling it. Bena only found it when Xiaojin was out of control.

Xiaojin has a seal of Qingling, which seals the fluctuation of Jono's soul, so they couldn't find Jono before. But in this case, the best way is to give in and another is to seal, but the seal is only temporary. The sealed one will break the seal sooner or later. Anyway, she will come Only the seal will be selected.

Yin Zhu would be very happy to know that Qiao Nuo still exists, but Qingling knows that Qiao Nuo is still alive, so she lets Xiaojin get along with Yin Zhu. Is it not afraid that Yin Zhu will save Qiao Nuo? My elder martial sister always does things for nothing, but Xiaojin looks like she really likes Yinzhu. Even if Qingling has a plot, Xiaojin won't hurt Yinzhu.

"Yin Zhu, you just need to think that Jono will be back in three months, so it's worth the effort now." Beina comforts Yin Zhu.

"Bena, will Jono come back?" Yin Zhu hopes to ask, how long, almost a year, she miss Jono very much, and she has a lot of things to say to Jono, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future.

"Of course." Bena is very sure to say, as long as the small gold did not lie, then Jono will appear.

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