Yin Zhu waited for a while. At this time, Xiao Jin had already beaten his prey back with a smile. Seeing Yin Zhu sitting by the lake waiting for him from a distance, he cried happily, "Yin Zhu, I'm back."

That smile is from the bottom of my heart, let a person can feel his joy.

"Yes." Seeing this, Yin Zhu could not help but smile and stood up.

Xiaojin's prey is a leopard. Xiaojin skils it skillfully, while Yinzhu has set up the pot to prepare the soup.

Two people work together, the action is very fast.

Xiaojin quickly gets all the meat ready. Except for what he wants to eat now, the rest is asked Yin Zhu to put it away first. Then Xiaojin is proficient in barbecue, and Yin Zhu helps with the fire. Yin Zhu is good at cooking dishes and soup. Yin Zhu is not good at barbecue. Even after practicing for so long, he is still very bad.

"Yin Zhu, after dinner, we two go out for a walk. There are many places in this utopia that we haven't seen before. Maybe we will be surprised if we walk around." No one wants to mention the previous topic. It's too heavy. In the past three months, Xiao Jin just wanted to be happy with Yin Zhu. He came to Utopia in a hurry, especially at the end. There are many places where Utopia is so big that he has never been. He can walk well in the past three months.

"Good." Yin Zhu smiles, then looks up at Xiaojin, who is happy. Then he breathes a deep breath. Is Xiaojin happy because he is with him? Because you like it, do you use three months for a lifetime? Yin Zhu felt that his feelings were too heavy for him.

"Here, the soup is ready. Try it first." When Xiao Jin cooked the soup, she always gave it to her first time.

"You too." Yin Zhu quickly asked Xiao Jin to eat.

"Good." Xiaojin glanced at Yinzhu and then lowered his head to smile. Yinzhu couldn't help but cover his eyes when he saw it. It's silly. It's really stupid.

But Xiaojin's performance, why don't you hate it at all? Instead, why do you think he is so cute?

After dinner, Yin Zhu felt her tummy. Xiao Jin told her to eat all the time, and then she was full.

"I'm full. I'll rub it for you?" Xiao Jin's hand has been put on Yin Zhu's stomach.

Yin Zhu's face burst with a roar. He felt that he had been fooled by Xiao Jin. He looked at the smiling face and kept eating. Then there was a tragedy.

"No, no, just a walk." Yin Zhu quickly took away Xiao Jin's hand and stood up. She's a little bit full of food, not that she can't walk.

Xiaojin was startled by Yinzhu's action. She just saw Yinzhu's red face and felt sweet in her heart.

"Let's go then." Although Xiao Jin wants to help Yin Zhu rub his stomach, Yin Zhu doesn't agree. But it's enough to see that Yin Zhu is so shy.

Yin Zhu is walking straight ahead. Xiao Jin slowly walks to Yin Zhu, then looks at him, and pretends to take his hand inadvertently.

Yin Zhu didn't struggle any more at this time. One was embarrassed, and the other was because she was in debt. She couldn't give anything to Xiaojin, and she couldn't even hold her hand. Besides, she didn't hate Xiaojin holding her hand.

"This utopia is so beautiful. I admire the people who built it before." Looking at the magnificent Utopia, Xiao Jin said with a smile that the city has experienced thousands of years of wind and rain, and still stands here, and has not changed at all.

No wonder all orcs want to live in Utopia. This place is peaceful and warm. It's a paradise of dreams.

"Well, it's really beautiful. Maybe we can ask people from daze tribe to move here." Yin Zhu sighed and said, of course, what Yin Zhu has to consider is that Utopia has been exposed, whether Qingling have the ability to untie the seal, only to make sure that Qingling have no way to take the utopian seal, otherwise Yin Zhu will not let people move into Utopia.

"You see, there is a high altar over there. This should be the place where Utopian people worship." At this time, Yin Zhu saw a large site on the back of the city, and there was a high stone altar in front of the site.

The altar of daze tribe is much more gorgeous than that of daze tribe. The altar of daze tribe is just a stone platform made up of big blue and white stones. On this side, there are excellent blue and white rocks, and exquisite patterns are carved. There are murals all around the altar. Yin Zhu went over and carefully observed the murals. En, the murals are coherent, as if they belonged to the tribe At the beginning, some important events were recorded.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu quickly wiped the dust off the altar, and then looked at those things carefully. Then Yin Zhu saw the pattern of divine punishment.

Even Beina was surprised to see divine punishment on the altar. Yin Zhu looked at it carefully for a long time, and generally understood that divine punishment should have been obtained by the beast God. At the beginning, she found that the fire could purify the soul of human beings. It was used to enhance the soul of tribal people, not to punish people. At least the design on the altar was this This shows that Tianhuo is not a divine punishment, but why it gradually becomes a divine punishment? This is why Yin Zhu wants to look for it.Yin Zhu has always kept in mind that Bai Kun was punished by God, but when Yin Zhu got the animal God's inheritance, she didn't find any information about God's punishment at all. Beina said that it should be the animal God who sealed the seal. Only when Yin Zhu's ability reaches a certain level, some seals will be broken. This is the first time Yin Zhu sees information about Bai Kun.

Although there is no information to save Bai Kun, Yin Zhu is very happy to see these. At least he has found the relevant information. He has no clue before, which is a headache.

Of course, according to the mural, Yin Zhu can't be 100% sure whether the divine punishment is the heavenly fire or not. But the burning fire of the divine punishment will indeed enhance the strength of the soul. This is very similar to the heavenly fire, but the heavenly fire will not burn more and more severely until it finally kills people. There must be some problems.

"Very happy." Xiao Jin asked in a low voice.

"Well, after a long time, I finally found the information about divine punishment. Xiao Jin, I've been worried, afraid, afraid that I can't save Bai Kun." It can be said that Yin Zhu was pushed to the upper position by others. She was burdened with too much pressure. Unfortunately, Yin Zhu didn't dare to say a word. She was afraid that she would be discouraged if she said she couldn't do it.

"You don't have to worry. You're very good." Xiaojin can't bear to see Yinzhu like this. Yinzhu should not bear the fate of those people.

"I'm not strong. If I were strong, Jono wouldn't be in trouble." Yin Zhu said.

Small gold originally wanted to comfort Yin Zhu's hand suddenly drew back, Qiao Nuo, Qiao Nuo is horizontal between them can never cross the ridge.

Yin Zhu saw Xiaojin's face and knew that she had said something wrong. She thought that she would spend the past three months with Xiaojin without saying anything, but she didn't expect to hurt Xiaojin.

"Kim, I'm sorry." Yin Zhu looks at Xiao Jin with guilt.

Seeing Yin Zhu's appearance, Xiao Jin couldn't help laughing, "I'm different. You don't have to apologize. I'm fine. I want to live a happy life. I don't want to sulk." Xiaojin can't help rubbing the top of Yinzhu's head, deliberately making Yinzhu's hair messy.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu suddenly reached out and took Xiaojin's hand. "Xiaojin, to tell the truth, I miss Jono very much, and I want to save Jono very much, but I don't want you to die. If you can, please don't die. You can hide and wait for me. When I think of a way, can I help you with your body?"

Yin Zhu wanted to say this for a long time, but it's not easy. It's not so easy to find a body to move the soul. She is reborn, but it's not so easy to have the right time and place. But she really doesn't want Xiao Jin to die. She's a beast God. She's a God in the world. There's nothing she can't do Strive to be a real beast God, just like the beast God before.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he was filled with joy, which was from the bottom of his heart. He happily grasped Yin Zhu's hand, "Yin Zhu, with your words, I would like to die now."

"I don't want you to die." When Yin Zhu heard this, he glanced at Xiao Jin.

"Yin Zhu, Jono is still alive, but he is sealed by Qingling and can't get out for the time being. From today on, I will help to seal. I think Jono will come out to meet you in three months." Xiaojin decides to confess to Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu wants to know about Jono too much. He always wanted to replace Jono, so he never told Yin Zhu about this news. Now he doesn't want Yin Zhu to suffer.

"Really, great, great." Yin Zhu jumped up happily, holding Xiaojin's neck and cheering.

After saying this, Xiaojin was a little annoyed, but seeing Yin Zhu's happy appearance, he felt that what he had paid was worth it.

"Kim, thank you. Thank you." After the joy, Yin Zhu kept thanking Xiao Jin.

"Thank me for what I do. You don't need to say thank you to me. I want to give it to you. I don't want you to bear anything because of it. I just hope you are happy and happy. Now I can give it to you. I should be happy." Xiaojin blinked at Yinzhu and laughed. Then he took Yinzhu's hand and said, "come on, we're done here. Let's go to other places."

"Well, we should have a good turn. This utopia is big and there must be a lot of good things handed down." With the harvest, Yin Zhu is in a good mood. He is ready to take a walk before dark. The sunset is all over the sky, the breeze is gentle, and he is surrounded by a person. It's good to take a walk like this.

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