"With you now let me wake up, with Yin Zhu believe you." Jono said with a smile.

Xiao Jin can't help but get angry when he hears what Jono said. Of course, he is more jealous. He is jealous of the total trust between Jono and Yin Zhu. "How can you know that I didn't mean anything to you? I wake you up just to deal with you." Stingy angry said.

"I believe you." Jono said with a smile, two people with the same body, Xiao Jin has not lied, Jono can still feel it.

He is not strong enough, and the other party is still helping him. In addition to the things Xiao Jin said, Jono knows that the man in front of him is not hostile to him at all. On the contrary, he helps Yin Zhu because he likes him. Let's not talk about the relationship between Xiao Jin and him, even if other people don't want to break up the relationship between him and Yin Zhu. Besides, he is weak now, and he has small problems Jin Zai can still protect Yin Zhu very well. Why not help?

"Don't you mean to help me? Go ahead. " Xiaojin is a little angry about the relationship between Jono and Yinzhu, but he still needs Jono's help.

"Well, you've been with Yin Zhu for such a long time. You should understand that Yin Zhu's heart is very soft, but at the same time, Yin Zhu's heart is also very hard. Don't cheat Yin Zhu, even if it's kind. If there's anything you can't decide, you can consult Yin Zhu. Yin Zhu is a good partner and she will consider it from your standpoint Yes, you can see how Tengxiao and baikun became Yin Zhu's partner. " Jono first warned Xiaojin that it was too short for Xiaojin to come to the world. Jono worried that Xiaojin would be used.

"Well, what else?" Xiao Jin asked modestly.

"Yin Zhu likes to eat fruits and vegetables, but he doesn't like meat very much. He can make more of these for Yin Zhu. As long as it's made by you, Yin Zhu will be very happy. Of course, if you're not good at cooking, don't show yourself, so as not to make a fool of yourself. You just can't cook, and Yin Zhu won't care." Qiao Nuo thought that he had been integrating into Yin Zhu's life before and doting on her. In fact, Yin Zhu was very satisfied.

"In addition, if you have nothing to do, you can send flowers and clothes. Even if Yin Zhu doesn't want those, don't listen, girls don't like beautiful things. Besides, as soon as you have good things, you can give them to her, which means that you take her in mind." Jono keeps sharing his experience with Xiaojin.

"As for sweet words, if you are cheeky, you can just say it, but Yin Zhu is shy. I think Yin Zhu will run if you say too much, so this should be appropriate." Qiao Nuo said this and laughed. Of course, Yin Zhu likes to say these words after becoming a partner.

It seems that after a long sleep, Jono feels that he has a lot to say and wants to talk to Yin Zhu. Unfortunately, now he can communicate with Xiaojin because of the same body. It takes a long time to communicate with others. Qingling's seal not only seals his consciousness, but also seals the energy he can absorb.

"What if Yin Zhu is not happy and runs away?" Xiaojin feels that she is worried about gain and loss now, so she is afraid of making Yinzhu unhappy.

When Jono heard this, he said with a smile, "Yinzhu has run away. You can catch up with him, but I think with Yinzhu's guilt, as long as you don't go too far, Yinzhu won't run."

"You just give Yin Zhu to me. How can Yin Zhu have such a partner as you?" Little Jin looks at Jono with some wonder.

When Jono heard this, he laughed, "I don't think I've done anything bad. Besides, I didn't hand Yin Zhu over. If you're not polite, you're also me, just another side of me."

"You are much better than Tengxiao. Tengxiao is an awkward bastard." Xiao Jin rarely gives Jono some praise.

Jono laughs when he hears this. He can make Xiaojin angry like this. It's estimated that Xiaojin's way to chase Yinzhu is full of obstacles.

"Since you wake up, you should absorb energy and strengthen yourself, so that Yin Zhu Chengtian won't worry about you. The male should be strong, and the female shouldn't worry. I will transfer my power to you. You should take the time to absorb it yourself." Xiao Jin compared himself with Jono, and felt that he was not so useless. At least he was much stronger than Jono. Jono was a weak man.

"I will, and thank you." Jono is very clear that he absorbed the power of small gold, is tantamount to constantly devouring small gold.

"You don't have to thank me. It's between me and Yin Zhu. I promise Yin Zhu that I will do it." Little gold plate said with a face, although Jono taught him some things, but he would not appreciate him, who would like to devour their own people.

"Thank you anyway." Jono said with a smile, in fact, Xiaojin's strength is enough now. If Xiaojin is a little mean, he can suppress him to death, and then slowly devour him, and then go back and pretend to kiss me with Yinzhu. No one knows in my life. Why sacrifice myself? One reason is that he really loves Yinzhu, and he doesn't want to cheat, and he doesn't want to hurt Yinzhu.

"Well, I won't tell you. I'm ready to rest." After talking to Jono, Kim doesn't talk to Jono any more.

He retreated from his mind. Xiaojin stood by the door and looked at Yin Zhu's room. The door was closed. He didn't know whether Yin Zhu had a rest at this time.After chatting with Qiao Nuo, Xiao Jin feels that he has a full stomach of words to say, but he is afraid of being rude to Yin Zhu and doesn't say anything more.

What's more, if Yin Zhu falls asleep, it's not good for him to wake people up. He can walk slowly with Yin Zhu's hand tonight, which is very satisfying for him. He just needs to integrate into Yin Zhu's life little by little, and then into her world. Even if he leaves, Yin Zhu should remember to die.

Of course, the best way not to hurt Yin Zhu is to leave secretly when Yin Zhu doesn't know, and offer to let Qiao Nuo come back secretly. Only in this way can he disappear quietly. Xiao Jin says that he can't do it. He is selfish. Even if he leaves, he should make Yin Zhu feel uncomfortable and let Yin Zhu remember him.

Xiaojin has already thought about it. He will pick some wild flowers for Yinzhu tomorrow morning and get some delicious food. Thinking of this, Xiaojin can't sleep any more. He plans to go out for a walk to see where there are beautiful flowers. He will fix them first, so that Yinzhu can see the beautiful flowers at the first time when he wakes up tomorrow. Then Yinzhu should be in a good mood.

Xiao Jin hums out of tune and happily goes to the back mountain of Utopia. As for the fact that there are more and more dangerous wild animals at night, it's nothing for Xiao Jin. When hunting in the afternoon, he observes the situation of the back mountain to see the footprints left by those wild animals. Then he finds that those wild animals are not dangerous and he can deal with them.

What Xiaojin doesn't know is that Yin Zhu next door doesn't sleep at all. As soon as he goes out, Yin Zhu knows.

Yin Zhu doesn't know that Jono has sold herself at this time. She frowns and looks at Xiaojin walking into the night. It's midnight. Why doesn't Xiaojin rest and go out? Don't she know that it's dangerous to go out at night?

Yin Zhu waited for a long time, but Xiao Jin didn't come back. Yin Zhu was a little worried. What's the matter with Xiao Jin? He didn't say a word. Isn't he afraid of her worry?

Before Xiaojin comes back, Yin Zhu can't sleep. Even though he knows it's late and it's time to go to bed, his body is exhausted and he wants to rest, but his brain is still very awake. What makes Xiaojin go out in the middle of the night?

After waiting for a long time, Yin Zhu felt as if a century had passed, and the night was very long. He couldn't wait until dawn. Yin Zhu was about to peel off the grass under his feet, but Xiao Jin didn't come back.

As for going out to look for Yin Zhu, she thinks that one thing is that she is not familiar with the environment, and the other thing is that she doesn't know where Xiaojin is going and what she is doing. She can't say if she can find it blindly, so she's more anxious if Xiaojin can't find anyone when she comes back?

Finally, Yinzhu hears Xiaojin's footsteps and sees Xiaojin running back from a distance. Yinzhu hurried back to the room and pretends to be asleep.

When Xiao Jin came near, Yin Zhu saw Xiao Jin holding wild flowers in the night light. A large number of wild flowers were piled up on the ground.

Xiaojin runs to get these wild flowers in the middle of the night? What is he doing? Yin Zhu is a little confused.

At this time, Xiao Jin had already separated several kinds of wild flowers and muttered to himself, "which one does Yin Zhu like? Is it better looking or better looking? " Xiaojin is holding several kinds of wild flowers in constant contrast, tangled, can be brought back by him wild flowers are more beautiful.

"Or a little of each?" Obviously, Xiaojin, who has never sent flowers, is very tangled. He doesn't know what kind of flowers Yinzhu likes.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he could not help covering his mouth. It turned out that Xiaojin went out to pick these useless wild flowers in the middle of the night just to give them to himself and to make her laugh? Is it worth taking a risk in the middle of the night just because you can't eat or drink?

Yin Zhu couldn't help looking at Xiao Jin with tears in his eyes, and then slowly climbed to bed, ready to go to bed. Even if Yin Zhu wanted to go out and help Xiao Jin make a choice, and then let Xiao Jin have a quick rest, Yin Zhu knew that it was a gift that Xiao Jin tried her best to give herself. If she went out and broke it, it would be meaningless.

Yin Zhu is lying on the bed, looking at the tangled little Jin outside the window, and then slowly closes her eyes. The next three months may be very happy. What she should expect is that Yin Zhu will soon fall asleep.

As for Xiao Jin, he was still struggling over there, but he finally chose one. He sent one of them first to see Yin Zhu's performance. Anyway, there are three months to go. Every kind of words will be sent once, and then we will see Yin Zhu's performance on every kind of flowers.

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